glitch | jack hughes (rewritt...

Від hughesluvr1989

63.3K 1.4K 898

We were supposed to be just friends, you don't live in my part of town, but maybe I'll see you out some weeke... Більше

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39

chapter 18

1.6K 39 7
Від hughesluvr1989

tw: emetophobia & smut

josephine lee

I love mornings because they feel like a fresh start. No one has had the opportunity to piss me off yet and I get to almost reinvent myself for the day. Everything starts off with how I start my morning. Today, I hear the AC and I can feel the satisfying chill as goosebumps coat my arms, causing me to try to pull the blanket closer to me. 

I tug even harder on the blanket but there's something standing in the way of that and my perfect morning. I try to get up, but I can't and I refuse to open my eyes because once I do any chance of getting more sleep disappears. I can smell something familiar but not enough to pinpoint it. I use my hands to feel around the bed before landing on the space heater lying on top of me. 

My eyes betray me and fly wide open, looking around my hotel room before landing on the boy on top of me. Jack is sleeping on me, snuggled into my chest right between my boobs. His lips are perfectly parted, letting out all his soft snores that don't seem to bother me at all. His eyes are closed, giving me a good view of his endlessly long eyelashes. Staring at his eyelids for so long makes me start to miss the blue that shines beneath them. 

His tousled hair sticks up in every direction, making my heart beat twice as fast just by looking at all of his features. His arms cage me in making sure I can't leave which would be cute if I didn't have to race to the restroom. My stomach starts twisting and turning begging me to get out of bed, but I have Mr. Alcatraz locking me in. 

I push Jack's shoulders as hard as I can until he wakes up and sets me free. I drop to my knees at the toilet and begin to empty the contents of my stomach. I hug the bowl, pushing my hair to the side as the poor decisions named tequila fill the toilet. When I get a second to breathe I use it to groan, cursing myself for drinking myself into next year. 

When I feel a pair of hands messing with my hair I flutter my eyes open and try looking at him, but the light coming from the bathroom makes me want to puke again. In between breaks, I beg him to turn off the light and keep going until I no longer feel sick. Jack's hands smooth my matted hair down as much as he can and puts it into a low ponytail. 

I give him my best appreciative grin, feeling his hands rub my back, trying his best to soothe me. The minute Jack's hands leave my body an instant chill replaces the warmth his hands emitted, making me miss the warmth his hands radiated. "Drink some water, pretty girl." he smiles sleepily, tilting my chin up, while holding a glass of water to my lips. 

He's right for not handing the glass to me because I would've shattered it with how weak I currently feel. His pointer finger rests just below my chin, helping pour the water down my aching throat. I wince as I swallow the cool water, thanking him as I flush the toilet. 

With my head resting against the wooden cabinets I start shivering so much I try moving towards the shower so I can warm up in there, but the minute I try getting up my head starts spinning. I sit back down and call out for Jack. He pokes his head through the door, "Yeah?" he asks quietly, moving closer to me. 

"Can you help me get in the shower? I just need help getting in, I would do it but-" I say until he sweetly cuts me off with a kiss to my forehead. "Of course, I'll help." He chuckles, turning on the water, and holding the back of his hand to the stream until it's warm enough. He wipes his hand on a towel and helps me stand, taking my top off then putting my hands on his shoulders as he pulls my underwear off. 

He does the same, pulling his briefs off as he walks me into the shower, holding me up. He wraps my arms around his neck and sways my sore body back and forth while rubbing soft circles into my hips. After a while of resting my cheek against his chest, he moves his hands up to my hair, pulling my hair tie off, and begins to scrub shampoo into my scalp. 

His fingers give me the best scalp massage known to man and I can't help but say, "Woah, your fingers are amazing." I giggle into the steaming air surrounding us, unaware of how dirty that sounds. His fingers keep working as a chuckle rolls out from behind me. "Heard that before." he says, interpreting what I said in the wrong way. 

I scoff, shaking my head over how he responded not wanting to know what other girls have said to him. "From you babe." He clarifies, making those butterflies in my stomach go crazy, but I push it down so I don't feel sick again. "Oh," is all I can conjure up unless I want to say something that'll make me sound like a flustered and stuttering mess. 

Recently, he's been making me nervous to the point where I blush like crazy and stumble over my words. I don't normally do that, usually I can fake it until I make it but I don't even want to keep pushing that facade. I want him to know the real me if he still has a crush on me.  

He moves our bodies closer to the water to rinse out all the suds from the shampoo before moving on to squeezing the conditioner into the palm of his hand.  He applies it to the ends of my hair, grabbing a comb I left in the shower to brush out the tangles in my hair. "Sorry, I don't know why my hair gets so tangled." I say, letting him detangle my hair. 

"It's alright," he kisses my shoulder as my wet hair lays flat along my back. Once my hair is taken care of he gently washes my body, letting all the sweat and smell of alcohol go down the drain. From behind me, Jack runs his hands up and down my stomach, swaying me from side to side. "Do you want me to wash your makeup off too?" he asks, but immediately something in my head switches and reminds me that he's only ever seen me with makeup and I'm not ready for that to change yet. 

I shake my head, turn off the water, and wrap the first towel I see around me. "Nope, I got it." I say, grabbing a towel for him and tossing it at him. He wraps the towel around his waist, highlighting his v-line. Since the first time I saw Jack I've noticed how built he was, and since seeing him without clothes on I've seen how well-defined his body is. He's not scarily big and not too small. He's just right. 

When I lock eyes with Jack he wears a mind-fucking smirk that makes everything in my body scream for him. I look away from him, feeling my face heat up after getting caught staring at him. I grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth to distract myself but Jack has zero intentions to let this go. 

His arms wrap around my waist, pulling my begging body against his hair chest. He maintains eye contact with me in the mirror as he pushes my wet hair off my shoulder and uses his fingers to tilt my head away from him, granting him access to my neck. He lowers his mouth to me, using a hypnotic pattern with his tongue on my neck making me feel like putty in his hands. 

I feel powerless like this, melting in his hold, letting him slip through my cracks as my toothpaste-filled mouth opens ever so slightly. I sigh as he presses open-mouthed kisses up and down my neck. This continues until I feel my core beginning to ache for him, wanting nothing more than for him to take me right here right now. 

With my toothbrush stuck in my mouth, I look up at him through the mirror with hopeless and pleading eyes as he presses the final pecks to my shoulder. I'm at a loss here, the battle my mind is fighting right now is one I'm okay with losing because even if I lose, I still win. "Don't look at me like that baby," He smirks pressing a kiss to my cheeks, before using his finger to close my mouth to keep the toothpaste from falling out. 

He walks out of the bathroom, giving me an excellent view of his back dimples. I focus on brushing my teeth, furrowing my brows while I spit the paste out and rinse with some cold water. I feel much better than I did the morning, but now all I can truly think about is how I can satisfy the aching feeling in between my legs. 

As I try wishing it away by clenching up my body Jack walks back into the restroom fully dressed in his outfit from yesterday, except this time he's missing his button-up. "How about I go get you some food, while you finish getting ready? Then we can spend the day here before our flights." he offers, caging me in against the bathroom counter. 

"Yeah, that'd be amazing." I say, my voice coming out all out of breath with a few stutters in between. I give him a thumbs up as he chuckles and walks out of my hotel room. I mutter the word "Fuck," as many times as possible as I wash my face, clearing it from any ounce of makeup, just for me to put it all back on. 

I think Jack has caught onto the fact that I don't want to be seen without makeup, but I don't think he knows why yet. He might assume that since he's a new boy I might want to be keeping up this fantasy of who I am, and while that not entirely wrong the truth runs way deeper than that. Brendan made me feel that without my mask of makeup, no man would ever find me beautiful. 

What if once the magic and mystery wears off Jack does realize I am some damaged popstar? It's the constant what-ifs that make me drive myself crazy. Once I get my fresh makeup on I brush my hair out and let it air dry as I look for some clothes. Jack opens the door to my room with two bags of food while I'm bent over looking through my suitcase. 

I look back at him and he's now in different clothes, looking more casual than he did when he was in his suit. Other than his outfit change the other thing I notice is the look on his face. His red face gives off the impression that he's flustered. This time around he looks caught off guard, similar to how I was in the bathroom.

As I look through my options I can't help but think about how Jack teased me in the bathroom, and how the roles seem to be reversed now, so why not get him back? I pick out my black lace thong that has a few stars on the front, and drop my towel right in front of him, giving him a good view from the back as I step into my underwear. 

When I take a subtle glance at Jack through the mirror in front of me I can see him looking up at the ceiling, blowing a deep breath out. I grin in accomplishment, glad I was able to give him a taste of his own medicine. I close my suitcase from the position on the ground and from the corner of my eye I see Jack's button-up from beneath my bed. 

"Do you mind?" I ask innocently, holding up his shirt in between my fingers. He licks his lips, shaking his head. "N-no, I don't." He stutters, swallowing harshly. I smile, pulling his shirt on and buttoning it up a bit. I grab two bottles of water from the fridge and hand one to him before getting in bed beside him. 

He lifts his arm around me, wrapping it around my shoulders as I cuddle into his side. "You look good in my clothes." he says with a smile, grabbing our bag of food from the bedside table. I smile back, tilting my head up to press a kiss to his lips. "You know what you look good in?" I ask him in between mind-numbing kisses. 

"What?" He says out of breath, putting the food back on the table instead of in front of us on the bed. I tease my lips away from him before telling him the answer, "Me," He chases my lips, pulling me on top of him to straddle his lap. I center myself with him, holding his jaw as he kisses me long enough for me to grow more desperate than I was in the bathroom. 

He fists my hair, matching my intensity with the kiss, and bucking his hips at the feeling. I grind my hips on top of him, drawing a low groan past his lips and against mine. I pat his legs and ask him to take his clothes off because I can't hold back anymore without turning into a desperate mess. Once I'm off his lap, he chucks his hoodie off, kicking his shoes and pants off. 

He grabs a condom from his wallet and lets his underwear fall with the rest of his clothes. I take his button-up off and move myself onto all fours, giving him a good view of my ass. He rips open the foil package with his teeth and rolls it on before pulling my thong to the side and playing with my folds. 

The way he teases me with his touch is intoxicating, but it's not enough. "Jack, I need more." I tell him, leaning into his fingers in hopes it'll somehow become rougher. I arch my back for any kind of contact and when I feel one of his hands crash into me, eliciting a harsh slap sound and a choked whimper from me I know he knows exactly how to be enough for me. 

Jack pulls my thong off, bringing me close to the edge of the bed. He leans over me, bringing his lips to my ear. I chase them for the simple comfort of having them against mine but he pulls back, making me roll my head around in pure need. With the way I am reacting to his loss of contact, you'd think I had gone years without his touch. "You are stunning, Jos." he sponges kisses down my back. 

I swivel my hips around to ease the growing ache, begging Jack to finally do something. "So needy, pretty girl." he chuckles, before pushing himself inside, causing the both of us to sigh out contently. I press up on my forearms, arching my back to get a better angle. He pulls back, holding onto my hips before thrusting himself back in. My fingers grip the comforter into my fist and slowly tighten my hold as his thrusts get faster. 

I muffle my moans into the comforter, forcing my mouth closed, and try as hard as I can to contain all the little noises threatening to be vocalized. Jack gets closer to my back, using one hand against my chest to hold me up. As I'm lifted up my mouth flies away from the comforter and I let out a chain of praises, making Jack groan as they fall from my lips. 

My praises earn me faster and rougher thrusts pushing me closer to the edge of my orgasm. Jack kisses my shoulder, holding my waist before reaching a hand around my waist and in between my legs to rub my clit in circles. I don't even have to tell him how fast or how much pressure to add, he just knows. He makes this so easy for me. 

I bite my lips in an attempt to keep myself quiet but my effort doesn't stand a chance when my whines and moans are pooling out no matter how hard I try to shut up. Feeling his body pressed against mine, flexing and stretching over me is going to ruin me for as long as I'll live. I buck my hips wildly, wanting to reach my high as fast as possible. 

He notices my desperation and rubs faster than before, I meet his hips in the middle, holding myself up with one arm since I'm using my other hand to hold his hand that's holding my waist. "Fuck," Jack pants, speeding up all of his motions while his name flies past my lips multiple times. 

When I start clenching over him he takes a nice handful of my hair, letting go of my hand, and tugs my hair until I'm looking up at him. He bends down and presses a sloppy kiss to my lips. Once he lets go of my makeshift ponytail a breathy, "Oh fuck," tumbles its way out my mouth. My hoarse words encourage him to speed up until I'm telling him I'm getting close. 

"Fuck, I'm close," I pant, causing him to flip us into missionary. It happened so fast that I feel like I missed him pulling out and thrusting back in. He pulls my legs up to my chest before draping them over his shoulders, pushing into me at a deeper angle. He licks his lips with his eyelids heavy with pleasure. 

He lowers his head to my sternum, feeling my heartbeat against his lips as he kisses along my chest. He moves towards one of my boobs, pressing messy pecks before taking one of my nipples into his mouth, stimulating me to the point of an orgasm. With my back arched and my head rolling from side to side mindlessly I moan, "Can you do this forever?" without thinking of what that could mean. 

Luckily, Jack is reaching his high and probably doesn't process what I just said and moans my name, throwing his head back with his jaw slacked wide open. His bottom lip quivers and his eyes flutter shut muttering my name over and over again. "Josie fuck, holy fuck Josie. Jos, God." he pants into my shoulder once his high is over. 

I could get used to this view. 

We stay like this for a moment, except Jack takes my legs off his shoulders and lays them on the mattress as he nuzzles his head into my neck. "You're just so warm." he says, holding me closer to him as I rake my nails from his hair to his back, and tell him that he's the reason I'm warm.

 He laughs softly against my collarbone before pressing up onto his forearms and brushes any loose strands of hair out of my face. My hand reaches up toward his face and cradles his jaw, tickling his cheek with the slow and gentle motions I'm making with my thumb. He smiles contently at me, appearing to be just taking me in and it feels nice. 

"You're so pretty." He mumbles, pressing a kiss to my nose before I return the compliment in the moment of appreciating him as much as I can before I psych myself out. He raises his eyebrows up at me, "Oh I'm pretty, huh?" he laughs softly, showcasing his beautiful smile in the process. As he asks for confirmation my face heats up, making me want to tuck myself away and never show my face again. 

I turn away from him but he turns his head with me, attempting to get a good look at me. "Stop, you're making me nervous." I tell him, being honest about how I feel instead of being mean. It's honestly not like me to be so mean especially when he's all I've wanted. He grabs my wrists and pins them above my head. "Quit hiding from me and let me look at you." He laughs, running his nose up against the tip of mine. 

I stop trying to push down my smile and turn my head back to him. My eyes lock with him despite how nerve-wracking this is. This feels like a deeper level of intimacy, he's still inside of me and we've made no move to leave. I'm not sure if this feels weird to him or if it's just foreign like it is for me. Judging by the look in his eye and the glimmer of hope in them I lean away from the "weird" option.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I smile up at him, wriggling my wrist out of his hold, and cradle his face with both of my hands. He grins down at me, his smile only intensifying the look in his eyes. "What do you mean?" Jack shrugs, acting like he has no idea what I'm talking about, but almost everything he does is intentional and for a reason. 

I point out the look on his face, watching his heavy-lidded eyes droop a bit more as they focus on my smile. "I didn't know you had a gap, you know they're good luck?" He points out, trying to distract me from my previous question as I run my tongue over the space between my front teeth. I shove him gently, telling him to answer the question so I can stop creating all kinds of responses in my head. 

When he looks like he's about to tell me I perk up ready to hear whatever he has to say. "Josie, last night you-" he starts before I hear a loud knock on my door followed by my brother shouting for me to let him in. I cut Jack off with wide eyes, pushing him off of me, and telling him to put his clothes on in a whisper shout. 

"One second!" I shout, looking through my suitcase to find sweatpants and a T-shirt while Jack frantically throws on his outfit from before. He gets dressed before I do and starts making the bed as fast as possible. He stretches his body over the mattress while I run my fingers through my hair and tie it back into a low bun to give off the effect that we've just been hanging out. 

Theo knocks again with both fists and doesn't stop until I crack open the door. "Jesus, Ted." I sigh loudly, looking behind me to see Jack casually lounging on the made bed before pushing us both out of the room. "When you go inside you will act normal." I point a finger at him. A toothy smile grows on his face before he shrinks it into a grin. 

"Open the door Josephine." he jerks his jaw towards the door. I take a deep breath and open the door for the both of us, closing it and locking it as soon as we're inside. "Jack!" Theo breaks out into a smile, heading over to hug him. Jack stands, matching Theo's smile, and embraces him tightly. I make my way back over to the bed now feeling like an outsider to the conversation between my brother and the boy I like. 

I sit beside Jack against the headboard and ask him to pass me the food he brought. "Oh were you two just hanging out?" Theo asks, looking at me with raised eyebrows before dropping them and waiting for Jack to answer. When my brother's eyes are no longer on me I turn my head to look at the boy beside me and anticipate whatever response he's going to conjure up. 

"Y-yeah man, I just wanted to see her before my flight tonight." he says, handing me a burger wrapped in foil. For what feels like the hundredth time today my face heats up after taking the burger from his hands. I know what he said is a lie to my brother, but it's still true that he wanted to see me. "Well isn't that sweet Josie?" my meddling younger brother asks. 

It is Theo. It's incredibly sweet which is why I have completely fallen for him. 


a.n// holy shit. It took me forever to finish this chapter but I'm done. It has arrived. 

Anyways, hi! how are you guys? I hope you're all doing well! I am so excited to write these next few chapters because it's the most iconic part of Glitch in my personal very biased opinion. If this is your first time reading Glitch let's just say Quinn and Luke are planning something big! Those chapters will be written as fast as possible.

I love you guys to the moon and to saturn! (I promise I'm working on Cardigan, I love her so much I swear.)

Stay safe, stay kind, and DM me if you need anything!

Love Lottie💐💐💐 

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