π•§π• π•šπ•• | 𝔸. π•Šπ•‚π•π•Žπ”Έπ•ƒπ•‚...

By firelordskywalker

19.6K 601 130

π•§π• π•šπ•• - a completely empty space "I'm trapped in the darkness." She whispered into his ear. His arms slip... More

π•§π• π•šπ••
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act i | lost in the dark
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Β» 10
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Β» 12
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Β» 17
Β» 18
Β» 19
Β» 20
Β» 21
Β» 22
Β» 23
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Β» 26
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act ii | to be or not to be
Β» 28
Β» 29
Β» 30
Β» 31
| graphic gallery
| official timeline

Β» 24

281 10 1
By firelordskywalker

[TW: mentions of decapitation]

"Senator Aurum,"

Aerol stood up by his daughter's bedside, hope in his eyes as he looked to the doctor. "On with it!"

The doctor gently sighed, looking to the sleeping child who was currently connected to cords and machines. "There... is unfortunately not much I can do. Your daughter inhaled too much smoke—"

"You're a doctor!" Aerol stomped a foot. "Surely there is something you can do!"

"The ventilator is the only thing keeping her breathing right now, sir. We could of course perform an organ transplant but without a lung donor fit for a small child—"

Aerol angrily walked up to the doctor, fists clenched. "I don't give a damn what you have to do to save her, just do it. Go on!"

The doctor shuffled out of the room, leaving Aerol alone with Zae. He looked over to his sick child, tears gathering in his eyes. He couldn't lose another loved one to a fire, the universe couldn't be that cruel, could it?

If Zae couldn't pull through, then her death would be on his hands— and despite him being a cruel, absolute piece of filth, monster— he would never forgive himself for that.

This was the moment Venus had been waiting for. At the end of the hall were the doors to the chancellor's office. The doors looked so very far away, she wasn't sure if she could even make it over to them.

"Remember what we discussed." Came the voice of Senator Amidala. "You are strong, you are determined. You can do this, Venus."

The princess closed her eyes and took a deep breath, gently bobbing her head. "Thank you, Senator."

Padmé shared a quite message with Anakin, as if she were telling him they could talk later. With that, she went ahead and entered the office.

But despite the senator's words of encouragement, Venus still could help but feel overwhelmed. The weight of Chrysós was all on her. She was the only one at this point who had a chance of freeing her people from the Separatists and seeing her loved ones again.

Anxiety was eating away at her mind, self-doubt telling her that she couldn't do this, that this was all pointless. She believed the words echoing throughout her mind until they suddenly stopped. Why had it stopped? Why did she feel the weight disappear from her shoulders?

Short answer? The Jedi invaded her personal thoughts and got rid of the negatives floating around— but she didn't know that and perhaps she never would. 

"Obi-Wan and I will be there with you." Anakin reassured her. "You aren't alone."

She was still unsure about Skywalker. They hadn't started off on the right foot yet, he constantly comforted her when she grew nervous. Despite how much she wanted to tell him the she didn't need his help, Venus knew that she did. Now was definitely not the time to be so hotheaded, especially not with her only life line. "Thank you, General." She spoke quietly.

"Anytime, m'lady." He couldn't help but smile. Damn his cockiness. "Whenever you're ready."

"I'll never be ready." She couldn't help but comment. "Let's get this over with."

Anakin took lead, guiding her to the end of the hall. Venus stayed on his tail, locking herself into this meeting.

The doors slid open and in they stepped, gathering the eyes of everyone in the room.

"Ah, Princess Venus." The Chancellor stood from his desk, greeting her with a bow.

Anakin had stepped off to the side by this point, finding a place next to his former master and the other Jedi.

She was the center of attention and she wasn't sure how she felt about that. "Chancellor Palpatine," Venus returned the greeting. "Thank you for seeing me so urgently."

"But of course, dear. I will always make time for those in our need."

Something about this man was eerie. The way he talked and smiled— as if he were putting on some act— Venus didn't like him. She cleared her throat, drawing her attention back to the matter at hand. "I hate to jump right to the point, but this is, well... urgent."

The dozen pairs of eyes on her were not helping at all.

"My people... Chrysós has unjustly joined with the Separatist alliance. My father, Senator Aurum, he was assassinated by my brother— who has now put my husband in the highest position—"

"Why your husband?" One of the senators questioned.

Venus looked over to the Kaminoan woman who'd asked the question. She looked like she didn't want to be there— as if she'd already made up her mind.

"He was next in line, but—"

"And is there any proof that your brother killed your father?" Another asked.

"Yes— a witness. She's out in the waiting room if—"

"Witness are not always correct. Footage of the incident would be more helpful."

At that moment, Venus determined that she'd had enough of being cut off. "I have come here to beg for the Republic's help in getting my world back on behalf of my people. We have no reason to lie about anything. If you have questions and concerns, then fine— but you will hold them back until I am done stating my case."

That seemed to do the trick.

"My father intended on remaining neutral but if it ever came down to it, we would side with the Republic. My brother, Sterling... he is an angry and bitter man and my husband is power hungry. They were both done wrong by my father and that is why they killed him. My mother and sister were also victims of their's, publicly executed in front of their own people— many who were begging for a fair trial. I had to watch it happen, I had to hear the sound of their heads meeting with the ground. If you don't believe me, maybe you will believe General Kenobi. He too, was forced to watch."

Obi-Wan received various looks, to which he nodded in agreement.

Venus looked the Chancellor in the eyes, proving her seriousness. "My people are afraid and I fear that they are being silenced. What I want is the Separatist gone and the proper people in command of Chrysós. In return, we will join with the Republic and offer you our resources."

There was chatter amongst the senators as if they were debating if this would be worth their time. Waiting for their discussion to end felt like forever. Venus couldn't help but look towards Generals Skywalker and Kenobi, both who smiled and bobbed their heads to tell her she did great. She didn't even need their input to prove her point.

"We need to put this to an emergency vote, Chancellor." Padmé spoke up.

"I couldn't agree more, Senator Amidala." The Chancellor hummed. We will vote on this matter first thing in the morning. You are all dismissed."

That was it? They weren't going to do anything about this right at this moment? Venus wanted to argue her case more, but received a look from the Senator.

As the some politicians and some of the Jedi shuffled out of the room, Padmé and a taller gentleman came to speak to her.

"Princess Venus, this is Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, Bail, this is Princess Venus—"

"I thought that this meeting was going to be enough." Venus looked down in shame. "This only prolongs the suffering of my people..."

"This meeting was only a good start." Organa put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Holding a vote is a good sign, your highness. Senator Amidala and I will make as many calls to inform other systems of what is going on and to ask them to join your cause."

"Yes," Padmé agreed. "You will have to make your speech out to all of the systems this time. You did wonderful, but I suggest you go home, have yourself some caf, and add on to it."

"We will be awake all night." Bail told her. "If you need anything at all, you could contact either of us with this." He handed her a small communication device.

Venus took it, forcing herself to smile at them. "Thank you."

Padme smiled back, bowing her head as a goodbye. "We will talk soon." With another goodbye from Senator Organa, the two were off.

Only a couple people remained in the room. General Skywalker, who was speaking with the Chancellor, General Kenobi, and a few of the other Jedi.

When Obi-Wan noticed that Venus was done speaking, he approached her. "I will be escorting you home, m'lady."

Home? It was nothing like home. More like a dorm room.

The two made their way out of the office and back the way she'd come in.

"You did a great job." The Jedi noted. "My favorite part was when you put the politicians in their place." He joked.

Venus couldn't help but crack a genuine smile for the first time in a while. "My husband and father would constantly cut me off like that. I suppose I've had enough of it."

"Understandable." Obi-Wan's pace slowly came to a halt. Venus stopped with him, confused, but he was already intent on offering an explanation. "I wanted to apologize, for a few things actually."

She knew where this was going and quite frankly, she did not wish to talk about it. Venus remembered the look in the Jedi's eyes when her mother and sister were executed, he'd felt horrible. "It wasn't your fault." She looked up at him as she spoke in a soft and meek tone. "You did everything you could, General."

Obi-Wan didn't even believe that himself. He could have done more if he had tried, but he didn't. He got the feeling that she didn't want to discuss this, so changed the subject. "Nevertheless, I am truly sorry. As for my former padawan, I am aware the two of you got off on the wrong foot. I apologize for his behavior. I hate to say it, but that is just his personality unfortunately."

"No worries." She waved him off. "I said some pretty nasty things to him too. I think that we are even."

Obi-Wan laughed. He also hadn't laughed in a while. "I've held you back long enough, let's get you back to your room."

Venus led the way, already exhausted for the night she had in front of her. "Of course. I'm going to need all of the time I can get."

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