"I Know You Like Me" ( Aratak...

By kundere_artist

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Y/n keadehara, the youngest sibling of the keadehara clan, was on the run from the vision hunt decree. Instea... More



42 1 0
By kundere_artist

Kanami p.o.v

"Well, that's simple. Kanami is my fiancé" ayato told them as we both stood outside the door of the temporary arataki gang base.

Once ayato said that, I looked at everyone else. They all looked shocked. Well, everyone but Itto. He looked like he wanted to run away and go cry.

"Don't lie. We're not, and will never be like that, ayato, " I angrily told him, crossing my arms.

"A lie? Well, it's not a lie, isn't it?"

I rolled my eyes. I knew technically it wasn't a lie. Well, it's not a complete one.

"Kanami, can you please explain." Shinobu said as she seemed confused by our conversation.

I nodded," Alright. Well, it's true that at one point, I and this guy were engaged at one point. But... have you ever heard of arranged marriages?" I asked.

Shinobu nodded her head as the rest of the gang looked confused.
"So you were forced to get engaged with ayato because of your family?"

"Yeah, that's right. But we're not engaged anymore. You see, my dad and I had an agreement that if I stayed engaged with him for a year and I didn't feel anything towards him, then the wedding would be cancelled. And as you can see, I never feel for a guy like him." I said, pointing at ayato in discuss.

"Come now. It wasn't all that bad, was it?" Ayato said, smiling at me.

"It was!" I replied with an unhappy look on my face.

"Come now. What's with the sour face? You always seem to make that face whenever I'm around. Do you hate me that badly?"

"Yes." I quickly said without hesitation.

Ayato seemed upset at my words, but I honestly couldn't care less. I've never liked him. Me and him are completely opposites.

When I first met him, I tried to get along with him but quickly started hating him when he kept giving me weird food. Not to mention, he kept making fun of my height, among other things.
I can never understand what he's truly thinking, I feel like I can't trust him.

Although people used to tell us that if we teamed up in a fight, we would be unstoppable. Maybe cause we have the same vision element or something?

"Kanami, you don't have to answer this, but when you both were engaged, did you... you know. Go on dates?" Shinobu asked me, but before I could say anything, ayato spoke over me again.

"Of course we did. I had to try and make her like me some way." He said, putting his arm around me, but I felt really annoyed with him when he did.

It's weird. Itto puts his arm around me like this all the time, and I feel nothing. I don't get annoyed or angry when he does this, but as soon as it's ayato... I get this enraged feeling buring up inside of me.

"Although we did have to kiss and hold hands in front of our parents."

Once he mentioned that, I elbowed his stomach with my elbow.

"Get. Of" I coldly said, and he let go.

"Am I not allowed to mention that?"

"No. Of course not. I don't need a reminder for all that torture you put me through. I'll let your many fangirls do those things with you. Anyway, you wanted to talk. Let's get this over with so I don't have to be in your company anymore." I said, walking away.

"Hm? Do you want to take that walk now? I thought you declined?" Ayato questioned.

I rolled my eyes and then turned to him," it's probably private. Especially how you keep changing the subject. So let's go for a walk. as soon as we're done, the better."

Ayato then bowed to the arataki gang, and we were about to head off, but Itto inturupted," kanami, wait, can I come?"

I looked over to him and smiled slightly," No. Sorry. I won't be long, I hope."

Itto looked sad in my response, but then ayato said," Why doesn't your pet come with? Would that give you some peace of mind?"


He then pointed to ushi.

Everyone then agreed that ushi would come with us.
But I'm sure ayato didn't know Itto can understand ushi. If he did, I doubt he would have let him come with us. Whatever he wishes to talk about, I doubt he wants anyone to know about it from how he was acting earlier.

We walked until we were away from the base. Ushi was in my arms as we walked. Ayato then stopped walking, making me stop as well.

He let out a sigh and continued," Now let us get down to business. There's an important matter i need you to handle. "

"Why me? Couldn't you just ask your many servents to do this important matter? I am an out law right now." I responded.

"I'm aware, but you're the only one I know that can help with this. Listen, a couple of weeks ago, the raiden shogun captured the 100th person to take their vision. Who do you think that is?"

"Huh? You know I didn't come with you to play your games, ayato." I said, raising my eye brow

"Just answer."

"Fine. Considering your coming to me. It's probably somebody I know. But I don't know many people... um, my brother, maybe?"

He shook his head.

'Who else do I know outside the arataki gang?'

"Hm... it's not gorou cause he just sent me a letter yesterday... Oh wait, don't tell me it's thoma!"

He nodded," he's fine now, and he managed to keep his vision. However, he's now an outlaw just like you are. People are looking for him, and he can only hide for so long... so I want you to take him in for a while. You've survived without being captured for a year now, so."

"So you want me to take him with me to the base?"

"That's correct," he nodded.

"Ugh... that is a problem. I would take thoma in without a second thought if it weren't for one problem. If I set foot in inazuma City, I'm probably going to get captured ameadently. Then there's no way I'd be able to help thoma."

I looked down at ushi and had an idea.
I put ushi down, and he looked up at me.
"Could you go in my stead ushi. You're the only one in the gang that the tenryou commission hasn't seen me with. Ayato will be with you, so all you have to do is navigate thoma to me. Can you do that?"

Ushi nodded his head, letting out a moo. I rubbed his head and thanked him.

"So you want me to go with him?" Ayato asked, crossing his arms.

"Of course I do. Ushi doesn't know Thoma's scent. So he can't sniff him out. If you can guide him to thoma without it looking suspicious, then I can get him out of the city without risking myself getting caught. Understand?"

"Understood. However, there is one thing. you are a being a little too obedient today, im surprised you are doing what i asked. "

"Listen, I'm only doing this for thoma. If you were the one in danger and someone else was asking me to save you, I would tell them they were wasting their time."

"Understood. I thought you might say that. Anyway, let's get on with the plan shall we"

Time skip.

I waited outside inazuma City, waiting for ushi to return with thoma.

I was hiding behind some trees nearby, so I wasn't spotted by the tenryou commission.

'They're taking their time. I hope they haven't run into some trouble.' I thought sitting down and leaned on one of the trees.

I then heard something coming towards me.

I peaked behind the tree.

'It sounds like people running towards here. But there's more than one. Maybe 20? 30?' I thought but then spotted 2 familiar faces pass my hiding spot.

'Thoma? Ushi?" I mumbled.

They were running, and they both looked panicked. Before I could get their attention, I realised they were being chased by the tenryou commission.

'Did they see them? I better save them and quick.' I thought before I made five hydro clones, and they started running at the soldiers, attacking them

"What the-?!"
"These clones!"

I heard them yelling as thoma and ushi managed to get away from the tenryou commission.

'I better make my escape as well before I get caught,' I thought, then sneaked away.


After I had gotten away, I decided to head towards the hideout.

" ushi will bring him back home, right?" I said, talking to myself as I walked.

I soon got close to the hideout, and I heard someone call out to me

I turned around and smiled," Speak of the devil." I said.

Thoma was with ushi, and they were both running up to me.

"Thank you for the save back there," thoma said, bowing at me.

"It's fine. But you really don't need to thank me. You're my friend, thoma. Of course, I'd help you out... but what even happened?"

"Oh, right. We were trying to get out of inazuma City, but then someone in the tenryou commission saw me, and before we knew it, we were chased, sorry, " thoma said, putting his head down.

"You're fine." I simply told him. Letting him know he's not a bother.

"But!" He suddenly put his head up," is it really okay for me to stay with you. Ayato didn't force you into it? He didn't black mail you, did he?. "

"No. He didn't. Although I wouldn't put it past him. I can imagine him trying to force me to drink his weird boba flavours if i didn't do what he said. However, he never forced me to save you. it's really no trouble. Although, I haven't asked the others if it would be ok for you to stay. So I don't know how they're going to feel about this. I'm sure they'll allow it. But I'll ask just in case. Come with me, " I told thoma before I walked further ahead to the bases door.

I opened the door and shouted," I'm back!"

Thoma and ushi let them selfs in, and thoma shut the door behind him.

The house was really quiet. Probably meaning itto, and the boys were probably out of the house.

"Welcome back, kanami." I heard Shinobu's voice echo from the living room.

I walked into the living room where Shinobu was as ushi, and thoma followed me.

"What did kamisato-san want?" She asked, turning her head from the beaten up old couch she was sitting on. She had some kind of book in her hand. She was probably reading it before we interrupted her.

She then saw thoma, and he smiled nervously.

"About that, is it ok thoma stays here. Ayato asked me to save him and bring him here. But I didn't have time to conform with you all about it."

"I'm fine with it. But you should really ask itto he is the boss." Shinobu suggested," he'll probably say yes, though. "

I laughed a little at Shinobu's comment.

She was probably right that itto would say yes to thoma staying here. He let me stay here without a second thought. Actually, he's the one who insisted I stay here when I first arrived.

"Where is itto? I imagine as soon as I shouted, he would have come to me happy to see that I've returned. So he's probably out, right?"

Shinobu giggled at me as thoma muttered. "Is he a dog?" Under his breath.

"He went out to play beetle fighting with the others. He shouldn't be too far away. "

"I see. I'll go look for him, " I said and was about to leave the room when thoma stopped me with his words," Hang on. I'll come with you. Just in case he says no. So I can help convince him"

"If you want to. But I can't imagine him saying no, " I said before both me and thoma headed out together, leaving ushi and Shinobuto take care of the house.

(Itto p.o.v)

After kanami left with ayato. I couldn't stop thinking about what they said. Kanami and him used to date. Even though kanami didn't seem to care about him. They still went on dates and... other things.

Could we go on a date at some point in the future?
Well, not while the vision hunt decree is happening.

My boys must have realised my sad mood and suggested we go out and play beetle fighting. As soon as they mentioned it, I suddenly became a lot happier.

We were playing not that far away from the hideout. This spot has become our special place where we play beetle fighting since the vision hunt decree started. Plus, it's only a 10 minute walk from the hideout to here, so it's very convenient.

"Hahahaha! I win!" I laughted

"That's boss for you!"
They praised me.

I then suddenly had an idea," kanami hasn't played beetle fighting, has she? I'm sure she'll love it. I'm going defiantly going to ask her to play at some point, " I said, holding my fist up with a grin.

I saw the 3 of them look at each other sharing the same look, and they all looked back at me with a smug look on their faces.

"Boss, we should tell you something."
"Shinobu told us to keep it a secret, but"
"We know your feelings for kanami,"

I looked at them in shock.

"What!? Are you for real? You know? Does kanami know?" I worriedly asked.

"No. At least I don't think so."
"We thought we'd tell you because we wish to help you,"
"Anything you want us to do to help you and kanami get closer, just let us know, boss ,"

I felt like tearing up at my boys' words. But I holded it back. If I cried in front of them, they might lose their respect for me as their boss.

Before I could say anything in response, I thought I heard people talking. They sounded close by.


"I think I hear someone?" I told them.

"You're starting to sound like kanami now,"

"We better hide, just in case." Akira suggested, and we all hid close by.

Some of us are behind trees and others behind rocks or in bushes.

I was hiding behind a rock, considering I'm the tallest and widest.

The talking got closer, and I saw it was kanami with a guy I didn't recognise. The guy had blonde hair and was tied in a pony tail. His clothes were red and black as he had some badges on his short red jacket.

"I'm sure I heard them over here," kanami said, folding her arms as she seemed to be thinking.

"Maybe they went back?" The guy asked.

"Hm... I'm not sure. I hope they haven't found themselves in danger."

'Is kanami worried?' I thought as I suddenly became happy.

"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. You must care a lot about them." The guy said, making me pay attention to see what kanami had to say.

She nodded," they're good friends. I don't wish for anything to happen to them, "

I was over the moon at her words. I'm happy that she would get worried about us. It means kanami cares about us. But I don't wish for her to always worry, of course.
The guy then patted her head, which pushed the happy feeling away, and a jealous feeling replaced it.

He smiled at her," You don't change, do you. You were like that with tomo as well. "

Kanami looked down. She had this sad look on her face.

I was about to run in there to hug her. I didn't like that look. I wanted to comfort her any way I could, but before I did actually run in, the guy nervously said," s-sorry. I guess you're still pretty touchy about that subject, right? Um... w-when did you cut your hair? Your hair was to the bottom of you back last time I saw you. "

"Oh. I had to cut it." Kanami said, fiddling with the strands of her short ish hair," someone from the tenryou commission grabbed me by the hair, 6 or more months ago. So I had to cut it, so I wasn't captured. "

"I guess it's that or get captured by them," the guy replied," do you plan on growing it out again?"

"Hm..." Kanami hummed touching her hair more," I want to. But I don't want that to happen again... maybe when this ends. Then I will"

"I'm glad. I liked your long hair. So did miss. Ayaka.... n-not like your hair style now is bad. I just like your hair long, that's all,"

Kanami laughed a little at the guys stuttering. At that point, I had to look away from them.

I couldn't stand it anymore.

Something inside me hurts. I feel like if I watched them anymore, I would break.

"If I do decide to grow my hair, I'll show miss. Ayaka, for sure." I heard kanami's voice say.

'Kanami with long hair...' I thought as I tried to get my mind to think about her with longer hair. 'I don't think it would matter what kanami looked like. If her hair was short or long. I think I'd still have fallen for her'

" What's with the formalities? You used to call her just 'ayaka ', right?" The guy asked her.

'Who's ayaka?' I thought as I peared over to listen.

"It doesn't feel right. I just can't go back to calling her that. Me and her... we haven't talked in a while. So it feels wrong to still call her my friend. " kanami replied.

"And why is that? You two were really close. "

"Hmmm... we both just got really busy, I guess? Didn't you know thoma?"

"No, I'm afraid not. Miss. Ayaka didn't really talk about you after a while, so I assumed you'd just gotten into a fight or something. "

'Thoma?! Then that's! Kanami's friend,' I thought as I continued to listen to them.

"Why don't you go say hi to her when this is over? I know she'll love the company ." Thoma suggested.

Kanami shook her head," I can't... I would feel... it would feel awkward after all this time. "

"I didn't think the day would come when I would see you so shy,"

"Huh!? I'm n-not... " kanami yelled as her face went bright red," I just... fine, maybe a little. " She finished crossing her arms

'Cute,' I thought as I looked at her in awe.

Thoma laughed at her, and then he suggested they headed back to the base to wait for us.

After they left, the boys and I came out of our hiding spot.

"Boss, was it really alright to spy on them?"

"Don't worry, they won't find out." I said ," Plus, we were just keeping an eye on kanami. That guy could have been with the tenryou commission or something. But he wasn't, so it's all fine, " I said, trying to sound smart in front of the three.

The three nodded, and we soon decided to go back home.


(Word count: 3236)

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