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Name: Y/n Kaedehara / kanami Kaedehara (this fanfic is really about an oc I've made recently but i wanted to make it an x reader cause I feel more people would read it if it was an x reader fanfic then an oc x itto fanfic. Even though I'm basically writting this for myself cause I need to figure out kanami's story. I'll probably post a picture on here once I'm finished drawing it. I've done a character sheet in my sketch book but I'll draw something on my tablet so it looks nicer and i dont like taking a picture of my sketch book cause my shadow is always in the way.)

Vision: hydro

Family: kazuha (brother)

Personality: very calm but can be very childish because she was isolated as a kid and wasn't allowed to play with other kids.

Age: 20

Height: 4'9 (smol)

Weapon: sword


That morning I woke up to birds chirping and a small breeze tounching any exposed skin.

When i opened my eyes I found myself sleeping on a grassy hill.

I had finally gotten a rest that day from running from the vision hunt decree.

The vision hunt decree started 1 year ago.
Coincidently that also so happens to be the last time I saw my brother, kazuha Kaedehara.

We both had to flee as soon as we found out we where wanted criminals. Kazuha wanted to get off inazuma as soon as we could but me... I just couldn't. I couldn't run away and abandon the land I grew up in, despite the risks.

So I ended up staying in inazuma while kazuha set off to sea before the boarders to inazuma was closed.

Thinking back, it probably would've been smarter if i did follow my brother back then...*sigh*... oh well, what's done is done.

I sat up and stretched my arms.

I looked to the side of me to see my mothers and fathers graves.

While running from the vision hunt decree, I must of ran here on impulse .

My dad died just before the vision hunt decree started. As for my mom... I never met her. She died when both me and kazuha where very young. To young to even remember what our mother looked like or what she sounded like.

When me and kazuha where old enough dad forced us to learn the art of the sword. It was a Family tradition after all. By the time me and kazuha where born the Kaedehara clan weren't as famously known as much as we used to be. But despite that dad had the same responsibilities as my ancestors before him. Maybe that's why he died in the end, cause he was working so hard.

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