Baby, We're A Hurricane (Bral...


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Dallon and Brendon were friends, but it wasn't seen as that on both sides. Brendon wanted more. He is questio... Еще

1. Girls/Girls/Boys
2. The Calm
3. The Storm
5. Kicking & Screaming
6. Why Worrry
7. The End Of All Things
8. New Perspective
9. A Single Moment Of Sincerity
10. Change
11. Who Are You Now
12. You're Invited
13. Mistakes
14. Stall Me
15. Therapy
16. Can't Fight Against The Youth
17. I Wanna Be Free
18. Collar Full
19. Thriller
20. I'm Down
21. Disappear (Remember When)
22. If You Like It Or Not
23. Don't You Go
24. Hurricane (Ending)

4. End In Tragedy

2.8K 164 252

I was at my locker, making sure to take my time. I wasn't looking forward to any classes. Not even music.

"Brendon, hurry!" Patrick pulled on my sleeve.

"Just go on without me. I think I'm going to skip this one." I dismissed him. He walked to class in a hurry, pushing past people. I put everything in my locker and shut it quietly. I went to the bathroom and hid in there until lunch.

Dallon was sitting at the table with my friends, but there wasn't a seat for me. Caitlyn sat in my seat again. I looked around for Ryan and couldn't find him. I gave up and walked towards an empty table. I ended up putting my head in my hands.

This isn't the first time he's done this. I haven't been able to hold a conversation for two weeks because of him. I can't talk to my friends because Dallon pulls them away. He's been making fun of me and pushing me around for a while too. Ryan has helped me a lot, but I haven't seen him around recently. It's like he disappeared.

"Bren?" I heard his voice. I removed my hands and looked up at him.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I wasn't here for a few days." Ryan sat down next to me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I have to eat dinner with Dallon tonight and it's stressful." I said.

"Call me if you need anything. I'll pick you up if you need me to." He reassured me. I nodded and grabbed his water.

"Mind if I take it?" I asked.

"Go ahead. I have another one in my bag." He smiled. I drank some of it and put it back on the table.

"So I was wondering if I could stay with you for a few days? I think my parents are going to get divorced soon and I rather not watch it crumble." He asked.

"Aw, Ry, of course you can. How come you didn't tell me sooner?" I asked, shocked. He shrugged, obviously not wanting to talk about it. I hugged him real quick and let him eat his food. We talked about music until the bell rang.

"I think I'm just going to go home. I'll see you tonight." I said. Ryan waved and went on to his last classes. I went to my locker and grabbed my phone and keys. No need in bringing my shit home. I never do the work anyway. I walked to my car and texted Ryan the time to come over tonight.

I sat in the front seat of my car and drove away from the school. I know my mom is going to be mad at me tonight, but I could care less. Dad should be back soon anyway. She'll be too busy with him to yell at me for skipping again.

I pulled into the driveway and went inside my house. It wasn't locked, which was strange. I walked in slowly, bracing myself.

"Skipping again, Brendon?" I heard his voice. I jumped and turned to face to couch.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I exclaimed, startled.

"Sorry. I'll keep this one from your mother. You should go somewhere until school lets out so I'm not completely lying." My dad chuckled.

"Thank you." I waved and went back out to my car. I know exactly where I'm going. I started up the engine and pulled out of the driveway.

I parked my car near the swings and began walking. I made sure I had that water bottle I got from Ryan at lunch before entering the woods. I continued to walk down a large trail until I came to a clearing. It was a small, secluded clearing on a hill with a large boulder sitting in the middle of the trees and flowers. I decided to sit on the huge rock and think. Let my mind run wild.

I was deep in my thoughts when I got a text message, bringing me back to reality.

Spencer- So Dallon won't let you work with me. He said he's not using the song you wrote either so we're stuck.

I sighed and typed my response.

Me- It's fine. He's just mad at me. Don't let him ruin your grade over it.

I put my phone back in my pocket and laid back on the rock. I continued to stare up at the clouds and let my thoughts take over. It was very quiet and calm, which I loved. It was easy to collect my thoughts up here. I hope no one comes over here. I'd like to claim this clearing and make it mine so I can come here when I need to. Once again, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Dall- You better not show up tonight. I don't want you to infect my family.

I rolled my eyes and threw my phone towards a tree. He doesn't know what he's talking about. He's following what he's been told to follow. I can't change the way he sees things. I wish I could, but I can't.

I sat there for a few more minutes and cleared my mind, making sure to calm myself down. Once I was calm, I got up and went to get my phone. I picked it up and started walking to my car. I unlocked my phone to check the time and almost fell over a bump in the trail. It's 5:30! How long have I been here?! I practically ran to my car and jumped in. My mom will be so pissed if I'm late!

I got home at 5:45 and my mom wasn't home yet. I walked inside and went into the kitchen.

"Hey. I'm back." I said. My dad looked up from his magazine.

"You were gone for a while. Where were you?" He asked.

"Just a special place I found today." I brushed it off. He nodded and continued to read his magazine.

"Go fix you're hair. We're going over there early." He ordered.

"What about mom?" I asked.

"She's going to be here in a few," He said. "Now go."

I nodded and walked to my room. Why did he need to rush me off?

"Damn, nice hair." I jumped, immediately looking at my bed.

"Ryan, you ass!" I yelled. He laughed and laid back on my bed.

"I came over after school and asked if I could stay for a few days. He said I could and we're staying here while they go to dinner." He explained. I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you!" I screamed. I let him go and sat on my bed.

"You got me out of my issue, I got you out of yours." He shrugged. My dad came up and knocked on my door. He opened it and smiled at me.

"Your mom told me about the issues with Dallon, so I decided to let you stay home." He smiled. My stomach dropped.

"Thanks." I returned the smile as he walked out. He shut my door behind him, leaving Ryan and I alone.

"Dude, they don't know I'm gay. My mom would accept me and all, but I don't know about my dad. What if Dallon tells them? How will my dad react?" I started to freak out.

"Hey, calm down. Breathe." He instructed. I calmed down after a few minutes and sat there in a trance. My thoughts were taking over again.

"Can we do something? Anything at all. I need to get out." I asked.

"We can go to the old, abandoned park?" He offered. I nodded and jumped up. We put our shoes on and walked out of the house. They left for dinner already, so I had to lock the door.

We eventually made it to the park. I ran up to the swings. No matter what you put at a park, I will always go for the swings first. They're my favorite thing.

"Bren, come do this with me!" Ryan yelled. I looked up and seen him sitting on an old merry go round. I laughed at went to spin him around.

"Okay stop! I'm gonna puke!" He shouted. I stopped the merry go round and let him get off of it.

"You went too fast for me!" He said. I laughed at him and got on it.

"Do your worst." I dared him.

"Oh, it's on." He said. He started to spin me and picked up pace quickly. It got to the point where the world was blurry and I couldn't stand up.

"Okay, okay stop!" I chuckled. I didn't feel sick, just dizzy. I got off and rubbed my eyes. My phone went off and took my attention away from the activities.

Dall- Glad your faggot ass didn't show up. I have a surprise for you...

Ryan walked up and read the message over my shoulder.

"That fucker!" He said angrily.

"Ryan, calm down." I said. It always scared me when he got mad.

"Right, sorry." He apologized. I nodded and hugged him quickly, hoping to calm him down quicker.

"Why don't you delete his number?" He asked calmly.

"Cause I'll need it eventually." I made an excuse. Truth is, I don't want to lose contact with him. I want to be his friend again. I still love him.

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