The Forgotten Princess

By natnat2019

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CHAPTERS 101-105
CHAPTERS 106-110
CHAPTERS 111-115
CHAPTERS 116-120
CHAPTERS 121-125
CHAPTERS 126-130
CHAPTERS 131-135
CHAPTERS 136-140
CHAPTERS 141-145
CHAPTERS 146-150
CHAPTERS 151-155
CHAPTERS 156-160
CHAPTERS 161-165
CHAPTERS 166-170
CHAPTERS 171-175
CHAPTERS 176-180
CHAPTERS 181-185
CHAPTERS 186-190
CHAPTERS 191-195
CHAPTERS 196-200
CHAPTERS 201-205
CHAPTERS 206-210
CHAPTERS 211-215
CHAPTER 216-220
CHAPTERS 221-225
CHAPTERS 226-230
CHAPTERS 231-235
CHAPTERS 236-240
CHAPTERS 241-245
CHAPTERS 246-250
CHAPTER 251-255
CHAPTER 256-260
CHAPTERS 261-265
CHAPTERS 266-270
CHAPTERS 271-275
CHAPTERS 276-280
CHAPTERS 281-285
CHAPTERS 286-290
CHAPTERS 291-295
CHAPTERS 296-300
CHAPTERS 306-310
CHAPTERS 311-315
CHAPTERS 316-320
CHAPTERS 321-325
CHAPTERS 326-330
CHAPTERS 331-335
CHAPTERS 336-340
CHAPTERS 341-345
CHAPTERS 346-350
CHAPTERS 351-355
CHAPTERS 356-360
CHAPTERS 361-365
CHAPTERS 366-370
CHAPTERS 371-375
CHAPTERS 376-380
CHAPTERS 381-385
CHAPTERS 386-390
CHAPTERS 391-395
CHAPTERS 396-400
CHAPTERS 401-405
CHAPTERS 406-410
CHAPTERS 411-415
CHAPTERS 416-420
CHAPTERS 421-425
CHAPTERS 426-430
CHAPTERS 431-435
CHAPTERS 436-440
CHAPTERS 441-445
CHAPTER 446-450
CHAPTERS 451-455
CHAPTERS 456-460
CHAPTERS 461-465
Chapter 466 (R-18)

CHAPTERS 301-305

208 8 0
By natnat2019

Chapter 301: Notorious Bandits (1)

(Third Person POV)

The sun has just set, and the night has just fallen in the woods near the village. Outside the village's entrance, the bandits were using the darkness under the trees to shroud their presence.

"Boss, there are someone guarding the village's entrance." One of the bandits reported.

The boss of this notorious group was a big muscular guy. His skin was of a darker shade and on his left eye he was wearing an eye patch. He has lots of scars visible on his exposed skin as well.

"Guarding the entrance, you say?" The boss asked skeptically. "Maybe they are just some of the villages men. They won't pose a threat to us." He waved his hand to dismiss his subordinate.

"B-But boss, these men do not look like the scrawny men from the village." The subordinate said. "They are quite well built, and they are carrying weapons such as swords and bows."

The boss looked at his subordinate with doubting eyes, but he cannot just push away this news.

"I understand." The boss said. "I will go there and check."

The boss of the bandits walked towards the direction of the entrance to the village. When he was getting near, he became very cautious as to not make unnecessary noise.

Tonight, was a new moon, this is the best to conceal one's presence. The bandits were confident that this village was easy to raid, but the news that mercenaries have been rented to safeguard other villages, they were cautious. Because of this news, they were not able to raid the rich villages that surely have hired these mercenaries.

The boss crouched just along the trees near the village's entrance.

"Tsk, so it is true." The boss said with a hushed voice. "They are mercenaries."

"What are we going to do boss?" The subordinate replied in a hush tone.

The bandits had a hard time raiding village upon village because of the mercenary guards stationed. They took casualties after clashing with the group for countless times. That is why they picked this poor village, because they knew they did not have the money to hire mercenaries to protect them. The bandits thought that they can live by the few spoils they could find until they find some new recruits into their group.

'Who would have thought that these villagers could have the money to hire these mercenaries to protect them.' The boss thought with irritation.

"Let us go back to the others for now." The boss said. "You keep watch here. Lay low and do not let them notice you. Report to me anything you find suspicious." He ordered one of his subordinates.

"Yes." The subordinate replied.

The boss and the other subordinate got back to the group of bandits.

"What is it boss, any problem with the village?" One of the bandits asked.

"Yeah boss. We can just raid them right now." The other bandits said cockily.

The boss looked at his group of bandits. The numbers have dwindled, but still they are at least a few dozen strong. The guards he saw on the entrance were only two men.

'But what if there are still some more inside the village?' The boss thought.

But he shook his head. This village was known to be poor. They cannot hire more mercenaries to keep watch every single night.

"There are mercenaries keeping watch at the front entrance." The boss said. "I saw two of them, maybe there are more inside."

"This village was able to hire mercenaries?" A bandit was shocked.

"How could they? They are dirt poor." Another one replied.

"We picked this village to evade the mercenaries, but here they are." One of the bandits said.

"Yeah, we knew this village would be poor to raid but we did not have a choice because of the mercenary group that has been blocking our way." Another one said. "I was looking forward on tasting their women at least."

"Yeah, that is right." One of the bandits said. "Those f*cking mercenaries are disrupting our line of work."

"Hey boss, you said there are only two of them guarding." Said one. "Even though they have others inside the village, they will not be that great of a number, right? We are at least a few dozen here. We can take them on."

The boss heeded his men's words. It is true that these mercenary group was an obstacle for them. They have clashed with them for a number of times now. He knew how skilled these mercenaries are in fighting. But they also have an advantage in numbers now.

"We can get revenge for our fallen comrades." A bandit said.

"Yeah, let us take revenge on these mercenaries at least." The other one agreed.

"I agree to that." The boss replied. "But let us still be cautious. Let as make a plan that will surely get us victory."

The boss was also furious towards this mercenary group that have been disrupting their so called 'business'.

'The Crimsons Mercenaries.' The boss thought. 'They were dubbed bandits for a cause not too long ago. Hah, pathetic.'

"Let us start to take revenge on our fallen comrades." The boss said proudly. There was a sinister loon on his face.

"I have a plan." One bandit raised his hand. He was rather meek looking to be a bandit. It was like he was the odd ball from these group of bandits. "I know someone inside. We can ask him about information regarding the mercenaries staying inside the village."

"That is a great idea, David." Another bandit said. "We can ask him where these mercenaries are lodging, and we can slit their throats while they sleep."

"Can you contact that person right now?" The boss asked. "Whatever happens, we need to do this tonight. Let us use the element of surprise."

"Y-Yes, I have a way to contact her boss." David replied meekly.

"Then call her right now." The boss said with a grin on his face.


Time went by and David came back with a young woman.

"Ho, ho, ho, what do we have here?" A bandit said.

"She looks pretty." One bandit said. "Is she your lover?"

"Hahah, what a shock. You have a beautiful lover tucked away in this remote village." Another one said.

"Why don't we play with her after we are done with our job." The other one said.

The notorious looking bandits were starting to hover around the young man. David used his body as a shield to stop the other bandits' advances.

"P-Please stop this." David said. "She is pregnant."

"Oho, you little rascal you." A bandit teased him.

"Stop it." The boss interjected. "This is not the time to entertain your lusts. This woman is David's so just lay off. There are other women in the village for the taking once we are thru."

"Woo-hoo." The bandits shouted. "Boss really is the best."

"Now, little missy. What can you tell us about the mercenaries inside your village?" The boss looked at the young woman quite intimidatingly.

The young man cowered in fear and held onto David's sleeves. "I-I know they are at least five in total."

"Five you say." The boss said. "Well that is quite a few."

"T-The village elder only had the right amount to h-hire five." The young woman said. "A-And the village is not that big. Five strong and sturdy mercenaries would suffice, t-they say."

"Hmmm like I thought." The boss said. "How about where are they staying, you know?"

"Y-Yes." The young woman replied. "T-The inn at the f-far end of the village."

"Hmm, that seems to understandable." The boss said. 'Having the others stay at the other end of the village while two are stationed near the entrance. That makes sense.' He thought.

The boss at least knew that the mercenaries have good sense of defense at least. They have stationed men at both entrances. They may be small in number, but this was a good way to form a defensive stance. If ever the mercenaries caught site of them, they can seal the village's entrances and their chance to raid this village would be zero.

"Do you have any other information about the mercenaries?" The boss asked the young woman.

The young woman was still intimidated with the bandit boss' appearance and was still visibly frightened.

"It is okay, you can tell them." David encouraged.

"I-I heard them talking at the pub I was working at." The young woman said. "They said that at eight sharp, they would change shifts in the front entrance. B-but the one that would change with the person guarding now said he might be late for a few minutes b-because he had an upset stomach."

"Hahahaha, what are the odds!" The boss laughed out loud. "It looks like, lady luck is smiling on us."

The other bandits were visibly happy as well. They now have a chance to get in with only one guarding the front entrance. If they were quick, the alarm will not be set off and the doors will not be closed before they enter.

"If we silently kill the one guard then we can enter." The other bandit said.

"We will split in too two group." The boss said. "One group will go in the front entrance and be on guard there. The other group will follow me and pay the other mercenaries a visit." He had a sinister grin on his face.


Chapter 302: Notorious Bandits (2)

(Third Person POV)

The bandits started to form two groups right after. They waited out until the designated time of the change of shifts had come. Like the informant said, at eight o'clock sharp the two men guarding the entrance left their posts.

"Such diligent bastards." The boss swore with a low voice.

But after the two mercenary guards left, no one came to change their guard post. What the informant had said was only one had a stomachache, so there should be one other to replace the guard post.

"This is odd." The boss said with the feeling of uneasiness.

"What are we waiting for boss?" One of bandits asked.

"Yeah, it looks like the other one is not coming." Another one of the bandits said.

The boss still had second thoughts. He noticed something out of the ordinary and had an itchy feeling about it.

"This is our chance boss." One of the bandits whispered to him. "Like you said, lady luck is on our side tonight."

The boss nodded in agreement and pushed away the doubt in his mind.

"Then let us still split in two group." The boss said. "One will go to deal with the mercenaries at the inn, while my group will go to the village leader. I need to pay him a visit."

The boss was irritated with the mayor for giving them such a hard time in hiring mercenaries.

"If he just had become a submissive good boy and let us in with open arms, then I will not be this irritated." The boss said.

One of the boss' reason to go to the village leader's office was also because the store house for food is found there. The village maybe low on monetary and valuable objects to steal, but at least they always store food to keep the villagers fed until the next harvest season.

One of the main reasons why the bandits particularly chose this village was because of the bountiful harvest they have every harvest time. And because the first harvest was just finished, the bandits knew that the village have ample food to keep their bellies filled until the next year. It was the bandits' boss that thought to lay low for a while these mercenaries were out and about clashing with them in every turn.

"Come, let's go quietly." The boss told the others.

The group of bandits emerged from the tree line and confidently marched inside the village. It was quite late at night and so only a few of the villagers saw their entry.

"What are you looking at?" One bandit strike fear onto the villagers they saw on the road.

The villagers looked at the bandits with fright. They rushed into their houses and locked their doors.

"Hehe, as if that can help them." One of the bandits said.

"There are some lookers here." Another said.

"We will have a fun night tonight." One of them said.

"You can do all that after you finished your job." The boss said. "But I have always liked the village leader's daughter. She must be all grown up now."

"Hehe, you have such fine taste boss." One bandit said.

"Enough of this. Now go to your job." The boss said with force.

"Yes!" The bandits replied.

The bandits split into two groups as they planned. The other took the road towards the inn where the informant said the mercenaries were staying. The boss' group took the road towards the village leader's office.

It did not take long when the boss' group arrived at their destination. The store house where the harvested food was stored was just beside the village leader's office building.

"You, go and take a look at the store house." The boss pointed to the group of bandits. "You two accompany me."

The group of bandits walked towards the store house while the boss and two of his subordinates followed him.

"Will you let us get a taste as well boss?" One of the bandits asked.

"Yeah boss. We have been good and loyal to you since we started the group." The other said.

"You can have a taste of her after me." The boss had a sinister smile on his face.

The boss opened the door with a bang. The first floor's lights were on, but it was quite quiet.

"Hello, is anybody here?" The boss yelled. His voice vibrated inside the building's entrance hall.

"You know hiding will not do you any good." One of the bandits said.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." The other one said.

They looked around, trying to find any person around. The boss looked up the second floor and saw light seeping out from the slightly opened - door. That door should be the entrance to the village leader's office.

The boss took the flight of stairs going to the second floor.

"Boss, should we still look down here?" One of the bandits asked.

"Yes, I am sure that his daughter should be around here somewhere." The boss replied. "But remember not to lay a finger on her until I do, or I will cut out your hand." He said menacingly.

"We understand boss." The two replied in unison.

The boss continued to climb up the stairs and walked towards the slightly opened door. He took a peek and saw someone sitting on the chair with the back facing him. The boss grinned after seeing the person he thought the village leader.

"Well, well, well. You gave us such a hard time village leader." The boss said with a proud demeanor. "I never thought you had the money to hire those mercenaries. Maybe you have sold a lot of your valuable just to pay them."

The person seating on the chair remained silent with the bandit boss' words and this made him curious.

"Do you know what that Crimson Mercenary bastard had done to my group?" The boss' voice started to get high pitched. "They have killed few of my good men. They have disrupted my business dealing with other villages. And to think you as well have done the same and hire them."

The person still did not reply to the bandit boss' words. This made him irritated but still calmed himself down.

"Heh, you will pay the price for what you did. My men have probably deal with the mercenaries by now, and that means this village is ours for the taking. I will spare your life for old times' sake, but with a price. I want your daughter in bed with me this night." The boss said. "I remember your little girl was quite a beauty when she was still young. By now she must have grown to a beautiful lady. Be thankful that I was the one to choose her. If it was my subordinates, then I cannot guarantee she will be left unscathed."

There was no reaction to the boss' words. It was as if all of his words were given to deaf ears. This infuriated the boss even more. He quickly took out is big battle ax that was saddled at his back.

"Will you say nothing!" The boss yelled. "I will cut you down where you sit you mother f*cker!" He swore.

Then the seat turned around ever so slowly. The boss' eye that was not hidden in an eye patch went wide. He was shocked looking at the person seating on the chair.

"W-Who are you?" The boss said with goose bumps.

The man seating on the chair was a young man with black hair and blue eyes. All the hair on the boss' body stood in attention. He can feel the terrifying aura the young man was emitting.

"Y-You are not the village elder." The boss said. "Who are you and where is the village elder!" He demanded.

"The village elder you say." The young man's voice was coated with coldness. "I have let him go home early."

"W-What?!" The boss was confused. He did not know who this man was, but what he knew based on experience was this man was just an ordinary person. He was emitting such an aura that only seasoned warriors that had many experiences in the battlefield emits. "Are you one of those mercenary bastard?"

The young man looked at the boss with a blank gaze, like he was looking on trash.

"Me? Well, you have no right to know my name." The young man said. "But to you at least I can say that... I am the one that will end your pathetic life."

The young man stood up slowly. The boss was feeling his knee weakening in fright, but he stood firm after remembering that he too was a seasoned warrior in the battlefield. He was laid off from the Jennovian army because of the injury on his eye that turned him blind. He was stripped of his rank and was cast out without any severance payment that they were promised. He became resentful and hateful of those who were in authority and on top, hence he rebelled and founded this bandit group to harass the people of this continent.

"I am not afraid of you!" The boss held his battle axed firm and stood in a battle stance.

The young man drew out his sword, his killing aura intensified even more.


Something fell at the back of the boss. When he looked around, he saw his two subordinates lying on the floor with fatal wounds on their bodies and blood oozing out.

"B-Boss... save me." One that was still breathing said and held onto the boss' shoe.

"W-What happened?!" The boss asked in surprise.

"It looks like your subordinates are dealt with accordingly." The young man's tone was menacing. "It is your turn to pay for your crimes."

The young man charged towards the bandit's boss.


Chapter 303: The Bandits Annihilation (1)

(Regaleon's POV)

-A few hours before the bandits' attack-

I called on Brad who was leading the team of mercenaries to guard this village. It was best to make counter measures on the bandits that planned to attack tonight. My men and the mercenaries were banded together to form a plan.

"What did you say, your majesty?" Brad was surprised with information. "So those bandits are outside the village just waiting for nightfall to attack?!"

"It is what I have said." I said with a calm demeanor. "The bandit group that are notorious of the crimes of thievery, rape and murder are outside of this village, just waiting to attack."

Brad was clearly furious in learning of this news. "Those fucking bastards did not learn their lesson in our past confrontations."

Brad had recounted to us the many times they have confronted with these notorious bandits. They were able to dwindle the bandits' numbers and always emerge victorious in their confrontation, but the bandits always escape. Those that get caught could be tortured for information, but by the time the mercenaries go to the said hide out, the bandits would be gone and have moved on to a different location.

"They are quite troublesome indeed." I said with slight irritation. "And that is why I am here to propose a cooperation with you. It would be best that we wipe them all tonight, to prevent them from harming anyone in the future."

My men and the mercenaries all nodded in agreement.

"I am happy that you will lend a hand to us your majesty." Brand kneeled in one knee while the other mercenaries followed his actions. "We are honored to fight alongside you."

"Rise, all of you." I said with a solemn voice. "I am also honored to have you fight by my side."

The mercenaries had wide smiled on their faces. I heard of them murmur something about me.

"Can you believe it? We are going to fight alongside the famous 'Black Devil' himself."

"Yes. This is really an honor to us lowly mercenaries."

"Have you heard about his black dragon army? It is said that it is the greatest in the continent. It had won countless battles, specially the one in the civil war in Grandcrest years ago."

"It is said that all of the soldiers in the black dragon army are elites."

"His majesty is really a god of war."

I heard the praise me and it made me quite embarrassed.

"I am not that great." I said with a straight face. But deep down, I was quite embarrassed with their praise.

"Hush now." Brad scolded his men. "Are you not embarrassed that the one that you are talking about can hear you."

"Sorry sir." The mercenaries said. "Sorry your majesty."

"It is fine." I said with a wave of my hand. "Let us talk about the problem at hand."

"Yes, your majesty." Brad replied. "Would you like us to make a surprise attack on those bandits now? I am sure they do not know that we are informed of their presence outside the village."

Brad's suggestion of a sneak attack would be the most suggested tactic anyone would think about in this kind of situation. But I did not agree to this tactic at all. And that is because in such an open and wide space, there will be bandits that can escape.

"I disagree on that." I politely refused to Brad's suggestion. "A surprise attack is a good plan, but there will be always someone that can escape from our clutches in such a wide and open space. I would like to finish all of them in one go. I would like to obliterate them all tonight." I can feel the irritation building up inside of me.

The men flinched while I give off a menacing aura. I could not hide the irritation I was feeling just by thinking that my wife will be in harms what if they attack.

"If so your majesty, do you have a plan in mind?" Brad looked at me with curious eyes.

"I would like to lure them all inside the village. Make them think that the village is defenseless, and they have the upper hand in the fight with the mercenaries that guards this village." I said. "I am sure that they have seen you and your men guarding the entrance. They might be planning how to deal with you right now."

I told the men of my plan. We have to lure them all inside the village, let them feel that they are superior in strength and nothing will get in their way. By the time they enter, we will seal all the exits so that they will not have any chance of escape.

Of course, there will be a battle between them and us that will ensue, so we need to tell the villagers beforehand to stay in their homes and lock the doors. They must not go out at any cost, because these bandits are sure to take hostages. They are said to be heartless and can kill innocents without second thoughts.

'These kinds of men should not be permitted to live.' I thought. Anger started to boil inside of me just by thinking of the past crimes these bandits have done.

"Then all is settled then." Chris said while we polish our plan. "It would be great though if we can ambush them in a specific location. The village maybe small but it is still best to lure them in one location and ambush them there."

Chris had a point. The village is still wide for our group of men to guard. If we are able to lure them in one specific location, then luring them into a trap and ambushing them will be more efficient. It also lessens casualties to people and surroundings, and we can attain victory in a small amount of time.

"Excuse me, your majesty." The villager leader interrupted. "There is someone outside that would like to have a word with you. They said that they can lend a hand against the bandits."

"Let them in." I was curious who this person would be.

Not long two people came inside our meeting area, it was a young man and woman. The woman had a small bulge in her stomach and clearly pregnant in her early months.

"W-We would like to help." The young woman said with frightened eyes. "M-My husband David... he is a member of the bandits that is stalking us outside."

"What?!" Brad was about to pull out his sword and the other men was about to do the same, but I raised a hand to stop them.

"Let them speak." I ordered. The men had let go of their swords with some hesitation. Their eyes the young man that was standing with the pregnant woman.

"I-I want to leave the bandit group when I saw what bad things they have done." David said. His expression was a mixture of fear and regret. "I have thought many times to leave, b-but I was afraid because the boss... he could kill anyone. And I was afraid that if I defect, they will not let me leave the group alive."

"Then why did you join in the first place, huh?" Brad said, seething his anger.

"It was because of me." The young woman stepped forward. "W-We are a young couple and as you can see this village is poor. My husband, he had dreamed of us leaving this village and making our way to the capital to have a more bountiful life for our family and with our baby on its way. But to do that, we should at least have some money to start."

"I-I thought that I can make fast money if I join the bandits. And if I have accumulated a good amount then I can leave the group and start a new life with my wife and child in the capital." David said meekly. "B-But what the bandits have done in each of their raids, I cannot stomach it. I will give back everything that I acquired if that means I can get out of the group and come back to my wife safely." I saw that the young couple's words are clearly genuine.

'This man just wanted to give his family a good life.' I thought. 'But he chose the wrong path to take.'

"If you can help us, then I will clear you of your crime in associating yourself with these bandits." I said. "That is, if you did not do any crimes besides thievery." I looked at him with a piercing gaze.

David flinched when he saw me looking at him, his body shaking. "I promise you I did not do anything other than stealing. I cannot stomach the sight of blood of even lay my hands on any woman other than my wife."

"That is true." His wife chimed in. "Please believe us. Please believe my husband. He did not do anything other than stealing."

"Then I will take your word." I said with a chilling voice. "But remember, if I knew that your husband is lying, then I can only punish him. And the punishment on lying to a monarch, is death."

The young couple was clearly shivering but they were firm with their statement. And after that we have made a concreate plan on how to deal with these bandits.

'I will surely annihilate these bandits from this continent.' Was the thought I had in mind. My anger in me only heightened my desire to obliterate them.


Chapter 304: The Bandits Annihilation (2)

(Regaleon's POV)

The young couple had gone out after we have talked to them. They were adamant in cooperating with us and agreed to be the so-called informant and go to the bandits' side to give them false information, in short our bait to lure them into a trap.

"I hope they do not spill the beans." Brad who was by my side said.

"The young husband seeks redemption from his wrong ways. Who are we not to give them a second chance?" I said with a neutral tone.

"Well... you are the king and future emperor. If there is anyone who has the right to punish the guilty, it is you your majesty." Brad said scratching his head.

Brad's words are true, I am the ruling monarch of Grandcrest and also the future emperor once these war ends. But I am not someone that heartless to cut someone who is seeking redemption.

"I am still a fair judge. And this place is still outside my jurisdiction." I smiled at Brad. "Punishing criminals inside Alvannian territory is still under the Alvannian King's power. I will leave the judging to my brother-in-law."

My father-in-law is still king in name, but he has passed his work onto his son not long ago. They are just waiting for Richard to come of age until his father steps down from his seat and give it to his son. Even after I become emperor of this continent, this territory is still under the watchful eyes of my brother-in-law. I am confident that he would be a great and wise ruler, one that General Robert taught him to be.

"But are you not thinking of annihilating the bandit group tonight?" Brad said questioningly.

"Those that surrender will be given a chance to live and pay for their crimes." It was Chris that replied. "Those who intend to fight back will be killed." He said with a straight face.

"I will leave the bandits that surrenders my brother-in-law's hands." I added. "The crime took place here in Alvannia, so they will be on trial here as well. I am sure they will be given their just punishments."

"I see..." Brad said nodding his head in understanding. "Well then I will be on my way to the inn and start preparing for the trap. See you later your majesty." I nodded as he excused himself.

I was doing the last preparations before departing when Chris called my attention.

"Your majesty." Chris called. "The village leaders would like to have a word with you."

"Let him in." I replied.

The village leader was a middle-aged man with medium built. He looked at me with nervousness in his eyes.

"I greet his majesty the king of Grandcrest." The village leader bowed before me.

To prepare for the upcoming raid of the bandits, I have told the village leader of my true identity. At first, he was doubtful as to why would the king of Grandcrest come to such a worn-down village such as this, but when I showed him proof of my identity, a medallion with the royal seal of Grandcrest, he believed in the end. He was clearly not accustomed to being in the presence of royalty, hence he looked nervous all the time.

"What can I do for you?" I asked him.

"W-Well your majesty, the boss of these bandit group, I think there is a possibility he would go pay a visit to me in my office." The village leader said.

I looked at him with confusion. "Why would you say that he would pay you a visit."

My mind was running for the possibilities. It was either he knew the bandit's boss personally, or maybe he had been on cahoots with him. I looked at him with a piercing gaze.

"I-It is not what you think your majesty." The village leader waved his hand, frantically denying. "What I mean is that... he had raided this village a few times before for food and supplied. He knows that the store house is near my office. A-And..." The village leader was hesitant with the next reason.

"And?" I asked becoming impatient with his hesitation.

"A-And, he came to have a liking to my daughter." The village leader said.

"Your daughter?" I asked.

"Y-Yes your majesty." The village leader said. "Even if we came from a humble life, my daughter was gifted with beauty. The bandit's boss had taken a liking to her since she was still young. And now that she grown into a lovely young lady, I am afraid he would..." He was not able to finish his sentence, but with just a few words I understood what he meant.

"I understand." I said. "You may go. Thank you for the information."

"Y-Yes, of course your majesty." The village leader bowed once again and left.

With the information given by the village leader, this just means that the bandit group could be split into two. One would deal with the mercenaries guarding this village, that is where we have set a trap. The other one will go with the bandit boss to the village leader's office.

"Chris." I called out to him.

"Yes, your majesty." Chris replied instantly.

"It looks like we would need our group to split into two." I said. "Inform Brad of this. You and I together with some of our men will be in the village leader's office building and wait for the bandit boss to arrive."

"As you wish." Chris replied and executed my order swiftly.


I was inside the village leader's office, waiting for the bandit boss to arrive. And like what the village leaders have said earlier, indeed the bandit boss has gone to visit the office.

I heard the footsteps of someone going up the stairs. My back is facing the door, concealing my identity.

"Well, well, well. You gave us such a hard time village leader." The boss said with a proud demeanor. "I never thought you had the money to hire those mercenaries. Maybe you have sold a lot of your valuable just to pay them."

I heard the arrogant voice of the bandit boss. Just hearing it made me irritated.

"Do you know what that Crimson Mercenary bastard had done to my group?" The boss' voice started to get high pitched. "They have killed few of my good men. They have disrupted my business dealing with other villages. And to think you as well have done the same and hire them."

This person is spouting nonsense. His words made the Crimson Bandits the villains blocking his path.

"Heh, you will pay the price for what you did. My men have probably dealt with the mercenaries by now, and that means this village is ours for the taking. I will spare your life for old times' sake, but with a price. I want your daughter in bed with me this night." The boss said. "I remember your little girl was quite a beauty when she was still young. By now she must have grown to a beautiful lady. Be thankful that I was the one to choose her. If it was my subordinates, then I cannot guarantee she will be left unscathed."

'How dare he spout words about molesting a woman?! He should be erased from this world this very instant.' His words are starting to infuriate me. I clenched my fists hard trying not to pounce on this bastard. I must endure until my men are done dealing with the bandits outside.

"Will you say nothing!" The boss yelled. "I will cut you down where you sit you mother f*cker!" He swore.

'It looks like all is done.' I thought to myself after I saw what was happening outside using Tempest eyes. My men had become victorious and round up the bandits in no time.

I turned around ever so slowly. The man before me should be the bandits' boss. He was a big built man with an eye patch covering his left eye. He looked like a veteran fighter. But seeing him in person infuriated me to the bone.

"W-Who are you?" The boss said clearly frightened with my deathly aura. "Y-You are not the village elder. Who are you and where is the village elder!" He demanded.

"The village elder you say." I said with a voice so chilling. "I have let him go home early."

"W-What?!" The boss was confused. He did not know who I was but by his looks, he knew I was not someone to be taken lightly. "Are you one of those mercenary bastard?"

I looked at him not intending to reply to his question. He was nothing but scum in my eyes.

"Me? Well, you have no right to know my name." I said giving him a chilling smile. "But to you at least I can say that... I am the one that will end your pathetic life."

I stood up from my chair and walked slowly towards him. Seeing his face made my hatred of him burn more. This man had done many crimes that I cannot even fathom. He is a scum that should be wiped out.

"I am not afraid of you!" The boss held his battle axed firm and stood in a battle stance.

I pulled out my sword from its sheath and pointed it at the bandit boss. I emitted my killing intent towards him.


The door opened behind the bandit boss. My men had taken care of the ones that the boss came with inside the building.

"B-Boss... save me." One that was still breathing said and held onto the boss' shoe.

"W-What happened?!" The boss asked in surprise.

"It looks like your subordinates are dealt with accordingly." I said with a menacing tone. "It is your turn to pay for your crimes."

I charged onto the bandit boss waving my sword towards him.


Chapter 305: The Bandits Annihilation (3)

(Regaleon's POV)

The boss used his battle axe to defend from my sword, but the force of my attack had pushed him out of the door and onto the railing of the second floor. He fell from the railings and down to the first floor with a strong force.


The boss' body gad a strong impact that it made a huge whole onto the wooden floorboards of the first floor. Smoke from the impact spread all over the first floor receiving area.

"*Cough cough cough* that f*cking son of a..." I heard the boss cursed.

With the smoke all over, visibility was hard, but I can tell where the boss' location was after he spoke. Before he finished his sentenced, I launched an attack once again, aiming for his neck for a quick kill.

The boss' eyes went wide when the smoke cleared out on my sudden rush. He was taken by surprise, but he was able to use his battle axe to defend once again.

"F*ck, who are you?!" The boss shouted in rage when we were but inches away, with our weapons between us.

"You do not need to know." My lips raised in one side to make half a smile.

The boss used his strength to push me away from him. I can see sweat forming in his forehead, his breathing became ragged.

'He is feeling afraid.' I smirked. "It looks like you have quite good reflexes for a bandit. It is a shame you put such talents in bad ways." I said with a hint of regret in my voice.

"Shut up!" The boss yelled out loud. "Who are you to lecture me?!" He growled.

"I am no one in particular." I shrugged my shoulders. "But today, I will be your executioner, so prepare yourself." I looked at him like a hunter looking at his prey.

The boss flinched and felt my killing aura. Without any further words, I launched an attack at him with full force.

The bandit's boss was able to parry my attacks, it just proves that he has good fighting abilities.

'But all he could do is parry and dodge my attack.' I thought while I continued rendering him blow after blow.

The bandits' boss was clearly getting tired with my powerful attacks. He has no way to make an attack towards me because he was busy dodging my attacked that are meant to kill him in one go.

"F*ck this!" The boss yelled in irritation. I can see his hands that were holding his body axe shaking. "Huyaahhh!"

Surprisingly, he made a bold move after seeing a once second gap in between my attacks. His battle axe was aimed at my body, but I was able to dodge in no time. It was impressive that he was able to swing such a big battle axe around, that just shows how powerful his strength was. But even if he can swing the big battle axe as is, it was still heavy, and it slows down its attack time. I can easily dodge such an attack.

But what surprised me was the bandit boss was able to make a follow up attack after the first swing. He was coming right at me, swing upon swing. I can read his movements easily and so I was able to dodge with my great reflex.

'He has impressive strength. I give him that.' I thought. 'Too bad he used it in doing bad things.'

My reason to kill me did not change even if I saw such potential in him. People with bad intentions and have done bad things does not have any place in my army. Even with superior skills, one cannot be included under my ranks.

At the last boss' swing, I parried his attack and sent him flying out of the building. He ended up lying on dirt after receiving just a parry from me.

"You have quite good skills." I praised him. "But too bad, your skills are no match for me." I walked out into the open.

The boss was bruised all over. He spat our blood and stood up with the help of his battle axe. I can see his eyes darting around.

'He is planning on escaping.' I thought and smirked.

"Are you trying to escape?" I asked him with a mocking tone. "I think that will not be possible for you."

"What did you say?!" The boss was both astonished and irritated with my words. "What do you mean by that?"

"Are you not wondering where the other bandits that came with have gone?" I asked him.

The boss understood what I meant in no time. He looked around and saw no one in the vicinity.

Just a while ago from Tempest's eyes, I saw at least some dozen bandits coming here with their boss. Their target was the store house full of food stocked for the coming winter season. They thought that everything was according to their plan. They would not have thought that my men were waiting inside the dark store house and ambush them from the inside and outside as well.

"What have you done to me men, you bastard?!" The boss yelled in anger. I was surprised that he has such affection towards his men.

'Comradery between thieves.' I thought.

As a reply to his question, I raised my hand as a sign. My men then went out from the shadows. They had the bandits tied up. There was a small battle, but it only lasted for a few minutes until my men was able to subdue the bandits and they surrendered willingly after.

"B-Boss..." One bandit said.

"We are sorry boss." Another had said.

"We have let you down." One other bandit said.

"You lot..." The boss looked at his subordinates with grief. He could have never thought that we were lying in wait to ambush them.

"Your subordinates were no match for my men." I said as a matter of fact. "It is good that they knew to surrender before they were struck dead. My orders were to kill those that does not want to surrender."

The bandits that were captured shivered with my words. They knew that my words do not have a hint of a lie on it.

"You bastard. You planned this all along." The boss said. He was quite quick witted. "Who the hell are you?!" He pointed his axe towards me.

"You have no right to speak to him that way!" Chris was obviously enraged with the bandit boss' use of words and tone. I raised a hand at Chris to stop his advancement.

"If you would like to know who I am, then I will tell you one of my names in the battlefield." I said with a smirk. "I am called the Black Devil."

The bandit boss had his eyes wide in shock with the mention of my nickname. That means he knows who I am just by hearing it.

"So, you are... the Black Devil." The boss said with a shocked tone. But then he had composed himself and stood firmly on the ground. He pointed his battle axe towards me with fire burning in his eyes. "You, Black Devil. I challenge you onto a one-on-one duel. Winner takes all!"

It has been a while since I was challenge in a one-on-one duel. It was a kind of duel where we can avoid more deaths and shedding blood in the battlefield. It was intended for the leader of both parties to have a one-on-one duel, with the winner who takes it all.

The last one that had challenge me into such a duel was my half-brother in the last civil war for the throne of Grandcrest. I have accepted my half-brother's challenge and fought him within the levels of his capabilities, meaning I did not use magic against him. I killed my brother in that duel only using my superior sword skills that rivaled his.

"Your majesty, you do not need to stoop low and accept this challenge." Chris said with a worried tone. "I can do it in your stead."

"No need, Chris." I waved my hand, denying his offer. "His proposed duel is between the two leaders of both parties, that is me and him. I accept your challenge." I said with dignity.

I have discarded the cape I was wearing onto the ground and readied myself in this duel, the bandit boss did the same. The surroundings became silent, that even a drop of a needle can be heard. The atmosphere was intense and both of us were on high alert.

In such battles, the one with the upper hand was the one to launch an attack first. I watched every muscle of my opponent waiting to block or attack, depending on my opponent's action.

"Hurryyaaahhh...!" The bandit boss made the first move. He was running straight towards me, charging with all his might. The boss axe was right above me in no time.

'Fast.... But not fast enough.' I thought.

I took a step forward and used the cross-guard of my sword to deter the angle of the axe. His axe was out of balance with my action, and with a blink of an eye my blade had made a deep cut onto his broad chest.

The wound on the boss' chest was too deep that blood had gushed out in an instant. He had his eyes wide in shock and took a step back. He held his chest, staining his hands full of blood.

"No... this is not over." The boss still went and charged at me. But his balance was off that I suspect was because of the huge blood loss.

I parried his next attack and he fell down on the ground with a thud.

"It is over." I pointed my sword at him. "You have lost."

The boss was lying on the ground and was not able to get up any longer.

"No! Boss!" His subordinates started to shed tears.

"I... accept my defeat." The boss said.

"Any last words?" I asked.

"If I have any last word *cough* then please *cough cough* do not kill my men that had surrendered." The boss said, his eyes started to cloud.

"You have my word." I said. "The ones that have surrendered will have a fair trial in the courts of Alvannia. They are fortunate that this country does not have a death penalty like Grandcrest has for murderers and rapist."

"T-Thank you." The boss said. And with his last words I pierced my sword onto his chest and to his heart.

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