CHAPTERS 436-440

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Chapter 436 A New Enemy (1)

(Regaleon's POV)

Last night, Alicia and the twins were taken inside the cottage when the fire died down and the enemies have definitely been wiped out. The twins slept instantly after they felt that everything was safe and Alicia was passed out after she was healed. I stayed seated on a chair beside her all night, still worried that something bad might happen to my family.

I did not know when sleep overtook me, but ther next time I opened my eyes the sun was shining outside the window. I felt a warm touch on my hand. When I looked up, I saw Alicia had that is still laying on the bed had opened her eyes, looking at me warily.

"You look tired." Alicia told me with worry in her voice. "How long have you been seated there? Why don't you lay down here in bed with me and rest?"

"I am fine my love." I smiled and stood up from my seat. I planted a kiss on her forehead to extinguish her worry. "I have rested enough. I need to talk to Belgor about what happened last night so I need to get up now. How are you doing?" I asked.

"I am feeling fine." Alicia replied. "Let me come with you." She tried to sit up from the bed.

"You need to rest more." I laid her back down the bed. "You were just injured last night. I might have healed the wound, but your body can feel the fatigue for sure."

Alicia contemplates for a second but she did not get up again. I am sure she can feel her body being tired.

"I will tell you everything that Belgor and I will discuss when I get back. Just take some rest for now, okay?" I said and Alicia nodded in agreement. "The twins also need you to be by their side. I am sure they were surprised from what happened last night."

"Yes, you are right." Alicia sighed. "Just promise me that you will tell me what you will learn later."

"I promise." I said and kissed her forehead once again. "Rest well my love."

I stood up and exited the door. Outside the door were our guards standing guard. William was also standing diligently.

"Have you all gotten rest?" I asked.

"We have rested enough, your majesty." William replied and the other guards nodded in agreement.

"I understand. Then please carry on your duty." I said and walked away. "I will need a report on casualties on our side later, William." I said to him.

"Certainly, your majesty." Willima replied. "I will prepare it for you later."

I nodded and walked out. The sun had risen higher than I expected. It must be almost midday now.

"I slept more than I intended." I said to myself. "I need to find Belgor and talk about those creatures last night."

I saw the aftermath of the attack last night. Majority of the houses were either wrecked or burned. There were certainty many casualties from the Lycans side and from our party as well.

"I should give some aid to the Lycans that live here as well." I made a mental note.

I can see the devastation that the attack brought to this Lycan settlement. They will need help to rebuild once more. Thay will also need medicine for the injured.

It has been a while since I saw such devastation. After the war, we have been living in peace with only minor incidents. No one has anticipated such an attack like last night.

After looking around, I saw Belgor with some of the Lycans clearing up the debris and cleaning. He saw me walking towards them.

"Regaleon." Belgor called to me. "Have you rested enough? How is your wife and children?" He asked.

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