Cold Shards and Warm Stars (O...

By Lumi_agardite

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Oliver and Yohi - mutant brothers, fled from a laboratory on a cold winter night... Their escape was aided by... More

0. Prologue
1. Just a Normal School!
3. A Slight Danger
4. Group Outing
5. Homemade Lunch
6. Lunch in Company
7. A Fun Day with Friends
8. Stressful evening
9. Bleeding Hands
10. The Friendship Agreement
11. No Peace Without Candy
12. Broken Prohibition
13. Hurt and Tears
14. A Revolting Outburst
15. Nauseatingly Pleasant Feelings
16. A Silly and Strange Gift
17. Incredible Tactility
18. Reluctant Participation
19. Warmth in Little Hearts
20. Threat of Exposure
21. What's going to happen next...?
22. Will Everything Be Alright...?
23. Everything Will Be Alright...
24. Epilogue

2. Rivalry

65 7 0
By Lumi_agardite

   Another day at school. Only the third day, and I'm already tired... transitioning from third to seventh grade is quite a challenge! But, continuing to catch up with the curriculum at home, I'll surely manage! However, now my appearance leaves much to be desired... I lost my cloak and feel insecure without long clothing on me. That day, when I forgot it in the forest, I only remembered it in the evening, too late to retrieve it. Returning the next day, I found it gone. I haven't tried asking Fukase, who might have taken the cloak for himself, as he started avoiding me after that day. He arrived at lessons with the bell and left with it too, and during class, I didn't want to speak. I even called out to him, but he pretended not to hear and quickly left.

   I wanted to catch him during school lunch, but Defoko and Piko took me to a communal table, where I also met Nana, a cheerful green-haired girl who, like Piko, was the life of the company, and constantly clung to Defoko, as if she was in love with this sleepy girl.

   However, this time I was lucky and caught him, although, to be honest, it was he who caught me.

   – Hey, you, Oliver! – his pleasant, gentle voice echoed behind me. At that moment, I was near the school building, it was early morning, with the lesson due to start in 10 minutes.

   I turned around and saw the guy standing there, looking both angry and embarrassed, holding a package with something wrapped inside.

   – Hi, Fukase! – I exclaimed, turning fully towards him and approaching, which made him step back slightly, – I've been looking for you...

   – Here... – he said and thrust the package into my hands, – Couldn't do it earlier! That's all... Bye!

   He quickly walked towards the school, even running, which he probably shouldn't have, considering we had physical education next, and energy would be needed... but this would be my first PE lesson in this school, I didn't know the intensity of the activities, maybe they were not that hard!

   After watching him for a moment, I shifted my gaze to the package and cautiously opened it. Inside was my lost cloak, and it seemed to be stitched up! Did he really fix my cloak?

   "Haha, he acts so mean and does such cute things!" – I thought, pulling the cloak out of the bag and putting it on. Looking at the poorly stitched sleeve, I realized that despite the guy's effort, it would need to be re-sewn. But that's okay, it's not hard, and his effort was touching. He clearly wants to connect somehow, but understandably, it's difficult for him, considering how people talk about him...

   "Troubled", "Dangerous", "Aggressive", "I saw a knife in his bag", "Future social outcast", "He reeked of cigarettes yesterday", "He didn't take after his sister, too bad" – these were the comments other classmates and my new friends made about him. And I could have said the same, considering he chased after me secretly, but I felt that he behaved oddly because he simply... didn't know how to act differently and was trying to invoke terror to keep people at bay. Maybe mockery over his appearance, or something similar, had made his emotions mixed and confusing, and his behavior repelling, but I didn't think he was all that bad...

   – Oh...! – I exclaimed, realizing I still needed to change for physical education. After realizing this, I run to the school.

   Quickly grabbing my PE uniform from my locker, I dashed to the boys' changing room, where a couple of classmates were changing, but Fukase wasn't there, which was odd since he couldn't have changed in the brief time I was away. Nonetheless, I quickly changed and went outside, where our PE lesson was supposed to be held until it started raining or got too cold. Fukase wasn't there either, but my friends were. I ran up to them and hugged each one... they were all so sweet, I couldn't help but embrace them.

   – Alright, good morning, kids! – the teacher boomed in a loud voice, calling the children's attention to him, though his tall and strong stature was enough to draw attention, – For the newbies: I'm Jun, your PE teacher. Let's start with introductions, what's your name?

   The man nodded towards me, directing everyone's attention my way.

   – O-Oliver! – I exclaimed nervously, trying to sound somewhat brave, but it came out squeaky and shy, earning a few chuckles from some of the boys, making me blush.

   – Alright... let's start with a warm-up! I don't know how it was at your previous school, don't overdo it – if it gets too hard, you can take a seat. You don't look very strong... And you, Fukase, stop changing in the restroom and being late like last year, I won't allow it anymore!

   It was unpleasant to hear such comments in front of everyone, but it was the truth... and I couldn't deny it, as I was out of breath after just a five-minute jog at a very slow pace. My head was spinning, I felt nauseous, my entire body was hot, and in the last few minutes, I just fell to my knees, breathing heavily and struggling to survive.

   Defoko, almost the same height and weight as me but running with the ease of a fluttering butterfly, tossed a water bottle at me. When I took a sip, I felt a terrible burning heat inside me... I hated it all.

   – Get up, get up! Don't lie on the ground... it's better to walk around, breathing deeply through your nose and out through your mouth! – the teacher encouraged me, helping me to stand up.

   Looking around, I felt ashamed as everyone else seemed to be running with ease... some were starting to walk, but they weren't dying in agony like me.

   – Dude, that was bad... – Piko said, jogging up to me and then starting to walk beside me, – That's why you need to get out of the house and run in the mornings during summer! What were you even doing at home all summer?

   – I was sewing... – I gasped, – And mourning my mom...

   I decided to reinforce the reason for our move to make sure no one would suspect anything.

   – Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to...

   – It's okay... not grieving anymore... – I replied, remembering my mom. My parents died in an accident while we were in Russia... but I don't think the accident was the cause. My brother and I, with our powers, survived, then we were taken away, but they didn't survive, and our sister, who also survived, disappeared when it turned out she was healthy, which was suspicious. But I saw our parents' bodies after I regained consciousness from the impact, so they are definitely dead, they just didn't die 'naturally', they were killed.

   – Alright! Let's split into teams. Today, in honor of the first lesson, we'll play more than usual! Let's go, the newbies will be team leaders, step up! They don't know everyone's strengths here, this will be a fun game, we're choosing at random!

   I and Fukase, who was also new to this class, stepped forward to Jun, while the rest sat on the bench... my friends looked at me with smiles, knowing I would choose them. Yes, they seemed the most fragile, but we were going to play a game, it should be fun... right? Fukase didn't seem to think so... in fact, it was hard to tell if he ever found anything fun, especially in such short clothing. He was in a tank top and shorts, which revealed almost all the damage to his body... at least 40% was disfigured, and it was intimidating.

   – What are we playing? – Fukase asked grumpily.

   – As usual, your favorite, can you explain it to Oliver? – the PE teacher asked, seemingly encouraging Fukase to interact, – Come on, it's fine, Fukase!

   Mr. Jun patted him on the shoulder as if they were friends... Fukase turned to me and, looking at me angrily, began to explain:

   – They split the field in half and all of us too, give us a ball and we have to throw it at the opponents. You can't cross this white line, or you're out! – he pointed to a white line, – When you hit an opponent, they go to the back of the team that knocked them out and continue to try to hit opponents from there. If they catch the ball, they're safe. And... um, fuck you. Okay! Watch out for the ball. If it hits the ground – catch it, it's harmless. If you're confident – catch the ball in the air, but don't drop it, or you're out! If you're not sure you can hit someone – pass the ball to a teammate! If the ball is beyond the line – don't touch it, it's not yours! Got it?

   I nodded uncertainly, still not fully understanding where the eliminated players went. But I didn't want to ask again; he was already in a bad mood.

   – Well done, Fukase. But next time, no swearing. – Mr. Jun said, patting the redhead on the head, – Oliver, your turn to choose!

   – Piko... – I said hesitantly, and then Piko stood up and walked over to me.

   – Defoko. – To our group's surprise, Fukase chose her, almost as if to spite us.

   – Defoko is a master in sports and games, Defoko is grateful that Fukase recognizes this... – the girl said tiredly, walking over to him. The guy grunted something irritably.

   We continued choosing and soon split evenly. The teacher instructed us both to come to the center and raise our right hands... we were supposed to toss the ball to our side when Mr. Jun threw it. Fukase looked at me with irritation and seriousness... it annoyed me... he had taken Defoko and now he was going to take the ball too, I disagreed!

   Feeling moisture and warmth on my left eye, I grabbed the ball for myself after the teacher threw it, while Fukase stood still for a second and then jumped back, wiping his eyes and looking at me with some confusion.

   – That the fuck, slowpoke! – someone from the Fukase team yelled, prompting him to turn around, looking for the shouter, and I tried to hit him, But Defoko caught the ball, preventing me from hitting Fukase, and threw this ball at me, which I quickly dodged. Someone from my team caught the ball, and the "bloodbath" began. Fukase tried hard to catch the ball and, when successful, threw it at me, but due to my small size, I managed to dodge. Defoko, on the other hand, didn't throw at me again, choosing different targets to remain unpredictable.

   – Fukase should play normally! – Defoko said to the red-head as the ball found its way back to his hands.

   He looked at Nana and tried to hurl the ball at her, but due to my gentlemanly nature, I decided to save the girl, who was having trouble dodging a ball, and ended up catching it... for the first time... I was thrilled because Fukase had thrown it so fast. I was in shock when a pink-haired boy, much taller than me, snatched the ball from my hands and said:

   – What can you do...? Give it here!

   His remark upset me, but before I could even fully comprehend it, the ball, thrown at my opponent flew back with lightning speed, right over my head, and hit the boy right in the face. The boy fell to the ground, grabbing his face in pain.

   – Yay... child beating, ha-ha... – Fukase smirked, watching the boy, but I quickly grabbed the ball and threw it back, hitting Fukase in the shoulder, thus eliminating him. He became the "first loser" on his team. He looked at me with all the hatred he could muster... considering the disfigurement of his second eye, it was quite frightening...

   – Well done... keep it up, just without the casualties next time, ha-ha... – the pink-haired boy said, getting up from the ground.

   He moved to the other side of the field, just like Fukase, except Fukase ended up behind us. With the game going that way, I was quickly eliminated... Our team lost later on.


   – Hooray, lunchtime! Defoko is so hungry! – Defoko exclaimed... she always became a bit more emotional after the third lesson, perhaps because she didn't eat in the morning and lacked energy.

   Our group headed to the cafeteria, to the table we had already claimed. The kids in this school weren't bad, and the unwritten rule of "whoever claims a spot first owns it for the year" was perfectly respected. In this school all the trays were already on the tables and this arrangement was definitely more convenient, with no queues, unlike in my previous school.

   The guys sat down at our table, but I picked up my tray, and they looked at me quizzically.

   – You want to eat outside? – Nana asked, but I shook my head no.

   – I'm going to apologize to Fukase...

   – Why? It's just a game, I'm not mad at Defo for knocking me out! – Piko shouted, afraid to let me go to that guy.

   – But it was mean of me... he didn't expect it...

   – But that's the point of the game... – Defoko said, but I shook my head again and, turning around, walked to the corner of the cafeteria. There sat Fukase, alone. There were plenty of free seats in the cafeteria, so he was sitting by himself, and "who would want to sit with him", right? Noticing me, he lowered his head and started examining his food, hoping I wasn't coming to him.

   – May I sit down? – I asked politely, not expecting a refusal, but he didn't deny me, just grumbled something irritably while mashing the tails of the salted fish-shaped cookies, – Ah, do they always serve such tasty food here? It wasn't like this for us! I mean, in my last school! – I said, apparently not referring to the school, but the laboratory. He didn't respond, – In Britain, they never gave us pizza! And yesterday there were nuggets, I love them! Do you like them? – he remained silent, – So... maybe you like...

   – What do you want, to make fun of me?! Ha-ha, great, you knocked me out, you younger by a year, got praised, well done... Jerk... – he growled angrily, throwing a fish-shaped cookie at me and grabbing a slice of pizza.

   – N-no! I just wanted to apologize... I threw it so weakly and still hit you, making you look like a fool, it was an accident... sorry. – I said earnestly, tripping over my illogical thoughts. Yes, I had wanted to knock him out then, but I was angry, it wasn't my true intention, – And... thank you for this... it was really sweet of you to sew it! – saying this, I slightly lifted my cloak like a lady lifting her dress in greeting or dance, I guess.

   – I don't know how to sew... – the guy blushed, biting into a piece of pizza.

   – Can I ask an awkward question?

   – I already have an idea what it is, go ahead...!

   – Why do you wear a skirt... sorry? Do you feel like a girl? I've heard about that... – I asked innocently, realizing what question he had actually been expecting.

   – N-no! – he exclaimed, sitting up slightly. His face turned red, – I... like skirts, they're roomy and pretty! And this was left over from my sister, I don't like spending money on clothes...!

   – I see... – I chuckled, glancing at the clumsily stitched hole on his cloak. The threads were black, not white, making them stand out, and the distance between the stitches was huge, causing holes to appear at certain bends of the cloak between the original fabric and the patch.

   – Oh, are you a seamstress...? – trying to mutually ridicule me, he asked, not expecting that he hit the nail on the head!

   – Yes... I want to be a seamstress in the future! – I exclaimed, pulling a cute plush bird, an American Goldfinch, that I had sewn myself, from my large messenger bag, – This is James, I made him myself!

   – Oh... that's... nice? Nice, yeah... – Fukase said, his aggression subsiding, smiling slightly at the corners of his mouth.

   – Want me to make you one too?

   – Ha-ha! – he laughed genuinely, – I'm not a kid, seriously! But.... Can I see it...?

   I hesitated, fearing his intentions might not be good, worried he might tear James apart or something. But not wanting to spoil his brief smile, I eventually handed the toy to him. He took it in one hand and turned it over.

   – Impressive... – he said, making me beam with pride, but then his face changed to slight panic.

   – Is something wrong? – I asked, not understanding his panic.

   – Ha-ha, no... nothing like that! Um... ha-ha, you know, I'm going to keep it! It's so cute, I'll test its durability!

   – W-what?! Hey, give it back! I can make you your own, then do whatever you want with it! Give James back!

   – Fukase! – a voice of a boy called out nearby. Turning around, I saw two blond, blue-eyed twins looking at Fukase with disgust, – Are you stealing toys from kids now?!

   Fukase abruptly stood up, stretched towards the open window, jumped out of the cafeteria, and ran away. He just... stole my bird?

   Tears formed in my eyes instantly... Of course, everyone noticed. My friends and a couple of older kids couldn't help but come over to the loud, squeaky voices of the two teenagers trying in vain to comfort a crying me. Well, I wasn't really sad, just felt betrayed... I had trusted him.

   "But it can't be that simple, right?" – I reassured myself, – "To spite me? Then why didn't he just run away with James right away? There must be something else..."

   I stood up from the table, grabbed my bag, and ran... where, where could he have gone? There's nothing for him to do in the yard, he'd be easily spotted, maybe in some classroom? The restroom?

   I started checking the restrooms, also entering open classrooms and asking teachers if they'd seen Fukase, but the answer was always the same: "No". Reaching the second floor, I went into the restroom at the end of the corridor and saw him at the sink... water was flowing from the tap, and he was leaning against the stall, angrily doing something to James!

   – Hey! – I exclaimed, entering the restroom and abruptly grabbing the toy, – Give it back! It's not yours! You can't do this, it's stealing!

   I snatched the toy from his hands and clutched it to myself. He looked frightened and glanced at the running water. Then he wiped his eyes, turned off the tap, and left the restroom with an angry face, not saying a word to me...

   Examining James, I saw a wet spot on its belly. It looked like someone had tried to wash off... a stain? A red stain was visible on its pale yellow, almost white brooch... touching it with my tongue, I tasted a faint, barely discernible tomato sauce flavor, like the pizza. My legs gave way, my stomach ached...

   "Because of me, everyone thinks he's stealing toys from kids?! That's not what I wanted! I didn't want this!" – I panicked, not knowing what to do next.

   I rushed out of the restroom and chased after Fukase, who was already at the end of the corridor...

   – Wait, Fukase! – I yelled, turning the corner. But I immediately bumped into his back.

   Those same twins had apparently stopped him. They looked furious, as if they were ready to attack the guy.

   – Hey, it was a misunderstanding! It was a joke, guys! Everything's fine, the toy is with me! – I exclaimed, standing between Fukase and the twins.

   They looked at me in surprise, not understanding what kind of joke this was, but eventually, they shrugged and patted me on both shoulders. Their movements were identical, symmetrical, as if they were each other's reflection.

   – Rin... – the girl said.

   – Len... – the boy added, – Ninth grade, let us know if you need anything! Rin's even in the student council, she'll deal with the bullies for sure!

   They turned away and walked off. I then turned to Fukase with a look of dissatisfaction and asked:

   – Why didn't you just say about this? These things often get stained, you just need to wash the spot with a special cleaner!

   – I... listen, I... – he tried to reply but seemed unable to understand himself why he had made the situation worse instead of just being straightforward, – Just... don't come near me anymore! I can't behave 'properly', just forget it... have a good day...

   He pushed past me and walked away... Things had gone badly, just as my friends had feared, but that didn't mean anything yet! I managed to bring a glimmer of joy to him, so I must be exactly what he needs! I can help him! If he keeps refusing – fine, I'll stop imposing, but I want to try a few more times. I feel a connection with him, fate keeps bringing us together, right? I should let him cool off from this situation and try something else next week! I can't just give up so easily!

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