Academic lovers

By winterxeve

191K 4.1K 786

Crest view academy. This was no ordinary high school; it was known for its academic excellence and fierce riv... More

01 | I'm better than you in every way possible
02 | Just the beginning
03 | Kill me now
04 | Wrong number
05 | I win
06 | Planning
07 | night
08 | Awful day
09 | Miller's sanctuary
10 | Total bust
11 | Poison
12 | Care
13 | Dinner
14 | Preparations
15 | Game day
16 | Final round
17 | Library
18 | Change
19 | Ideas
20 | Contact
21 | Question
22 | Homecoming
23 | Strange
24 | Night
25 | Thoughts
26 | Internal
27 | Interest
28 | Dumbfounded
29 | Talk
30 | Interrupted feelings
31 | Perspectives
32 | Morning madness
33 | New York
34 | Winter night
35 | Moment
36 | Future
37 | One touch
38 | The truth
39 | Late night
40 | Rumours
41 | Resolution
42 | Mrs.Miller
43 | Aiden's interior
44 | Holidays
45 | Whispers of trust
46 | Deja vû

47 | From rivals to lovers

4K 113 35
By winterxeve

5 months later

"Zhera Thompson," the principal's voice boomed through the speakers, causing a mix of excitement and nervousness to bubble up inside me. Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself and made my way up the grand staircase towards the podium.

As I climbed the stairs, I could feel the anticipation in the air. The crowd was buzzing with energy; their eyes were fixed on me. The sound of applause filled the place, growing louder and louder with each step I took. Amidst the sea of faces, I could pick out my dad's proud smile, his voice ringing out above the rest, cheering me on.

Reaching the podium, I looked out at the sea of familiar faces. Friends, teachers, and students all gathered together to celebrate this moment of graduation. The stage lights cast a warm glow, making me feel exhilarated and a little overwhelmed.

I took a moment to compose myself, my hands gripping the edges of the podium for support. The cheers calmed down, and a hush fell over the room as all eyes were now fixed on me. It was a strange feeling, standing there as the centre of attention.

With a quick glance at my notes, I began to speak, my voice steady. I shared my gratitude for the support of my family, friends, and teachers who had guided me throughout my journey. I expressed my appreciation for the opportunities and challenges that had shaped me into the person I had become.

As I spoke, I could feel the energy in the room building again. Applause erupted, and cheers filled the air, encouraging me to continue. The words flowed effortlessly, as if the crowd's enthusiasm was helping my confidence.

I shared stories of wins and setbacks, highlighting the lessons I had learned along the way. The crowd hung onto my every word. It was a moment of reflection, a chance to celebrate not only my achievements but also the accomplishments of our entire school.

As I came to the end of my speech, I couldn't help but feel pride. The cheers grew even louder, echoing through the place, as the crowd showed their appreciation for my words.

Stepping away from the podium, I felt a mixture of relief. The weight of the moment lifted from my shoulders, replaced by a sense of peace. I made my way back down the stairs, greeted by hugs.

"That was incredible, Zhera!" my friends exclaimed, enveloping me in a tight hug. The overwhelming rush of emotions threatened to spill over, but I tried my best to hold back the tears. It was hard to believe that this was the end of our high school journey, and soon we would all be on different paths.

"Thanks, you guys," I managed to say, my voice trembling slightly. Khelani reached out to wipe away my tears, but her own tears started flowing uncontrollably.

"Aw, don't cry, Z," she sniffled. We were all feeling the weight of this bittersweet moment, the mixture of joy and sadness intertwining in our hearts.

Ciara couldn't help but make a sarcastic remark. "I can't believe I'm surrounded by a bunch of crying babies," she teased, though her own tears betrayed her.

Even in this moment of our lives, she maintained her cool, refusing to let her emotions show. "Oh, come on, Ciara," I chuckled through my tears. She was our rock, always keeping us grounded.

We let go, falling into silence. I can't believe it's done; this is the last time we're all going to be in the same school. Fuck, it does not feel real.

Just then. I spun around, recognizing that familiar voice. "Hi Thompson." There, he was making his way towards me with a huge bouquet of flowers on his hands.

"Hey, Miller," I replied with a grin, accepting the bouquet of flowers he offered. The vibrant colours and sweet fragrance instantly lifted my spirits.

"I liked your speech." I complimented Aiden's speech before mine; the school chose the both of us to give speeches since we were the best students, academically.

Aiden chuckled softly. "Well, to be honest, your speech wasn't half bad either," he teased.

"Oh, really, thank you, Miller; that means a lot." I sarcastically said this while playing with one of the flower petals. "The flowers are beautiful; thank you." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and said, "No problem."

I twirled the flowers on my hands. "I can't believe it's done."

"I know, it feels like a couple of months ago we were just talking about this moment; now it's finally here." He sighed while staring at the stage.

I nodded my head, glancing at the stage, then noticed Roman standing there, and right beside him was Myvy. And then, something unexpected happened. Roman moved his hands to her waist, pulling her closer and planting a gentle kiss on her cheek. They embraced each other in a hug, and my jaw dropped. All those suspicions I had about them were right. I felt a whirlwind of emotions, feeling a bit sad but also happy at the same time.

It's sad because our time together as a student council is over. We've had so many memories together, and I knew those two the longest out of everyone. But it's also a moment of happiness because my ship finally sailed.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked up at Aiden, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. But then, I noticed my parents making their way towards us, and my dad had tears in his eyes.

Aiden noticed it and chuckled. He gave me a kiss and made his way to where his parents were, waiting for him.

"We're so proud of you!" my mom exclaimed with a beaming smile. Seeing that look of pride on her face meant the world to me. It made me feel happy and proud that all the effort and hard work I had put in had finally paid off.

My dad chimed in, "You did it! All those late nights studying paid off!" We couldn't help but share tears of joy.

It's a memory that I will forever cherish, knowing that my parents were there by my side, celebrating this with me. My mom looked at me with teary eyes and said, "You know, seeing you up there on that stage, it feels like just yesterday when you were a little kid, taking your first steps. Time flies so fast." I squeezed her hand and said, "I know, Mom. It's hard to believe how much everything changes."

My dad joined the conversation, his voice filled with pride. "You've become such an incredible person, Zhera. We've watched you face challenges and grow into this amazing woman." I couldn't help but smile and say, "Thank you, guys." Their love and support mean everything to me, especially in this moment.

I glanced over at Aiden, who was in a conversation with his parents. It was a nice sight to see, knowing that he had finally mended his relationship with his dad after everything that happened months ago. His dad accepts and supports Aiden's decision to not pursue football professionally, and it was heartwarming.

I saw the look on Aiden's face when he told me that. He looked so happy.

Aiden's mom was overcome with emotion, and he was gently wiping away her tears. Meanwhile, his dad stood there with a smile, shaking his head. It was a beautiful moment, seeing them come together as a family and embrace the loss they had experienced.

Just as I was taking in the scene, I noticed Aiden and his dad making their way towards us. As they walked side by side, the resemblance between them was uncanny. Both stood tall and proud.

His dad greeted my parents, and then his gaze turned to me. "Congratulations, Zhera," he said. I replied awkwardly, "Thank you, sir." There was still a lingering sense of awkwardness between us, even though I've been dating his son for about half a year now.

"No problem; I just hope you two have a long-lasting relationship and wish you the best." With that, he left.

Leaving me in Star's truck, this was the first time he said something so nice to me and about our relationship. It felt nice getting the wishes of his dad.

We finally entered the dining hall after years of talking to people and thanking them for their congratulations.

The moment we stepped inside, we were greeted by elegant chandeliers, high ceilings, and beautiful decor. The walls are adorned with artwork, and the tables are set with fine china and fresh flowers. The ambiance is warm and inviting; it was really beautiful. There were only seniors here—everyone who graduated.

"Zhera, Aiden over there!" I heard Kehlani scream from where she was seated; beside her was Alejandro, and on her other side was Ciara, who was talking to one of the twins. She looked happy.

We made our way there and took our seats. Everything felt so overwhelming; this was the last time all of us would be here together. These that I've known for such long periods of my life, wow.

Juts then I felt a tap on my shoulders. Turning around, I was greeted with Myvy, who had a shy smile on her face. "Can I talk to you, Zhera?"

We then found a quiet spot. "I can't believe high school is over," I sighed.

Myvy's smile grew wider. "I know, it felt like it all went too fast, but I just wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed having you as a classmate and student council member."

A warm feeling spread through me, and I couldn't help but smile back. "Thank you, Myvy. I'm going to miss high school and all the times we had. You know you were always my favourite."

Her giggle echoed in the air as she flashed that beautiful smile of hers. "You were mine too, Zhera."

We gave each other a tight squeeze before I noticed Roman in the distance, probably searching for her. "Hey, it looks like your guy is looking for you. You better go," I said, trying to hold back the emotions that were starting to well up inside me.

She let go and turned around, a big smile lighting up her face when she saw Roman. "Thanks! see you later," she replied. We shared one more quick hug before she hurried off to join him.

As I watched them hug, a wave of emotions washed over me. "Okay, Zhera, not the time for waterworks," I whispered to myself, trying to keep my composure.

Then I made my way back to the table; everyone was talking and just enjoying the last moments we had together. The dinner was going well.

As the night at the diner was winding down, Aiden squeezed my hands and gave me a grin. He whispered, "Wanna get out of this place?" I nodded eagerly. We excused ourselves, and I caught a knowing look from our friends Kehlani and Ciara.

Once we stepped outside, Aiden let out a sigh. "Feeling overwhelmed?" He nodded, and I reached out, inviting him to hold my hand. He smiled and intertwined his fingers with mine, and together, we started walking.

As we strolled hand in hand, enjoying the moonlight, Aiden pointed to the jewellery he gave me in New York. "Is that the one?" he asked, gently touching the piece in my hair. I nodded. I had matched the blue hair accessory with my baby blue dress.

Aiden grinned and leaned down to give me a sweet kiss. "You look beautiful," he whispered, filled with adoration.

I smiled back. As we continued our walk, hand in hand, we found ourselves drawn to a familiar place. It was the library, the very spot where everything started. Memories flooded my mind as I gazed at the grand entrance.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I recalled the moment when Aiden accidentally messed up my project in front of this very library. It was a moment that brought us closer together. The library held a special place in our relationship—a place where our paths crossed and our relationship deepened.

We stood there in front of the library, taking in the quiet beauty of the night. It was a moment of reflection and appreciation for how far we had come.

I reached out and gently squeezed Aiden's hand. The library had witnessed our growth, our laughter, and even our almost-kiss. It was a place filled with memories, both big and small, that had shaped our relationship.

I turned to Aiden, my voice filled with a touch of sadness. "You know, out of everything in this school, I think I'm going to miss this place the most."

Aiden nodded.It's always been my favourite spot too, especially when we spent time here together."

I looked down, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Yeah, it's amazing how one assignment from Miss Marsha brought us together. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if we hadn't been assigned to work on that project."

Aiden shook his head gently, his grip on my hand tightening. "It's hard to imagine, but I know one way or another we would've still ended up

As we stood there in front of the quiet library, surrounded by memories, I couldn't help but feel so grateful. It was like the universe had planned for us to grow closer through Miss Marsha's assignment. Our relationship grew right here in this place, and it's something I'll always treasure.

So, as we held hands, I knew that even though we were saying goodbye to everything, our bond would stay strong. The memories we made here will always have a special place in our hearts.

But who would have thought that I'd end up here, spending the evening with Aiden Miller, hand in hand? It's like a dream; it felt a bit surreal. I can't believe how far we've come. From constantly trying to outdo each other to this moment, where we're so close and connected,.

I used to see him as my biggest competitor, always trying to one-up each other. But now, it feels like none of that matters. We've discovered a deeper bond, something beyond academics.

It's funny how our rivalry brought us together in the first place. All those late nights studying and trying to outshine each other. But now, it feels like we've found something more meaningful.

This moment feels so right. All the tension and competition have faded away, leaving only warmth and affection. It's like we've rewritten our story, turning rivals into something so much more.

I'm grateful for our rivalry because it brought us here to this moment of vulnerability and tenderness. It's like we've discovered a whole new side of each other, one that goes beyond grades and achievements.

This evening, this moment feels like the perfect ending to our story. From rivals to friends, and now to something more. I'm ready to embrace this new chapter with open books.

The end

—Wow, okay, so Academic Lovers is officially done. I can't believe it. I want to thank everyone who supported me and left me nice messages. You all kept me motivated to continue the story, and I'm so grateful for that.

—Honestly, thank you so much, and I hope you enjoyed the story!!

—I love you all and see you in my other story.!! hopefully

-love, Eden (December 30th, 2023)

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