OMARI: When He Wakes

By AlaskanRookie

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After taking the last step off the Hospital Roof, Sunny wakes up in what seems to be a different reality. One... More

(1) The Truth, Guilt, and The Jump
(2) Fading, MARI, and HELLSUNNY
(3) The ENDLESS FIELD, Orchids, and A Promise
(4) A Picnic, A Camera, and Numbness
(5) Together Again
(6) Morning, Recovery, and Orange Joe
(7) Pancakes, Coffee, and Tea
(8) Suprise Visit, Catching Up, and Outside
(9) School, OTHER LIBRARY, and Faint Memories
(10) Into Your Dreams...
(11) The Chase, a Dream, and a Snap
(Updates and QnA)
(12) Afterschool, Chatting, and The Reaper
(13) Bargaining, Circumstance, and Returning
(14) Revival, KEL, and a Text
(15) Left on Read
(16) Rushing, Reunion, and Retelling
(17) Pain, Panic, and Moving Forward
(18) Coming To, Caretaker, and First Steps
(19) Hugs, Baby Carrots, and Medicine
(20) Homeward Bound
(21) Prepping, Home, and MEWO
(22) A Call, Fried Tofu, and Sandwhiches
(10K Views and QnA)
(23) Stairs, Bed, and Fractured
(24) A Orchid, Dreamers, and BASIL(?)
(26) Breakfast, Planning, and MOM
(27) Mother, Son, and...
(28) Father, SISTER, and a Surprise
(29) Tension, Temper, and Dinner Plans
(30) Field of Dreamers
(+20k Views and More Updates)
(31) Mirrors, Offers, and Honesty

(25) Recital Day...

341 16 9
By AlaskanRookie


Elegant music played through the SUZUKI Household, the graceful melody of a Piano and a Violin filled the Music Room. MARI and SUNNY were playing "Clair de Lune", such beauteous music filling the air as she gracefully pressed the piano keys.

SUNNY was actually smiling, playing his Violin in harmonious unison with his sisters Piano. Even with just two instruments, they were in perfect harmony, both eyes closed and feeling the music course through them.

With the final notes, SUNNY kept his note high as MARI gently playing the keys as their melody had finally come to an end. Both Siblings finally opened their eyes, looking back to one another and smiling.

MARI: "That's was beautiful! You did great, SUNNY!"

SUNNY sat down, putting his Violin against his chair and winding his wrists. "Thanks, heh. But it's only because you make it sound better with your music."

MARI turned around and patted his back, hugging him briefly before looking over to the other side of the room, hand on his shoulder. "What do you think, DAD?"

Their FATHER was sitting on one of the stools in the back, the sun shining through the window making his glasses glare. His arms were crossed and he sat up straight, until he pushed off his knees and stood up.

DAD: "It was good, quite good."

MARI and SUNNY both smile, looking at one another.

DAD: "...But you can do better. Now, once more, from the top?"

MARI looked confused, turning back to DAD. "Wh-What? But DAD, we've been playing this for almost 2 hours now. I think we sound perfect for the Recital."

DAD: "Yes, well, there's sounding perfect, and being perfect. You both need to make sure it sounds absolutely flawless, you know you could get spotted at a big event like this, especially with your talents."

SUNNY grabbed his elbow and moved his shoulder around to loosen it, looking a bit concerned. MARI saw this and took a step closer.

MARI: "DAD... We're tired. SUNNY'S tired, he's gonna pull something on stage if he keeps practicing this much. Besides, the Recitals in a few days. I'm sure we can rest at least for one."

DAD pushed up his glasses, giving a small exhale before calling her over with a hand motion. "Can I speak with you? In private."

MARI looked to SUNNY and saw him wincing a bit from the soreness as she nodded. "O-Okay... SUNNY, you rest up for a bit, I'm gonna-"

DAD looked over to him and noticed his instrument, frowning a bit. "SON, don't put your Violin on the ground like that, you'll ruin it. Now, make sure it's tuned."

SUNNY looked away and slowly nodded, rubbing the inside of his elbow. "Y-yes, sir..." He reached down and picked up his Violin, beginning to tune it.

DAD: "Good. Now, MARI."

MARI looked discontent, clenching her fist and taking a deep breath. She turned around and followed her DAD out of the room, hearing SUNNY tuning his Violin and groaning lightly.


In the Living Room, MARI sat down and shook her hands a bit, letting blood return to her fingers as she saw DAD sit down.

MARI: "DAD, he needs a break. WE need a break. We started practice at 10, it's 2:30 now! I don't see why-"


As he spoke up, MARI sat up straight, looking forward and exhaling.

DAD rubbed his temples and sighed through his nose. "Look, I know you both are tired. You've both gotten slower since this morning, I can see that." He turned to her putting on his tie. "But I just want you two to play your absolute best. And you can't do that unless you both keep practicing until you know you'll do perfect."

MARI: "But DAD- We HAVE been practicing! Every day, like you've kept saying, and it's wearing is down! I'm just saying, we should have a break, even MOM says-"

DAD: "Your MOTHER doesn't know how important this is. Think about it-" He stood up, putting on his suit. "You two playing on the stage for all ot FARAWAY and FURTHERTOWN. This Recital could define both of your futures for your musical talents." He kneeled down and put both hands on her shoulders, rubbing them a bit.

MARI looked down and thought about it for a second, looking at the palm of her hands as her fingers ached.

DAD: "... But that just means you NEED to perfect this. If any Scouts are there, they'll focus more on you since you'd be able to attend whatever they have to offer. SUNNY, he's so young, he still has time to blossom, his talents still developing. But if he doesn't play his best with you, that will just make you both look bad, wouldn't it?"

MARI looked away, brows furrowed as she knew it was wrong to agree, but... it was her FATHER. She couldn't refuse, she knew she couldn't.

"Well...yeah, but DAD-"

DAD looked at his watch and stood up, tightening his tie. "I'm gonna be late. Look, you both can take a break after one more performance. I'll have your MOTHER watch over your performance, okay?" He pulled down the collar of his suit. "Now, what makes perfect?"

MARI took a second to reply, grasping at her skirt as she sighed quietly. "... Practice. Practice makes perfect..."

DAD: "Good." He turned and began to head to the Kitchen. "Don't forget to play for your MOTHER, wait until she's there to start." He stopped at the doorway and looked over his shoulder.

"I'm only trying to help, honey. All of this is for you two."

MARI kept herself sitting up straight until DAD left the room, sighing silently as she leaned back on the couch. She draped her arm over her eyes and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling as she slid her arm down to her side. Staring at the ceiling with a melancholy expression, she spoke to herself quietly.

"Yes sir..."


"Woah... your DAD sounds like a total scuz. No 'fense."

MARI looked to CHIVE, seeing him with his arms behind his head, and shook her head a bit.

MARI: "No, you're right. He was- IS... He is one."

CHIVE looked deep in thought for a second before sitting up. "Waiwait... I thought you said like, this was the day of you Recital. But didn't Past You say that was in a few days or sumin'?"

MARI sat up and cleared her throat. "Well, uh... no offense to you, but I'm glad you're actually listening, heh."

CHIVE: "Ay, can't blame ya, I'd be makin' sure I was listenin' too~"

MARI chuckled smiling as she moved her bangs asides. "Still, thanks, hehe... Well, you did hear right. It was in a few days. I just... wanted to let you know why this meant so much to him... and..."

She pulled her knees close to her chest, looking away and sounding rather saddened.

MARI: "A-And why... I did what I did ON that day..." She let out a weak sigh and put her head between her knees. "I did something... unforgivable, CHIVE..."

CHIVE scooched over and patted her back, rubbing it a bit as she sniffled. "S'alright if you don't wanna talk about it, MAR MAR. I'd understand if like, it's too hard to talk 'bout."

MARI peeked over her arm, seeing him give a friendly smile, sniffling as she cleared her throat n-no, I... I need to tell you this. If... If we're gonna be friends, then... you deserve to know what I've done..."

CHIVE: "Hey now. We ARE friends, dude. Least, I think we are. Cause I'mma be honest, I like you MAR MAR.... N-Not like, y'know, romantically or nothin', heh. Just as a bro, y'know?"

She let out a snicker, wiping her wyes and sniffling. "Thanks... I, uh... think you're a bro too..." She took a deep breath in, closing her eyes before she sat up straight. "... On the, actual day of the Recital, we were getting ready, me and SUNNY... and it was around an hour until our performance, and... That's when it happened..."




"I-I know, DAD, we're getting ready... Yes, we're dressed properly. SUNNY tuned his Violin, it sounds perfect."

She paced back and forth outside her and SUNNY'S Room, making sure her dress didn't have any wrinkles. She looked at the door and tugged at her collar, switching her phone to her other ear and tried to sound professional.

MARI: "H-He's still getting dressed, it'll just take a few more minutes! I'll make sure to rush to HERO- ah, HENRY'S House when we're ready and we'll all be there soon, promise... We'll hurry, DAD, we swear... Okay, we'll see you soon. Love-"

She looked at her phone and saw he hung up, sighing as she flipped it shut and put it in her handbag. She knocked on the bedroom door.

MARI: "SUNNY? You okay? DAD said we have to be ready now, he wants us at the Theater as soon as possible. Everyone's waiting for us, hehe."

She waited for a response but got worried when he didn't reply. As soon as she reached for the doorknob, she got surprised once she felt it move, the door creaking open as she saw SUNNY. A sigh of relief was heard as she brushed her hair aside.

MARI: "Okay, good! I was getting worried, heh."

SUNNY was looking at the floor, not looking at her as he seemed rather discontent. He weakly held his Violin and stepped out of their room meekly.

MARI looked at the time on her phone and groaned. "The Recital starts in an hour, but you know how DAD gets. If we hurry we should be fine. Come on! Let's get going."

She held his hand and lead him to the top of the stairs, taking one step down before getting pulled back. She turned to see SUNNY refusing to move, looking confused as she stepped back up.

MARI: "Wh- SUNNY? What's wrong?"

SUNNY looked to the side and took a deep inhale through his nose. "I-I...."

MARI reached out to him, but her hand stopped once she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She reluctantly pulled it out and saw HERO messaging her.


- "You guys all set? Coming over soon?"

MARI groaned a bit as she knew time wasn't on their side, so she shut her phone and tugged on his hand.

"Hooookay- Uh, Come on SUNNY, they're waiting. Let's hurry up and head over." She tugged on his hand again before he pulled his hand out of hers.

He clenched his fist and took a deep breath, cutting her off when she tried to talk to him.

MARI: "Hey, what-"

SUNNY: "I.... Don't want this..."

She looked confused, rightfully so, stepping back up the stairs as stepped in front of him. "SUNNY?"

SUNNY took a deep breath and shut his eyes, holding his Violin as his hand trembled.

"I-I don't want... this!" He held up his Violin, hand shaking a bit as he held it up with one hand.

MARI slowly stepped back up, wincing a bit as she grabbed her knee, pain shooting through it as she looked bakc to him. "What?? What do you-" She pinched her temple and sighed a bit. "SUNNY, please, can we just hurry and head to HERO'S? They've been waiting for us, my knees acting up, an-"

SUNNY: "You're not-- groan Listen!"

MARI was taken aback, never really hearing SUNNY act like that before. She saw him taking deep breaths as she heard him stammer a bit.

SUNNY: "I-I don't WANT to play! I-I can't- I mean- I just... gaah!" He leaned against the railing, tightening his grip on the neck of his Violin.

MARI gave a nervous gulp, holding her hand out a bit as SUNNY had more than enough stewing in his mind. "SUNNY, I-"

Suddenly, she felt the buzz of her phone. She closed her eyes and her fist, taking a slow breath in as she knew that was either HERO or her DAD. She was conflicted, groaning a bit before she placed her hand on his shoulder.

MARI: "...SUNNY, please, we can talk about this at the Center, but we really need to-"


He pulled his shoulder away from her, looking angry as he clenched his teeth.

"I don't want to!" His breathing got heavier, holding the Violin and looking at it with resentment and anger. "I-I don't... I don't wanna play for DAD!"

MARI: "SUNNY, please! Can you stop being so difficult! We were supposed to be there 10 minites ago! DAD'S going to be angry if we-"

SUNNY shot his eyes up to her, showing how angry he was as a tear was forming in the corner of his eye. For a brief second, she could see his face. But after, she could see him swinging his arms behind his head.

It snapped her out of her anger for a moment as she winced back in shock. But it felt like time slowed down for a moment, and she was able to see him begin to swivel his body toward the stairs... and it was then she realized what he was doing.

She tried to step forward to stop him, but a sharp pain in her knee made her wince down to grab it, shutting her eyes from the pain. In that moment, she heard two noises, and it sent a chill down her spine once she heard them.

The first, hearing utter resentment and fury in his tone for the first time, she heard him scream-


The second... the sound of something breaking. Something wooden.

She grabbed her knee and grit her teeth as she quickly stood up, looking over the rail, holding her breath as she prayed she didn't think he did what she thought he did...

But there it was.

The Violin. The one she and everyone chipped in to pay for him, the one he and her made such beautiful music together with... the one that was supposed to be used to at the Recital today...


It was broken.

Shattered into dozens of jagged, sharp pieces, laying flat and pointed straight up all across the floor.

She gasped once she saw it, wanting to close her eyes and open them to see it was just some mistake or some dream... but no. This was real. All too real.

And as she stood there, staring at the shattered Violin, she could feel her chest getting tight. She slowly turned her head to SUNNY, teeth grit as she clenched her fist, heart beating rapidly in her ears as she could feel her anger swelling inside her, resulting in a serious, stern tone as she asked-

"What did you do..."

She saw his chest bounce as he took deep breaths as his anger immediately turned to regret. The rage in his eyes subsiding and turning to concern as he saw what he did. He held out his hand a bit, shaking his head as she heard him murmur "N-No, I..."

But his thoughts were cut off, that regret in his eyes turning to shock, going pale as he was grabbed by both shoulders by MARI.

MARI: "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" She shook him as she asked, her eyes pale and trembling as she stared him in the eyes.

SUNNY couldn't responded, stammering his words until MARI tightened her grip on his shoulders.

SUNNY: "Gah!"

MARI: "SUNNY! Do you know how expensive that was?! How much everyone chipped in to buy that for you?! A LOT! It took so long to finally get you that and you just-" She groaned and pushed him back a bit, grabbing her temple and gritting her teeth as she paced around.

SUNNY: "I-I-I didn't mean to... I... I'm sorry, I-"

MARI: "Gah!" She slammed her fist on the table, taking deep breaths as she swung herself around and began to stomp towards him. "Do you know what DAD'S gonna do to us now?! So much time and effort was put into making today happen! And you just- Grrrr!!"

She tensed her arms and fingers, eyes rolling up before she looked back to him, straightening her back as she began to look down to him.

SUNNY: "S-sissy-"

MARI: "And he's going to blame ME for this! Because I'm the oldest, and I'm supposed to be in charge of you! Why would you do this?! Why would you do this to me?!"

SUNNY was getting teary eyed, lip quivering as he'd never seen her so furious, especially towards him. His heart was beating out of his cheat, shutting his eyes and turning around, but stopped once MARI grabbed his shoulder and swung him back to her, holding him firmly in her hands as she was face to face with him.

MARI: "IM NOT DONE!" She had never been this angry, realizing how much trouble she'd get into with her DAD. And she still didnt know what he meant or why he did this, so in a loud, booming voice, she shouted. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS, SUNNY?!"

SUNNY'S teeth was chattering, he was getting so scared. His heart couldn't stop beating so fast, he didn't know what to do or say to her. Her grip was still firmly on his shoulders, and with his back turned to the stairs, he felt all he could do was run. So, he swung his shoulders to one side and turned around, wanting to run down the stairs away from her and just keep running.

But as she got away from her, she reached out for him and tried to grab his vest. But once she took a step forward, her knee began to ache again from all her stress, and buckled in pain.

MARI: "Hey- Gah!!"

Once her knee buckled, she fell forward, catching herself with her arm... but pushing forward with the other.

The pain made her grip loosen on his vest, and as soon as she fell... she felt SUNNY go forward.

But she was too focused on the splitting pain in her knee to realize it yet. But a second after, she heard something, a noise that would make send a cold shiver down her body...

A crack. And a thud...

Even with her knee still in pain, she crawled over to the edge of the stairs, panting heavily until she saw what lied at the bottom... or rather, WHO lied there.

MARI: "S-SUNNY? Are you... are you..."

Her blood went from boiling to cold in a matter of seconds, seeing her brother lying there, face first at the bottom of the stairs. But her heart stopped once she realized...

He was right where the broken Violin was.

MARI: "... SUNNY?"




Sniffling was heard.

CHIVE scooched over and rubbed her back as MARI was crying into her knees, sobbing after telling him what she did the day of the Recital... and how she lost her brother.

He let her let it out as she hugged her legs close, whimpering as she finally sat up, wiping her nose and sniffling again.

MARI: "I-I can't say anymore, it... hurts. Even now... But... sigh" She wiped her eyes. "HERO came in not to long after since he was wondering where we were, and... h-he called the Ambulance immediately." She looked at her hands and kept sniffling, tears still running down her cheeks. "My hands got.... so red. I... I-I didn't even realize I was screaming, but.... I-I never wanted to let him go once I saw..."

She clenched her fist and looked away, curling into a ball and gritting her teeth. Hiccuping a bit, she placed her forehead on her knees and gave a shaken sigh. "And... that's it. A-After that, he... was put into a Coma. H-He lost his right eye, and... I've been by his side ever since, w-waiting for him to wake up..."

CHIVE leaned back on his arms and looked to the warm sky, taking a deep breath after hearing her piece. "Sheesh... Gotta say, I heard alotta sad stories from OTHER SUNNY'S and some BASIL'S. But never really one from any MARI'S. Still... sorry that happened to ya."

MARI sighed. "No, I... I did this to myself... I deserve it for being such a... a bad sister..."

CHIVE looked over to her and rested on his side, leaning on his elbow. "Well I mean like... wasn't it just an accident?"

She immediately sat up and looked at him with a serious expression.

MARI: "NO! No, it wasn't! If I didn't get so mad and act so horrible to him, I-I never would have done it! But I..." She gave a weak sigh and fell onto her back, draping an arm over her eyes. "But I did... I acted like a horrible big sister... I never gave him a chance to... say why he did it..."

CHIVE didn't interrupt her, simply putting his hands behind his head and laying beside her, letting her take a minute to breath. Once she calmed down, he asked in a simple, mellow tone. "But did you mean to do it?"

MARI: "... N-No. Of course not, but-"

CHIVE: "Then there's your answer. If you didn't mean it, then like, it ain't your fault. Was an accident, simple as that."

MARI: "Sigh No CHIVE, I-"

CHIVE: "Babababa- No! Quit overcomplicatin' stuff!" He stat up and criss crossed his legs, moving his hands a lot as he talked. "If you DID mean to, then you'd be a bad sis. But since you didn't~ Eh? See what I'm gettin' at?"

MARI looked at him and tried to see things from his angle, but closed her eyes and grunted as she got up. "I mean... I get what you're saying, and I wanna see it that way, but... It's just too difficult to believe that."

CHIVE: "Hmmmm... Well, sorry, wish I could help more, but I ain't no Therapist. But uhhh... Ya feel better? Lettin' all that off your chest I mean?"

MARI rested her head against her knees and sighed. "Well... sort of, actually. I don't know why, but that felt... not good, but... hmm."

CHIVE: "Relievin'?"

She looked to him and thought for a second, nodding a bit as he gave a smirk. "Sweetness! You are seemin' a bit less gloomy than before. No 'fense, of course, but even I could tell when I first saw ya you were a bit of a Gloomy Gus."

MARI looked confused and sat up straight. "Wait, what? Really?"

CHIVE snapped his fingers and pointed to her as he spoke. "Major slouchin', reeeal bad bags under your eyes, messy hair, pale skin, resting sad face- Need I say more?"

MARI looked herself over quickly and then looked to him with half closed eyes and s mildly annoyed look. "Alright alright! I get it, sheesh." She chuckled a bit through her nose with a half smile.

He chuckled and nudged her side. "Ay! She can smile." He scooched closer to her and leaned back on his arms.

Both of them were staring at the warm sunny sky, relaxing and letting herself calm down. She ran her hands through the Orchids under her, eyes closed and feeling the petals gently glide across her palms.

MARI: "Wow... this place is so... calming. The first time I came here I was, uh, less than calm heh."

CHIVE opened an eye and looked to her. "Oh? You've been her before, MAR MAR?"

MARI: "Yeah, I have. I just never knew what this place was. And I... think I met DEATH too?"

CHIVE'S eyes opened wide as he turned to her, a look of surprise as he sat towards her. "Woah, DEATH? Like, really real DEATH? Did he have like, the hood and sickle, er scythe thing?"

MARI: "Uhh... no actually? He was more of a shadow, sort of, with a wide brimmed hat? And his face looked like a skull... mask?"

She sounded confused while explaining it, wondering it he'd actually believe her. But once she looked at his reaction, he had a wide smile and looked like he believed her.

CHIVE: "Woa-hohoooo, sweet! Sounds kinda badass... well, not really, but it's freakin' DEATH, hehe." As he took off his Flower Crown, taking the Orcids off and planting them back to the FIELD, he realized something. "Wait... so you like... died? Legitly?"

MARI: "Yeah... It's a long story... well, another long one."

CHIVE: "Hehe, hey, no need to hold back MAR MAR, we got some time, and consider me thoroughly interested in your story~" He kicked back and laid on his back again.

MARI smiled a bit and gave a small laugh, easing up a bit as she took a deep breath. "Well... this all started when my Brother woke up..."




CHIVE: "Man... And that all happened in like, a day?"

MARI: "Mmmhmm."

CHIVE: "Woooooah.... wicked, man. But hey, least your Bros alive! Sumin' good came outta that... uh, mess."

MARI: "Yeah, he... Wait-" She stood up and looked around, frantically looking left and right until she put both hands to the side of her head. "Shoot! I-I can't remember where my Orchid is! I-I left my shoes by it, but I don't know which way I left them!"

She tried to look far off to see if she could see even a hint of her black shoes, but to no avail. She began to breath quickly as she turned to CHIVE. "H-How am I supposed to get home?!"

CHIVE grunted as he stood up, dusting off his hands before holding them up a bit. "Woahwoahwoah, MAR MAR! Just chillax, you don't gotta be so tense all the time, sheesh."

He saw her beginning to freak out a bit, stammering to reply before he grabbed both her cheeks a bit and looked at her. "Bup bup bup! Relax. Take a deeeeeep breath first, m'kay?" He took one and waited for her to do the same.

She hesitated, but closed her eyes and took a deep breath, hearing him exhale slowly and tried to do the same.

CHIVE: "Atta girl." He let go of her and made sure she was calming herself down more before he spoke. "Aight, firstly, you're smart! Puttin' your shoes by your Orchid means ya can't lose it, big brain move, sister. And Second, even it you can't see it now, I know how you can find it!"

MARI was still taking deep breaths as he was explaining, but opened her eyes once she heard him say that. "Y-You do?" She opened her eyes and saw him smirking.

CHIVE: " 'Course! Been here long enough to know a few tricks. Now, first things first... close your eyes. Ya gotta focus on thinking of your world. Home, friends, fam, all the works. Just make sure it's anyone or thing from YOUR World. Got it?"

MARI thought for a moment, and nodded her head. She took slow, steady breaths and tried to clear her mind, closing her eyes and tried to focus. "A-Alright... I'll try."

She saw only a faint darkness, the light of the FIELD making it not completely dark as she looked around. She began to think of HER World, and everyone she cared about in it. SUNNY, MOM, HERO, KEL, AUBREY... HER BASIL.

It became a bit worrisome for her once she was filling her thoughts with HER World like he said, but saw nothing. "I-I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for."

CHIVE: "Look around slowly. Trust me, you'll see it when you see it."

MARI sighed and began slowly turning her body around, slightly nervous but repeating to herself. "Hooookay... I'll see it when I see it. I'll see it when I see it, I-"

She saw it at the corner of her eye, and quickly turned to it. It was a faint sparkle, a glimmer of light ahead if her in the darkness. She opened her eyes and saw she turned herself around, looking around frantically as she looked where the Glimmer was.

MARI: "Th-There was a light! But it's gone now, wh-where did it-"

CHIVE: "He-he-heeeey, told ya! All ya gotta do to find your way home is to keep the memories flowin' and close your eyes til ya see the Glimmer. Just follow it and eventually you'll be on your way~"

MARI gave a sigh of relief and began to smile, looking to CHIVE and grabbing a hand with both of hers. "Thank you! Thank you so much for everything! I'd still probably be wandering around here aimlessly if it wasn't for you!"

CHIVE gave a smirk and a nod. "For sure! What're friends for?"

MARI shook his hand and looked relived... until she began to think a bit and looked more curious. "Hm.... uhm, I'm curious if you know or not, but... do you know what would happen if we didn't find our way home? Back to our Orchid I mean."

CHIVE held up and fingers and was about to speak. "Oh, ah-! Uh... huh?" He then looked to the side before scratching his chin a bit. "I dunno really. Kinda happened to me, but I just pictured home and followed the Glimmer. But if we stayed here... Dunno? Maybe we'd stay asleep since we couldn't go back and all, y'know?"

MARI thought about it for a second, looking a bit nervous but more concerned the more she thought about it. "Uh huh... o-okay, that... would make sense."

(We'd stay asleep? So... was SUNNY... lost in here? Could he not find his way back...?)

She looked out into the FIELD, seeing countless Orchids and knowing now that those were countless other Worlds...

MARI: "... Even if there's the slightest chance he comes back here, I... I need to tell all this to SUNNY. I don't know where he was for those 4 years, but... I never want him to come back here and not know how to come home. I... don't want to imagine him being lost and alone in here. I can't..."

She clenched her fist as it trembled, taking a deep breath and looking to CHIVE. "Thank you, really. I'll make sure and tell my brother this when I wake up. You've been a huge help, I mean that." She went in and hugged him, sounding sincere as she told him. "Thank you... BASIL. I know we've just met, but... You're a great friend."

CHIVE chuckled and hugged her back, patting her a bit. "Aayyy, no sweat, MARI. Always happy to help a bud out." They stepped and he chuckled once more. "Hey, guess bein' a stoner actually was a good thing for once, eh?"

Both of them laughed a bit, CHIVE sighing as he turned towards the direction her Orchid was. "So, Homes that way, eh? Gonna head there now?"

MARI turned there and closed her eyes, seeing the Glimmer and nodding. "Yeah... SUNNY needs to know this if he ever ends up here again. So, I should go. Thank you so much, again. I- Oh... How will we ever see each other again? I doubt I'll find you again wandering around this Field..."

CHIVE: "Hmm.." He raised his brow and held up a finger. "Oh right! Almost forgot, that was another thing-" *He took off his beanie and revealed a Orchid. He held it up to her and looked at it. "You can find the Glimmer of another person's Orchid, as long as they let you into their world, sorta."

MARI: "Wait, really?"

CHIVE: "Yessiree. Done it myself with a lil' buddy of mine, I'll show em to you after! But for now, c'mon and toch the petals of my Orchid real quick."

MARI nodded a bit and hesitantly touched his Orchid.

CHIVE: "Okay, here goes..."

MARI didn't see anything for a second, but out of nowhere, a bright light began to envelope them. She looked around nervously, wondering what was happening, until she sat straight up.

A flood of His memories began to flow into her mind, seeing a different World from her own and a different versions of HER. It was brief, but in that time she saw so much of his world. Too much to process all at once.

A sense of ease washed over her after the light faded, panting a bit as she looked at CHIVE.

MARI: "What... what was..."

CHIVE: "Bit of my memories. You felt em, right? Happens when you let someone into your World, hehe."

MARI finally let go and put a hand on her forehead, catching her breath before she heard him speak.

CHIVE: "Now, try and picture my World. The one you just saw. Try and think of me, and find the Glimmer."

MARI took a few more breaths before she cleared her throat and closed her eyes. She tried to focus on CHIVE'S World, and him as she cleared her mind. It took a second, but once she pictured him clearly... she saw the Glimmer. Right in front of her. She opened her eyes and saw a shining Orchid in his hands.

MARI: "I-I see it! I see the Glimmer!"

CHIVE: "Badda bing, badda boom! Now you can find me anytime you wanna~ Just touch my Orchid again and holler at me, I should show up to you if I'm dreamin' or... well, y'know." He said with a smirk.

MARI: "Thank you! I keep saying that but I mean it." She hugged him again, briefly this time, but squeezed tightly. She got up and exhaled a bit, closing her eyes and thinking of her World again.

And just like that, her Glimmer shone once again. She looked towards the direction and nodded. "Okay... Time to go home. Uhm... I guess I'll see you around then?"

CHIVE chuckled and gave her finger guns. "Only in your dream, MAR MAR~"

She rolled her eyes and laughed, shaking her head before she waved goodbye. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, looking towards the Glimmer. As she walked away, further and further, she heard CHIVE shouting at her.

CHIVE: "Seeya round, spirit sister!"

She waved goodbye but didn't turn her head, smiling as she went towards the Glimmer still. She wasn't expecting tonight to turn out like this, but not only did she learn more about this Field, she managed to make a Friend who could navigate it. She felt content as she was heading home, and determined to make sure SUNNY never got lost in this Field again... if that's what happened to him before.

It took a while, but once she managed to see the Glimmer right at her feet, she opened her eyes and saw her shoes. And there it was... her Orchid. Her ticket back home. Without hesitating, she kneeled down and touched the Orchid, seeing the light engulf her once again as it shone even brighter than before. So much so, she had to shut her eyes before...

The fields were empty once more.





Emori BASIL/ CHIVE - @/shrimperini on Twitter

Authors Note: Yes, I'm aware that the Truth doesn't match up with what SUNNY remembered in Chapter 3. Will be one of the few things I retcon. I'll try and stick to what's been established before, but I wasn't sure what direction I'd be taking this until a few chapters in. Sorry again for the confusion, bur I hope you guys still enjoy it!

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