Golden Spoon

By winnie_xoxo4

6.7K 586 4K

[BOOK 1] "We played with the devil at midnight, but masked by who we really were with charming smiles." Heirs... More

01 - Dearly loved
02 - Poolside
04 - Man's world
05 - Table manners
06 - Keeping secrets
07 - Chosen one
08 - Two birds, one stone
09 - Looks are deciving
10 - Friendship circle
11 - Hate the player, not the game
12 - Gentlemen don't play nice
13 - Spolied brat & more
14 - Lights, Camera, Action
15 - Two is better than one
16 - Recovery period
17 - We deserve this, right?
18 - Two truths, one lie
19 - Blind leading the blind
20 - Mind games
21 - New Alliances
22 - Bad habits, die hard
23 - Midnight Madness
24 - Hide & Seek
25 - Charity Case
26 - A Father's Love
27 - Birthday girl
28 - Young love
29 - Written words
30 - Exposed
31 - Let's talk
Q & A
Sneak Peek

03 - To be a lady

228 25 65
By winnie_xoxo4


"Are you ready yet?" Claire asked. Swiftly spinning her hair upwards and places a claw to keep it in place.

"Well, I'm ready just not a fan of tight-fitting skirts," I say, pulling down the fabric of the skirt to cover my knees but it's no use.

Warm sunlight dances across the room to its own rhythm and lines its shadow over to cover my rose gold ring Vivian Hawthorne written in cursive.

I smile. Knowing that dwelling on who we were isn't the right decision now or ever.

Claire steps close to the dresser and looks up at the mirror, for a moment me and Claire could've probably pass for siblings in another lifetime.

"You know this outfit reminds me of our time together in boarding school," Claire said, stifling a laugh while casting me a knowing look.

I grimace at the thought and shake my head. "I'd rather not dwell on time spent at boarding school, it's so embarrassing."

A knock at the door and Claire hurries over to answer it. While I study my face for the second or third time, but honestly I've lost count.

"Good morning, Miss Hawthorne and Miss Genevieve I'd like to show you to the common room," Butler said, checking his pocket watch and then nodding in approval.

Locking the bedroom door, following the butler's steps while Claire is close beside me with a level head.

"Oh forgive me, how has your stay at the Wellington manor been so far?" the butler asked. Continuing his steps at a reasonable pace while briskly finding his way around this place like the back of his hand.

"My stay so far at Wellington is pleasant just like last time, can't wait to partake in the activities this time," I said, with my words in an even tone and direct manner.

"And what about you Miss Genevieve?" He asks.

Casting a look towards Claire, but she's too busy focusing on the many things going on around her and nearly trips over the wooden flooring.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry what was the question, if you don't mind" Claire replied. Her cheeks flush with embarrassment and chewing the insides of her mouth.

"It's alright, Miss never mind the question I must bring you two to the common room immediately," Butler said, quickening his pace down the long corridor turning left, right, and another left.

He stops in front of double doors with a letter W written in cursive involving intricate designs surrounding it.

"Here you are, I wish I could stay longer but I must go" He said.

"Thank you," We said.

The double doors open and close softly with a faint click.

Linen curtains hover over the open windows and round tables with macaroons piling over themselves on a plate, sandwiches, and Catherine pours tea to the brim of her cup.

"Ladies, so wonderful to see you here please take a seat wherever you like before I make my announcement," Marie said, nodding to a nearby table and sitting back down at her reserved table.

Claire and I take nearby seats with Catherine and settle in before Miss Wellington's announcement.

"Catherine, could you please pass the teacup?" Claire asked. Taking a few small sandwiches onto her plate.

Catherine passes the teacup to Claire while taking the last bites of her sandwich and drinks a fresh squeeze of orange juice.

Marie taps the side of her glass and calls for everyone's attention. "Ladies, we will have two guests joining in on our tradition."

"Wait, is that Bridget Victoria I can't believe she's here in Wellington honestly didn't think she'd be at this type of place," Catherine said, her eyes wide with shock at her role model in the same room as her trying not to fangirl.

"And here beside me is Sora Izumi, these two girls will be playing along with the rest of you," Marie said, scanning her eyes amongst the girls in the room.

A/N This chapter is a bit longer than the previous one I hope you enjoyed it!

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