Till Death Do Us Part

By susansummers314

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A Voodoo Queen forces Beast Boy and Raven into Holy Matrimony, without the help of the other Titans they must... More

Chapter 1: The Mistress of Fate
Chapter 2: There's Tofu in That Fridge!
Chapter 3: Life's Little Lessons
Chapter 4: Ring, Ring, Ring!
Chapter 5: Fire, Ice, and a Book
Chapter 6: Maybe You Can Owe Me
Chapter 7: Roses are Blood Red
Chapter 8: A Time for Trust
Chapter 10: Mending the Broken
Chapter 11: The Gradual Fall
Chapter 12: The Stranger
Chapter 13: Sick of Shadows
Chapter 14: Forget Tomorrow

Chapter 9: Surprises in Zen Garden

37 3 2
By susansummers314

"Life has taught me that respect, caring and love must be shared, for it's only through sharing that friendships are made"

-Donna A. Favors

"Good evening all!" Beast Boy opened his eyes to see a stout, red haired woman standing behind a podium. "Now I know this was short notice, but I'm glad to see so many of you were able to attend."

The young man kept his attention on the woman speaking, terrified to look any other way but straight ahead. "As most of you already know, last year the soccer team took a devastating blow when Coach Stewart retired, and now, our current coach, has just quit the job as well."

"The soccer team is awful, I can understand why." Beast Boy overheard the rather aggressive blonde woman mutter.

"Now, I'm not going to beat around the bush any longer," the speaker said with a chipper voice. "We need a new coach otherwise the children won't be able to play!" All the women in the room began to whisper to one another, shock permeating through the room.

Examining who surrounded him, Beast Boy could tell that most of these women were mothers that were very active in their children's lives. If there were no more soccer team, there would be far less for them to focus on. Suddenly, the murmuring came to a sudden halt and the young man felt there stares.

"Diane, are you volunteering?" The stout young women questioned, relief present in her tone.

"Oh, God no!" Beast Boy jumped slightly when he heard the brunette next to him speak. "I was thinking more along the lines of a nomination..."

'Oh no, she wouldn't,' the young man thought, his heart pounded furiously. "Doctor Garfield Logan," Diane announced, taking the opportunity to wink at Beast Boy.

The other women began to whisper again and Beast Boy saw Olivia take the podium. "Diane, this isn't a nominated position. Gar will have to volunteer if he wants to be the coach," Olivia stated, her eyes narrowing when her gaze fell upon the woman. "After all, he already has enough on his plate as it is. Mrs. Logan being one of those things," she reminded Diane subtly as she smiled down at Beast Boy.

The woman rolled her eyes and coldly stared back up at Olivia. "Well, it would be nice if my child had the opportunity to play," she informed the group. "Unlike some, she actually has talent," Diane whispered so only those within earshot could hear her.

Beast Boy had a feeling this was directed at Olivia and his heart began to beat faster. He did not intend on getting into the middle of anything. The young man didn't understand the way women worked.

Their feuds carried out for months and grudges would be made. Tactics formed and perfectly crafted verbal attacks slyly executed. Beast Boy was growing tenser, as he watched each woman stare the other down. He was certain one of them was going to pounce.

But, to his amazement this did not happen, rather they both broke out in an eerie laughter. The young man sighed uneasily; maybe the way women worked was something he didn't want to understand.

"I understand completely Diane, but it's up to Gar." Olivia eyed the young man hopefully. Beast Boy shifted in his seat. He would be going back to work soon and, although after reading through his med books things were becoming somewhat clearer, coaching a soccer team would cut into his job.

The women persisted to stare at him and nervously he cleared his throat. "Um, maybe...when is practice?"

Diane clapped her hands together in enthusiasm her mission was accomplished. "Don't worry, it won't conflict with work. Practices tend to be twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays and games are usually every other Saturday."

Beast Boy thought over his schedule, he got off work early for the most part, he could be the coach, but it was now all a matter of if he wanted to be. The women present at the meeting proved to him that he would have to deal with forceful mothers constantly.

But, if he could fight villains on a regular basis, he could certainly deal with crazed children and their parents, how difficult could it be? "Sure, I'll be the coach."

"Wonderful! Just come to the school's field this Tuesday! There haven't been any games yet this season, they're still practicing." Olivia grinned, "Thank you."

"No problem," Beast Boy muttered. The meeting continued on and Beast Boy didn't retain a single word. He fidgeted with his keys, playing with one he didn't notice before. The young man's mind was elsewhere.

He wished he were home with Raven, he hadn't left her alone since she became ill, and he was starting to worry. He knew she would be fine, but something about him not being there to be absolutely sure, to watch over her, made him nervous.


Once the meeting had ended, Beast Boy rose from his seat and flew through the school's halls out to his moped. It was still raining out and the skies were dark. He put his helmet on and checked his watch.

It was only 7:30. "Raven probably didn't eat," he muttered concerned. He sat down on his moped and pulled out his cell phone.


"Hey Rae-Rae...it's me."

"Don't call me that." Beast Boy heard Raven sigh and he grinned. "Whatever, the meetings over."

"I would assume so, since you're calling."

There was a silence; Beast Boy didn't know whether or not he wanted to tell her about being the new soccer coach. "Um, did you eat dinner yet?"


"Oh, well do you want me to pick something up?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, what do you want?"

"I don't know Raven, I'm asking you." It was Beast Boy's turn to sigh. He knew that whatever he chose, his wife would not want. He didn't want to be the one to make the decision.

"Well, just surprise me," the young woman said in a dry tone, "I don't really care."

"Fine, I'll see you soon." Beast Boy was about to hang up when he heard Raven's voice call him. "Beast Boy wait!"


"Just...be careful coming home, the roads are really wet." The young man heard the worry in her voice and smiled.

"Aw, so you really do care?"

"Shut up and don't die. It would be a hassle to deal with." With those sweet, sweet parting words, Raven hung up and Beast Boy put his phone away.

He put his key in the ignition and sped off in the direction of Chinatown. The streets were congested with cars trying to hurry their way home. Beast Boy sighed, it would be midnight by the time he got the food and back to the apartment if he waited in the traffic.

After half an hour, the young man finally spotted Raven's car parked outside their building and pulled over. He looked around for a nearby parking space, but there wasn't one.

Suddenly, his mind went back to his keys, he looked down and saw the extra one. "It must be to Rae's car," he muttered hopefully and sure enough it did.

With a satisfied smile, the young man opened the trunk and put his moped in. His small bit of luck vanished and almost as if on cue, small bits of hail began to fall with the increasingly heavy rain.

He ran for the sidewalk and took refuge within the nearest restaurant. Beast Boy smelled the warm food being cooked and looked around. "Oh my God," he said.

The young man's jaw nearly hit the floor. He was inside the restaurant that he pegged as the one place he would never set foot in. Beast Boy hesitated as the delicious and terrifying smell of cooked meat entered his nostrils, he was a vegetarian for goodness sake!

"Welcome to Zen Garden. Are you eating in or is it to-go?" A pretty girl asked Beast Boy.

"I don't think either," he mumbled, sticking his hands in his pockets. The young man was about to leave when he felt a strong hand on his shoulder.

"Where are you going? Come eat with us tonight!" Beast Boy turned to see a tall, sturdy Chinese man with jet-black hair and a kind face smiling down at him."

"I really can't. My wife is sick and I need to get back to her," his eyes darted over to double doors leading into the kitchen and then back to the man, "besides, I'm a vegetarian."

"So am I! What's your name?"


"Well Garfield, my name's Don! You say your wife's sick? Well, I'll make her something tasty that'll make her feel much better!" He slapped Beast Boy on the back. "Come, follow me!"

Don took the young man back to the bar and sat him down. He disappeared behind the kitchen doors and reemerged moments later. "They're fixing you and your wife's food as we speak. Have a drink on the house while you wait," Don offered.

"No thanks," Beast Boy shook his head and feigned a smile, his eyes once again drifted off towards the large menus on the wall, filled with perfectly detailed pictures of the meat dishes offered at the restaurant.

"I can see you're wondering about the menus."

"Why do you think that?"

"You're eyes haven't left them since you first stepped in here!" Don laughed heartily, Beast Boy blushed.

"How are you a vegetarian if you have those hanging around?" The young man gestured to the large menus filled with meat dishes hanging on the front wall, but soon noticed Don grimace.

"I'm a vegetarian, but my cousin isn't. About two years ago he offered to help me run the place, and I let him, thinking it'd give me some time to relax, but it didn't. Up went the large tacky menus," he said with anger. "It was never strictly vegetarian here. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to turn a profit, but he took it too far with ridiculous menus."

"Why don't you do something about it? It's your restaurant."

"Oh no, I couldn't! He'd just laugh at me and remind me he's invested in turning my once humble eatery, as he likes to call it, into one of the best restaurants in town! Which is a complete lie! It was already one of the best and I was the one that did that," Don smiled proudly.

Beast Boy shared in his smile and both men continued to talk. The young man found that Don's kindness was genuine; he was a relieved to be talking to such a nice man after being trapped in a PTA meeting with those scary parents.

"Oh!" Don exclaimed, "We spent all this time talking, I'm keeping you from your wife! I'm sure your food's done, let me go check."

"Alright." Beast Boy was glad he gave the restaurant a chance. It was definitely not what he imagined. The one-room establishment was bright and colorful, with rich crimson walls and light wood floors. 

People sat at nice clean tables conversing and laughing over plates of delicious looking food. The giant meat menus on the wall were the only marring of the otherwise aesthetically pleasing atmosphere.

Staring into space, Beast Boy found himself looking at Zen Garden's "celebrity wall." There were pictures of famous people who eat at the restaurant. He glanced over the photographs without much attention or consideration.

Most of the celebrities were ones he did not know. Old singers from the sixties, famous actors and actresses from movies Beast Boy probably never hear of. But immediately his eyes fell on a photograph of a celebrity he did recognize, however he did not know them from some television show or movie, rather from real life.

It was of Cyborg sitting at one of the many white clothed tables and Don with his arm slung over his shoulders. Cyborg was grinning widely, in front of him was a heaping plate of dumplings and rice.

" 'Best service and best dumplings around!' –Cyborg," Beast Boy read aloud in astonishment. At that moment, Don came out holding two large bags of food.

"Don, you know Cyborg?"

"Of course, he comes in all the time! Great guy!" Don placed the bags on the bar and smiled. Still amazed, Beast Boy forgot that he had to pay the man. He found his wallet and began leafing through the bills. "Thanks, um how much?"

"It's free, son! Let's call it the...new customer discount!" The man laughed. "Where do you live, I can get someone to help you with these, they're pretty heavy," he said motioning to the bags.

"Just upstairs."

"Really? I've never seen you in here before! Be sure to come back when your wife's better, I'd love to meet the young lady!"

"Sure, I will. Nice meeting you, Don. Thanks for the food!"

"Anytime, Garfield!" Beast Boy left the restaurant with a smile on his face, and it wasn't only because he got free food. He now had a fresh opportunity to see Cyborg, his best friend.

The young man missed him. Life just wasn't the same without him.

'He could help us!' Beast Boy thought adding more spring to his step, 'If we sat him down and explained it to him, he would listen!' The young man ran all the way up the stairs and down the hallway, flinging open the door to the apartment. "RAVEN!"

"You don't need to shout, I'm right here." He saw Raven sitting on the couch, a book in hand. The young man placed the bags of food on the table and sat down next to her taking the book away.

"What are you doing?" asked Raven, staring at her husband crossly. 

"Guess what!" Beast Boy's eyes were sparkling. The young man told her about the restaurant and how he judged too quickly and then got to the subject of Cyborg's picture.

"He's there all the time Rae!" Beast Boy said out of breath, waiting for Raven's response.

"Beast Boy, he doesn't know you."

"He'll remember me if I talk to him," Beast Boy said, "I know he will!" 

Raven put a hand on the young man's shoulder, he looked at her alarmed. "Please don't Beast Boy."

"If we explained everything to him, he could help us!"

"We tried that already."

"Well, we didn't try hard enough!" Beast Boy shrugged Raven's hand off his shoulder and stood up. "Besides, I wouldn't listen to us if we just stormed up to the Tower either."

"This isn't a good idea," Raven said.

"Why not?" The young man stared his wife in the eyes.

Raven saw the determination that lit his face, she sighed heavily. "Because, you'll be devastated if he doesn't recognize you...Beast Boy, I don't want you getting hurt," Raven whispered.

She tore her cerulean eyes away from his and concentrated on her wedding band, twisting it around her finger. She read the words that were inscribed on her ring to herself, 'Vle Ajamè Damou Pou Ajamè.'

Beast Boy sat back down and began unpacking the food in silence. Deep down he knew Raven was right, that he shouldn't ask Cyborg for help; after all Cyborg wouldn't remember his friend.

But that didn't mean Beast Boy couldn't become his friend. With fresh hope, Beast Boy turned to his wife with a wide smile. "It looks like Don made some soup for you," he said, "and noodles!"

"Sounds good." Raven stopped fidgeting with her ring and looked up at her husband she knew he was plotting something, but she couldn't figure it out.

"Raven, what do the rings say? I can't read Creole and they didn't have a translation online."

"Online? Were you doing research?" The young woman asked incredulously.

"Yeah, why shouldn't I? You were doing research."

"I'm just surprised...sorry." Raven wasn't just shocked, she was straight up gobsmacked.

"I'm full of surprises." Beast Boy winked. Raven felt a small smile grace her lips, but as soon as it was there it had disappeared.

"Tell me what it means." He asked.

"It means, desire forever, love each other forever." Raven pinkened.

"Oh." He cleared his throat. The young man noticed Raven's flushed face and knew his was probably twice as red. "Hey, could you do me a favor?" Beast Boy asked in an attempt to change the subject.

"Sure, what?"

"Could you help me study, like quiz me or something? I think I'm understanding some of it better, but I think I need some help."

"Of course."

"Really? Good, hang on lemme get my books!" Beast Boy jumped back up to his feet and ran over to the computer desk where he left his books and notes. "Here, just go through the it and ask me about the terms." 

"Um alright," Raven scanned the page and picked a highlighted word at random, "What's sarcoma mean?"

"Easy! It's a tumor formed from connective tissue cells!"

"Yes, good job," the young woman smiled. She asked him to define more terms and soon moved on to questions she found in the end of the book. Raven was surprised at how much Beast Boy knew, he had been studying hard. Time flew, neither realizing how late it was. 

"Oh my God, it's 2:30!" Beast Boy said in astonishment. "We should probably go to sleep."

"You're right," Raven agreed closing the large book that was sitting on her lap, "We can study more tomorrow if you want."

"Are you sure? You don't have to help." The young man stood and began picking up the leftover bags of food to refrigerate.

"I don't mind."

"Thanks." Once Beast Boy was finished cleaning, he extended a hand to his wife, which she gladly took, for support, of course.

They made their way into the bedroom; Raven slowly undid the covers and carefully lay down in the bed while Beast Boy changed into his pajamas in the bathroom.

The young woman made sure the 'pillow wall' was sturdy before turning on her side and staring out the window, it was still raining. Raven heard the door open and immediately closed her eyes so that Beast Boy didn't know she was still awake.

The young man tiptoed over to the window and shut the curtains. He turned to see Raven already sound asleep.

A lopsided grin fell upon his lips as he walked over to her and gently pushed the black hair away from her face. He stared at her for a moment's time.

Beast Boy liked looking after Raven, he liked being able to help her when she required his assistance. He enjoyed being needed, but more so he enjoyed being needed by her.

Beast Boy blushed as this thought raced through his mind. He shook his head in an attempt to erase these ideas and decided the only reason he felt this way was because he was able to prove he was responsible.

"See you in the morning Rae," he whispered softly in her ear. Yet he did not make any motion to move away from her. Without thought, Beast Boy kissed Raven's forehead lightly, lingering only for a second before realizing what he had done.

He placed his fingers to his lips and ran over to his side of the bed. His entire body was shaking; he had no idea why he did that. The young man closed his eyes tightly, trying to pretend like it didn't happen.

But a faint tingling sensation rested upon his lips, and he knew that would be impossible.

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