Till Death Do Us Part

By susansummers314

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A Voodoo Queen forces Beast Boy and Raven into Holy Matrimony, without the help of the other Titans they must... More

Chapter 1: The Mistress of Fate
Chapter 2: There's Tofu in That Fridge!
Chapter 3: Life's Little Lessons
Chapter 4: Ring, Ring, Ring!
Chapter 5: Fire, Ice, and a Book
Chapter 6: Maybe You Can Owe Me
Chapter 7: Roses are Blood Red
Chapter 9: Surprises in Zen Garden
Chapter 10: Mending the Broken
Chapter 11: The Gradual Fall
Chapter 12: The Stranger
Chapter 13: Sick of Shadows
Chapter 14: Forget Tomorrow

Chapter 8: A Time for Trust

49 3 3
By susansummers314

"The best proof of love is trust"

- The Joyce Brothers

Cool air filtered in through the open windows, rousing Beast Boy out of his restless sleep. Ever since Madame Laveau forced them into their sleeping arrangements, the young man had found it difficult to find any rest.

Being so close to Raven, even with the 'pillow wall', created a tension he could not explain. Quietly, making sure not to rouse his wife, he lifted himself off the bed. Slowly, he tiptoed over to the windows and shut them so that no more cold air and rain would enter.

Beast Boy glanced over his shoulder at Raven. Lately she had been feeling better, he could tell by the way she slept. For the first couple of days she would never be able to become comfortable, she was always fidgeting.

That could be due to the fact that she was just as tense as he. But recently she had been able to relax. Knowing that Raven was getting the rest she needed relieved Beast Boy. He sighed, pulling the blanket over her shivering form and left her to sleep.

Raven felt her husband's fingers graze her shoulder but dared not open her eyes. He thought she was asleep, but this was not the case. The young woman hated the thought of sleeping so close to another person, it made her nervous. Hearing him turn on the shower, she knew that he was awake and not coming back to bed.

Turning to face the windows, Raven breathed in the last lingering wisps of fresh air. She almost allowed herself to yield to the temptation of sleep when something struck her. The young woman pulled the excess fabric of her green tank top up towards her nose and smelled it.

Raven had not showered since before she went to the hospital! Slowly she fingered her hair, it was quite greasy and her skin was moist with sweat. She cursed herself for not realizing this sooner; her mind was too wrapped up in other things.

Her face burned brightly, Beast Boy must have thought she was disgusting! Not wanting to think about that, Raven pulled back the blanket and gingerly placed her feet on the wooden floors. Gripping onto the nightstand for support she stood, her walk was shaky she was still getting used to being back on her feet.

Within minutes she was back to sitting down on the edge of the bed. She knew she would never be able to shower on her own. Her heart leapt into her throat, there was no way she could ever ask Beast Boy to help her bathe!

"No, absolutely not!" Raven muttered to the wall keeping her cerulean eyes cast down towards her pale feet. The young woman argued out her dilemma. "But I need to take a shower." She had to become clean somehow but her options were very limited.

Raven felt her face grow hotter and hotter at the mere thought of him helping her. But she knew that there really was no other way but she was too afraid to ask. Suddenly, she heard the water stop running Beast Boy was through with his shower.

Raven tensed as soapy water crept down her back. Her husband put a hand on her shoulder the other curled around her black hair, pushing it aside. "Relax." He breathed into her ear, his palm lightly stroking the small crevice between her shoulder and neck.

Raven tried to breath easier as she sat in the sudsy bath water, Beast Boy kneeled behind her on the bathmat. She closed her eyes, feeling very comfortable as his hands moved upwards to massage her head.

His fingers felt natural combing through her hair, pressing delicately against her scalp. Raven sighed unknowingly as one of Beast Boy's hands found its way towards her shoulders. His hand traveled down further resting on the small of her back. Raven's cheeks flushed and slowly, she looked over her shoulder to face Beast Boy.

He grinned down at her and placed the hand that was tangled in her hair on her chin, tilting her face upwards. His thumb brushed softly over her lips. She saw the twinkle in her husband's emerald eyes and waited in anticipation as he gently inched his way closer to her, closing the space between them.

Raven's eyes opened wide, she bit her lower lip using the pain as a means to fight off the thoughts she was having. She shook her head violently in an attempt to force the ideas from her brain. These methods were getting her nowhere and the picture in her mind's eye was growing increasingly strong.

The young woman buried her head in her hands, groaning over the frustration this dilemma was causing her. The young man looked down at the tiled floor and noticed that he had forgotten his clothes in the other room.

With an irritated sigh, Beast Boy tightened the towel around his waist and opened the bathroom door. Steam poured out with him as he entered the dully-lit bedroom. "Beast Boy...I smell really bad."  His ears perked at Raven's voice, he was surprised she was up.

He saw her turn away from the windows to face him. "Oh! Sorry!"

She whipped back around; her entire face was beet red.

"Sorry...h-hang on!" Beast Boy stuttered, just as embarrassed as his wife. Briskly, the young man walked over to the dresser and pulled out any clothes he could find. He ran back into the bathroom and dressed as quickly as he could.

Once he was completely clothed he reentered the room. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay." Raven was still red and refused to look his way. Beast Boy noticed this and sighed. Tentatively, he walked over to where she was sitting on the edge of the bed and sat down next to her. "You're right."

"What?" Questioned Raven, looking at her husband and narrowing her eyes. An all to familiar grin spread over his face.

"You do smell bad."

"Gee, thanks." Her monotone voice rang out around the room as she rolled her eyes.

"Wanna do something about it?" The young man raised an eyebrow.

Raven looked at him. Now was her chance. She had a plan. Since she was too uncomfortable asking Beast Boy for help, she would make him ask her. "I can't. It's still too hard to do certain things." The young woman shook her head tiredly. "I can barely lift my arms over my head." 

Beast Boy stared at her, he knew that she would need help but was hesitant in offering any. He was afraid of how she would react. "Raven, do you want my help?" He scratched at his damp blonde head nervously. "I mean, I promise I won't be weird or anything. If you think I would, I won't be!" Beast Boy added.

Raven feigned consideration before sighing deeply and nodding her head. "Fine." She stated simply. Carefully, she rose from the bed, finding the wall for support.

Beast Boy got up as well and put an arm around her waist to help keep her balanced. "You've been in the same pajamas for over a week."

"You're very observant." Raven commented wryly. They walked into the bathroom, Beast Boy turned on the faucet and putting the stopper in the drain. Raven leaned against the sink fiddling with the hem of her tank top and watched as her husband poured soap into the running water. 

Bubbles filled the tub and just before they cascaded over onto the floor Beast Boy shut off the tap. He turned to face Raven who stared blankly back at him. "Um, so what now?" The young man asked awkwardly. "Do you need help with...?"

He could not finish his sentence, his expression filled in for what he was trying to ask.

"No. But close your eyes and turn around." She said curtly. Beast Boy did as he was told and turned to face the tub with his emerald eyes firmly shut. Once Raven was absolutely sure he was not looking, she grabbed the fabric on her shirt and painfully began to pull it over her head.

It took a great effort for her to do this alone but she drew the line at Beast Boy bathing her, there was no way she would allow him to help her undress. Once she was finished and had a towel wrapped around her body she tapped her husband on the shoulder. "I'm ready."

"Okay." He kept his eyes cast down to the floor and helped her into the tub. Raven remained in the towel so that she was well hidden underneath it and the mass amounts of white foamy bubbles. Very aware of herself and Beast Boy's presence, she slowly began to wash her arms.

"Do you need any help?" Beast Boy's voice was almost inaudible; he sat on the edge of the tub facing the sink.

"No." Raven's face began to flush again. "Well maybe, um...could you wash my hair? It really hurts too much to do it myself."

"Sure." He muttered grabbing the shampoo bottle. The young man squirted some shampoo into the palm of his hand and hesitantly began working it into his wife's hair. Raven held her breath and kept her eyes shut.

"You have nice hair." Beast Boy said trying to fill the silence.

Raven smiled slightly. "Thanks."

"Okay, close your eyes." Beast Boy reached up and grabbed the shower head and turned it on. He washed away all of the shampoo until her hair was entirely smooth and dark, with no remnants of any suds. "All finished."

Raven opened her cerulean eyes and pushed her hair off of her face.

"Do you need anything else?" He already knew what her answer would be from the ever-growing shade of her already crimson cheeks.

"Could you possibly...no, never mind." 

What do you need?"


Beast Boy looked at her doubtfully, he knew she needed something else. "Just tell me."

"Well," Raven sighed, taking her time with what she had to say, "Could you...wash my back?"

"W-what?" He stuttered slightly, his eyes widening at her bold request. But he knew it was out of trust that she asked him.

"You don't have to."

"No! I don't mind." Beast Boy's entire thought process froze. He saw the luffa hanging from the hook on the wall opposite him and reached out for it. Both of his arms were shaking madly. He tried to steady himself as best he could but he was unable to control his nerves.

"AHH!" The arm that was supporting him on the edge of the bathtub gave out and, ungracefully, the young man fell head first into the warm water.

"Beast Boy!" Raven yelped as she clamored to the opposite side of the tub. Water was flowing over the sides and the young woman noticed that her husband was almost completely submerged under the bubbles.

"Beast Boy?" She asked with more concern in her voice. Carefully, she tapped him with her foot to see if he would respond. Almost instantly he lifted himself out of the sea of bubbles turning his body so that he was leaning up against the wall.

Beast Boy stared up at the luffa dangling above his head mockingly, and yanked it down. Bubbles and water dripped from his previously clean blonde hair into his emerald eyes and his clothes were saturated with sudsy bathwater.

"Are you alright?"

"Um...yeah, I'm just sort of stuck." He mumbled trying to push himself up out of the uncomfortable position he was in. After several failed attempts, Beast Boy was finally able to sit cross-legged, facing Raven who was staring at him with wide, alarmed eyes.

The pair sat and stared at each other for several minutes, both blushing profusely, neither one knowing what to say. Finally, Beast Boy spoke. "Um...should we just finish?"

Raven dropped her gaze down to the bubbles embarrassed. "Fine." She said hesitantly.

"Okay, let me go change."

"No, you're soaked. It would be pointless to change...so let's just finish."

"Are you sure? My promise still stands." Beast Boy reminded her. "I won't do anything."

"I know." Slowly, Raven turned so that her back was to her husband. Timidly, the young man took the luffa and placed it on her shoulder focusing his attention on the shower curtain rather than the task at hand.

This was one of the last things he had ever thought he would be doing in his life. With a heavy sigh Beast Boy finished washing her shoulders, not daring to go any further and hung the luffa back up. "Done."

Almost immediately the young man shot out of the tub and standing on the mat. Raven looked up at him and nodded in thanks. Beast Boy reached down to help his wife out and soon both of them were standing, soaking wet in the middle of the bathroom.

"Here." He held out a fresh towel for Raven and she took it without saying a word. "I'll get you some clean pajamas." Beast Boy walked back into the bedroom, puddles of water trailing behind him. Raven quickly exchanged her wet towel for the dry one and waited patiently for her husband to return.

"Will this be alright?" He was holding a pair of black sweatpants and a dark blue t-shirt.

"That'll work."

"I know you don't want me helping you with this part." He left the clothes on the sink and smiled at his wife. "I'll be out here. Yell if you need anything." Once Beast Boy closed the door he let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. He was still shaking and his face was still burning.

The young man grinned sheepishly as he walked over to the drawers to retrieve clean clothes for himself. He threw them on without much thought and waited for his wife to call for him.

"I'm finished." Raven announced from the other side of the door, not leaving the bathroom knowing that Beast Boy was probably changing his clothes.

"You can come in." He called back. Slowly she opened the door and walked over to the young man, a small smile on her lips.

"Your head!" Her smile vanished and her cerulean eyes fixated on his forehead. Crimson drops of blood crept down his brow staining his blonde hair. "Did you even realize that you're bleeding?" She questioned.

Beast Boy touched his forehead and looked back down at his fingers. Sure enough, he was bleeding. "I guess I just didn't notice it. There was already a lot on my mind." He laughed; his grin grew wide when he saw Raven roll her eyes.

"How big is the gash?" Beast Boy noted the concern in her voice and bowed his head so she could examine him. The young woman pushed his soaking, mop-like hair back and found the wound.

It rested right on his hairline and was showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. "It'll have to be bandaged," she said.

Before Beast Boy could say anything, Raven was back in the bathroom rummaging through the cabinet. "Sit down on the bed and turn on the light." The young man obeyed and sat down, turning on the lamp. Raven returned with some gauze, a bandage, and a bottle filled with some unidentifiable liquid.

"What's that?"

"You mean Gauze?"

"No, I know what gauze is." It was Beast Boy's turn to roll his eyes. "What's in the bottle?"

"Just hold still." Instructed Raven. "It might sting a bit." She took a piece of the gauze, poured some of the liquid onto it, and carefully applied it to Beast Boy's cut.

"Oh my God! A bit? Dude! What the actual hell is that stuff?" He yelled frantically backing away from his wife.

"It's antiseptic. It isn't that bad."

"My head feels like it's on fire!"

"Good, that means it's working." Raven stated in a dry tone. "You've had worse scrapes then this one, you'll survive."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean it won't burn like acid!"

"It'll only help."

After a moment's consideration, Beast Boy scooted back over to where he was sitting, Raven trusted him, and he should do the same. The young woman finished bandaging up her husband and sat down next to him on the bed.

Beast Boy looked at her out of the corner of his eye and slowly put his arm around her shoulders. He felt her straighten out surprised by the action but slowly she relaxed. "Thanks for bandaging me." Beast Boy said with a goofy grin on his face.

Raven nodded. "Thank you for helping me. Beast Boy, you really are a...good husband." 

"You said that before, you don't have to again."

"That's okay, I mean it."

"Really?" He asked in genuine shock. Once again, Raven nodded. Beast Boy looked down at her and saw that she was smiling. They sat in silence neither one saying a word. But unlike the silences they shared in the past, this one was not awkward.

It was welcome and both were enjoying each other's company. "What's that noise?" Beast Boy asked, a loud ringing echoed through the apartment shaking him out of the silence.

"I think it's the phone."

"Oh, okay. Well, I guess I'll go get it then." Somewhat saddened Beast Boy rose from his seat and made his way into the living room to retrieve the phone. "Hello?"

"Good morning Gar! It's me, Olivia, how are you?" A somewhat lively feminine voice asked.

The young man's brow furrowed, as he could not remember who this woman was. "I'm good?" He said, his answer coming out like a question.

"That's nice...is Raven available?"

"Hang on." Beast Boy walked back into the bedroom and handed the phone to his wife.


"Hi Raven, how are you feeling?" The young woman recognized the woman's voice. Olivia was the mother of one of her students, Neal, the one involved with the rat. Olivia had kept in contact with her for the past week updating her on how school was going and just to talk in general.

Raven liked Olivia, she was very honest and straight to the point, and even though she was getting along with Beast Boy, she found it nice to be able to speak to someone other then him. "I'm feeling better."

"Good to hear. I just dropped the kids off at school and apparently there's a PTA meeting tonight. I suppose it's important since it this is the first I've heard of it, and I'm a parent representative on the school committee!"

Raven had a feeling she knew where this was headed, but waited for Olivia to finish. "Now I know I'm asking a lot of you, what with your current condition and all, but do you think you would be able to attend?"

"I don't think so."

She heard the woman sigh. "Oh no...hmm, we really need someone there in your place. Wait! I've got it! Could Gar fill in for you?"

Raven looked at Beast Boy. He was examining his head in the mirror, trying to conceal the bandage with his hair. The young woman put her hand over the phone so that Olivia could not hear her. "Beast Boy, there's a PTA meeting at the school tonight."

Raven tried to suppress her laughter as best she could, but the thought of Beast Boy sitting in a meeting surrounded by mothers and teachers was too funny. "Olivia wants to know if you would be willing to go for me."

The young man stopped messing with his hair and looked at Raven's reflection in the mirror. "PTA meeting?" Beast Boy looked around the room for help, he could not think up an excuse. He breathed out his hesitancy and shrugged his shoulders. "Fine."

"Olivia, Gar said that he would go." Raven told the woman. Beast Boy grimaced, thinking of the forthcoming evening. If it were anything like he thought it would be, he certainly was not going to enjoy himself.


Beast Boy walked up the front stairs of the prestigious 'Glen View Academy.' His stomach did flips as he stared up at the castle-like school that loomed overhead. The rainy night skies did nothing to help aide the atmosphere.

Shaking his head and pulling his coat tighter around his form the young man continued his walk up the stone steps. Once inside, he found himself in a rather cheery brightly lit room.

"Hello, the PTA meeting is being held in the cafeteria. Just keep going straight." Beast Boy heard some woman say and continued down the hall, keeping his eyes downcast on the finely polished floors.

"Doctor Logan?" A rather loud, womanly voice shouted. Beast Boy tore his gaze away from the floor and looked up to see a tan, blonde woman smiling at him. "I didn't expect to see you here!"

The young man, realizing he was in the cafeteria, finally took a glance at his surroundings and nearly ran out of the cafeteria. There was not one other man in the room.

"No Raven?" The blonde woman questioned, laughing like a loon.

"Um, she's sick."

"Oh what a shame!" She said in a tone that held no sympathy whatsoever. "Well, then you can sit with me!" Before Beast Boy could protest, the woman grabbed his arm and pulled him over to the chairs up front.

The young man closed his emerald eyes out of fear and said a whispered prayer to the universe for his life.

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