Old friends, new people

By ly_xMxx

3.4K 153 18

Ashley had known the winchesters for years, No matter how much they moved around they would always come back... More

The party
A well needed hug
Mr obvious
Um... Excuse me
A little longer
Rise and sh...No
Feel the burn
moment of truth
Alone time
All i need.
that's not good.
Long time no see.
New guest, be nice.
Happy Birthday !
Yet another loss.
some lies with a dash of insanity
All down hill
Ghostfacers !
Guns and kisses.
Bright light ahead.
Wanted dead or alive.
Shes so gone
Roller coaster ride
Let me go...
Stupid little boy
Never can say goodbye.
NEWS !!!

Having a bad day?...Good.

53 3 0
By ly_xMxx

I woke up to a screaming noise in my ear. I shot up like a bullet to find Lucifer sitting at the foot of the bed. "you know you talk in your sleep ?" He spoke walking round and sitting beside me.

"What do you want ?" I growled at him.

i must have spoken to loudly because he woke up straight after that.

"Did you say something ?" He said sitting up still half asleep.

"what, no" i said quickly.

I got up and went in for a shower then got ready and went downstairs to get some breakfast. Thankfully Lucifer didn't decide to join me.  

When i got down there everyone was already half done with theirs. I sat down next to Dean and picked up a slice of toast.

"Is that all your having ?" Dean asked elbowing me.

"Yeah, i'm just not very hungry that's all" i smiled nervously thinking that was the end of the discussion.

Recently well since i got out of the cage i haven't felt like eating that much. Its not that i'm not hungry i'm starving its that i don't enjoy eating. So I've been trying to get them not to notice because it would start some big debate.

" you know you haven't really been hungry at all lately shorty ?" Sam asked curiously.

"Look nothings wrong, I'm not hungry that's all. So stop babying me !" i yelled then went into the study to sit with bobby.

I could hear them whispering when i walked out but i had honestly had enough. All this stuff with my parents, Crowley, the cage and Lucifer was catching up with me. I was pissed off, really pissed off.

 " Bobby, you know that rusty old pick up truck is it fixable ?" i asked.

"oh god no are you kidding , if you want a car i'll get you a better one than that " 

" no, no its fine i was just asking " I said then walked out.

I walked outside to the old truck. All of these words came rushing to my head. 


they where just spinning round in my head i couldn't help tearing up. My first instinct was to run up to my room and cry but then something kicked in and i'm not sure what it was. 

I felt myself lean down to pick up the closest thing to me which was a metal pole. I grabbed it in my hands and started whacking the truck with it. Each hit got more aggressive and just made me cry even more.

After a while my arms stated to get tired but i wouldn't stop. It wasn't till Sam ran out and grabbed the pole out of my hands and threw it away in the opposite direction from me. 

I was still crying hysterically and couldn't stop. Sam looked at me then pulled me into a tight hug. We juts sort of stood there, Him holding on to me and my crying into his shirt.

"Aww, this is so cute, where did i put my camera ?" I heard a voice behind me then a cruel laugh which i could only identify as Lucifer.

As soon as i heard that i began to cry harder and Sam lead me inside to sit on the couch with him and Dean. They didn't ask any question or even speak, we just sat on the couch watching tv in silence till i eventually fell asleep. 

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