Terrified of Love

By angels_wp

4.4K 84 0

"I look at you and I just love you, and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you" In which Ca... More

Act One: Characters
Act One: Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Act Two: Characters
Act Two: Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Act Three: Characters
Act Three: Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

82 2 0
By angels_wp

Jeremy and I are laying in my bed as his phone keeps buzzing, "Who is that?" I ask curious

"Secret girlfriend" He says

I grab the phone to see a hundred messages from Abigail, "What is up with Abigail?" I ask

"She wants to go see Dewey" I hand him the phone back, "He's our dog, lives in New Hampshire" He says

"Shut up. You have a dog?" I ask

"Mm-hmm" He syas

"What is he doing in New Hampshire?" I ask

"You know, sniffing butts, barking at mailmen, just typical canine activity. Uh, he lives with our dad and I guess he's not doing too well" He explains

"Dewey or your dad?" I ask

"Well, Dewey, unfortunately and Abby wants to go visit him one last time" He says
"What about you?" I ask

"Yeah, I mean...it's just that every time I visit my dad, I feel like I'm 13 years old. I just end up yelling at him and you know me, I'm not a yeller" He says

"No, you are not" I say

"He just brings out the worst in me" He says

"Yeah, I have no idea what that's like, Elsa makes me my best self. Do you want me to come with you? I'll help you stay calm in the face of parental stupidity" I suggest

"You?" He asks

"I'm a certified Zen master, so you know" I say and do the wave with my arms

"Okay, what is that?" He asks

"Oh, this cool thing? This just means parents are dumb, let's not get worked up about it" I say
"Oh, is that what that is?" He asks
"Yes. So when you see this, you know it's time to just relax, kick back and chill" I say

"Okay. Yeah, you can come, only cause you're dumb and you make me laugh" He says

"I'll take it" I say

[Road Trip Time]

I'm in the passenger seat as Jeremy is driving and Abby is in the back, "This is so fun. It's just like thelma and Louise and Louise's brother. Let's drive off a cliff! Just kidding, duds for my buds?" She asks

"Sure, dud me" I say

"How are you so peppy right now? We're driving into hell" Jeremy says

"It's not hell. It's New Hampshire. I know dad can be a bit of a bad apple but my Achilles' heel is my big giant heart" She says
"I love that about you" I say

"I love everything about you" She says

"All right" He says and the car rumbles

"Hmm, that was encouraging" I say

"Oh, don't worry. It's just my car's way of saying hello. You only have to worry when she doesn't do that" He says

"Hey, do you think Dewey still likes tummy rubs. I'm gonna find out!" Abby says excited

[Jeremy's Father's House]

We are standing at the door, "Ah, hey there, Abs" Their father says opening the door

"Daddy!" Abby says excited, hugging him

"Hi" He says

"I made positivity brownies. I thought a good thought with every stir" She says handing them to him

"Hmm. Look at you. I can't believe my boy is 19. How'd that happen?" He says to Jeremy

"It didn't, I'm 18" Jeremy says

"Well, you look good" He says

"This is Cameron" Jeremy says

"Hi" I say

"Hi. Abby's told me a lot about you. You guys hungry? Josie made ham sandwiches" He says

"Oh, okay" Abby says following him

"God, he doesn't even know my age" Jeremy whispers

"Hey, remember this" I say doing my hand motion

We walk into the dining room, "Cameron, come meet Josie. She's my foxy lady. Don't get any ideas, Jeremy, that's your stepmom" His dad says

"Jeremy, your dad is so proud of you. We really wanted to come to your high school certificate ceremony but since we couldn't, I'm just gonna..." She hands him a photo, "Happy graduation" He says

"Oh, wow" I say as I look at the poorly photoshopped photo

"Just like being in Hawaii, right? Jos took a photoshop class through the University of Phoenix. That's where she learned to do all that" He says

"Thanks, Josie. This is, uh, this is, I love it" Jeremy says

"Mm-hmm" I hum

"Oh, no problem. Oh, here's another one. I just love this photo of your dad so much. But you mom was in it, so I just replaced her with a llama" She shows us, "It's like he's on safari" She says

"So what's going on with you? You working, taking classes?" His dad asks

"Uh...yeah, I'm working at Don's Pizza Shop" Jeremy says

"No community college or anything? Huh! Good for you. An honest day's pay for an honest day's work. You're not pretending to be someone you're not. You got grit" He says

"He does have grit" Abby says

"I know it was hard for you kids when I left, but in some ways it was the best possible thing that could've happened. It made you who you are today" He says

"What? Dad, are you serious?" Jeremy asks

"Jeremy, all I meant was—" Jeremy cuts him off, "Just forget it. Just forget it" He says

"So, where's Dewey? I made him salmon-flavored dog brownies" Abby says

"Um, well, Dewey lives outside now" Josie says

"Like all the time?" Jeremy asks

"He likes it that way. He's got the whole backyard to himself" His dad says

"You wanna introduce me?" I ask

"Uh, yeah, yeah" Jeremy says and we walk outside

[Home - 3rd Person POV]

Elsa is working on her clothing drive when her friends walk in, "Hello" They say

"Hi" Elsa syas

"Carpooled with Kathy. Need wine now" Luisa says

"Oh—Oh, oh now" Kathy says

"Everything all right?" Elsa asks

"Hardly. As you know, I am very connected to the spirit world, and I'm pretty sure...yep, definitely...YGAGG. You got a ghost, girl" Kathy says

"What?" Elsa asks

"I've never felt t before, but, I mean maybe it stowed away in one of the boxes. Are there any pockets of cool air in this room?" There's a knock on the door, "Did anyone else here that?" Kathy asks

Elsa goes to the door and opens it to reveal Izzie, "Izzie, hi" Elsa says

"Hi, Mrs. Gardner. I know Cameron isn't here, but I was in the neighborhood dropping my brother off at his friends house so I thought is would come by" She goes into her backpack, "I accidentally took...Cam's math book yesterday" Izzie says, handing it to Elsa

"Oh, okay" Elsa syas

"Yeah. So...I should go home" Izzie says

"You know, we could really use your help. Um, we're doing this big clothing drive and you have such a great sense of style. Give us a hand?" Elsa asks

"Okay, yeah" Izzie says and walks in

"Question: was the previous occupant of this house named Earl? Or...Pearl? Or...Worrell?" Kathy asks

"Worrell? Is that even a name?" Luisa asks

"Nobody here was ever named Worrell" Elsa says
"Hmm...I think you're wrong" Kathy says

[Later on - Cameron's POV]

So we're in the backyard as we watch Abby play with Dewey, "I'm sorry for dragging you into this. We shouldn't have come here. It's just the same old shit with my dad every time" Jeremy says as he stands next to me

"Yeah but then we wouldn't get to say goodbye to Dewey" We watch Dewey jump up and down, "So what's wrong with Dewey anyway?" I ask

We go inside and sit at the dining table as his dad explains, "I mean, everyone dies sometime" Duane says

"You said Dewey could go any day" Abby says

"That is technically true" Duane says

"Last week I nearly choked to death on a string cheese. Life is so precious" Josie says

"So...there's was never really anything wrong with Dewey, was there?" They don't answer, "All right, let's go" Jeremy says standing up

"Aw, come on, can't a dad just wanna see his kids?" Duane asks

I stand next to Jeremy, "Yeah, most dad's could, not you!" Jeremy yells

"Fine. There is one thing. I need your signature on some paperwork" Duane says

"For what?" Jeremy asks

"When you were little, your grandmother started a college savings account for you. I just figured since you're not using it..." Duane says

"So, okay, let me get this straight...you lured us here with a fake dying dog so you could get my college money from Grandma?" Jeremy asks

I can't believe this guy, "When you say it like that, it sounds bad" Duane says

"It is bad" Jeremy says

"Dad, do you have any milk to go with these brownies?" Abby asks

"Okay, let loose" I tell Jeremy

"No, let's just go. Look at him, it's not even worth it" Jeremy says

I grab his arm, stopping him from walking away, "Yeah, it is" I step closer to him, "You know what, Duane? You are an asshole. It is shocking you hav kids this great. And if Jeremy doesn't wanna go to college, that is his decision. That's not yours, it's not mine, it's his. You know you lost the right to say shit the moment you walked out the door and didn't come back or call for, what, 18 months? 18 months? You jerk" I turn towards Jeremy and he does the wave so I turn back towards Duane, "Thank you for the hospitality" I look at Josie, "You seem sweet" I say grabbing Jeremy and walking out of there

"Oh my god. I am so sorry. I can't believe I yelled at your dad. I was the one who was supposed to be keeping you calm" I say

Jeremy stops me and pulls me into a kiss, "You are amazing. That's the first time I haven't yelled at my dad, like, ten years. I love you so much" He says

"What's taking Abby so long?" I ask
"I don't know, but Josie's looking at us. I really wanna get the hell out of here" Jeremy says

Then Abby runs to us with Dewey in her arms, "Cameron, I feel so empowered! Told my dad to eat sugar and then I dognaped Dewey!" She says

"Oh my god!" I say

"Now drive, Jeremy, drive!" Abby tells us

We run to the car and get in, driving off. As we are driving, Abby falls asleep in the back, "Hey, so I've been doing some thinking—" I cut him off, "Don't lie. Sorry. It's my shit giving reflex, it's out of control" I say

"I just...I think...that the reason why I've had...so much trouble getting my head around the whole...California thing is just that I...I just...I don't wanna be like my dad" He says
"What are you talking about? Dude, you could never" I say
"No, I know it doesn't make any sense. I just...I think that if I ever left...I'd always feel like I was abandoning my mom or Abby. I just can't do that" He says
"You're right. That doesn't make any sense" Then the car makes a scary ass noise, "I think that's your car's way of saying goodbye" I say

[Home - 3rd Person POV]

Elsa is sitting on the couch as Izzie is still going through the clothes. Luisa and Kathy left a little while ago, "I made that" Elsa says

"It's ridiculously adorable" Izzie says

"Hmm. Cameron refused to wear it, of course. But she did put it on her stuffed zebra for a while so I consider that a win" Elsa says

"Okay, nope, you are not giving this one away" Izzie says folding it up

She picks up another shirt, "Oh, I remember that day" Izzie sits down next to Elsa, "Cameron got in trouble at school for acting out. She was so upset about it. So the next day I picked her up early from school and I took her to Sal E. Sour Cream and we had lunch together, and it was special because we could never go there as a family because Sam hated it, you know, because of the lights and the noise and...oh, she was so happy" Izzie chuckles before tears form in her eyes, "Oh, honey, honey, I'm sorry" Elsa says

"No, no, no, it's okay. I don't know why I'm crying, it's so stupid" Izzie says

"No, it's not stupid" Elsa says

"I don't know, I...I guess I just wish I had a childhood like that" Izzie says

"Me too. Growing up, well...it wasn't a great environment. I think that's why I always tried so hard...to make it different for Sam and Cameron, you know, to give them, like, the perfect, perfect childhood. I probably went overboard, I mean, I probably still do" Elsa places her hand on Izzie's arm, "I'm gonna tell you something that I this someone had told me. Our door is always open. No matter what you need, anything at all, even if it's a place to stay" Elsa tells her

"Thanks. But I'm really scared of ghosts" They laugh, "So I don't think so" Izzie says

[Car - Cameron's POV]

We had to call my dad to come get us since Jeremy's car died, "Hey, thanks for picking us up. It's a really long drive" Jeremy says

"Well, I'm not gonna just leave you guys on the side of the road with all the stuff I see as an EMT" Dad says
"It's really cool. You, like, rescue people. You know, you save lives. Hey, do you have to go to college to be an EMT?" Jeremy asks

"No, I know guys that didn't. But you have time to figure that out. You're, what, 18, right?" He says

"Yeah, I am" Jeremy says

"Yeah, you have plenty of time to figure it all out" He says

We make it home and see all the boxes, "Oh, good, are you finally moving out?" I asl

"Ha ha. Good to see you, too" Mom says before I walk upstairs

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