Chapter 9

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[Nail Salon]

"Ugh! Why are we here?" I groan as I sit in the chair

"I know, I'm a monster. If I'm feeling really evil, I'll take you to a fancy lunch after. How you feeling, honey?" Mom asks

"Not bad for a heartless garbage person" I say
"I know. Breakups are so hard. You made a kind and brave choice. I'd like to think I'd make that choice but we both know I'm not that strong" She says
"Mom. I mean, it does really suck. And maybe it was the right thing to do, but...I just can't get the look on his face out of my head. No matter what I do. It sucks" I say
"I know it does. I may have something to make you feel better" She shows me her nails, "Check it our. Camzi rocks. For your track meet. These are gonna look great in fingerless gloves" She says

"Nothing looks good in fingerless gloves" I say

"Uh-huh. Camzi rocks!" She says

I laugh, "Oh my god" I say
"Camzi rocks!" She says

"Calm down" I say as she hoots


Izzie and I are in my room, studying, well I should say I'm studying, she's trying to distract me. She puts her foot on my study guide causing me to look at her, "Seriously?" I ask
"Sorry, didn't see you there" She says

She laughs, "Come on, let me study" I push her leg off of me, "I'm not gonna be able to get anything done this weekend, so I gotta..." I say
"You nervous about regionals?" She asks

I look at her, "Yeah, of course. But I'm mostly just..." I trail off

"Sad about Jeremy?" I look at her, "Look, we're friends first. You can talk to me about it if you want" She says

I give her a small smile, "I know" I shake my head, "But not about this. Sorry" I say

"It's okay" She smiles, "I'm biased anyway" She says which causes me to smile

After a bit, I walk her towards the door and open it for her, "Okay, bye" I say

"Bye" She says and hugs me

When we pull away I place a short kiss on her lips which causes her to giggle before she walks out. I smile to myself as I shut the door, "So is sh your girlfriend now?" I hear

I turn to see Sam on the couch, "Jesus, Sam! Warn a person" I say startled

"That I'm sitting on the couch? Okay. I'm sitting on the couch. So are you a couple?" He asks

"I am not having this conversation with you, ever. But..." I sit down next to him, "I mean...if we were, would a problem with you?" I ask

"What? No, why? You'd be like Sphen and Magic" He says
"Who?" I ask

"Sphen and Magic, the two male gentoo penguins at the Sea Life Sydney Aquarium" He grabs his phone, "They courted each other and built a nest" He says showing me

"Aww, cuties" I say

"When a negligent heterosexual penguin pair left their egg exposed to the elements, the aquarium staff gave it to Sphen and Magic. They have a baby now. It's name is Sphengic" He says showing me

"Look at him. Hello, you" I say
"I think they could have done better with the name" He says
"Isn't your penguin named Stumpy?" I ask

"Exactly, something good" He says

I nod my head, "Thanks" I say
"For what?" He asks

"For not being weird about this. Or being weird, but in your own way" I say
"You're welcome. Now, can you please leave me alone? I'm kind of busy" He says

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