Chapter 3

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Izzie and I are sitting on the couch while Jeremy is in the kitchen, "I cannot wait to get out of here. My mom had another headache this morning which meant I had to get all three kids ready for school" She says

"Hmm" I hum

"This..." She shows the shirt, "This is baby spit up" She says

"Ew" Jeremy and I say as he walks in

"Cheetos" He says sitting down next to me

"I just need to get done with school and move far, far away" Izzie says

"Where would you go?" I ask

"New Orleans" I hum, "Barcelona. What's the furthest place from here?" I laugh, "Mars? Oh, this is fun. Where would you go? Name three places" She asks me

"Um...Dublin, cause Irish accents...San Francisco and Cape Town" I say

Jeremy laughs, "Cape Town? I think you mean Cape Cod. Cape Cod" He says
"No, the one is South Africa" I say

"Oh. Oh, right, yeah, yeah, I know that. That's..." He rambles

"Where would you go, three cities?" I ask

"Three?" I nod my head, "Um, maybe Providence" He says

"What?" Izzie asks

"Yeah, Providence is nice" He says

"Dude, that's like two hours from here" I say

"Yeah. Well, so what? They've got a good minor league baseball team" He says

Izzie and I laugh, "Oh, my god" I say

Mom walks in, "Hey, Mrs. Gardner, quick, three places you wanna live and prepared to be judged harshly. And Providence is taken" Jeremy says

"Tokyo, Bruges, Sydney" She says walking into the kitchen

"Oh, good ones" Izzie says

"Of course when I was your age, I only wanted to live in New York" Mom says

"Why didn't you go?" Izzie asks

"I did. I lived there for five years after college" She says

We all turn to look at her, "Wait a minute. Mom, were you, could it be? Were you cool?" I ask

"Very. I even wore fingerless gloves. I wore them to five different Fleetwood Mac concerts with your dad. But you know, I'd like to think I'm still pretty cool" I place my drink down, "Honey, I don't know why we bother with coasters if you're not gonna use them" She says

"And she's back" I say

[Clayton - Next Day]

As I'm walking out of class, Izzie walks up with a huge grin on her face, "What's up, crazy?" I ask

"I figured it out. I know how to get us out of here" She says

"Clayton? I don't have a problem getting out. It's staying in I have trouble with" I say

"Shut up and listen" We start walking, "Almost every year UCLA recruits a student from Clayton on a track scholarship. Two years ago, they took three kids" She says

"That's crazy" I say
"I know. And their coach is, like, best friends with Coach Crowley" She says

"Crowley has friends?" I ask

"Cameron, we could go together, the two of us, to California" She says

"Wow" I say
"I know, right" We stop walking, facing each other, "And this scout was gonna be a regionals in a couple of months" She says

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