Chapter 4

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Jeremy and I are laying in my bed as his phone keeps buzzing, "Who is that?" I ask curious

"Secret girlfriend" He says

I grab the phone to see a hundred messages from Abigail, "What is up with Abigail?" I ask

"She wants to go see Dewey" I hand him the phone back, "He's our dog, lives in New Hampshire" He says

"Shut up. You have a dog?" I ask

"Mm-hmm" He syas

"What is he doing in New Hampshire?" I ask

"You know, sniffing butts, barking at mailmen, just typical canine activity. Uh, he lives with our dad and I guess he's not doing too well" He explains

"Dewey or your dad?" I ask

"Well, Dewey, unfortunately and Abby wants to go visit him one last time" He says
"What about you?" I ask

"Yeah, I's just that every time I visit my dad, I feel like I'm 13 years old. I just end up yelling at him and you know me, I'm not a yeller" He says

"No, you are not" I say

"He just brings out the worst in me" He says

"Yeah, I have no idea what that's like, Elsa makes me my best self. Do you want me to come with you? I'll help you stay calm in the face of parental stupidity" I suggest

"You?" He asks

"I'm a certified Zen master, so you know" I say and do the wave with my arms

"Okay, what is that?" He asks

"Oh, this cool thing? This just means parents are dumb, let's not get worked up about it" I say
"Oh, is that what that is?" He asks
"Yes. So when you see this, you know it's time to just relax, kick back and chill" I say

"Okay. Yeah, you can come, only cause you're dumb and you make me laugh" He says

"I'll take it" I say

[Road Trip Time]

I'm in the passenger seat as Jeremy is driving and Abby is in the back, "This is so fun. It's just like thelma and Louise and Louise's brother. Let's drive off a cliff! Just kidding, duds for my buds?" She asks

"Sure, dud me" I say

"How are you so peppy right now? We're driving into hell" Jeremy says

"It's not hell. It's New Hampshire. I know dad can be a bit of a bad apple but my Achilles' heel is my big giant heart" She says
"I love that about you" I say

"I love everything about you" She says

"All right" He says and the car rumbles

"Hmm, that was encouraging" I say

"Oh, don't worry. It's just my car's way of saying hello. You only have to worry when she doesn't do that" He says

"Hey, do you think Dewey still likes tummy rubs. I'm gonna find out!" Abby says excited

[Jeremy's Father's House]

We are standing at the door, "Ah, hey there, Abs" Their father says opening the door

"Daddy!" Abby says excited, hugging him

"Hi" He says

"I made positivity brownies. I thought a good thought with every stir" She says handing them to him

"Hmm. Look at you. I can't believe my boy is 19. How'd that happen?" He says to Jeremy

"It didn't, I'm 18" Jeremy says

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