Chapter 1

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My dad, and I are sitting at the dining room table waiting for dinner as my mom is talking, "So, I ordered those t-shirts that Sam likes, in know, one hundred percent cotton...and they switched them to something that they called tri-blend. So I called the company and I spoke to this woman named Rizwana" Sam walks out and sits down as my mom walks out with food in her hand, "I think I was speaking with India" She places the food on the table before we start grabbing it, "But, anyway, um...and she found a box of the old ones, and they sent them free of charge. And they're exactly the right kind" She explains

"Wow, hat is a great story, Mom" I say sarcastically

"Oh, don't be a dick, honey" Dad says causing me to smirk

"So, Sam, how was your session with Julia today?" Mom asks

"She wants me to donate my brain, but don't worry, it's after I die" Sam says

"What, like, for research? That could behind of cool" Dad says

"Absolutely not" Mom says

"And the queen has spoken" I say causing my dad to look at me

"Well, it's gross, Cam" She looks back at Sam, "You tell Julia, thank you but no" She says

"Okay" Sam agrees

"You're so easy to boss around" I tell Sam

"I don't care what happens to my dead brain. It's either I give it to Julia, or maggots eat it. If mom wants maggots to eat it, that's fine" Sam says

"No, no, no. That's not what I'm saying" Mom says

"Kind of is" I say
"I don't care, I'll be dead" Sam says

"Can we please stop talking about you being dead. You're not going anywhere" Mom says

"Wow, this chickens really good, honey" Dad says changing the subject

"Thanks, it's a dry rub" She says

"It's a good dry rub" Dad says

"Julia thinks that I should put myself out there and find someone to have sex with" I laugh, "Well, she didn't say the sex part. I added that" Sam says as I continue laughing my ass off

[Next Day]

I walk into Sam's room to see him on the computer, "What are you doing?" I ask

"Going online to try and find a girl to date" He says

"That's hilarious. I'll help" I take his computer and sit on his bed as he turns to face me, "Okay, finish this sentence: I spend a lot of time thinking about..." I say

"Easy. Penguins. And, especially, I'll say chinstrap penguins. They're my favorite bird, but all four types of Antarctic penguins are good. Did you know early explorers thought they were fish and classified them that way? Not birds, fish" He rambles

"Okay. I'm gonna put sports" I tell him as I start typing

Mom walks in, "Hey, kids. What are you doing?" She asks
"Cam's helping me sign up for online dating, but she hates all my answers, so she's lying" Sam explains

She looks at me, "Wow" I give her a thin smile, "You're a little young for that. You know, I saw an episode of 20/20" Sam stands up and walks to his tank, "There's actually something called catfishing, and it has nothing to do with fishing" She says

"Bye, Mom" I tell her

She gives me a face before walking out, "Should we take anything picture with Edison?" He faces me with Edison, his turtle, "I read online that girls love animals. Maybe like this?" He asks as posing

"I think this might go quicker if you just leave" I tell him

As the next few days go by, Sam is asking me all types of questions and advice on how to talk to girls, "Just listen to what they say and don't bring up seals or penguins or whatever. And don't stare at their boobs" I tell him

"Wait, slow down. I'm still on the no penguins part. What if she likes penguins?" He asks

"Just assume she doesn't" I tell him

[Newton High School]

I'm walking through the hallways at school when I see a group surrounding a locker. I see Orca is spray painted on Abigail Griffin's locker. Bailey and her minions are taking pictures and laughing as I see Abigail on the side, with tears in her eyes. I stop walking and stand behind Bailey, "Oh, no. I'm sure whoever did this just feels terrible" She says as everyone starts laughing

I tap her shoulder, "Bailey" I say

She turns around before I punch her in the face, knocking her down s everyone gasps. I turn and look towards Abigail to see her smiling before I run off.


I'm standing in the kitchen with my mother and Sam is setting the placemats. Mom is yelling at me after what happened at school, "I don't get it. You're not even friends with Abigail Griffin" She says

"So? You don't have to be friends to do what's right" I defend
"Sweetie, hitting someone's face is never right" She says

"Of course you don't get it. When you were in high school, you were the one picking on the fat kids" I say

"I had a pudgy friend" I scoff, "Besides, Bailey Bennet is a lovely girl, and she did not deserve to get punched" She says

I sit on the counter besides Sam, "Bailey Bennet is a twat" I say

"Cameron Eleanor Gardner, language" Mom scolds

My dad walks in, "You got suspended?" He asks
"You didn't waste any time" I say

"What about practice? You're gonna miss practice" He says

"No, they said I could still practice" I say

"Oh, that's good. At least she's not gonna miss practice" He says
"She punched a pretty girl in the face!" Mom yells

"Why does it matter that she's pretty?" I ask as I hop off the counter

"It goes without saying that you're grounded" Mom says

"All right, that seems fair. I'm gonna go for a run. Can I run when I'm grounded, warden?" I ask

"You know what? I'm done. You deal with her" Mom tells Dad

He looks between us, "Go ahead" He says

"Awesome" I say before I walk out

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