Chapter 10

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Sam had an episode after speaking with Julia so we're all trying to take care of him. I'm downstairs when there's knocking on the door. I open the door, "Hey" Jeremy says

"Hi" I say
"Uh, sorry to just show up, but you weren't really responding to any of my texts, so I thought I'd go old school and just...track you down in person" He says

"Sorry. Sam had a thing, so it's just been kind of hectic around here" I say

He looks around, "Really seems hectic" He says

"Yeah. Um..." I say

"Is everything cool?" He asks

"Uh-huh" I say
"Like, is everything cool with us?" He asks

"Yeah, we're fine" I say

"Okay, because if it's about that I love you thing, I take it back. I didn't mean it. I just thought that's what, you know, girls like to hear know" He says

"You're such an asshole. Do you know that? Just go home" I tell him

"Wait, Cam" He says

"I said get out!" I tell him before I slam the door shut

I head back upstairs and walk into Sam's room to see him in his cocoon watching something on his laptop, "What are you watching?" I ask

"Frozen Planet. It's a seven part nature documentary series. This one is about volcanic ice caves" He says

"Sounds awful" I say before I lay down next to him, "Can I have some blankets?" I ask

"No" He says

[Next Day]

I walk downstairs to see tons of girls from my school in my kitchen, "Hey, Camzi. Want me to do you hair? I can squeeze you in" Mom says

"Why are you even doing this? You know Sam's not going to the dance anymore" I say

"Well, whether he goes or not, I made a commitment, and I plan to keep it" She says

"Oh really? I didn't think commitments mattered to you" I say

She stops doing the hair and walks over to me, "Honey...I don't know what's going on with you, if your stressed about changing schools or if it's something else, but you can't keep taking it out on me. I haven't done anything" She says
"Yeah. You're perfect" I say

"Hey I love you very much" She says

"Okay, whatever. I have to go" I say and leave


I walk inside the bar where I saw my mom and her mystery lover. I se him behind the brand walk over before sitting down in front of him, "I want a gin and tonic" I say

He glances at me, "You know there's no way that's happening, right?" He tells me

"Do you want to see my ID?" I ask
"Not really. You're clearly not twenty one" He says

I go into my pocket, "Trust me, you want to see my ID" I say

I place it in front of him and he grabs it before looking at it. He looks at me with a shocked face, "Cameron" He says

"Yeah" I say

He places the ID the counter and slides it to me, "Shit" He says

"I'll take that gin and tonic now" I say

He pours me a drink, "Lime and soda. Best I can do" He says

I lean forward, "I saw you and my mom" I say
"Have you talked to her?" He asks

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