The Valkyrie's Daughter | Vik...

Oleh meganswritingisok

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"Warriors are not born and they are not made. Warriors create themselves through trial and error, pain and su... Lebih Banyak

Cast: The Northmen & Women
Cast: The Saxons
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Thirty-Eight

340 12 2
Oleh meganswritingisok


1) First off, I can only apologise for the abismal quality of gifs in the chapter banner above. It's so hard to get good gifs of Ellisif.

2) In one of the following scenes I will have sentences/paragraphs in italics. This is to differentiate between Rona's physical reality and her vision. So the italics like this are Rona's vision and the regular text like this is her physical reality.


Rona makes her way to Princess Ellisif's tent. She slowly enters, announcing herself as to not intrude on the Princess and her ladies.

"Princess Ellisif?" Rona says.

"Rona. Hello." Ellisif says.

Rona enters. Ellisif is sat down. One of her ladies is packing her things while the other is braiding her hair.

"Please, sit." Ellisif says, gesturing to a stool opposite her. Rona does as she's asked. "Would you like a drink?" Ellisif offers. One of the ladies holds out a cup and jug to the young shieldmaiden. Rona shakes her head.

"No, thank you." Rona gives a polite smile to Ellisif's lady in waiting. "I wanted to see how you're doing. Ivar said you wanted to see me?" Rona says.

"That is right. I just wanted to ask you here to thank you for your kindness."

"My kindness?" Rona asks.

"Yes. You've been very kind to me and my fleet, especially after Vik..." Ellisif trails off.

"I've only done what any decent human being would have done, Your Highness." Rona says.

"In any case, I appreciate it and I wanted to thank you and just tell you that I really do believe you're going to do great things in the Viking world...perhaps even beyond." Ellisif says.

"How can you know that?" Rona asks.

Ellisif leans forward to speak.

"When I was a little girl, I wanted to be training with the shieldmaidens, fighting with the boys. But my parents were afraid of me being hurt and there's the small fact of me being a Princess. So I was not allowed. And so, when I heard about you, I was happy to know that another young woman, similar to my age was doing what I'd always dreamed of. I am only a few years older than you, after all." Ellisif explains.

"Well I really do appreciate your kind words, Princess. And you also seem to have achieved very much for someone so young." The Princess lets out a small laugh.

"Thank you. I don't think I've done that much good but, thank you."

"I really do appreciate your friendship. I realise we do not know each other well and we have not known each other for long. But I would love to stay friends, even after the mission is over." Rona says.

Ellisif smiles, a few stray tears falling down her cheeks. One of the ladies carefully wipes them away with a clean rag. Ellisif mouths her a 'thank you'.

"I would like that. You are always welcome in our Kingdom, for as long as it stands. My people will greet you with open arms, I'm sure."

As the conversation between Rona and the Princess fizzles out, noises can be heard outside. It seems it is time to move camp. Rona stands up.

"Well, it sounds like I must leave you, your highness. I shall see you at the new camp." Rona says, bowing her head in respect.

"Please, call me Ellisif. We are friends, rememer?" Ellisif says, bowing her head back at Rona.

"Very well, Ellisif."

The two women share a smile. Rona says her goodbyes to the two ladies in waiting before leaving.

The young shieldmaiden makes her way outside. Some of the fleet had already started moving. She quickly made her way back to her tent, grabbed her bags and was now stood with the Ragnarssons, Floki, Harald and Halfdan, just about to leave.

Rona felt an ever so slight pain in her temple. She massaged it to try and make it go away. Now was not the best time for her to be fainting.

"I hear you attended Vik's funeral last night?" Harald asks Rona, standing a little too close for comfort.

"I did attend Earl Vik's funeral, yes." Rona replied. Harald smiles cockily.

"I would advise you to be careful, Rona. Start thinking about where your loyalties lie. You do not want to get caught in the crossfire. And I do not know how you seem to know so much about myself and my brother but just know, when it comes down to it, who are people going to believe? A King or some girl?" Harald says, leaning in close to the shieldmaiden. Rona steps away.

"I would advise you to be careful with your words, Harald. I know most of them are empty threats. I am not afraid of you. I don't care how much 'power' you have." Rona says.

Harald shakes his head, almost laughing and goes to assist his fleet with some final preparations.

Hvitserk observed the exchange between Harald and Rona. He comes over.

"Are you alright?" Hvitserk asks, referring to Rona's altercation with the king.

"I'm fine. He just irks me."

Once the fleet are ready, everybody begins the journey inland. Rona jumps onto her horse. The fleet moves slowly but steadily. The journey is rather long and tiresome but the English terrain is nothing compared to the terrain back home, so things run relatively smoothly. That is until Rona begins losing her vision again. Bjorn, who is riding beside her leans over slightly.

"Everything okay?" Bjorn asks, knowing Rona will more than likely pass out due to a vision soon.

"I'm fine. I think I can deal with this one. Just, please, do not make a fuss." Rona says.

Rona is back in Kattegat in the great hall. Lagertha's shieldmaidens and some towns people are gathered around something in the centre of the room. Rona starts making her way through the crowd so she can see what everybody is staring at.

Rona is back with the fleet, on her horse. She turns to her left, Bjorn is sneaking glances at her, to ensure her safety and dignity. Hvitserk is riding behind Bjorn and Rona along with Ubbe and Sigurd then Ivar is riding behind them on his chariot, closely followed by Floki, Helga, a tired looking Tanaruz and the rest of the fleet.

Back in Kattegat, Rona can now see hot coals and can smell burning flesh. She sees the somewhat familiar man, Egil on some sort of spit. He's bound by his wrists and ankles, being rotated on the spit above the coals like a pig. Lagertha paces up and down the room.

"What do you see?" Bjorn asks, as quiet as he can as to not draw any attention. Rona rubs her temple. Rona does not manage to speak as she is pulled back to Kattegat after only a few short seconds.

Egil is n pain but does a good job of hiding the extent of it. This kind of t0rture was not for the faint hearted. Lagertha crouches down so she is at Egil's level.

"They say you're called Egil," Lagertha says. "Egil the b*stard. That's what they call you." Lagertha stands up again.

Rona is observing the scene. As restless as she is. She does her best to remain silent and just take in what information she can so she can relay it to Bjorn.

Back with the fleet, Rona returns for a moment only to see they have stopped moving.

"Why did we stop?" Rona asked Bjorn, again rubbing her forehead and eyes.

"Just a quick stop for the horses," Bjorn says. "Would you like to take a seat somewhere? I need to send a scout to ride ahead so we can see how close the English are." Rona nods at Bjorn's suggestion, too tired to take anything in.

Hvitserk, who has now noticed Rona must be switching between her vision and reality, hastily gets off his horse, which he leaves with a thrall to feed and comes to assist his friend. Hvitserk helps Rona off of her horse and takes her to sit on a nearby rock.

"Thank you." Rona says. She places her head in her hands, keeping herself up using her knees.

"You are neither Earl, nor King." Lagertha continues. She turns the spit so Egil is now face up towards the ceiling. He groans in pain again.

Rona has now managed to make a mental list of the most notable people present: Lagertha, Egil, Astrid and Torvi.

"How could you collect such an army to attack us, huh?" Lagertha asks. She seems very calm, which to be honest, Rona respected. The young shieldmaiden was unsure if she could hold such a stone cold face if she was the one doing the t0rturing. "Who paid for your army, Egil the b*stard?" Lagertha asks as she touches Egil's hair.

"Why should I tell you? You will kill me, burn me alive whether I tell you or not." Egil spat.

"That's not true." Lagertha said, sincerely.

"Of course it's true. Don't play games. As you can see, I have no time for games." Egil says.

Rona is growing more restless now, being pulled between realities. It's draining her.

Rona opens her eyes again to see that the fleet are beginning to move again. Hvitserk is still by her side.

"We need to get you back on your horse, okay?" Hvitserk says. Rona just nods, not having the energy to talk.

Hvitserk has to practically carry Rona to her horse, earning a few stares from the fleet, including Harald and Halfdan, now noticing the young shieldmaiden's weak state.

Rona sits back on her horse. She and Bjorn share a look as the fleet continues their journey. Ivar is watching on and is worried for Rona. He has no idea why she keeps having these headaches and fainting spells. He believes her to be genuinely sick.

"We found your wife." Lagertha raises her arm a woman is brought into the great hall by two shieldmaidens. Her hands are bound.

Lagertha goes to the woman, who is visibly very frightened.

"Look at her!" Lagertha demands. Egil turns his head to face the woman. "We have told her that, if you tell us who paid for your fleet and attack, then we will spare your life. And you and your wife can live together again, happily." Lagertha explains.

Rona stands by, waiting for Egil to admit what he has done. She is getting frustrated with her vision now and just wants it to stop. Why is she even here?

"I don't know this woman." Egil groans.

Lagertha stabs Egil with a hot metal poker. He cries out in pain.

"Just tell her the truth! Harald paid you!" Rona yells, getting more annoyed by the minute.

"Just tell them. Just tell them, Egil." Egil's wife begs as Lagertha continues to stab him.

"If I do it, it is for you. Not for me. I am dead anyway. Perhaps they will spare you." Egil says, almost sounding sad.

Rona almost felt bad for the man. Almost. Then she remembered what he had done to Kattegat.

Egil turns to look Lagertha in the eyes. But he remains silent.

"Just tell them! I want this to stop! Tell them what you did!" Rona yells, anger and frustration, surging through her.

Lagertha almost opens her mouth in shock. She slowly turns and faces Rona. She stares for a moment, gives the most subtle nod and smile before returning to Egil, who has finally decided to talk.

"I was paid by Harald Finehair."

There are gasps among the crowd. Lagertha remains silent, trying to keep her composure. Lagertha looks to Astrid.

"Kill him." Lagertha says. Astrid nods and draws her sword.

Before Rona can see anything else, she's yanked back to reality. Bjorn is watching Rona with a worried look. She is now almost fully doubled over on her horse, gaining some looks.

"Do we need to take another break?" Bjorn asks. Rona shakes her head.

"I think it is over. For now." Rona says. She rubs her temple as she gets a hold of her reigns again. Bjorn passes her some water, she takes a sip.

"Did you see anything important?" Bjorn asks.

Rona nods, not saying anything.

"I did. But we cannot talk here. We will talk later. Alone."


Cut to a few hours later, the fleet's journey has reached it's end. They have arrived in some woodland. The scout Bjorn had sent ahead earlier is rushing back.

"Stop!" Bjorn called out. the entire fleet came to a halt.

Rona steadies her horse and dismounts before following the Ragnarssons (bar Ivar who remains in his chariot) towards the scout.

"What news?" Bjorn asks the scout.

"The Saxons are less than a day's ride away. They have a large army." The scout says, out of breath.

Bjorn pats the scout on the shoulder in thanks. He then turns to his brothers and Rona.

"We make camp here. Tomorrow we shall fight, in the name of our Father...we shall overcome." Bjorn says. The captain gives the signal to his fleet to make camp.

Rona goes towards Ivar, remembering their conversation from yesterday about Bjorn's somewhat outdated battle plans.

"Shouldn't we scope out the battlefield now?" Rona suggests to Ivar. He nods.

"I agree, we should." Ivar says. "Shall you and I go have a look?" Ivar asks Rona. Rona nods. Ivar turns to his brothers. "You can make camp. We want to take a look at where we're going to fight." Ivar says.

"What are you talking about?" Ubbe asks, confused.

"They will expect us to fight in a certain way. Why should we do that?" Ivar questions.

"Why don't we plan to fight in a different way and surprise the Saxons?" Rona suggests.

The other Ragnarssons approach Ivar and Rona. Hvitserk is the first to speak.

"Our warriors won't understand what's happening. We fight in the shield wall, that's how we fight."

"But we have a bigger army now. And so do they. We cannot fight in the same way." Rona says.

"Rona is right...for once." Ivar says jokingly before giving Rona a subtle wink.

"It's too late to change now, you two." Sigurd says.

"Who are you to say that? Shut your mouth!" Ivar says, annoyed at Sigurd for questioning his and Rona's methods.

"We are family. Together," Bjorn says, breaking up the bickering. He looks between Rona and Ivar. "Why do you both want to change the tactics?" Bjorn asks Rona and Ivar.

"Do you want to win, brother?" Ivar asks, leaning forward. Bjorn seems to consider the two youngest warriors' proposal but just looks between the pair.

"Listen," Rona starts. "Just come with us, Bjorn. Lets investigate the battle field. It may be a good idea to make use of the landscape, stretch the battlefield over a larger area. Deliver multiple blows to the Saxons instead of honing all our force into one place." Rona says. Ivar nods.

"Rona is right. Perhaps we should stretch the battlefield across a large area, many miles and use the landscape. Ditches, hills, woods." Ivar explains.

Once again, Bjorn seems to be considering the idea. Ubbe, Hvitserk and Sigurd seem to be looking to Bjorn for guidance on whether they should go forward with Rona and Ivar's proposal.

"What do you say?" Rona asks Bjorn.

"If it works, it is a good plan. If it doesn't, then it is a bad plan," Bjorn says. He pauses for a moment before going to his horse and mounting it. "What are you two waiting for?" Bjorn says as he begins riding away.

Ivar smirks. He looks to Rona and extends his hand, assisting her up onto the back of his chariot. Rona leaves her horse with the other Ragnarssons and goes with Ivar and Bjorn to scout the battlefield.

The trio finally come to a large open field, already spotting various different places they could hide their troops. There was indents in the land, mounds, nearby woods, ditches, just like Ivar had said.

"We need to draw the English here." Rona says. "We'll almost definitely have the advantage."

"I cannot believe I am saying this, but you two were right." Bjorn says.

Rona and Ivar share a victorious smile.

"Rona, let us inspect some of the terrain. Ivar, do whatever it is you need to do." Bjorn says.

"If the two of you wanted some time alone to gossip like old women, you could have just said." Ivar says jokingly. Rona smirks, Bjorn just rolls his eyes.

Ivar goes to ride around on his chariot a little bit, getting a feel for the terrain while Rona and Bjorn head deeper into the field, looking around the ditches, mounds and inspecting the nearby woodland.

When the pair were out of earshot of Ivar, Rona finally felt comfortable to disclose what she had seen in her last vision. Rona and Bjorn were now walking through some woodland, searching for possible hiding spots.

"I saw your Mother again." Rona says.

"Is she alright?" Bjorn asks.

"She is. She has that man, Egil, I told you about. I think she had him killed."

"Harald will not be happy when he discovers that." Bjorn says.

"I know."

"Did anything else happen?" Bjorn asks.

"Your Mother saw me. Just for a moment. But she saw me." Rona.

"This is becoming dangerous now. What if you're seen by the wrong person? You could be killed!" Bjorn exclaims, concerned for his friend's safety.

"I understand. But what can I do? I cannot exactly stop these visions from happening. And let us be honest, my visions help me keep an eye on things and give us useful information we otherwise would not have." Rona explains. Bjorn shrugs.

"It must be difficult for you." Bjorn says.


"I could only imagine that moving between different realities must be strange. And to be truthful, I'm surprised you have not gone mad yet." Bjorn says, half joking. Rona elbows him, laughing.

"I do feel my grip on reality slipping. I cannot tell what is real and not real sometimes." Rona explains.

"This is why I worry about sending you into battle. Especially leading other troops."

"Don't worry. I want to go to battle. I want to help. I want to fight." Rona says, determination in her voice.

For a moment, Rona's eyes have a spark in them. A golden spark. Bjorn only sees it out fo the corner of his eye. But he does see it. Bjorn smiles at her proudly. But he also feels a heaviness in his heart. He knows that it may soon be time for Rona to realise her full potential and that would require a great sacrifice on her part.

"I admire that, Rona. But there is also no shame in taking a step back to take care of yourself. If you are unfit to fight, you are unfit to fight." Bjorn says.

Rona folds her arms.

"Would you say the same thing to one of your brothers?" Rona asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Would you tell another man 'it's alright to step back', 'it's alright if you cannot fight'?" Rona reiterates. Bjorn sighs. "Because of course, men must fight and must be tough, right? Women are the weak ones?" Rona says, somewhat annoyed at Bjorn's overprotectiveness.

" know I do not believe you or women in general to be weak. You have no idea how important you are. Just...heed my words, please." Bjorn says before continuing his walk across what would be tomorrows battlefield.

Rona just stands there, trying to make sense of what her friend had said. She cannot make sense of it...yet. Yes, she had a God given gift. She was very probably some sort of seer and had a very odd amount of physical strength for someone of her size and stature. But Bjorn was acting as if she was irreplaceable. Everybody is replaceable, at least in terms of battle.


Back at camp, Ellisif is on a mission. She is searching for Harald. She sees him sat with his brother, eating a meal. She approaches.

"Can I talk to you?" She asks.

Halfdan stares at the Princess, in an attempt to get her to leave. Harald looks up at her, slowly. He looks her up and down. Halfdan look to his brother and gives him a look as if to say "you cannot be trusting this woman". Halfdan shakes his head at Harald.

Harald does not say a word to Ellisif. But he stands up and the couple walk away from Halfdan.

Ellisif is trying her best to come across as friendly as to lure Harald into her trap. She would get her revenge, by any means; though the Princess anticipated that she would lose her life in the process.

Halfdan watches Harald and Ellisif leave, knowing that something is going on. Why was Ellisif being so friendly? She was planning something. Halfdan was certain of it.

Rona, Bjorn and Ivar have returned to camp. Ivar assists Rona off of his chariot. Hvitserk approaches.

"How did it go?" Hvitserk asks Rona.

"Good. We know what we must do. We will be meeting with Harald and Halfdan as soon as we can find them." Rona says.

"You may have to wait a while." Hvitserk says, nodding towards something behind Rona. She turns around.


Hvitserk nods towards Harald and Ellisif, who are walking together towards Harald's tent.

"That's very strange. Why would Ellisif be with him??" Rona says.

"I do not know. But I feel like something is wrong." Hvitserk replies.

"I agree." Without waiting for any sort of response, Rona follows Harald and Ellisif, doing her best to make sure she is not spotted.

"Rona!" Hvitserk whisper yells. He decides not to follow his friend as to not get further involved in anything that would anger Harald. He did not have the energy to argue with Rona or Bjorn so he just left and went to find a quiet place to sit for a while.

The young shieldmaiden finds a spot where she can just about see through the slit in the tent.

Harald and Ellisif enter Harald's tent. Harald circles the Princess and says one singular word.


"I made a mistake. I'm so sorry. I should have waited. I never loved him. I loved you. But people persuaded me. They lied to me. Can you understand? Your dream seemed a long time away. But I was wrong, so wrong, I should have waited. And now I see why. You are going to do exactly what you said you would do. And I should have believed you." Ellisif takes off her cape. Harald looks as if he may cry a little. "I believe you now. Forgive me." Ellisif steps forward a little more and the couple share a kiss.

Ellisif and Harald's exchange continues to get more heated.

Outside, Rona is watching on, almost in disgust. She looks away when she starts feeling uncomfortable, like she truly is interrupting an intimate moment, despite the fact that she knew Ellisif did not have any true good hearted feelings for Harald. But the young shieldmaiden, reverted her attention back to the King's tent when she saw Halfdan slowly approach.

Inside the ten, Ellisif is on top of Harald on his bed. Harald seems to think this exchange is going a certain way but Ellisif is about to enact her revenge, or so she thought.

Rona sees Ellisif bring out a dagger from her dress and just then, Halfdan barges in and cuts her down.

Rona's mouth falls open in shock. She had just witnessed a cold blooded murder! She had just watched another of her friends die.

Halfdan leaves the tent quickly, seeming to be looking around, making sure nobody saw him. Rona quickly leaves the scene.

Rona runs to the edge of camp as fast as her legs will carry her. There she finds Hvitserk, sat alone, sharpening his sword. He must have heard her fast footsteps approaching as he turned to face her.

"Rona? What is wrong?" Hvitserk asks, looking worried.

The young shieldmaiden is out of breath from running and has to take a moment before speaking.

"The Princess is dead."

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