Love & War

By ChrisElizondo7

5.8K 209 175

Spencer and Olivia are happily married and life couldn't be better for the couple these past 6 years. They ha... More

Ch. 10


306 10 5
By ChrisElizondo7

Spencer's P.O.V

After a crazy night at the club celebrating the Super Bowl win, I could tell I had a massive hangover. I woke up at my house, wondering how I ended up here. My head was killing me with this massive headache; it felt like my brain wanted to crawl out of my skull. All I could keep asking myself was, 'What the hell happened last night?', because at first I was conscious and talking to Rochelle, and the next I was waking up completely speechless.

A few seconds later, I see Liv walk in with what looks to be a cup of coffee and some aspirin.

"Hey, good morning sleepy head. From what I can see, you had one hell of a night at the club." She said while handing me the coffee and aspirin.

"Yeah, I guess so. Just I could remember some of it."

"What do mean?"

"This is going to sound crazy, but my mind went blank the majority of the night. And the funny thing is, I didn't drink any alcohol at the club, but I did have a few Diet Cokes."

"What was the last thing you remembered?"

"I was at the bar and seeing everyone else from a distance at the tables and dance floor."

"Did you talk to anyone?"

"Um...yeah actually I did. The last person I spoke with was Rochelle."

"Wait! Back up a minute. You were talking with Rochelle?"

"Not intentionally. She walked up to me and we just talked since I hadn't seen her since I was at Beverly. Is something wrong Liv? Am I missing something?"

"Spencer I didn't tell you this before because I thought it wasn't a big deal, but when we finally became official, she gave me so much shit that I stole you from her."

"What? That shit is just childish."

"Looking back at it now, yes it was, but when we were in high school, I saw her as a threat and was feeling vulnerable. I thought I would lose you before our relationship even began."

"Olivia Marie Baker-James. Listen to me carefully. I had no feelings for Rochelle. I only viewed her as a friend, nothing more. Had I known this before, I wouldn't even talk to her last night. But I promise you this Liv, you are the only woman that has my heart. I'm not going anywhere." Liv smiled and kissed me with passion.

"I love you, Spencer."

"I love you more."
Olivia's P.O.V (TW: Explicit Language)

After the conversation I had with Spencer, it made me feel stupid to even think that he would hurt me.

"Hey Spencer, I'm going to pick up the kids from my mom's house. You gonna be ok?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

As soon as I left the house and got in my car, I heard my phone ring and I saw Simone calling.

"Hey Simone, how are you?"

"Um...Liv. Can you please come over? I need to show you something."

"What is it?"

"I'd rather say this to you in person."

"Simone you're scaring me."

"Just come on over and I'll explain everything."

"Ok. I'm on my way."

A Few Minutes Later....

I finally got to Simone's house and from the looks of it, something was off. I just hope it's not serious.

Simone opened the door when she heard the doorbell ring.

"Hey, Liv. Thanks for coming."

"Yeah, anytime. What's going on? It seemed urgent the way you spoke to me over the phone. What did you want to show me?"

"Have a seat."

Simone walks up to me with her laptop, shows me her screen, and plays a video.

"Simone. Why are you showing me a video from TMZ?"

"There's no easy way to tell you this, but Spencer's cheating on you with Rochelle."

"What the fuck did you just say?" I said as tears started to fall from my eyes.

"I wish I was lying Liv, but it's true. Look at the video." Simone played the video and it's clear as Crystal that Spencer was cheating on me with Rochelle. She was making out with him and he did not pull back as if he enjoyed it. Then she's up grinding on him like they're about to fuck. Lord, please tell me he did not fuck that girl.

I then read the article that titled "Trouble in Paradise for Spencer and Olivia James". From the looks of the photo and the context provided, Spencer really did cheat on me. But now it started making me think, 'Has he been having an affair this whole time?'

"How long?" My heart was shattered into a million pieces as I couldn't believe what I just saw.

"I don't know Liv. I swear. I just found out about this. I'm so sorry. I never thought Spencer would do something like this."

Spencer James was the last person I thought of who would hurt. After what he said to me about Rochelle this morning, it was all a fucking lie.

"Liv? Where are you going?"

"Where do you think?"

"Liv! Wait!"

I ignored Simone as I stormed out of her house and drove back home to Spencer.

Spencer James, you really fucked up this time.
Well. The news broke out and looks like it's trouble in paradise for Spelivia. How do you think the confrontation will turn out? Will Liv hear Spencer's side of the story or jump to conclusions? Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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