Jerrie One Shot-ish Stories |...

By LittleRed945

11.1K 314 64

The Sequel of our One Shot-ish Book 1 is finally here!!! Perrie and Jade's adventures continues as they trave... More

Breathe - I
Breathe - II
Breathe - III
Breathe - IV
Breathe - V
Breathe - VI
Breathe - VII
Leap - I
Leap - II
Leap - III
Leap - IV
Leap - V
Leap - VI
Leap - VII
Leap - VIII
Only You - I
Only You - II
Only You - III
Only You - IV
Only You - V
Only You - VI
Only You - VII
Only You - VIII
Only You - IX
Under Cover - I
Under Cover - II
Under Cover - III
Under Cover - IV
Under Cover - V
Under Cover - VI
Under Cover - VII
Under Cover - VIII
Under Cover - IX
Under Cover - X
Under Cover - Bonus Chapter
The Aftermath - I
The Aftermath - II
The Aftermath - III
The Aftermath - IV
The Aftermath - V
The Aftermath - VI
The Aftermath - VII
The Aftermath - VIII
The Aftermath - IX
Before Dawn - I
Before Dawn - II
Before Dawn - III
Before Dawn - IV
Before Dawn - V
Before Dawn - VI
Before Dawn - VII
Before Dawn - VIII
Before Dawn - IX
Before Dawn - X
Before Dawn - XI
Before Dawn - XII
Before Dawn - XIII
Before Dawn - XIV
Before Dawn - XV
Before Dawn - XVI
A Twist of Fate - I
A Twist of Fate - II
A Twist of Fate - III
A Twist of Fate - IV
A Twist of Fate - V
A Twist of Fate - VI
A Twist of Fate - VII
A Twist of Fate - Bonus

A Twist of Fate - VIII

69 2 2
By LittleRed945

Jade was now left alone with Perrie near the park entrance. Instead of spending time there, they decided to walk back to Perrie's place. They shared a short moment of silence before Perrie finally spoke.

"So...what just happened?" She asks. "Minutes ago, I was on the plane, and now I'm back here?"

She was right. Everything happened so fast and quickly that Jade didn't have time to fill Perrie in on what happened while they were in the car heading back to South Shields. The adrenaline pumping in her veins was just too much, and the thought of possibly not being able to see Perrie until she retires was just too overwhelming.

"Alex told me everything."

"He did?" Perrie's eyes grew wide. Alex was always the kind of guy who stuck by the book. That's one of the many reasons he's the top agent in the men's division. So, his telling Jade everything meant he did them both a favour that could jeopardize his position in the agency.

Jade nods. "I hope he won't get in trouble for it."

"Damn, that guy is full of risks!"

"I know..." Jade takes a deep breath. She was about to add something when Perrie beat her to it.

"He didn't have to do all that," she confessed. "I just terminated my contract with the agency and I'll be coming back here as soon as I clear everything to them." Jade looks at Perrie. "And I'll come back for you, Jade."

Jade was indeed right that it was possible for Perrie to do just that. However, Alex was right, too. She can't risk that possibility. What if Perrie chooses otherwise? Then Jade will lose her for good! Still, Jade feels it's worth going through all that trouble to get Perrie back.

"I've hurt you..." Jade says as she purses her lips. "I've hurt you many times, Perrie, yet... you're still willing to come back for me. What good did I do to deserve your love?"

Perrie hums. "You know what everyone around me says?"

"What is it?"

"They kept on telling me, Perrie, it's about time that you move on. Jade won't come back to you. You're just hurting yourself if you keep on looking for her."

"And what did you tell them?" Jade asks, curious as to how the blonde responded to such statements.

"That I don't want to move on. I told made me a better person. You made me realize I can do much more than I think I could. You taught me how to fall in love...not with anyone else, but only with you. And I don't want to stop being the person I am with you." Perrie takes Jade's hand as they stroll down the road. "My life is making less and less sense without you, Jade. So quit thinking for a second that you don't deserve my love."

Jade dropped her head and was silent as they continued their stroll.

"Wait–are you crying?" Perrie asks as she pulls Jade to her. Jade, on the other hand, averts her gaze elsewhere.

"No..." she chuckles as she subtly sniffles.

"Oh, my God!'re crying!" Perrie smiles. Between the two of them, Perrie was the crybaby. So when she sees Jade cry, it's significant for her. "Naww...come here, babe."

They stopped walking altogether so Perrie could give Jade a much-needed hug. The brunette held her tighter than she ever did. As she embraced the blonde, Jade couldn't contain the happiness that she felt, so she let her tears freely fall, knowing that she had Perrie back by her side. And no, it's not her mind playing tricks on her; it's for real.

Perrie didn't care if there were passers-by who gave them odd looks. She continued to hug Jade until the brunette was okay. When she let go, she gave Jade a soft and sweet kiss, claiming the brunette's lips as hers.

After the tender moment, They smiled at each other and continued their stroll hand-in-hand.

"I have a question, though..." Jade gave Perrie a sheepish smile.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"When I saw you in the restaurant in New York with Alex...the way you look at him–"

Jade paused for a second. She glances at the blonde briefly before Perrie continues what Jade is supposed to say.

" how I used to look at you? Does that scene bother you?"

"Well, a little. You seem in love with him." Jade admitted. "I mean, was there a time you actually fell for him? Because you know, you two have been pretending to be a couple for years now..." Perrie laughs.

"What's funny?" Jade inquired.

"Are you jealous?"

"What?! N–No! I'm not–"

Perrie smirks. "You're jealous..."

"I am not..." Jade rolled her eyes.

Perrie laughed once more before turning serious to answer Jade's question. "No...I never fell in love with him. Sure, he's a good man. Any woman would be nuts not to fall for him,'re the only one for me, Jade. And that scene at the restaurant, I'm just really good at imagining things. I looked at Alex and imagined that he was you. That's how I pulled off every mission we had together. But you being jealous is kind of cute."

"What!? I'm not jealous!"

"Yes, you are! Admit it!"

"Am not!"

They bicker and tease each other until they reach Perrie's house. They found Alex arranging the furniture.

Everything Jade previously saw about him and Perrie being married was gone. The big picture frame of their wedding was no longer there. It's now replaced by Jade and Perrie's photo of when they were five, resting their arms over each other as they held ice cream cones in their free hands on a hot summer day.

Alex was also responsible for removing the props that were set up for their espionage. Their next-door neighbour was no longer there anymore. According to Perrie, their mission was a success. The subjects are already in the custody of the Interpol.

Fortunately, Debbie and Jonnie returned to London; they never knew what had happened. But they will soon know everything since Perrie's about to end her contract with the agency. She's free to tell her family the truth.

Jade returned the badge to Alex and thanked him for everything. No one will ever know what Jade knew. After Perrie terminates her contract, they'll make it seem like she just told Jade after their mission. That is only if their agency's Director will question them. However, it is highly unlikely since most of Perrie's missions with Alex are successful.

That night, Jade and Perrie booked a flight to the United States so Perrie could personally clear and surrender her belongings that were issued to her by the agency. She can't afford to let the agency wait another day since they are strict about reporting after a successful espionage mission the following day.

Once their plane landed in New York, they went their separate ways. Jade went straight to the hotel that they booked. Perrie was picked up by agents from their agency, who escorted her to their headquarters so she could officially and permanently terminate her contract.

Jade stayed in the hotel to get some rest because she knew it could take some time for Perrie to come back from the office.

She was watching Red Notice when someone knocked on the door. "Room service!"

She got up and opened the door and was surprised to see a woman wearing the hotel's uniform.


Taylor smiled and entered the room. "Nope, it's Becky." She points at the name tag pinned on her uniform.

Jade raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Okay...Becky. What can I do for you? Clearly, you're not here to deliver me some food."

Taylor tilts her head as she studies Jade. "'re glowing. And you look...happy."

"I am happy..."

"Perfect." Taylor skips to the window and glances at the view before returning her attention to Jade. "It's about time you paid a visit to Perrie from your past life and gave her the closure you both need."

Jade nods. "I'm ready."

Taylor steps forward in front of Jade and holds both her ears. "Close your eyes and take a deep breath." Jade did as she was told.

A few seconds later, Jade felt a cold wind kissing her cheeks. She couldn't explain it, but her feelings suddenly changed. The memory of her past life is very clear in her head, as if it had just happened yesterday.

All she knew right at that moment was to see her wife one last time, for them to let go of each other and move on with their new life in separate and different worlds.

When she opened her eyes, she was in front of Perrie's laboratory. She knocked, and a blonde with blue electric eyes, the very same eyes that she fell in love with, opened the door.

Perrie was a bit shocked and shaken to see her. She observes the blonde, who seems to be in utter disbelief that she's seen her.

She smiled and touched Perrie's face, remembering their time together. If only she had more time to spend with Perrie, she'd make the blonde the happiest.

Not like this. There's a sadness that is certainly obvious in the blonde's eyes. It's not the same expressive blue orbs that she's come to love. Those eyes used to be glowing, full of life and sunshine. Now it's just...dull and grey.

At this moment, all she can do is help Perrie find peace to go on with her life. And hoping that she would find the happiness she deserves.

Perrie leans into her touch.

She takes a step closer to kiss Perrie. She kissed her softly and gently like a feather falling delicately from the sky. Then, she hugged Perrie tight. It took them a while to embrace each other.

"You can let me go now, Perrie." Perrie didn't let go. She hugged Jade tighter if that was even possible. Jade just let her embrace her longer for a while.

"I've been gone for too long...but I'm here now. You can let me go..."

Hesitantly, Perrie lets go of her. When she looked at her blue eyes once more, the sadness was gone. It wasn't fully glowing like it used to, but Jade guessed that was a start.

The next thing Jade saw was the surroundings turned all white, like some white smoke is enveloping her. It was cold, as though she was in the clouds. Then, she heard a voice.

"You can open your eyes now."

When Jade opened her eyes, she was back in her hotel room. Taylor was in front of her, smiling. What happened wasn't confusing for her at all. She felt like a chapter in her life just ended but in a good way. She felt whole. And that was the best feeling she felt next to loving Perrie.

"How are you feeling?" Taylor asks.

Jade smiles. "Like...I'm a brand new Jade. Is that weird?"

Taylor shakes her head. "Not at all. And that's because you are a brand new Jade." She lightly smacks Jade's shoulder. "You've done it right, Jade. My job here is done." Taylor then makes her way to the door.

"Will I be able to see you again?"

Taylor spun halfway. "You will. But a different me. A version who's a legal resident of this universe." For the last time, she winks at the brunette. "Goodbye, Jade. I had the best time fighting dragons with you."

As soon as Taylor opened the door, they were greeted by a blinding light that Jade had to shield her eyes from. After a few seconds, when she opened her eyes, the light was no longer present and so was Taylor.

"Thank you...T.S." Jade whispers. She smiled, feeling rather good. It's as though a huge invisible anchor was finally gone. She's now ready and excited to face the future with Perrie.

A few hours later, Perrie came back and was happy to see Jade. She jumped around the hotel room and hugged Jade. She even showered her with endless kisses, which the brunette didn't mind. She's finally free of her contract from the agency, and now she can do whatever she wants...with Jade.

They stayed for a week in New York. They went shopping, went on countless dates, and ate lots of delicious food. Everything that they planned on doing together in the City that Never Sleeps, they went to every single one of them.

When they came back to South Shields, they were greeted by Leigh-Anne, who was happy for them. She almost couldn't believe the truth! Then, both Jade's and Perrie's families knew about what had happened. They also now know the truth.

Perrie's dream of starting her own clothing shop in their hometown finally came true. And it's just near Jade's bar, too! They both became successful in doing what they both love.

Jade bought back their old house. She lets go of her apartment and moves back to her old home where she's once again neighbours with Perrie.

A year later, they got married.

They had both their homes renovated and connected to one another, so it's now one huge house.

Another year passed, and they went back to New York to adopt Emily officially. She is now seven years old. She has the right to choose if she wants to stay in the orphanage, grow up as an agent, or live like a normal kid and have a family adopt her. Of course, it was pretty obvious Emily chose to live a normal life.

They were in the orphanage, finalizing and filling out the adoption paperwork. Emily officially became Emily Thirlwall–Edwards.

"Mom, I need to go to the bathroom."

They both turned to the kid. Jade then looks at Perrie. "It's alright, Pez, you accompany her to the bathroom. I'll drop these adoption papers to the Administrator's office."

"Okay, let's go this way, Bubba."

Jade made her way to the Admin's office. When she got there, the secretary wasn't on her desk, so she went straight to the office of the Administrator to personally give the papers that she and Perrie signed.

She knocked on the door and heard someone from inside. "Come in!"

Jade opened the door and was greeted by the orphanage's Headmistress, who was busy signing some paperwork in front of her. She tilts her head as she looks at the woman behind the desk.

"Hi, I'm just dropping these adoption papers for Emily."

The Headmistress looks up at her and stands up to grab the papers that Jade was holding out. "Good luck on the new chapter of your life, Ms. Thirlwall–Edwards. Having a kid is a big responsibility, but I know you and Perrie can handle anything."

"Thank you, Miss Swift. It was nice meeting you."

"Pleasure to meet you, too! I will be in contact with you to check on Emily from time to time."

"I would love to hear from you soon, Miss Swift."

They both smiled at each other as they shook hands.

When Jade got out of the Admin's office, Perrie and Emily were already waiting for her outside. They were playing Red Light/Green Light. Perrie was the big, horrific doll, while Emily's the player creeping up behind her. They even got one of the security to join in on their fun, who was in charge of shooting the player who lost the game.

Jade laughed as she watched two of the most important people in her life enjoying themselves.

When the sun was about to set, they decided to head back home. This time, they all went home to South Shields as a family.

Everything needs time to prosper, and so is true love.

Life always teaches us a lesson when you're separated from that special someone. It's for us to learn how to wait for them to come back patiently and, when they do, to cherish those memories, hold them dear, and never let them go again.

Love is not about everything being perfect from the start till the end just because you feel the person is your true love. Sometimes, the situations separate you. Other times, you have to let go. If that love comes back to you, that is definitely true love. It never works one way, for sure.

At times, you might feel it's futile waiting for someone you can never be confident about, thus hanging your life at the same juncture where you lost your love. 

— END —

 ♫  End Game - Taylor Swift

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