Those Blue Eyes

By MS3478

90.7K 1.4K 54

Story about y/n y/l/n, youre a professional footballer. You don't do relationships atleast thats what you tho... More

The offers
The choice
The signing
Welcome party
First training
Matchday Aston Villa
Australia or England
London Derby
Get yourself together
England camp
New roommates
Matchday Spain
Day off
Matchday Netherlands
First date
Matchday Leicester
Meeting the parents
Team night
Birthday party - part 1
Birthday party - part 2
Media day
Christmas morning
Happy new year
Matchday Manchester City
Continental cup final
Lovers into strangers
On loan
I promised
Authors note
First games
More then friends
Semi final
Date in Australia
The final
Vacation - part 1
Vacation - part 2

Vacation - part 3

1.6K 37 6
By MS3478

Day 6

This morning we said goodbye to the girls when they went with the taxis to the airport to fly back home while Leah and I took another one bringing us to our accommodation for the next two days. The house we booked is a lot smaller and more secluded then the big house we were in with the group. The terrace faces the sea, when you walk down the stairs you are directly at the beach, the beach house has a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, small outside terrace and as extra a hot tub behind it.
After we arrived we didn't do much, spent the day chilling on the beach in front of the house, tanning, swimming in the clear blue sea and most of all enjoying having some time with just the two of us. Now we are both getting ready for dinner, I have reserved us a table in a restaurant not far from were we are staying. 'Le, are you ready to go?' I ask as she is still in the bathroom doing god knows what 'Almost' She responds before I hear the crane go on. I lean against the kitchen counter checking my watch as my feet taps the wooden floor in anticipation, we have 20 minutes left till the time I have reserved and the walk is 15 minutes. I push myself of the counter and walk to the mirror in the bedroom checking my outfit once again, I wipe of the imaginary dust when I notice the bathroom door open and Leah steps out. I feel my heart beating faster as I look her up and down, taking her appearance in. 'Damn' I whisper under my breath as my eyes lock with hers, Leah lets out a small giggle as a light blush forms on her cheeks 'Approved?' She asks giving me a kiss on the cheek while she passes me to grab her purse. I am still flabbergasted by her so I swiftly look up at the ceiling and gather myself again. 'Absolutely' I say with a wide grin still not able to look elsewhere then at her, Leah walks back to me and pulls me in for a kiss. 'Your stunning too' Leah says against my lips before I quickly attach our lips for another needy but loving kiss.

^ Your outfit

^ Leah her outfit

The walk towards the restaurant was nice. The sun was slowly setting which gives the beach and the sea a beautiful golden glow. Our hands were intertwined during the whole walk to the restaurant while we had silly conversations about everything and nothing, more Leah talking about whatever she felt like talking about and me listening to her sweet voice. 'Good evening and welcome to restaurant el mar' The hostess says as we step inside the luxurious but cozy restaurant 'Do you have a reservation?' She asks with a friendly smile 'I do, under the name y/l/n' I say and she starts tapping on the tablet in front of her while her eyes scan the screen. 'Here it is, please follow me' She says with a polite smile and walks into the restaurant, we follow her up the stairs leading us towards the outside area were our table is. I pull the chair out for Leah before I sit down myself 'Here are your menu's, do you already have a drink in mind?' The waiter asks friendly 'We will do a champagne' I let him know and he nods before turning around and leaving. 'Champagne?' Leah asks confused, I move my eyes from reading the menu to Leah who looks at me with big eyes 'To celebrate our vacation' I explain and Leah lightly shakes her head before focusing on the menu. The same waiter brings us our drinks and we order a few small appetizers and new drinks before continuing with our conversation. 'Are you ready to order your main?' Another waitress asks when Leah and I have finished our starters, we both nod 'Can I have the mixed fish but with fries instead of roasted potatoes?' I ask with a polite smile, she nods as she writs my order down 'And for you pretty?' She asks turning to Leah which makes my head snap to her at the nickname 'Can I have the paella?' Leah asks ignoring the nickname 'Of course you can' She says also writing Leah her order down and taking our menu's before leaving. 'Fries?' Leah questions my order 'I felt like fries instead of potatoes' I shrug my shoulders as I take a sip from my drink, Leah giggles before she also takes a sip. I stare at Leah while she watches the sun slowly disappearing behind the horizon, Leah shifts her gaze towards me with a small smile on her face 'It is really beautiful here and the food is delicious' She says with a sparkle in her eyes of enjoyment 'Me too' I agree with her as I smile back. The waitress comes to the table with our food 'Would you like something to drink?' She asks more to Leah then to me 'Can I have a new white wine please?' Leah asks and the waitress nods 'For me a new beer' I say a bit brief 'I will be back' She says giving Leah a wink. What the fuck is she thinking?!

Leah pov:

Y/n follows the waitress with her eyes as she leaves the table to get our newly ordered drinks. I want to enjoy this evening and not worry about y/n grabbing the waitress by the collar because she is flirting with me so I decide to start a conversation. 'Do you expect us to be here?' I ask causing y/n to look back at me, a soft smile directly creep upon her face as her eyes meet mine 'What do you mean?' She asks not understanding my question 'When we first met or after that night in the club, did you think we would be sitting here now together as a couple?' I explain my question, y/n lets out a slight chuckle 'When I first met you I wouldn't be here with anyone, not romantically at least and after that night I always had hope but I had moments I was close to giving up' She admits as she bites the inside of her cheek 'I am glad you didn't give up' I admit brushing me leg against hers under the table, y/n winks at me 'I would have been dumb if I did'. Somehow it makes my cheeks warm up and I shyly look away. We continue to eat our dinner and chatting about all sorts of things until the waitress brings us our drinks 'Your beer' She says to y/n 'And the fine wine for the fine lady' She says adding another wink. Y/n chokes on her fries when hearing what the waitress said, I notice her jaw clench in annoyance and god she looks sexy being jealous. I thank her and she brushes her hand over mine while she puts the glass down. Y/n is burning holes in the back from the waitress when she walks away again, luckily y/n leaves it and continues with the conversation we were having before.

Y/n is talking about a new tattoo she wants to have but she doesn't know what and where. I love it when she talks about something she is passionate about, her pupils dilate and her smile grows making her look like a kid in a candy shop. Then my eyes fall to her hands which holds her knife and fork while cutting her food. Her hands are looking hot, I want them on me. I let out a small whimper as I can myself getting wetter from the thoughts about her hands on me, pleasing me. 'You enjoyed your dinner?' The flirty waitress asks as y/n and I both have almost empty plates. I let out a internal sigh of annoyance because of her but then something comes to my mind, I am going to test y/n her limits, tease her. 'It was delicious thanks Claire' I say reading her name from the name card 'Good to hear, probably not as delicious as you are' She flirts. She is giving me the ick but it seems to make y/n jealous so I have to suck it up. I let out a laugh 'I might need to come back here, you work here often?' I ask pretending to be interested in her, y/n kicks my leg under the table while sending me a puzzled look, I ignore her and keep my focus on Claire. 'Only in the summer but you should sent me a text when your back here' She says with a wink 'You should give me your number then' I flirt while I touch her arm. This seems to take y/n over the edge and she clears her throats causing both mine and Claire her attention to go to her. 'If you wouldn't mind could you get us the bill?' Y/n asks giving the girl a forced friendly smile 'I- yes of course' Claire says a bit hesitant but before she can walk away I speak up 'Aren't we going to eat dessert?' I tease knowing y/n is getting annoyed by all the flirting but it is turning me on to see her being jealous. The frown that forms slightly when that girl touches me or the way she clenches her jaw to control her anger. Y/n directly shoots me a glare, a smile forms on Claire her face 'You should, the desserts are delicious here'. I look at y/n with a cheeky smile but she doesn't look impressed at my actions, she takes a sip from her red wine as Claire says 'Let me get you the dessert menu' I give her an approving nod before turning my attention to my furious girlfriend, if we would be in a cartoon smoke would be coming out of her ears. 'Leah what are you doing?' She asks raising her eyebrows, I shrug my shoulders 'Ordering dessert' I reply nonchalant 'She is fucking flirting with you' Y/n says through gritted teeth. Claire returns with the menu's 'I would personally advice the churros with chocolate or the torta de santiago which is a sort cake with a dash of Spanish spice and lemon' Claire advises but before I can respond y/n is first 'I will get my dessert once we are back at our house' Y/n says handing the menu back 'The only thing I want from here is the receipt so I can pay and leave' She adds, Claire visibly gulps at y/n her harsh tone and nods before leaving.

Y/n pays and as the gentlewoman she is even gives the waitress a small tip before taking my hand in hers and we leave the restaurant. 'The beach is this way' I say pointing at the other way then we are heading towards 'We aren't walking back' Y/n says signing a taxi 'We should walk back, that is way more fun' I say pulling her arm. I know she wants to go back as quick as possible, I want that too to be honest but I don't want to give in, yet. 'We are taking the cab' She says stern, leaving no room for a further discussion. The ride back to the beach house is filled with sexual tension, y/n has her hand on my thigh drawing figures while looking out of the window. The ride was only a minute or 5 which is way faster then walking. I opened the door from the house and y/n directly presses me against the wall, kicking the door close behind her. I stare at her while she looking at me, a small grin appears on my face as my plan definitely succeeded. Y/n leans in but instead of going for my lips she whispers seductively in my ear 'Go put on a bikini and join me in the hot tub' I gulp and nod as she places a sweet kiss just under my ear and in my neck before walking away. I decide to go for my red bikini as I know she has a thing for red.

I walk out the open door spotting y/n already sitting in the hot tub with her back facing me and her arms leaning on the side, I walk behind her while tracing my hand over her tensed shoulders, she directly relaxes under my touch. She looks slightly to the side as I step into the heated hot tub before I can sit down in my own seat y/n pulls me on her lap. 'You enjoyed getting me worked up didn't you?' She asks looking up at me through her lashes 'I was just being friendly to her' I say denying it all though I know I was testing her. Y/n hums before pulling me even closer into her and caressing my sides with her hands. I place both my hands on either side of her face before going in for a kiss but she looks away causing a slight needy whimper to escape my lips. I need her touch. 'You drifted me crazy when that waitress kept touching you' She says tensed jaw 'You wanted it to be your right?' I tease 'Fuck yeah and guess what?' She says, I bite my bottom lip 'What?' I whisper softly 'It is going to be me who is going to touch you' She says her pupils growing a shape darker from the lust. Our eyes are interlocked until y/n brushes her lips over mine, I want to kiss her but she moves back leaving my lips alone 'Say you are mine' She whispers with a husky voice 'I am yours and no one else' I tell her playing with the hairs in her neck. Y/n crashes our lips together and we both let out a satisfied moan when tasting each other. My grip on her neck tightens as her grip on my waist tightens when the kiss get more heated and she slips her tongue in my mouth until y/n pulls away. I look at her while my chest goes up and down rapidly because of how heavy I am breathing 'I really want you' She breaths out directly placing kisses in my neck and on my chest, I let out a moan as I feel myself getting wetter and wetter 'Take me' I say sounding confident but I am having shaky legs. One of y/n her hands slip on my back and unties my bikini top causing it to fall off 'What if someone sees us?' I asked suddenly getting very aware of where we are, outside in a hot tub on the beach 'They won't' She reassures me while taking a nipple in her mouth, I let out a moan and forget about all my worries. I grinding myself on her thigh in need of some friction on my sensitive area, I feel y/n smile against my nipple as she knows what I need but she doesn't want to give me it, yet. She wants to prove her point that she is better then the waitress. 'Fuck..' I let out a low moan as y/n finally slips her hand in my bikini 'Your dripping wet for me baby' I bite my lip again at the nickname she uses. Before I have recovered from her touch she slips one of her fingers into my wetness, hitting my spot perfectly with each trust. While her finger is inside me she uses her thumb to message my clit sending an extra tingle through my whole body 'Keep going' I moan into her ear. I dig my nails into her back when she adds a second finger and connects her lips on my hardened nipple 'I'm close' I moan out feeling my core tense up, this causes y/n to pick up pace and go faster making it impossible to keep quiet and within moments I let go. My whole body shakes from the release and I let myself fall into y/n her arms while she helps me ride out my high. 'Are you okay?' Y/n asks with care as I try to control my breathing again, I can only nod as I am still feeling the ecstasy. Suddenly I feel myself getting lifted out of the warmth of the water and into the cool evening breeze, I wrap my arms and legs tighter around y/n her body as she carries me out of the hot tub and inside the house to the bedroom. She drops me on the bed while hoovering over me, the water from her shocked sport bh dripping on my naked body. Without saying a word she connects our lips but I pull away while tugging onto her bottom lip 'I brought something, it is in my suitcase' I say, y/n exits the bed and goes over to were our suitcases our laying, she searches for a moment before taking it out. I stare at her shoulders already covered in my nail scratches from our moment in the hot tub 'You had this with you the whole vacation?' She asks surprised while holding the strap in the air, I shrug my shoulders 'Don't act like you didn't think we would have sex' I reply making a fair point. Y/n wants to climb into bed again but I stop her 'Off' I say signing her take off her underwear, she does as I say. I flip us around causing me to be on top of her. Our lips find each other immediately and my hands travel over her toned abdomen, her body is angelic. My lips go to her neck causing a moan to escape her lips 'I love you' I whisper against her lips while soft kissing them 'I love you' She says before flipping us around. Y/n grabs the strap and puts it on before she spreads my legs with her hand, slowly she enters letting me get used to it before fully trusting inside causing both us to moan. Our lips attach like magnets and y/n fastens the pace, making longer and deeper strokes. Our kisses gets more sloppy as we both near our climax, I grab her shoulders while she pays attention to my neck and sweet spots. Probably leaving a few hickeys 'Mine' She whispers with a husky tone 'Yours' I reply. A few trust later we both come and y/n takes off the strap but instead of laying next to me she goes down. 'I can't' I say as y/n start rubbing my clit again 'Yes you can' She says before attaching her lips with my clit and flicking it while entering two fingers, I directly arch my back from the satisfaction I feel. Before I know it I already came for the third time this night and definitely not the last.

Day 7

I yawn as I slowly wake up, feeling the warmth of the sun already shinning on my face. Today is the last day of our vacation because we fly back to London tomorrow morning. I smile softly as I notice Leah still peacefully asleep next to me, the sheets only cover her naked body partly. I want to grab my phone from the night stand beside me but when I move Leah puts her arm around me and pulls me closer to her again. I wrap my arms around her while she cuddles back into me, I caress her soft warm skin while her warm breath brushes against my neck. I let out a content sigh as I enjoy this peaceful little moment with Leah. When we get back to London life is going to be busy again, the league will start, champions league qualifiers, cups and other events will be weekly. It is part of being a professional footballer and I love it all but it does remind me to appreciate these moments with Leah. 'Le' I whisper softly as I kiss her head trying to wake her up 'Hmm' She groans as she starts to wake up 'I want to make breakfast' I whisper, she shakes her head no while tightening her grip around me. I let out a chuckle 'You need to eat and I am hungry' I say while stroking her thigh 'Your always hungry' Leah mumbles before I can respond Leah her stomach rumbles letting us know that she is hungry too 'I think you are too' I tease and poke Leah in her side making her squeal 'Fine but I want my cuddles after' She pouts and moves away so I can get out of bed, I kiss her head 'I promise'. I swiftly put on a shirt and shorts before going to the kitchen and opening the fridge which luckily is stocked with lots of food, I opted for some eggs, pancakes, fresh fruits, toast and I decided to make croissants. 

While preparing breakfast I put on some music and sipped from my coffee to get me started for the day. I clutch the batter for the pancakes and another one for the croissants while the eggs are in the pan and the toast is in the toaster. I opened the doors so the warmth from outside is getting inside making it feel like we are in a movie. I sneak a few bites every so often until every things is set for breakfast and the table is plated, only thing I need is a beautiful blonde girl. Before I can go get her she walks out of the bedroom, dressed in one of my shirts. 'Good morning' I say giving her a smile 'Aw this is so cute' Leah says putting her arms around my neck while looking at the table I have set up, I peck her lips before we both sit down and start eating the food. While we eat I keep stealing glances at Leah while she looks through the open doors towards the sea, looking like she is deep in thought about something as her brows are a bit furrowed. 'I think I want us to make it public, you know Instagram official' Leah suddenly says catching me off guard. I would love too but I don't want Leah to feel pressed into it and I don't want other people say I am bad for her or bring up my cheating history... My trail of thought is cut when Leah speaks up again 'Never mind, it was a silly idea' I hear her voice crack a little because I don't answer 'No no, Leah listen please' I take her hand 'I would love too, being able to hold your hand in public, give you a kiss, being able to shout of the rooftops that I love you' This causes a small smile to appear on Leah her face 'I just.. Are you sure? You and Jordan never made it official because you didn't want to with the media and stuff' I add, Leah stands up and walks to me taking a seat on my lap. I place my hands on her waist while hers go around my neck 'I am 100 per cent sure because I love you and the media can talk all they want and bring out bad articles but that will never change the many feelings I have for you' I look at Leah with adoration while she speaks those words 'Okay' I reply. Leah pulls my face towards hers and catches my lips with hers, my hands travel to the lower of her back while we share a loving memorable long kiss with a bit of heat. 'I am going to grab our phones' Leah says excited 'I will clean this up then' I say as she jumps of my lap and runs into the bedroom. 

We sit together on the outside terrace both scrolling through our phones looking for the nicest and cutest pictures of us from this vacation and of course thinking about a caption to go with. 'I think I have it' I say proud of my post 'Already!? I have no idea what to caption it' Leah says stressing, I stand up and go stand behind her wrapping my arms around her 'If you want to wait-' My sentence is directly cut 'NO!' Leah says rapidly 'I just don't know what to put with it' She sighs, I chuckle at how much pressure Leah puts on an Instagram caption. 'Want to hear mine?' I ask, Leah nods clearly in need of some inspiration 'It isn't much but I think and hope you find it meaningful' I say suddenly feeling a bit nervous to share my caption 'It says The definition of perfection is a person or thing considered to be perfect. My definition is you.' I look from my phone back to Leah to see her with tears in her eyes 'I- how do I need to top that?' She asks 'Just write from your heart' I say giving her a kiss on the cheek before going inside, letting her alone for a moment. I am making me and Leah something to drink when I feel arms sneak around my waist 'I posted it' Leah says softly 'Then I will post mine' I reply opening Instagram again and tapping on the post-button 'Done' I say with a smile and turning around embracing Leah her hug. 'I love you' 'I love you'.

^ You are Rafa

^ You are Patri

^ You are Jen

^ You are Sam and Leah is Kristie

Liked by LeahWilliamson, Y/s/n_y/l/n and 103,381 others
Y/n_y/l/n: The definition of perfection is a person or thing considered to be perfect. My definition is you, you are perfect 😍
Thanks for allowing me to share life with you. 

LeahWilliamson: ❤️‍🔥
^ y/n_y/l/n: ❤❤
Y/s/n_y/l/n: Looking gooood
AlexiaPutellas: dos guapas
Leahfan123: hotties
Football546: Mothers!! 🙇‍♀️🙏
OnaBattle: Happy for you two!
Y/nishottt: Watch out Leah, I am still coming for her
Wobbs4ever: Leah and Jordan always and forever
^Y/nLeah: Move on 🙂

^ You are Lia

^ You are Macca and Leah is Alanna

^ You are Sam and Leah is Kristie, imagine it is on the beach

Liked by Y/n_y/l/n, AmandaWilliamson and 111,948 others
LeahWilliamson: I am addicted to laughs and kisses with you 💋

BethMead: Cutiesss 😍
AmandaWilliamson: Looks like you two had fun 🤗
AlexScott: Double date soon?
^y/n_y/l/n: Sounds like a plan
KeiraWalsh: I deserve credits for this
^LeahWilliamson: credits
GeorgiaStanway: I am going to be fifth wheeling 😑
Arsenalwfc23: 😍
Y/n_y/l/n: I love you gorgeus 😍
^LeahWilliamson: I love you 😘
Bigqueenem24: Love it! Al though we already knew

A/N: Really really sorry that I haven't posted in like a month or so 🙈 I was figuring out where I want this story to go next because it is nearing the end (not soon but eventually) I was also thinking and sketching out a new story. Let me know if you want to know about my idea for the next story!

I hope to post more often from now on again but I have a busy few weeks with school and my own football.

And may or may not will come some drama soon? 🤷‍♀️ Who knows? 

I do 😜

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