Sea of Stars 별바다

NamNamm03 tarafından

19.3K 694 375

Luna Oakley just moved to South Korea with her boyfriend of two years. On the first few days of being there... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 34

327 15 6
NamNamm03 tarafından

Today, Bada and I separated ways for the day. She left the house early this morning to get ready with the girls from Bebe but it was only because I made her. If she had stayed here any longer, she would've changed her mind about going again. All morning while getting ready, she kept talking to herself 'I should stay' or 'No, I should go' and even 'But my baby, I have to stay'. That was a cycle for like a good two hours, lol. But luckily she went with the girls. I would've had Lusher and Tatter come to drag her out of here if I had to. 

Bada reminded me that she won't be able to have her phone on most of the shoot, so I decided to leave voice note messages for her throughout the day. That way, when the shoot is over, she can know everything went fine. 

I finished getting ready to head out soon. Kirsten's gonna come pick me up in about thirty minutes.

I decided to spend the rest of this time cleaning the house and rearranging a few things. I have a plan to surprise Bada tonight with a living room sleepover vibe. I'm gonna build a fort and bring out all the board games she likes as well as cook her favorite dishes. Plus I want Kirsten to help me pick out some gifts for her. Today is gonna be a 'Bada Lee Fun Day' when she gets back. But I also have another plan if she's tired from the shoot. I'll keep the fort but will switch out the board games for an at-home spa day. I'll have face masks and other goodies on standby just in case. 


"Hey Lulu, I'm downstairs"

"Alright, I'll be right down"


I hurry and rush out the door making sure to grab all of my belongings as I make my way to the parking lot.

"Heyyyy Bitchhhhh" Kirsten yells when I get in the car.

"Hey Kirstttttt," I say giving her a big hug. After that night when the girls came over and I quite lost my shit, I thought they'd never want to talk to me again. But I'm so grateful that wasn't the case. We're all besties again but I know they're trying their hardest not to bring up any sensitive topics. I don't mind if they ask but I still get embarrassed by it. If anything, after I apologized to them, me and Kirst have become a lot closer (Well closer than we were. We were alright like this🤞 but we're even tighter now). She comes over more often and we talk about everything. If we're not talking about my situation, we just vibe together like old times and it's really fun and relaxing with her. 

"Hey, what time do you need to be there? I was thinking we could go get some breakfast before,"

"We have plenty of time, let's go eat," I said clapping my hands. I can never say no to food. That's my one nonnegotiable. 

We both head to this new cafe near the police precinct. It's just opened up in this area and we're so excited because it's one of those really girly cafes. There are pink and cat paws everywhere and they even serve drinks and food that are pink. I heard it's all organic food coloring though so that just makes this place even better. When we stepped inside, both of our jaws were on the floor, it was so adorable. 

"Awww, look" Kirst says as she runs up to this photobooth with cat ear accessories to wear. I immediately sprint over so we can take pictures then we head to the counter to order.

"Hello, what can I get you ladies today?" The worker asked us. I told him my order but his eyes stayed focused on Kirsten. When she spoke, he was getting a little nervous. Kirst and I made our way to our seats and right when we sat down, I let her have it.

"HE LIKES YOU!!!" I whispered shouted to her while giggling. She almost immediately put her hand over my mouth to shut me up thinking he'd hear us. 

"He does not," she says playing with one of the sugar packets on the table. I give her the 'Bffr, seriously' look and she sighs. 

"Can't a guy admire a cute girl," she says. 

"Of course but not when that girl is admiring the guy back," I say smirking. I definitely saw her blush up there. Plus this guy was gorgeous and was totally her type, so I say go for it. 

"Should I be your wingwoman," I ask excitedly

"No, absolutely not," she says and I dramatically gasp shocked. 

"Uhh, I can most definitely get the man to propose to you in under five minutes," I say offended that she doesn't think I'm the best wing woman there is known to man (I couldn't even wing woman my own damn self into a solid relationship a few months ago 🫣, but that's not the point😤)

"I don't remember the last time you've dated Kirst. Wait, are you gay too?" I ask shocked as I cover my mouth.

"No, I'm not gay Luna, I just haven't found someone to pique my interest. Plus, my Korean is not that good, like at all. We couldn't even hold a simple conversation," she says and I nod in understanding. 

"Number 13," the guy says from the counter. I looked at our ticket and it was our turn.

"I'll go get it," I say getting up and making my way to get our food. 

"Thank you, uhh could I get a few extra napkins two forks please," I say to the guy. While he's getting the things, I quickly glance back at Kirsten to find her engulfed in her phone. Perfect!

"Umm, excuse me,"

"Yes," he says

"Do you speak any English," I ask straight up. He looked at me confused since he could tell I had no problem speaking Korean.

"Uhh, yes. I'm fluent in English," he says and I mentally fist-bump myself. 

"That's great. Ok, umm you know the girl I came here with. We'll she thinks you're really cute and wants to know if she could get your number. She was too shy to ask so I came up here instead," I say glancing back to make sure she was occupied. He rubs the back of his neck nervously. 

"Oh, well, I think she's really gorgeous. If you don't mind, please give her my number," he says as he starts writing his number down on a napkin and hands it to me. He seemed like a gentleman so it was even more reason to do this. 

"Of course. And thank you for the food," 

"No problem, please come back any time," he says nicely.

I hurry and go to my seat all excited and with a stupid grin on my face. 

"Food makes you that giddy?" she asks laughing at my expression 

"Well obviously yes, but that's not the reason why I'm like this,"

"Then why,"

"Just remember Kirst, we are in a public zone and you cannot attack me here," I say to her. Knowing her, she'd jump right over this table at the news I was about to tell her so I had to remind her we are at a nice establishment and don't want to get kicked out. 

"What did you do," she asks as her face drops. 

"Okay, so I was just gonna come right back to the table but realized we didn't have any napkins for both of us, forks either, so I asked the guy for some. I was like what would me and you do without those napkins and forks? It was like an abomination in my head, right," I say teasing her.

"Come one Luna, skip all the bull. What did you do," she said putting her hands in her hair. Hehehe she was freaking out and I was quite enjoying this because she'll thank me in the long run. 

"Fine, I asked him for his number on your behalf," I say and she gets out of her seat to attack but I slide back giving us room from each other.

"Remember, we don't want to get kicked out or banned Kirsten. Act accordingly," I say and she huffs and sits back down. Nothing but a smirk is left on my face. 

"Calm down my darling. I've secured the goods," I said giving her the napkin with his number on it. Her eyes go wide in shock and she turns to the counter. Both of them make eye contact and quickly turn away. Kirsten's now sunk into her seat blushing so hard, I feel as though my work here is done. 

"You didn't have to do this Lulu," she says.

"I know, but I knew you'd never do it. You can see how things work out with each other. And if he's not your cup of tea, just let him down easy and we'll never come back here again. I'll drive you to the other cafe," I say

"But that's like an hour away,"

"I know, but anything for you Kirst. If he's not the one just drop him. Heck if he's a weirdo, ghost the motherfucker," I say shrugging and drinking my coffee. 

"Luna, language," she says looking around to make sure no one heard my potty mouth. 

"This is just an option Kirst. If you want to go for it, then do. If you don't, then don't. I'll back up any of your choices 100%" I tell her.

"Aww, thank you, Lulu. That's so sweet," 

"Yup, I can wait to be an aunty whenever you're ready," I say and she almost spits out her drink.

"Aunty?!?! That won't be for a long, LONG time from now. You better get somebody else to do it," she says and we both laugh. 

We carried on eating and talking for another few minutes until we were finished. Kirsten and I finish up our food and make our way out the door to throw everything away. But it didn't go unnoticed how Kirst and the guy gave each other 'looks' before leaving. I don't know why, but I feel like this could be a good thing for her. I get nothing but positive vibes from the situation. 

When we got in the car, I decided to give Bada the first voice memo of the day.

"Hey baby, me a Kirst just got done eating at this new cafe near the precinct. We definitely have to go together. We just left and are heading to the precinct right now but I wanted to give you the first update of the day. I'll talk to you later my pookie, wookie, mookie, book...," I cooed but I was very disrespectfully interrupted.

"Ewwwww, that's so gross," Kirsten yells.

"Heyyyyy, you messed up my voice note to Bada," I whined. These voice notes automatically send so I couldn't even redo it.

"Well you guys need to stop being so yucky," she says making a face like she was about to throw up and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"You and the mystery boy in there will be like this in no time. Be patient my little butterfly," I say patting her on the shoulder and we both laugh. 

We drive for about five minutes before parking at the police station. When we get out, we're still being goofy as we walk into the building, laughing like crackheads, but our laughter soon subsides when we see Haneul with Detective Seo sitting in his office. 

When Hanuel sees us walk in, he frowns angrily, but then his smile turns into this sadistic grin that makes my stomach churn. 

"Ladies, please take a seat. I don't think we've met before. I'm Detevice Seo," he says reaching out a hand to Kirsten. 

"I'm Luna's sister, nice to meet you," she says. Hearing her say that makes me really happy. 

"Sister? We don't have your name on file for relatives," he says confused.

"Not blood-related, but she's my sister," Kirsten corrects herself so he would understand and he nods in agreement. 

"So what did you need me in for Detective Seo," I ask. 

"Well, Haneul here has come up with a proposal to which I'm obligated to run by you, Miss Oakley," 

"What proposal?" Kirsten asks sitting up in her seat. 

"He would like you to settle with this case," he says.

"Excuse me?" I say loudly and Kirsten gently takes my hand in hers to calm down a little.

"If you agree to drop the case, Haneul is willing to pay a $90,000 settlement fee to you, Miss Oakley," he says. 

I stare at Haneul shocked. I don't even know why I'm shocked though, this does seem like some shit he'd pull.

"You're pathetic, you know that," I tell him angrily. 

"No Luna, you're pathetic. And with this lawsuit getting out in the open, you're just gonna keep getting even more pathetic. Just take the settlement and this can all be over," he says cockily

"Over?!?! You think this will all be over after you throw all your money at me? You're an even bigger fool than I thought you were. I hope you rot in jail for the rest of your pathetic life. I don't want your money Haneul, I want to see you lose everything. That's the least you can do for me," I say getting up out of my seat. I needed a breather. 

"I'm gonna step out for a moment," I say leaving the room. Kirsten stays in there, but I know she's not running after me because she's monitoring him. Making sure he doesn't step out too.

I go into the bathroom and lock the door. I was feeling so freaking heated right now. That scumbag thinks he can just throw money at me to make this all disappear. Nothing can disappear. All the scars he gave me are permanent. I can't just erase the marks on my skin or my mind, no matter how hard I try and he thinks he'll get the easy way out? Fuck no.  

I pace around the bathroom getting even angrier and all of a sudden, my hand punches the wall. Just the thought of him thinking he won pisses me off so bad. I just keep banging my fist against the wall. After a few seconds, I try to calm myself down so I take a few deep breaths and run my hands through my hair. I look into the mirror and see my reflection 

(He thinks he can still do whatever he pleases) I say in my head. 

(He thinks he can still call the shots) I think and shake my head. 

"He can't," I say aloud. 

(Are we gonna let him have all the power again?) I ask myself.

"Absolutely the fuck not," I say and march out of the bathroom and to Detective Seo's office with purpose. 

"I'm not going to settle. Ever! I want to keep fighter Detective Seo. No matter what it takes," I say with umph (I was feeling like I was in a main character moment in a movie. Kinda slay no? 💅)

"Are you sure Luna? This isn't going to be an easy fight," the detective asks.

"I'm positive," I say and he gives me a reassuring nod. I can tell he will side with whatever I want. Detective Seo is a nice man who does the utmost he can for his clients and I appreciate everything he does. 

"Alright," he says but Haneul gets mad.

"You're gonna get what's coming to you, you bitch," he says standing up and getting ready to leave. There isn't much evidence on Haneul yet so he can't really get booked right now which sucks butt, but that's okay. I want him to think he got away. Think he's won when in reality, his time will come to him.

I slouch in my seat and Kirsten comes over to hug me. 

"Miss Oakley. I will do everything I can to put him away," he says.

"Thank you, Detective Seo," 

Kirsten and I waited a few minutes to leave so we wouldn't run into Haneul. After we leave and get into her car, Kirsten lets all of her frustration out.

"The absolute audacity that man has. AUDACITY I tell you," she says pisse off. 

"You did the right thing, Luna. That punk is gonna get what's coming to him, you hear me. One way or another. I promise you that," she says holding my hand. I nod and we drive off. While driving, neither of us talked much, we just sat and listened to the radio as I stared out the window. 

"You still up for shopping for Bada?" Kirsten asks. 

"Yeah if you still wanna take me," 

"Of course, Bada's gonna love what you get her," Kirst says and I smile thinking about Bada's expression tonight. She's the type who cherishes everything, whether those be moments or physical objects. She's always so grateful for everything and it makes me want to do so much for her. 

Kirsten drove to the mall and we have both been walking around for a few minutes now stumped on what to get. Of course, I have to get the stuff for the plan tonight, but I also want to get Bada a sentimental gift for our relationship. We already have matching rings and necklaces so I don't think jewelry would be good to buy. 

"Do you think she'd like a few new clothing items? Maybe some sweatshirts, hats, and joggers maybe?" I ask Kirst. 

"Oohhh yeah, she'll love those. The girl practically hoards sweatshirts and hats. That's the perfect gift," Kirst says. We head to a streetwear store they have in the mall that screams Bada and I about throw everything I see in the cart. 

"Okay, pace yourself, lady. You're buying her a gift, not an entire store," Kirst says when I come up to her and she stares at my full two carts. 

"Hehe I couldn't really decide which ones were cuter so I thought, why not get them all," I said smiling nervously. I kinda over did it with shopping here. I feel like Bada would wear everything in here so it's hard only picking a few things out of all these options. 

"Here, why don't you get these," Kirst says picking up five sweatshirts, five hats, and three pairs of joggers from the massive pile in my cart. Ok, this seems reasonable. I go and put all the other things in my cart back on the shelves and make my way to the cash register to check out. 

"Alright, where to now?" Kirst asks. 

"Uhm, the olive young," I say pointing to the store across from this one. When we got in there, I was in awe. It was everything a girly pop girl could ever want. I make a mental note to come back here to go shopping in a while. Oohh I should take Soo-Min here and we can shop til we drop. She seems like the type to encourage my shopping addiction and I love that about her, lol. 

It doesn't take me too long to get everything I need, so Kirsten and I quickly check out everything we're getting. I may or may not have slipped in a really nice mascara, but don't tell Bada 🤭. 

Throughout the trip to the mall, I've sent Bada a total of seven voice memos. All of which Kirsten is screaming in the background because I'm showing Bada my ever-loving devotion to her (Kirsten's low-key a hater lol 😂, jk but she needs to let me love Bada in peace). I told Bada me a Kirst had gone shopping for Kirsten and the girls, that way Bada wouldn't be suspicious about the surprise later. 

Me and Kirsten decided to go to the grocery market for ingredients and then head back to Bada's place to set everything up for tonight. We put up the makeshift fort and laid out pillows and blankets everywhere. I even laid out rose petals, electric candles, and fairy lights everywhere for the full effect ✨. After we were finished with the living room, I set up Bada's gift on the counter like she did mine a few weeks ago. I think this is the start of a new tradition for us, to set up our gifts for each other like this. It's just really cute. 

"Okay, I think that's the last of it," Kirsten says coming over to the kitchen so we can get a look at the living room from afar. 

"This looks so pretty," I cooed happily with our work. We should go into a party planning business at this point. 

"She's gonna love it, Lulu. You two are gonna get down and dirty tonight, huh?" Kirsten smirked then playfully smacked my arm. I quickly shook my head no to her assumption. 

"Nope, this is all for comfort," I say in defense. 

"Oh come on, we both know with a setup like this you two won't just be watching Netflix. It's a Netflix and chill type of night," she says winking. Oh crap, is she gonna think I wanna have sex tonight?!?! Kirsten could see the scared look on my face.

"Oh shoot, have you two not...done it yet?" she asks and I slowly shake my head no. 

"I-I've just never felt completely ready to yet," I said nervously. Kirst knows about what happened those years ago so she understands where I'm coming from. 

"I'm sorry Lulu. I didn't mean to make you nervous. I know Bada isn't the type to rush you into anything you don't want to do. Heck, when she sees all of this, I know for a fact sex won't be on her mind because that's just the type of person she is. She's gonna love and appreciate everything you did for her today, okay love? I was just being goofy when I said that," she tells me. I calm down at her words though because it's true. Bada isn't the type to expect us to get intimate quickly and she respects my decision to wait. But maybe I shouldn't wait anymore. 

"Would it be a bad thing if I wanted to sleep with her?" I ask Kirst cautiously. 

"Of course not Luna, but don't do it because I put the idea in your head tonight. Do it because you're ready to and mentally prepared to. Bada respects you enough to never push you into this so don't feel pressured to do anything. Sex can be a big deal, especially when shared with someone you love. And it'll come naturally at a time when you are ready to. Remember that Lulu," she says holding my hands in hers. She's such a great pep talker. Such big sister vibes and that's why I love Kirsten so much.

"When is she supposed to be back?" Kirst asks. I check my watch and almost collapse. She should be here in about an hour and I still haven't made dinner yet.

"Oh crap, really soon and I gotta make the food," I say getting up to go prep all the food. Kirsten stayed a little longer until she got a text to head to the studio. 

"I gotta get going but I'll see you later. Make sure to tell me all about tonight later okay? Oh and remember what I said earlier, there's no need to rush anything, hmm?" she says and then hugs me. 

"Alright. Thank you so much for everything today. I'll text you later tonight or tomorrow to tell you everything," 

"Alright girly, bye love," she says leaving out the door. I go back into the kitchen and finish making dinner. A few days ago, I asked Lusher for a few Korean dish recipes, so tonight I will try my best to make them as authentic as possible. Plus these are all of Bada's favorite dishes. 

Just as I was finishing up the food, I heard a knock on the door. Crap is it Bada? I'm not even done with everything. Wait but she has a key so she wouldn't knock. I look at the kitchen table and see Kirsten left her water bottle. Dang, this girl almost gave me a heart attack thinking Bada was here. I go to pick up the water bottle and then head to the door.

"Kirst, you scared the ever-lasting crap out of me, I thought Bada was at the doo-" 

Okumaya devam et

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