Playing with Heart

By dcfanfic21

4.7K 284 82

In the bustling halls of college, Yoohyeon-an ordinary girl navigating the challenges of adolescence-finds he... More

Want to bet?
She is in relat.......
Her place
I'm always here
Driving me crazy
Don't rush me
I love you...(M)
Dinner with my friends! (M)
The Truth Unveiled
Come on, say it?

Confessions in the Rain

266 19 3
By dcfanfic21

"I don't play anymore, not at all! The desire to see, feel, kiss this woman grows with each passing day... This argument, this stupid dispute, has turned into a real, strong feeling... I step on the same rake, but she's not like that at all... Probably. I've fallen in love. No! It's time to end this! Tomorrow I'll tell Siyeon that she wins - and that's it! Escaping the battlefield suits me just fine now... Pretending that nothing happened after this trip is the only right decision... For her and for me. But you can't deceive the heart! It's already used to skipping its crazy rhythm when she's around... My body burns from her touch... My lips crave a kiss. My entire organism, all my organs work on a battery whose charge depends only on her!"

My thoughts significantly worsened the weather... Cold wind, rain, and, of course, I didn't take an umbrella! Covering myself with a bag, I somehow made it to school. My friends were already there.

"Hi!" Gahyeon said cheerfully. "So, how was the shower?"

I almost laughed... Quickly taking off my wet clothes, I headed to the locker room. "Yeah... I look quite wet, well, nothing... Biology will dry me off," though these thoughts were not as cheerful as they could be. I let my hair down, if, of course, they could be called that; they looked more like thin ropes. Gahyeon and I went to biology. Miss Jiu wasn't in the classroom yet. Even with the lights on, it was a bit dark, wet umbrellas stood in the corner.

"What's wrong with you?" Siyeon looked at me with concern.

"What's wrong with me?" I caught myself looking at one point and speaking quietly.

"Tell me what happened on the bus? You were left alone... And..."

"And nothing happened!" unable to hold back, I shouted. Perhaps seeing my terrible mood, Siyeon didn't bother me anymore and went about her business. Sighing, I lay down on the desk and tried to calm down.

"Hello!" a loud, painfully familiar voice made me look at its owner. Unlike me, Miss Jiu arrived in a strangely good mood. The black sundress with a decent slit suited her perfectly. Putting her red bag on the table, she energetically started placing microscopes on the desks.

"So, as I warned you, today we are doing a lab. You can read about its essence on page thirty-six. The lab will take the whole lesson, so don't rush. You will write all the calculations in your notebooks and hand them over to me for review."

"What lab work? What calculations?" That's a surprise!

"I understand that you're feeling crappy right now, but maybe you can help me?" Siyeon asked.

"What can I do..." after these words, I immersed myself in the work. This fascinating activity drew me in so much that I even forgot about my heavy thoughts... The lesson passed quickly, and finishing the last sentence, I went to hand in my sheet.

"Why a sheet?"

"You took my notebook..."

"Oh... Right... Come to me after classes, I'll give it back," she said, not paying attention to me.

"Something definitely happened to you... By the way, did she return your headphones? I was passing them on," she said.

"Damn, I've been searching for them since morning... No one passed anything to me. I hope she didn't take them for her own use.

"By the way, two more days... And the deadline for our bet expires. Are we going to extend it?"

"It's too early to rejoice. I still have time..." and why can't I surrender? I can't, that's all.

It was getting dark. Miss Solji detained us, girls, to draw a poster for the autumn ball. Well, what can I say, I definitely don't have a talent for drawing. So, I just observed the whole process and hoped that this eternal drizzle would finally stop. The girls were already getting ready to go home. Hastily dressing, they had already headed to the exit and waited for me there while I struggled with the zipper on my jacket.

"Oh, darn! I need to go to miss Jiu! " it dawned on me, and I turned sharply on the spot.

"Why?! Did you come up with something new to win the bet?" Siyeon laughed.

"One more word about the bet, and I'll forget who you are," after these words, I went to the biology classroom. The school stairs seemed endless to me as I approached; thoughts began to form a solid cobweb again.

"May I?" my voice trembled.

She was standing by the window, and upon hearing my voice, she startled. Her shoulders twitched, and her actions became sluggish. Our entire dialogue began to resemble a slow-motion shot... No, not a comedy.

"Yes, come in Yoohyeon," approaching the table, she took my notebook and handed it to me," Everything is correct, well done."

With a silly but still a smile, I took the notebook and put it in my bag.

"It's been raining all day today..."

"Yes... "she said hesitantly, looking somewhere to the side.

I couldn't catch her gaze, and when I did, it turned out to be empty...

"Aren't you going home?"

"Rain... Maybe it will stop," she seemed to ignore my question.

"It's already dark, and the rain is unlikely to stop," I still hoped to hear an answer and spoke more confidently.

"Well, maybe I'll spend the night at school?" she said with a hint of a joke.

"If that's the case... "sitting at the desk, I looked at her," In that case, I'll stay overnight too. Always dreamed of it, but it's scary alone.

We both laughed, and Miss Jiu quickly prepared to go home, while I watched her movements, her facial expressions, and the speed of her thoughts.

"Well, shall we go get wet?" she sighed.

"Allow me to ask... How did you get here in the morning? I remember you came to class completely dry, unlike me. Admit it, miss, you have an umbrella! You just don't want to share it with me," I smirked.

Looking at me, she said with a smile:

"My partner gave me a ride."

"Mmm... How caring," I quickly went to the exit and waited for her in the corridor.

She sadly looked at me as she walked out. Locking the classroom, we left the school. The girls didn't wait for me and went home. The rain was so necessary for me... Without hesitation, I took her by the arm, and we entered this stream of water... Drops of water, one after another, beat the rhythm as if to some sad melody. We walked in silence along the empty, deserted street, and only the noise of cars interrupted the silence that settled between us.

"I'll see you off... "I said quietly.

To my surprise, she didn't say anything in response. Approaching her house, we quickened our pace and stood under the shelter of the entrance.

"Wow. I can be wrung out," I examined myself, saying.

"I'm no better, "she laughed.

And again, this silence hung between us... So necessary right now. Slowly approaching her, I touched her cheek with my trembling fingers, either from the cold or from fear. Closing her eyes, she leaned forward. The warmth emanating from our lips warmed us. I heard nothing but the heavy breathing of the teacher. We stood close to each other, listening to the actions of our hearts. Summoning courage, she touched my cheek with her trembling lips, embracing me tightly. We stood there like two fortresses, it seemed.

"I can't... " she whispered.

I couldn't say anything in response; it was too difficult to do. The lips seemed unattainable, and speech was completely forgotten. Slowly, overcoming myself, I let her go... Her eyes were filled with tears. Clean drops, along with the rain, rolled down and disappeared without a trace.

Grabbing the handle of the entrance door, she was about to leave... Putting my hand on hers, I didn't let her.

"It's time for me to go... Let me go," she said in a voice that wasn't hers.

I withdrew my hand, and she went home... She left, taking with her all the warmth that remained in me.


"It's the end of October, and today you should roughly write down which subjects you plan to take," Miss Solji said in a hurry, handing out sheets to us.

"What if we haven't decided yet?" someone asked, yawning.

"Then I'll call your parents, and..."

"Alright, alright," they interrupted, quickly jotting down the subjects on the sheet.

I, like a sleepy fly, sat there and traced some incomprehensible patterns on the desk with my finger. Yesterday's events wouldn't leave my mind; the trace of Miss Jiu's lips seemed to burn my cheek. "What am I doing? I'm completely losing control! Just one more day... and this silly bet will be over! I'll be fine; I'll live as cheerfully and carefree as before... Just endure one more day! If I avoid her, nothing will happen," my thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the teacher's voice.

"Where are you drifting off? Write down the subjects and hand in the sheets. Hurry up, Yoohyeon!"

"So... Subjects... english language - that's a must. Social studies, and the second one... - the tip of my pen froze over the sheet - I haven't thought much about the subjects yet."

"Why are you hesitating there?" Siyeon rushed me, taking my sheet and handing it over to the teacher. "Let's see..."

"Siyeon! Give it back!" I snapped out of my daze and almost pounced on her to take the sheet.

"Well, what are you thinking? Biology, of course!" After writing down the subject, she quickly returned it to the teacher.

"Excellent! So, I'm calling the director about electives! See you all tomorrow!" the teacher quickly left the classroom.

The girls laughed at my surprised face and silly grin.

"Siyeon... And, may I ask, what's the point of all this circus?" I looked at her with disapproval.

"Come on, I'm helping you! Maybe this last day will decide everything?" she winked slyly at me, and my friends headed towards the exit.

"Are you coming?" Gahyeon turned around.

Slung my bag over my shoulder, I followed my friends, trying to grasp the idea that I would have to attend biology electives. Of course, I could catch up with Miss Solji tell her it was a mistake, and make changes, but for some reason, I didn't want to do that...

Today was such a busy day that I openly dozed off during physics! The teacher is an excellent teacher, but physics is a very dull subject for me... Why not doze off for about forty minutes?! Someone's hand descended on my shoulder and persistently shook me. Reluctantly opening my eyes, I was met by Siyeon's wild gaze.

"You look like a drug addict in urgent need of a dose," I said quietly, smiling.

"Oh, come on! You better look ahead!" she gestured to the board.

Getting up from the desk, I focused all my attention on the board. Miss Jiu was writing something very carefully.

"Siyeon, am I dreaming?" Without taking my eyes off the teacher, I asked.

"Hold on, my friend... Today, you have a biology elective waiting for you."

"What else..."

"I would like to draw your attention, students! Today at 4:00 PM, there will be a biology elective for those who chose this subject for the exam. Miss Solji showed me the lists, and I'm already in the know. Don't be late!" Saying this, the teacher looked at everyone present and quickly left the classroom.

"Hang in there, my friend! Not everything is so bad! Dami and Gahyeon also signed up for biology. You have a chance. Use it..." Siyeon said in a strange voice.

Having bid farewell to Siyeon, the girls and I proceeded to the elective. Surprisingly, I was calm like never before. Miss Jiu was already in the classroom, and posters of plants adorned the board.

"I've always dreamed of becoming a botanist!" I thought to myself with some bitterness.

Dami and I sat together; with her, I felt some support and was less nervous. Gradually, the class filled up, and there were about twenty people present. The more, the better; her attention wouldn't be focused on me... and I could relax.

Time always flew by unnoticed in her classes because everything was so engaging and interesting. She hadn't looked at me, stopped her gaze, or asked any questions. The more she ignored me, the calmer I felt.

"Well, there's a little time left until the end. I suggest you solve these tests, and then you're free. Just come to me to check your answers! There aren't many questions, so don't rush; think everything through," the woman said, sitting at her desk and taking a deep breath.

Complete silence settled in the classroom, which made me uneasy. Everyone was so quiet, focused on solving the test, and I was trembling like an aspen leaf under her gaze. She was looking at me again, as if she knew and felt what was happening to me. The questions seemed incomprehensible, as if from the realm of the unfathomable. My hands were shaking, and I had to hide them under the desk. And she just kept looking, not trying to avert her gaze...

"I'm done!" The ringing voice of a student sounded like a bicycle bell. We both flinched.

"Okay, come here — we'll check," she said.

One by one, everyone lined up at her desk. I sat alone, trying to solve at least something. Finishing the last question, I looked up to see who was the last. But it turned out to be me.

The teacher looked thoughtfully out the window. I didn't know how to break this idyll. My entire vocabulary had exhausted its usefulness. I resembled an ancient person, and all that was left for me was to silently approach in the hope that she would notice me. And so I did. This route from my desk to her desk seemed endless to me. I walked as if on needles; this woman had built barriers... When I approached Miss Jiu, she didn't even notice me. My little "plan" had failed...

"What are you thinking about? Look at me, I'm right here..." As if reading my thoughts, she turned around and finally paid attention to me.

"Check..." I whispered.

She silently took the notebook and slowly began to run the pencil over the notes.

"Everything is correct... If it goes like this on the exam, it's just wonderful," she said with a smile.

"I'm still not sure that I will take this subject..."

"Well, that's definite," she said, getting up from her chair and putting the notebooks in her bag.

"And you don't want to give me anything?" I suddenly realized.

"What?" She asked in surprise.

"No, I mean, I understand that headphones are a necessary thing... And if you..."

"Oh... they are at home. I completely forgot about them," she said sadly.

"Well, never mind. You'll bring them tomorrow..."

"Sure, just remind me."

"And how will I remind you?"

Taking out her phone from her bag, she started dictating numbers to me. Seeing my sluggish state, she stopped.


"And what is this? Is this your number?" I asked joyfully.

"Yes, Yoohyeon. This is my number," she laughed.

"Okay, let's do it again!" Almost jumping for joy, I wrote down her number. "Done!"

"Well, alright... Well... See you tomorrow," she stammered. It seemed she was in cultural shock from my sudden behavior.

"Can I accompany you?" I asked, my voice betraying a tremor.

"He will come for me, sorry."

"What to apologize for? You have nothing to apologize for..."

"Maybe... But I feel guilty in front of you... In front of us."

"Yes, but what does it have to do with you? It's me..."

Taking her bag and placing it on the desk, I took her hands, causing her to tremble...

"What are you doing?" she whispered, looking at my lips.

And again, I couldn't answer her. Embracing her and pressing her to me, I slowly began to kiss her face, avoiding our lips touching... It lasted for a few minutes... I couldn't allow myself more; she was nearby, and that was enough.

"I have to go..." she whispered, hugging me.

"Yes... He's waiting for you..." I ran my hand over her back and went down. The curves of her body resembled a wave; her tremor seemed to be reflected on my body. The only exposed part of her body was her neck, which wildly lured me... A few more minutes, and it would be difficult to stop me. "You can go Miss..."

Releasing her, I stepped back, for safety. For a few more seconds, we looked at each other.

"I love you..."

She stopped. I saw how tightly she squeezed the handles of her bag. I felt how she breathed faster. I heard her trying to say something, but... she sighed and left. Locking the classroom, I followed her.

A black "Audi" was parked near the porch of our school, and a man was hugging her. My Jiu!.. They smiled at each other. "What am I doing?! They are happy, and here I am with my love... Admit it, you're not playing anymore, you're telling the truth, you're really in love!!!" I stood and watched them leave... The asphalt glistened again... The rain was playing its already beloved melody.

"Hello... Am I calling too late?"


"You recognized me so easily. I just wanted to remind you about the headphones."

"Yes, I've already put them in my bag."

A moment of silence...

"Right now, I'm walking under the night sky... How many stars there are!.. And such an extraordinary depth... It's so alluring... Pure!.. Your starry silhouette still haunts me... And if a star falls... I'll make a wish for you to be nearby..."

ChatAs our conversation continued, the night sky became a shared sanctuary where our words transcended the limits of time and space. The stars above held our unspoken wishes, weaving a tapestry of connection that stretched beyond the boundaries of the night.

And as we spoke beneath the twinkling stars, the distance between us seemed to dissolve, leaving only the shared warmth of a connection that defied the physical realm. It was a moment of quiet beauty, where the night became a canvas for our emotions, and the universe itself conspired to bridge the gap between two souls entwined in the magic of the night.

Hello, I hope you enjoyed it. It's a little bit different from what I wrote before, but I hope you liked it. I can't wait to see your comments.

Small spoiler:

"Alright, that's enough! It's time for me to go to class!" I stood up from the bench and headed towards the exit. But as soon as I reached the door... I was abruptly stopped. The teacher's hands encircled my waist, a quick push, and I pressed my back against her... Blood pounded in my temples, and my head spun like a top.

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