The Love Maze

By summerlovez

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Vivan Sharma,Aditi Desai ,Rishi Sharma -The inseparable trio since childhood step into their final year of un... More

From the Writer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 16

55 2 2
By summerlovez

Kyra's POV

"Kyra....",a shaky voice called my name as my body was paralyzed.

I felt someone holding my face, continuously calling my name in a paranoid tone.

It was the same dream at the same place everytime.And I couldn't hear anything beside the voice.

The ground began shaking all of a sudden

"Kyra!!!Kyra!!!",the voice was more clear and real this time.

My eyes flicked open, spotting a figure jumping on my bed in the dark.

"Holy-",I panicked, turning the bedside lamp on.

As my sleepy eyes adjusted to the sudden exposure of light,I spotted Aditi standing on the bed.

"You scared me",I sighed

"I was trying to wake you up for so long",she said.

My eyes drifted towards the clock.It was just twelve.And we aren't leaving until 4 in the morning.

"Did you confuse P.M for A.M?",I joked at her waking me up at an absurd hour.


And that's when I noticed she was elegantly dressed up in black.

Prep for a midnight fashion show??

"There's a party at the big hall and we're going",she announced happily.

No way!!!I just wanna sleep here with my warm blanket warpped over me.

"I didn't......bring along any party fits",I found an excuse,pulling my blanket over retorting to sleep.

It was the truth to be honest.

"No worries.I've got you covered",she smirked,catching up with my plot to dodge this party.

I'm not doing this again

But I underestimated her stubbornness,she threw my blanket away exposing me to the cold.

"I don't like this",I whined, hoping she would bulged in.

"You'll change your mind when you reach there, I'm sure",she smiled, handing me the dress she took out from her luggage.

Having no other choice,I decided to give it a go.

It's just a party.Not like we're going on a midnight heist.

Quickly,I changed into the outfit she let me borrow.It was gorgeous but I was doubtful if it was my style

Being extra cautious,I double checked my shoulder strap and applied make up to handle the rest.

"You look amazing!!!",Aditi complimented as I walked out of the bathroom.

"She's coming too??",a surprised voice came from behind Aditi.

Aditi moved a little away and there stood my friend who is very fond of me and Vivan.

They were dressed up in similar themes too

Does this mean?

"You're coming with us?",it was my turn to be surprised.

"Hello?Aditi's my friend way before you knew her",he said did I assume they wouldn't come along with Aditi??

"We don't have time for this",Vivan intervened, urging us to move.

We reached the ground floor using the lift.The night was getting colder and the dress wasn't helping much.

"Why wear something that's of no use?"Rishi questioned,walking by my side, as if he had just read my mind.

It is indeed useless.But if he said that, it's my unassigned responsibility to object it.

"It's not useless when it makes me gorgeous",I stated,unfazed.

He let out an amused laugh at my statement,turning his head towards me.

"Then one of us is blind for sure",he responded with a cocky grin.

"What about you?Ran out of hair gel tonight?",I teased,observing him in the dim light.

Nothing regarding his typical fashion and confident demeanor was altered.

Unlike his was down,naturally falling over his forehead.

Everything about him appeared innocent and softer,tonight.
.....The things he isn't.It was a pure deception.

And him being annoyingly cute is out at the center of the bright red area for me to even acknowledge.

"You don't have to be shy,Kiki.Tell me it's distracting you",he teased me back,walking ahead.

Determined not to let him get under my skin,I decided to focus on why I came here and enjoy the party.

Reaching the entry gate,they stood glancing at the bouncer letting the people in.

"Let's go??",I asked, taking a step forward.

Aditi immediately grabbed my arm, pulling me back.

"Nah nah,not that way",she said

"What? That's the entrance"

"The entrance for people who are invited",Vivan dropped the ultimate surprise

"What???!??We aren't.....invited???",my jaw dropped

"You got it",Aditi patted my shoulders.

"Then let's go back",I turned around

"No!!",the three yelled and grabbed my arm at the same time.

Are they always like this??

"There is another way.....",Aditi dragged her words.

And by no means I would have had the clue that the another way is literally climbing a fucking 8 feet wall.

"You guys are insane!!!",I finally said that.

"Now don't act like you never sneaked in like this",Vivan chuckled

He got the answer as I stood battling if I should laugh or cry

"Oh.You really didn't",he gasped lightly

"She only knows how to sneak out",Rishi poked his unhelpful nose in.

"How many more times would you bring that up,huh!!??And I didn't jump over a wall the time I did that!!",I argued

"You can now.Who know?Maybe next time this might come handy for your little sneaking out sessions",he taunted

"I'm done talking to you,Rooster!!",I said pointing my finger at him.

"Let's do this",I said glancing at the wall

Vivan took the lead, showcasing his moves by effortlessly scaling the wall.Aditi followed suit,making it seem like a routine stunt.

If only I had taken gymnastics classes in high school more seriously.

Taking a deep breath,I was determined to finish this quest.

Slowly,I ascended the wall watching each and every steps.The dress wasn't very suitable attire for this activity.

A minute stumble caused my heart to race faster.

"Don't think I'll catch you if you fall",Rishi said,grinning slyly as I pulled myself up.

Ignoring him,I inched closer to the top.I jumped to the other side,not bothering to look down.

I knew it would only bring fear

"I did it!!!!",I yelled in disbelief and excitement.

"See I told you it would be worth it",Aditi grinned

The sound of music can already be heard standing outside the hall.

"The door's this way",Vivan said, gesturing us to follow.


Vivan's POV

We sneaked into the party, being the imposters among the bunch of seniors.

Nobody's gonna know...

"Alright.... Enjoy yourselves;Just don't cause a scene",Rishi warned, before sending us off.

"Okay mumma",Aditi mocked him

We drifted apart to check out the party.A dance floor was set up in the middle while the bar was at the corner.

They even had some arcade games riled up to the right.

This party is really all about partying!!

I went to the bar, ordering some shots.

"Hey!!!Vivan,right??",a guy called out sitting in the next seat.

"Yeah...let me guess??Aman?",I replied, drinking.

The only marvelous talent in the theatre club,a bunch of actors.


Aditi came running down interrupting him

"Viv.... He's here",she sounded paranoid.

"Who?Who's here?",I stood up, worried if someone is troubling her.

"Sanjay....",she whispered in my ear, careful not for the guy to hear.

That isn't the way you should react when you see the person you are crushing on.

I have to teach this girl everything!!

"Dee!!!He's your crush not a serial killers.So please just go talk to him",I sighed in relief.

She showed her teeth at me.It was sheepishly cute.

"It'll work, right?",she asked with hopeful eyes

"He would be the biggest idiot if he let this slip away",I smiled, urging her to make the move.

She nodded walking away to find him.

"You guys are a thing?",Aman questioned with a knowing glint in his eyes.

Questions like these no longer sound offending and weird to me.People always get confused by our relationship.

And it got me the habit of patiently offering them the explanation.

"She's my best friend",I took another sip,staring at her.

My response brought a different reaction to Aman out of all the people -a chuckle.

"Are you sure??",he smiled

"What?!",now this was offending

"You see,Vivan.....some people enter into our life right in the stage of what their relationship is"

"And some people stay throughout the entire process that we fail to notice the transition in the bond before it's out of our hands",he went all cinematic which was foreign to me.

"I understand that you're an actor.But please... don't bring your diagloues here",I laughed at his words

Life isn't as dramatic as a soap opera

It's rather dry and draining

"You won't get it now....",he laughed

"I don't think I'll ever understand love"

"And that's one of the other kind",he added, pointing somewhere

Shifting my gaze,I spotted Rishi standing in a corner,his gaze in a particular direction as foreseen.

Why won't he just admit it??

Honestly,I don't know how to help him.Maybe if Rihan was here....he would have fixed this in a second.

He has the answer for every query.

"I'll see you around then",Aman said, leaving me along with my thoughts

My eyes felt icky thinking about it.I ordered a few more shots to drown these feelings.

"What are you doing all alone??",Kyra's voice stopped me from drinking.

"Quenching my thirst",I joked, surprised to find her here.

"You are getting drunk without any reason",Rishi sat beside,silently questioning me

"Somethings doesn't need a reason",I argued

His phone rang as he took it out.Looking at the ID,his face turned a little tense.

"I'll be back",he said, walking away

Kyra eyed him with confusion.On noticing me noticing her,she flashed a smile.

"Why don't we check out the arcade?Since I'm a loner myself",she said awkwardly.

"Did you just call me a loner?",I faked being hurt

"No,no,no-I meant to say that everyone else is busy.That's it",she cleared it up.

If somebody told me a few months ago that Kyra Saxena is struggling to fit in at party,I would have laughed right at their face.

"I was just messing with you",I laughed as my eyes caught sight of Rishi glancing at us with the phone pressed to his ear.

I mouthed something to him as he returned a look of acknowledgement

"Let's go then",I said walking towards the arcade.

Kyra nodded following me,but not before looking back at him.


Aditi's POV

I walked near to him,but stumbled not knowing how to strike a conversation.

Would he think I am a creep??

All thanks to my marvelous luck whenever I try to make a move on him—it goes away in stuttering or some mean guy spills his drink over me.

"Aditi??" he called me out, taking away the concerns about the conversation starters

"Hey!!!I didn't see you here"

That's a fucking lie!!I literally came here for him.

"You do know this party is only for our class, right?" he gave a skeptical look

"Yeah... Where's the fun if no rules are broken?" I smirked being honest.

"That makes you even more attractive", his frank reply sent me blushing.

He was hotter than ever in a simple Red T shirt and black jeans.His hair perfectly styled but it was his eyes that made the news.

"Thanks.I love compliments",I played it cool when I was flying on the inside.

And it seemed like he was pretty impressed with my outfit as I sensed his gaze on me.

"If you're going nowhere.....can we dance??It doesn't have to mean anything"he asked,smiling.

He's smooth with it.

" doesn't mean anything",I shook my head slightly, accepting his offer.

He led me to the dance floor bustling with people.

Slowly his hands wrapped around my waist, giving me the butterflies.But I won't let it show yet.

This paradise of mine started crumbling apart when my legs started shaking,my heels felt fragile

"Hey... careful", he tried to hold me but I was too gone for it.

"It's al.... right",I slipped, pushing the nearby dancer to the floor.

The impact was worse than that

All eyes on me now as the dance floor had people crawling due to the domino effect of my fall.

"You..?You don't belong to our class",a girl on the floor,pointed at me, clearly angry

"Hii...Is it too late for the introductions??",I attempted humour, glancing at the crowd looking at me accusingly.

This isn't working.

"I gotta go",I urgently said to Sanjay, leaving him behind without waiting for an answer

Rishi's POV

"Really?" I nodded at the girl sharing a boring story of her love life, sitting at the bar.

She kept ranting while my gaze was fixed somewhere else important.
Her fingers traced patterns on my arm, assuming she's being subtle

That's not where we are going

"Isn't that your boyfriend?",I sipped on my lemonade.

I pointed at a guy staring at her so keenly that he would take her soul away with one look.


Her face turned pale as she grabbed her purse, dragging her man along.I chuckled at them arguing loudly.

I turned back only to find people laying down on the dancefloor.

Huh?Fusion of sleeping and dancing!?

Amidst them,Aditi raised to my view,the centre of this chaos, answering my peculiar doubts.

The party goers didn't seem too pleased with her as a wave of mummer spread through the crowd.

Vivan stood on the other side with a similar expression on watching the scene uncover.

We shared a glance and he understood the message, flashing a mischievous smile.

Grabbing the party poppers from the stand,he threw it at Aditi.

"The party's just getting started!!!!",he shouted as she burst the colourful confetti right at their faces.

Taking the chance,she ran towards the exit,shoving the security to the side.

"You are one of them, aren't you??", a voice came from behind me.

"We can talk it through...", I raised my hands in surrender.

"Or not"

Vivan cleared my way, throwing a cupcake at the man's face while Kyra was still processing all this commotion.

That's like a Sharma

The attack split the party into two,the people started throwing cupcakes at each other having a messy food fight.

"Have a crap-less night",Vivan grinned as we hopped out

We ran past the entry gate where  Dee was waiting for us.

"You guys are alive",she exclaimed, hopping in the air

Too early to be glad....

Still a bunch of seniors chased behind not giving up.

That's honestly fair.I mean, I would be pissed off if somebody gatecrashed my party.

"Idiot!! Run!!!",Vivan sprinted past her,not taking a pause

It took her only a few seconds to process what he said,as she earned her motivation at one glance at the angry crowd.

"What are they so angry about?"Kyra asked, dragging Aditi along

"Why don't you conduct a survey and find out?? I'm sure they'll cooperate",I replied,running out of breath.

I know she'll be sending daggers at me but c'mon now's not the time for all this act of affection.

Reaching the elevator,we pressed the button in a hurry.

"I got a plan",Vivan announced.

"Get off on the third floor.We could use some distraction— I'll cut the power off.So they'll lose us"

A little problematic but whatever...

The door opened as Vivan and Aditi took the left to reach the power room.

"So? Let's go....",I was baffled to find Kyra missing.

Where did she go!?

Turning back,I spotted her running back towards the elevator.

"Kyra!!!",I shouted her name but she acted possessed, ignoring my calls.

My feet rushed to follow her,still calling her name.

I stepped into the elevator with her as she was too focused scanning the floor to notice my presence.

The doors closed in but the sudden jerk and the flickering lights told me things are about to end up bad.


Kyra's POV

It must be dropped somewhere here.

After frantically searching around,I saw its faint glint under the lights of the elevator.

Sighing, I immediately bent down picking it up.

Thank goodne-

A harsh grip on my wrist, unleashed pain, causing me to wince.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?What were you thinking?!?"

Rishi's tone was harsher echoing through the confined space as he turned me around to face him.

His eyes bore into mine with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

"I lost this.......",my voice broke as tears cornered my eyes.

Opening my palm, I showed the pendant I recovered.

Losing it was like losing my solace

On seeing the piece of jewelry, a sense of acknowledgement softened his gaze.

"Why is this so important??" he asked genuinely curious as he removed his grip.

"It i—it's personal", I avoided his gaze, wearing the pendant back around my neck.

He stepped away, pressing the buttons on the elevator.

"We're trapped",he announced as he sat down leaning against the wall.

No,what will happen to us?

"It shouldn't take Viv and Dee long to notice we are missing.They'll help us soon"

"......and pressing the emergency button will only get us into trouble", he answered every single question of mine

He tapped his feet against the side, getting impatient by each passing second.

"Why did you do that?",I asked and he knew exactly what I was talking about

"Oh,nothing.I just walked into this crumpled space because I was bored",he cut me off,rudely

Did that simple question trigger him?—Not certainly. It's me.

Does he think I'm glad to be here either?

"If you are that pissed why did you walk in with me???—Just why Rishi??" I yelled

He seemed to be searching for the same answers, his lips sealed tight.

"Wouldn't it have been good for you if you never had to see my face again....",I laughed in frustration, turning around.


"I swear you'll never have to deal with me again"


His voice sounded more strained and helpless this time

"I know that's what you wan-",I froze as I shifted my gaze on him.

The realization dawned upon me as I found him in a state of distress.
Beads of sweat adorned his forehead and breathing became a battle for him.

"R-Rishi? What's wrong?" my voice wavered.

"I-I", his body and voice both trembled so bad as he reached out to me.

Is it due to the running?!? Is he drunk?

"Are you okay??"

My initial confusion gave way to concern as I stepped closer, holding him by the shoulders.

"'t....", he said something barely coherent,the tracks of silent tears marking his cheeks.

Oh my god.... he's claustrophobic..

What do I do?

"It's alright...Try to relax",I cupped his face trying to get him to look at me.

His glassy eyes held a deep layer of utter fear and vulnerability.

It hurts.

"I'm pressing the button"

I don't give a damn about the amount of trouble we get in.

Help is needed and that's the end of the discussion

The anxiety and panic of my own dissolved when I witnessed his.He clutched my arm frantically, stopping me from moving away.

"Stay",he acted out of character

Doing the unexpected,his arms engulfed me,pulling me into a tight hug.

So his life depended on it.
My emotions were as confused as I am.

"Stay-please... don't go",he repeated,his voice weak but his grip tightening.

Is he mistaking me for someone else?
Cause all these feelings....they surely aren't meant for me...

He snuggled against my neck,resting his head on my shoulder.


Hesitantly,I wrapped my arms around him,evaluating if it's the right thing to do.

The walls between us seemed to fade away in the dark.
.....So did my hatred

I closed my eyes, feeling his heart beating against my chest

"Shh... I'm right here", I whispered, gently caressing his back, holding him close.

Why??Why am I doing this?

" don't...."

He kept mumbling the same words in repeat, pleading me not to leave.

As the minutes felt like eternity passed, he calmed down as he breathed more comfortably.

Releasing me,his reddened eyes now looked at me with desperation.

"Kyra.... I'm sor..",his breath warmed my cheeks as he spoke softly.

Keenly, I listened to him as he tried to tell me something.By the look on his face,I knew it was important.

The elevator jerked back and he flinched,his eyes crinkling when the elevator lights turned up.

I turned my attention towards the door to find it opening.

"Omg!!You guys....we were completely lost",Aditi panicked

Her gaze fell on Rishi as she halted in shock.

"Are you okay?",she ran to him, helping him get up.

"Ye-ah,I was...",he took a step,staggering

"I'll take care of him", Vivan assured, placing Rishi's arm around his shoulders.

Vivan's panic was very subtle compared to Aditi's.It made me wonder if he knew more about this.

"What happened to him?", I asked Vivan as he supported Rishi

He was about to answer when Rishi intervened

"Thank you for everything.But this doesn't concern you", he answered coldly, not looking in my direction.

The struggle was evident in his voice.

It fucking hurts me every time I take a step forward towards him.
And he takes two backward just to hurt me.

"I get it",I replied,my voice slightly breaking.


"He's got a headache.Let him rest", Vivan said, walking out of the room

"You seem to be familiar with this situation",I raised my eyebrows in doubt

"I'm his cousin,you know",he answered playfully

"And have you seen Dee?"

Looking around,he searched for her.

"No,last time I saw her she looked tensed about this whole situation",I replied and his face turned concerned.

"I'll see..You take some rest",he smiled, walking away

And for the next few hours I could barely get any sleep.My feet brought me outside room 507 again and again

I battled with my thoughts to knock on the door.
And almost did it as I brought my hand up,touching the rough wood.

But what right do I have?I can't even call him my friend

Retrieving my hand back,I glanced at the locked door.

Then why am I worried for him?.Urghh

Perhaps, it's just mere guilt that he was in such an overwhelming situation because of my actions.

Taking a final glance at the door,I sighed returning to my room


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