Chapter 18

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Rishi's POV

"What's this....",she exclaimed taking the piece of paper from my notebook.

"That's-nothing!!Give me that",I jumped from my seat, trying to snatch it away from her.

Her reflexes were so good that she escaped.I regretted not double checking my notebook before giving it to her.

"In my perfectly normal night sky full of stars,you became the moon diminishing the glory of the stars",she read,her face growing with amusement.

My mind cringed with embarrassment, awaiting a round of teasing.

"You wrote this??",she asked in disbelief


"Wow,didn't know Rishi Sharma had a secret talent"

Is that a compliment??Is she really complimenting what I wrote??

"Can't help when my muse is breathtaking",I stared at her, grinning.

She looked back at me with a smile, pretending she didn't get what I said.

"Well,have you considered joining the writing club?"

"That place is for nerdy people who aren't bold enough to say those words in person"

"I have a voice and I'm doing good.",I laughed, dismissing her suggestion

"Thanks.I happen to be a prominent member of the club you just showered praise on",she cleared her throat

What??How did I miss this?

"You are into writing??",I couldn't believe it

"Why is that a surprise?"

"You seem like the type,you know popular,rich ....fashionista who'll be into modelling or something"

"I'm nerdy",she smirked, throwing my words back at me.

"Umm... Writing club?-Guess I'll give it a shot",I stammered,hoping my voice won't give signs of my concealed intentions

"That isn't your stuff,isn't it??",she teased and I knew she knew my reasons.

"Who knows?It could be fun",I spoke

"Whatever.... You're always welcomed at the club",she chuckled, focusing back on the notebook,evaluating my academic exercise.

The start,where I couldn't care less about writing which was merely a time kill to me.

All I heard was more chances of spending time with her.

Being there I witnessed her zeal,it was enough for me to carry on with it.

And it slowly stimulated the transformation of my scribblings of boredom into something else.

Her passion made me realise mine.

We took steps in becoming closer to each other with her sharing her vision which later became a shared dream.

"Excelling in academics and living the typical definition of success is cool,Rish.."

"But I want my life to be entwined with my passion.If not, it's worthless",she said

And I know this contest is something she would have been serious about if she was still.....

"Where were we??",Kyra asked

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