Chapter 9

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Kyra's POV

"It's just an allergic reaction,dear",the nurse explained the situation calmly

"Make sure to check and get it confirmed "

I sat reclined on the mattress of the cold bed,clutching my sweatshirt,giving a slight nod to her

She went on to prepare the necessary medication,swabbing my right arm with an antiseptic solution before administering the injection

I winced slightly, my eyes meeting Rishi's for a fleeting moment.He stood at a corner, observing in silence .

For an instant,it seemed as though he too carried the weight of my distress and pain.

I anticipated a different reaction from him—Probably berating me for choosing the pistachio shake despite his warning


Was he protecting me?
Is that the reason behind his peculiar attitude over a harmless drink?

Maybe he was acquainted with the drink's catastrophic instances
Or was it an intuitive response?

Throughout the process,his eyes remained fixed on mine with precision.

"You'll be alright",the nurse assured, leaving us two alone in the room.

Questions clouded my mind,urging for answers

"Did you know about my allergy?",I asked with my strained voice as curiosity peaked through me

"What—?No",he let out an amused laugh

"I'm no sorcerer to know about the allergy you yourself didn't know about",he replied surprised at my assumptions

I was embarrassed not knowing how to explain the complicated situation I am in

We're in no terms for me to share it with him

"Then why did you stop me from getting that drink?" I pressed further, a hint of hurt creeping into my voice

"You really ruined my mood.So I was getting back at you.....",he hesitated, running his hand through his hair

"But honestly,I'm sorry yaar.....I didn't expect this to take such a serious turn",he apologized casually

My heart sank a little at seemingly knowing he didn't mean me any well

It was foolish and unrealistic of me to think he is capable of doing something beyond possibility.
And his lack of emotions brought disappointment along hatred.

Before the conversation could progress any further,Aditi entered the room

"Kyra!!!Are you alright now?",she squeezed a hug

"Better",I replied chuckling

"You got me so scared",she said breaking the hug

"I promise I'll keep track of my allergies ",I ensured and we shared a smile

"Dang....I almost forgot—They informed your dad.He'll be here anytime to pick you up",Aditi informed

Knowing dad he'd certainly be stressing about me at his desk.But his schedule wouldn't allow him to get out of there.

"They are sending me home?", I asked, a mix of relief and disappointment lacing my words.

"It's better if you get some rest.But don't worry....."

"...I've got you covered with the notes and everything" Aditi assured,bringing a sense of gratitude

I thanked her, casting a glance behind her shoulder.The corner was devoid of any presence.

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