Chapter 15

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Rishi's POV

"Cup noodles? Seriously?",I groaned at the sight of our dinner.

It is perfectly normal to feel raging hunger after an exciting day at the park.

And then you are met with this....

"The dishes were shittier than this",Vivan gestured for me to cut it out

Should have seen it coming when the resort was straight out of a rich highschool drama.

"At least they have some good time- kill",I replied,resuming our game.

That was our plan for the night—Pulling an all nighter.

Beat some zombie-ass in 'The House of the Dead' while the most random playlist blasted through the speakers.

"Crap!!Another one!!",he cursed as he shot a hostage

"Save some life chambers for the bosses",I laughed as my focus slipped away and I ended up in the same position as him.

He was happier than he would have if he completed the game with the global score.

"Welcome to the club",he grinned mockingly.

The involvement in the game took us over as we proceeded to fight the final boss.

That's when the playlist shuffled to I knew you were trouble.

Right close to the chorus,we heard footsteps approaching the door.

"Are you thinking what I'm—",Vivan questioned looking puzzled as the door swung open.

Aditi jumped into the room with a shrill.

"Hey dumbos!!",she shouted, coming towards the couch

The probability of her going anywhere without her newly found best friend lies somewhere close to zero.

And there.......

......making my guess right,Kyra Saxena walked behind.Her face looked like she just wanted a night's sleep.

That wasn't a song.... it's a warning of trouble indeed

We fixed our gazes back on the screen only to find that our game was over.

"Damn it!!We didn't hit pause",Vivan said in disappointment

"Adi...what are you doing here?",I asked as she obstructed the screen

"Why?Should I need a reason to spend time with my best friends?",she countered

Is there not a simple answer for that simple question?

"Viv!!I brought pizza!!!",she announced, kicking any tantrum that we're about to throw,out the window.

There's a price for everything,right?

From her behaviour it didn't seem like she was on a random mission to treat our tummies.

If I'm right,this is her way of trying to show her appreciation for today's event.

Her token of love, appreciation and everything is creating time for the people she cares about to let them know it.

The pizza covered in Vivan's favourite toppings just confirmed my theory.

"So what are you planning to do for the night?",she smoothly interjected the question

"Nothing—",I started

"Video Gam—", Vivan panicked midway his sentence

The girls side-eyed us like they caught us on a devious plan or something

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