22) What's cookin?

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Kyra's POV

I sat on the chair, looking down at my hands with a sense of heaviness in my heart.

Rishi knelt down placing his hand on mine.It was comfortingly warmer on my cold ones.

"It's okay.You can tell everything or nothing.Whatever that makes you feel better",he spoke gently

"I have no recollection of my past,Rishi.It's a wipe out for me"

His face contoured in shock as he processed my confession

"My break...it wasn't some kind of fancy vacation."

I gulped down the lump in my throat as the taste of my past-the longer stays in the hospital came down like a flood

"I can't remember meeting a single face in this college before.I don't know about my allergies,my interests.... myself"

My walls broke down completely for the first time in the span of six months.

"It's exhausting,Rishi.To pretend and pretend that I'm the old Kyra that everyone talks about..."

"....when she died with all her memories that night-",he placed his finger on my lips stopping me

"Shh don't....You don't owe anyone anything",he replied

"I am struggling to find myself-the version that I don't remember",I said,a tear rolling down my cheek

"We got time and you aren't alone in this-you have me,Aditi and Vivan",he assured, hugging me tight

"We'll figure this out,Kyra.I promise you"

I did it.

The incomparable feeling hit me as I finally quit pretending I'm not struggling with Amensia

Better than I imagined,I felt relieved as he didn't back off an inch,hugging me-the anxious, clueless,inhibitory Kyra

"I'll always be here",he whispered softly, gazing into my eyes

"This doesn't make a difference?",I asked weakly

"Doesn't matter.You're always Kiki to me",he giggled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder

That name isn't bad as it was at the start

"Omg guys!!!",Neha squealed, spotting us

God I hope she didn't hear our conversation

Rishi's hands silently found their way to mine,entwining as an act of support.

"Sorry for interrupting",she gave a teasing look

There!!Autumn Business School's gossip squad is gonna be wilder than celebrity tabloids

"It's fine.And you are here because...?",Rishi replied

Fine?He seemed to be a little pissed off

"The culinary club!! It's opening tomorrow"she announced excitedly

I thanked my luck that she didn't hear me spilling my secret

"Culinary club?We don't have a culinary club",I asked, confused

"They are opening one.All credits goes to you",she replied

"Us?",Rishi raised his eyebrows

"The alumnus you interviewed is the sole reason for this inauguration",she said as a matter of fact


Wait...the art club alumnus?

"Thanks",I replied awkwardly

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