24) Be the driver

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Kyra's POV

Sitting in the passenger seat,I read the notes that my mystery lover wrote.

'Your story isn't over...'

"Letters?", Rishi's voice startled me

I spotted him climbing into his car,with a questioning look on his face

"They're pretty good.And these flowers....",I passed the letters to him and took the flowers in my hands.

They were always fresh and its smell....it makes me feel something I don't remember.

"I thought rose was your favourite flower",he said taking me by surprise

And I thought he never listens to what I say

"It is....but I feel more connected to this",I smiled wondering what messed up shit I was experiencing

"Great...Lover boy scores one.Why don't you write him back?",he mocked

Why am I getting the feeling that he's jealous about this?And the ex-boyfriend thing

"Uff...your jealousy is heating up this car",I teased, moving my hands frantically

"Haha...no.I sympathize.Love doesn't end well for everyone",he chuckled with a tint of sadness

Love is scary.....

"How was she like?",I asked curious to know about the girl who messed him up so much

"Now you're on my personal line",he tried to avoid the question

"Well, it's not fair that you know so much about me while I don't",I nudged and he finally gave in.

"She's that kind of girl who anyone would admire.Her long waves,that sneaky smile every time I do something stupid"

Lost in a dreamy haze,he chuckled softly,reminiscing about his sweet love.

"Those eyes....never void of confidence.She knew what she wanted and who she loved.No one can change that for her"

"She sounds beautiful",I commented as his gaze turned towards my direction

"She is",he put up a smile

He loves her this much-yet it wasn't enough to make her stay?

I'm beyond grateful that love isn't my concern right now.
To put yourself out there vulnerable and hoping you could spot the difference between love and sympathy.....

It's a tiring waste of time

"So where do we start to look for this guy?",I changed the topic from problematic to less problematic

Life ain't easy peasy

He smiled,his fingers tapping the steering wheel

"With driving lessons",he announced, draining all the colour on my face

"What do you mean?"

"You can't be the passenger princess forever,darling"

Is he freaking insane?

Knowing him,this isn't a question

"Rishi!!!I can't do this",I said straight forward

"Unfortunately you can't break your promise to me",he smirked

This guy!! Sneakily he put the words he wanted in my mouth

"The choice is yours.I'll teach you and we'll drive to the Arcade to find out about your boyfriend"

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