The Unwanted Child {1}

By mmultixaep0

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The Unwanted Child Jaycee Jordan also known as Jay to her friends was an average kid who got sent to the cel... More

The 100 + 1
My brother
Last man on the ark
The Woods
My brother, my responsibility
Acid Fog
The Ark
Contents under pressure
Day Trip
Unity day
I Am Become Death
The Calm
We Are Grounders ~Part 1~
We Are Grounders ~Part 2~
✨ Graphics ✨
The Ark
The Saved
Fog of War
Log Into an Abyss
Remember Me
Survival of the Fittest
Blood Must Have Blood
Nothing But Lies
The Lie's Between Us
Three Months
Ye Who Enter Here
Bitter Harvest
Terms and Conditions
Stealing Fire
Join or Die
Red Sky at Morning
Perverse Instantiation

Human Trials

993 24 4
By mmultixaep0

After everyone was greeted, there was a meeting to discuss what their plans were next. "We know nothing about these people in Mount Weather. Their numbers, their capabilities, we need to proceed carefully" She finished. Sinclair was the first one to speak up, "According to Clarke, the 47 still inside are not being harmed, at least not yet," He looked around then continued, "Now, I hate to leave them there, but if she's right, we have some time" He finished

Abby nodded her head, "Okay, we gather intel on Mount Weather and we send a team after Kane. He needs to know that the Grounders don't have those kids," She said as she looked around at the other people in the room.

"What about Finn Collins and John Murphy," That was the first time someone had asked about Murphy, Jaycee hated his guts for shooting her and Raven for no damn reason. Jycee just inhaled deeply, someone had put a hand on her shoulder, she looked to the left and it was Bellamy, but he didn't look at her, he just kept his hand on her shoulder.

Every adult was quiet, Jaycee looked around and knew what the adults were thinking, but before she could say anything, Clarke spoke up. "What? No. You can't just cut them loose," She told her mom, "Sweetheart, we don't have the manpower to send out two separate rescue missions and protect our camp," Clarke's mother told her daughter.

"Mom. They're in trouble, They're either gonna get themselves killed or they're gonna make things worse with the Grounders, who we need to get our people out of Mount Weather." She begged her mom, "I know you feel this is unfair, but our priority had to be with Chancellor Kane if there is any hope for peace," Abby told her daughter.

Jaycee couldn't believe it, Abby sent them out in the first place to go find Clarke, but now that she's back, she doesn't care about them... Jaycee was upset, she cared for Finn because he was one of the 100, and even if she hated Murphy, they still should save them.

"If you wanted peace, you shouldn't have killed the only Grounder who was gonna help us," Clarke said to her mother in an angry tone. "I'm sorry, the decision's been made," Abby finalized. Jaycee had enough and spoke up. "You're sorry?" Jaycee looked at Abby, and had her arms crossed while Bellamy let go of the girl's shoulder, "Finn and Murphy are out there looking for your daughter with the guns you gave them, and now that she's home, you're just going to abandon them?" She said with an angry tone, "I don't care for Murphy, because he did this to me," She pointed to her leg, "And he did that to Raven" She pointed to Raven's leg, "But Finn is one of the good one's, he is out there risking his damn life so that your daughter would be safe," Jaycee sighed and finished.

"If you can't spare the guards, we know the terrain, we have a map. We can do it ourselves" Bellamy said, backing up Jaycee. Abby just looked at Clarke and shook her head 'no' "Absolutely not," Clarke had a begging look in her eyes as she said, "Mom..." Then Abby snapped, "I just got you back!"

Jaycee just scoffed at Abby, so much for one of the leaders and looking out for the kids. Then Jackson came running to them, "Abby," She continued to look at her daughter, "I'm sorry. We need you in medical," Jackson said out of breath.

Clarke continued to look at her mother, "You better go," Clarke said to her mother, "Byrne" She still looked at her daughter, "No one leaves this camp," Byrne replied, "Yes ma'am," Abby looked at her daughter one last time, she walked passed her and glanced at Jaycee and Bellamy. She then left.

After Clark's mom left, Clarke walked up to the duo. "We're gonna need guns," Jaycee nodded.


Raven, Jaycee, and Bellamy were in this area where they could hide, and the same place where they were going to escape to find Finn and Murphy. Raven put the duffle bag on a rock, "I scored you a couple of extra clips," Raven told Bellamy and Jaycee. "hey," Clarke said as she walked up to them, "My mom's in surgery and the team going after Kane just left, we should too," she finished saying.

"Did you find Octavia?" Bellamy asked, then Octavia walked up to them, "No, I found you. I'm not letting you leave here without me," Octavia said as she looked at her brother. Then Clarke spoke, "Octavia.." But before Clarke could finish she interrupted her, "Finn and Murphy are headed for Lincoln's village, I've been there," She said as she looked at her brother, "Have you?" She then looked at Clarke, "Has she?"

"You done?" Bellamy looked at his younger sister, "Jaycee then handed Bellamy a pack, and he then gave it to Octavia. "What's this?" Octavia questioned. "Your pack," Octavia smiled, "lead the way," He said to his sister. They step towards the gate but Raven stops them, "Woah. Not so fast, Pocahontas," Raven then used her cane to touch the electricity wire. "I thought you said it was handled?" Clarke asked both mechanics. "It is," Raven smiled, she then spoke on the radio, "Shut her down Wick," Raven then tapped a stick against the fence to reveal it had been shut down. "Handled," She smiled at the group.

Octavia was one of the first people to get out first, then Bellamy, it was then Clark's turn but before Clarke had the chance, Jaycee grabbed her arm, "Hey, I didn't ask before but I was scared," Clarke looked at her confused. "Jasper and Monty are okay? right? Like nothing's happened to them yet?" Clarke looked at the girl, "Nothing has happened to them, but we don't know if that will change. But when I talked to them, they were both very worried about you, they thought you were dead," Jaycee smiled at Clarke's reassurance. Sad that they thought she was dead, but she was just glad that they were safe. "Thank you," Clarke smiled and nodded her head.

As Clarke left, Jaycee and Raven were standing there, watching them leave. Jaycee looked at Raven and noticed that Raven seemed worried, "Hey, Finn will be okay, Clarke, Bellamy, and Octavia are going to go get him before he does any more damage," Raven nodded, she then walked away. Jaycee continued to look at the trio leaving "Please be safe," She whispered to herself.


It was dark out now, Raven and Jaycee were sitting next to each other having a drink that they so needed. "Man, I miss Monty's moonshine..." Jaycee spoke out, Raven laughed at the girl, "Yeah, me too,"

"You know when we were kids, Monty broke my finger..." Jaycee laughed, Raven looked at the girl, "How?" She said with wide eyes and a curious face. "Long story short, I was sitting on the ground, my hand was lying flat on the ground, Monty was chasing Jasper for some stupid reason, and Monty thought it was smart to throw something at him, I think it was a small statute but I forget, it then landed on my left pointer finger," Raven was in shock, but Jaycee looked at the girl and laughed, "Yeah, I cried too loud that they had to cover my mouth since the walls were kind of thin," Raven laughed, "Yeah that sounds like something young Monty would do" They both started to laugh but someone had walked up to them.

She was angry about something, she ended up slamming a note down on the table, It was the note Clarke had given Abby, saying how she went to go find Finn and Murphy. "Did you two know about this?" Abby asked with a rude tone. "No," They both said at the same time. "Tell me where they went and you won't be in trouble," Abby said with a worried/angry tone of voice. "Abby, I..." Before Raven could finish her sentence Abby interrupted her, "Someone let them through the fence." She looked at Raven "Someone gave them guns," She said this as she looked at Jaycee.

Raven held her ground and lied, "I don't know what you're talk-" Before Raven could even finish her sentence Abby slapped her. Jaycee's eyes opened wide, she then stood up and pushed Abby away from the duo, "What the hell gives you the right to slap her!" Jaycee yelled out, everyone looked at them. Abby ignored Jaycee, "She thinks that because of what she's been through, she's changed, but she's still just a kid," Abby told them both, worried for her daughter. "You're wrong, Abby," She looked at Raven "She stopped being a kid the day you sent her down here to die," Raven then got up and walked away, with Jaycee following her.

Sorry for the short chapter, I know y'all want a Bellamy and Jaycee moment but that will come, just not yet.

Raven and Jaycee are going to be the closest in this whole reading series because I say so :)

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