To Hoenn Once Again

By Otaku_Aryan_18

5.5K 153 50

In this story , after serena leaves kalos , ash becomes sad and he want to go after her . what will he do ? w... More

Author Notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2

317 7 1
By Otaku_Aryan_18

i am back with another chapter . so lets get started with serena's pov after she left for hoenn and she is currently sitting in the plane .

Serena's POV:

" yay i just kissed ash . finally , i showed my love to him ." i said to myself in a low voice .

" i hope he loves me too . he is dense according to everyone but i dont think so . i just hope we see each other again ."i told myself .

" i cant believe that i am leaving my home and i am going to another region. i wish ash was with me too . we could have travelled the whole region together just like in kalos . i will miss our adventures ." i again muttered to myself .

" ash was always there with me through my adventures in kalos but now i will be alone . completely alone . ash told me that he has a friend in hoenn but i dont know if i could even connect with them like i did with ash and the siblings ." i said as a tear escaped my eye .

" i wish i dont have to travel alone in hoenn . its a completely different place for me . i wonder what it will be like ?" i said to myself but a little loud that it made the person hear what i said .

" it will be dangerous ." the person said .

i looked to my side and saw a old woman sitting with a wooden staff with grey - blackish hair . she is wearing a purple gown and she is looking really weird . it feels like i am watching a anime character .

" what do you mean ?" i asked completely clueless .

she chuckled and replied " well , you and the boy you were talking about just now are going to witness the danger in the future ." she said and i became scared .

" who are you ?" i asked 

" i am just a traveller young girl ." she said in a somewhat deeper voice .

" how do you know the boy i was talking about ?" i asked 

" oh , you mean ash ketchum ? what a perfect boy . i sometimes wonder that how he is literally the attention seeker of girls ." she said and i got confused .

" dont mess with the question . just tell me how do you know him ?"i asked in anger .

" control your anger young girl . i have a connection with him but he certainly dont know about me ." she said and it made me more confused .

" why are you confusing me . just answer the question in simple words ." i said in a intimating voice .

" your anger and the care for that boy is literally touching the sky . i am sorry to say but you have to work hard for your answers . maybe something has already happened which will change your life . excuse me ?"  she said and she got up and i think she went to washroom or something .

" what did she mean ? what she has to do with ash ? what did she said about danger ? i did not understand her ." i said to myself as i was completely confused and worried for ash .

i decided to wait for her to come back and ask her questions but i was getting impatient and before i knew , i drifted off to sleep .


i stretched my arms and yawned and then i looked at my side where that woman was supposed to be but she was gone . 

" huh? where did she went and has this seat empty from that moment only ?" i asked myself but i shrugged it off .

i got off from the plane and i looked around and on instincts i raised my fists in determination.

" WATCH OUT HOENN , SERENA YVONNE IS HERE ." i shouted which made everyone look at me . i noticed what i did and then i blushed in embarrassment .

" oh man , did i really do that ? it was just like ash . i think i have become similar to him ." i said as i quickly rushed myself out of the crowd and i wandered in search of a pokemon center .

after getting out of the airport , i asked a woman for directions and after she told me , i quickly ran off to the pokemon center .

" hello nurse joy ." i said as she looked a bit different from the nurse joys in kalos .

" hello there . anything i can do for you ?" she asked

" yeah , i was wondering if you could give me a room with single bed ?" i said and she smiled .

" yeah , of course ." she said and she took out a key from the drawers and then she handed it to me .

" by the way , you look new here . what is your name ?" she asked 

" umm , i am serena yvonne and i am from the kalos region . this is my first time travelling another region ."i said 

" wow , thats amazing . so are you a new pokemon trainer or are you a rookie ?" she asked .

" no , i am a rookie . i also came at runner up position in master class ." i said and she looked at amazement .

" that means you are a performer ?" she asked and i nodded .

" wow , thats great . in hoenn , there are contests but the appeal round of contest is somewhat similar to pokemon performances ." she said .

" oh really , how many rounds are there ?" i asked 

" there are two rounds . 1st is appeal round in which the trainer have to create a beautiful performance with just their pokemon and 2nd is battle round in which the finalists battle each other to win and performance tactics can be also used to deduct points ." she said 

" wow , thats amazing . but i lack in battling ." i said as i scratched the back of my head .

" dont worry about that , i know you will do fine . 3 years ago , may maple was just a beginner and then a boy she travelled with taught her many things . maybe you found someone like him ." she said and i blushed as i thought of ash .

" oh by the way , who is may maple ?" i asked as i was curious .

" oh , she is one of the top coordinators in hoenn . when she started , she continuously lost but she took advice from her friend and she took another attempt and finally she won ." she said and i wondered about her in amazement ,

" oh do you know the name of her friend ?" i asked 

" of course , who would not know the name of hoenn hero " she said with a chuckle .

" hoenn hero ?" i asked .

" yeah , hoenn hero Ash Ketchum who helped in stopping the fight between kyogre and groudon by summoning racquaza ." she said and i was dumbstrucked .

" a-a-as-h -k--etch-um?" i asked while stuttering 

" yeah , did something happen to you ?" she asked.

" umm nothing , he is my friend too and he only made me realize my dream and goal . we are childhood friends ." i said with stars in my eyes .

" wow ,  so he helped another person . so he travelled with you in kalos i think ." she said and i nodded .

" by the way , what is the relationship between may and ash ?" i asked as i was jealous .

" oh , i seriosuly thought they will end as a couple but ash clearly showed no romantic feeling towards her and he even told that may should date a guy named drew . he is a top coordinator too ." she said and i sighed in relief ,

" thanks for talking to me nurse joy , i will see you tomorrow . good night ." i said 

" good night ." she said .

i went in my room and i took out my pokemons . sylveon , braixen and pancham all three came out and then sat with me on the bed .

" hey guys , are you not missing everyone ?" i asked as a tear escaped my eye .

"syl ve "" brai br" "pan pan" they comforted me .

" i am remembering everything . i am missing everyone . bonnie's teasing me for ash , clemont's food and specially ash . his smile , his grin , his voice , his motivation , his presence and his everything ." i said as tears escaped my eye .

" just a few days ago , we were all together and now we all are seperated . if ash would have never made me realize my dream . i would have been with him and i would have gone with him to next region but now we both are seperated . i wonder what is he doing now ?"i said as i sobbed along with my pokemons .

" brai " " syl" 

"  you guys miss pikachu and greninja too ?" i asked and they nodded .

" guess we three are lovers that are now seperated from their love of life ." i said in a funny way to make them cheer up .

after few minutes of remembering everything , missing everyone and crying , i finally thought of sleeping .

" ok guys , lets get a good sleep . i will give you guys to nurse joy tomorrow for checkup . " i said and they all nodded .

i changed into my pjs and then i grabbed my ribbon and i clutched it in my hand .

" i miss you ash . i love you ash ." i said as few more tears escaped my eye .

i drifted off to sleep again while remembering ash .

3rd person POV:

next day :

the rays of light entered the room of a certain sleeping honey blonde and lighted every corner of her room . when the rays of sun fall on her face , she slowly stirred and blinked her eyes few times . she yawned then got up and stretched her arms . tear stains were visible on her face and her eyes were all puffy red .

she went in the bathroom to fresh and take a shower thats when she took a look at her face in the mirror .

" oh arceus , my face is a freaking mess , i guess i cried all night for ash . even though we are not seperated forever but still it pains my heart that we are not together ." she said while looking at the mirror .

she took a shower and wore her clothes and then she went outside and took her pokeballs and then went to the lobby to eat breakfast and give her pokeballs for checkup .

she quickly grabbed food from the counter and then sat on one of the tables , she started eating her food and her pokemon were eating too . she was eating but she was lonely . she remembered her times with her friends and especially ash . a tear escaped her eye remembering the moments .

she quickly ate the breakfast and then went to the counter where nurse joy was standing .

" good morning nurse joy ." she said in a sad tone .

" good morning serena . something wrong ?" the nurse asked .

" huh ? no nothing . just remembering friends and our moments together ." she said .

" it happens . you will get the hang of it soon . "the nurse replied and honey blonde nodded .

" hey , nurse joy can you take care of my braixen and pancham ? "she asked the nurse .

" of course , here you can keep there pokeballs here ." the nurse replied and took out a tray for pokeballs . serena put her pokeballs in the tray while she took sylveon with her only .

she took sylveon out and then she went outside the battlefield to practice her performances or practice some moves .

they arrived at the battlefield and serena told sylveon to perform some moves . they did some moves but failed every move . she was lost . she was broken . she was depressed and she was demotivated and her pokemons carried same emotions .

" i cant do it . every thing we try , we just fail every time . i have lost the motivation ." she said in a sad tone as a few tears flowed down her face .

sylveon on seeing her trainer's condition came near her and wrapped her feelers around her to make her feel good . serena relaxed a bit but then she heard a voice .

" huh ? what was that ?" she asked to sylveon .

" sylv" the eevee evolution tilted her head in confusement .

" sylveon , i just heard a cry from the forest ." she said as she pointed towards the small forest besides pokemon center .

" should we go check it out ?" she asked

" syl " the eevee evolution nodded .

they ran to the forest where she heard a voice from . as they were getting deep in the forest , the voice was more loud for serena but sylveon couldn't hear a single thing . as they got super close to the place , sylveon also heard a crying voice . after that , they both increased their speed and finally reached the place .

when they reached the place , they saw a horrible sight . a milotic was trapped in a cage and was getting electrocuted time by time . there were 2 pokemon hunters guarding it .

" oh arceus , they are pokemon hunters . i think ." serena said .

she went close and then hid behind a tree to hear their conversation .

" this milotic is very resistant ." a hunter said .

" ya , but she will be sold for many pokedollars . "another said 

" this is shiny too . i wonder what is the rate of shiny in the market now ?" the first one said .

serena and sylveon heard their conversation and they were horrified after listening this . serena was outnumbered so she couldn't do anything but she can go back and bring people with her .

she decided to go back but she did a mistake . when she started running back , she stepped on a twig which made her position revealed .

" oh shit ! " she said and sylveon got worried too .

" huh? who is there ?" a hunter asked .

they both came towards the girl and then chuckled 

" oh , its a girl only . she has a pretty sylveon . it will be expensive ." a hunter said 

" yeah , this girl is quite cute too . maybe we can have fun with her too ." another one said 

serena was horrified and she knew she did a mistake and there was very hard chance of escaping . sylveon took a battle stance in front of  hunters and serena knew that she have to be brave just like her hero was .

" never give up until the end ." she muttered 

" oh , the girl wants to battle ." a hunter said and another laughed 

" come out aggron ." the hunter said and another one sent out a houndoom .

" oh no , its 1v2 " serena said in worried tone but she stood brave .

" sylveon , use fairy wind ." she commanded .

" aggron , use heavy slam and houndoom use fire blast ." the hunters said .

the pokemons did their attacks but as serena was outnumbered , houndoom's fireblast connected and serena was damaged heavily .

" oh no . sylveon , are you ok ?" serena asked and the pokemon nodded ..

" ok then use dazzling gleam and then moonblast ." she commanded 

" dodge it ." they both said 

sylveon used dazzling gleam which was dodged by aggron but houndoom couldn't dodge it . it got hit and then sylveon used moonblast on houndoom which made it fainted .

" lets go . 1 down 1 to go ." she said in excitement but her excitement was short - lived as aggron used body slam on sylveon right after she fired the moonblast .

" oh no , sylveon ." she said and ran off to her sylveon . sylveon fainted .

" ok now , your turn . aggron use hyper beam ." the hunter said .

serena dragged sylveon with her so that they cant get damaged by the hyper beam but the beam landed near them on the ground which made a explosion and after that they fall backwards and serena was loosing consciousness . before blacking out she heard someone calling out her name . 

 some moments earlier :

 a raven haired boy got out of the plane and he was excited to meet her love again . he missed her and now he would be going to her and tell her that how much he loves her .

" HOENN BE PREPARED , ASH KETCHUM IS BACK ." he shouted and it made everyone look at him but he didnt noticed them .

" lets go pikachu ." he said and he ran into the direction of the pokmon center .

after few minutes , they finally reached pokemon center . ash quickly went inside and pikachu also jumped on his shoulder and nurse joy noticed him .

" oh ash , what a surprise ? how are you ?" she asked 

" i am good nurse joy . but i have a question to ask ?" he said 

" ya , sure ." the nurse replied .

" did a person named serena yvonne came here ?" he asked with curiosity .

" oh yeah , she came here and she went to the battlefield backside . she told me that you are her friend too ." she said and the boy became happy .

" really . lets go then ." he said and he was about to run but was stopped by nurse joy .

" wait ash , give her these pokemon too . she left them for checkup" she said and ash nodded and took the pokeballs .

he went to the battlefield outside but he couldn't see her anywhere . there was not even a single clue of her . he thought of asking braixen where she went . he took out both pancham and braixen .

they looked back and when they saw who have called them out , they were surprised .

" oh hi , you two must be surprised . i am actually here to tell serena my feelings but i cant find her ." the boy said and braixen became excited and hugged ash while pancham did a thumbs up .

" oh ok . but first , where is serena ?" he asked to the pokemons .

" brai" " pan" they replied and shrugged 

" you dont know and is sylveon with her ? i hope she is not in a danger " the boy said in a worried tone .

the both pokemons comforted him . he thought of checking somewhere in the forest . the both pokemons agreed and followed ash . they were walking cluelessly just to find the kalosian beauty .

it was then only when the 4 heard a explosion sound . they all got worried and ran in the direction of explosion . 

" oh no , serena can be in danger , lets go guys . fast " ash said and he began to ran faster than ever which shocked braixen and pancham and especially the pokemon sitting on his shoulder .

 they soon reached a clearing but then they saw a horrible sight . a milotic was electrocuted and two hunters were there with a houndoom and aggron . when they look in the direction where hunters were looking , they were shocked and angry . serena and sylveon were laying there on the ground with many bruises and cuts .

" SERENA !!!!!!" the raven haired boy shouted and ran to his love and placed her on his lap , he shaked her a few times but she was not responding . tears started flowing through his eyes .

" serena , no . please dont leave me . please " he cried as he hugged her . he then felt her heartbeat and was relieved that she has not died .

until then , braixen and pancham also came and came near serena and helped her while ash was having rage building against him .

" braixen , pancham and pikachu . take care of serena and sylveon ." the boy said coldly which shocked all the pokemon especially his pikachu .

he stood up and confronted the hunters ,

" oh , you must be her boyfriend . too bad that you cannot save her on time . if you would have been a little late too . we could have done fun with her body too ." a hunter said while laughing .

ash was building with rage and soon he was getting angrier and angrier and he felt disgusted at the hunters , when he heard what the hunter said . he growled in anger . 

" WHAT DID YOU SAY ?" ash said in a deep voice and soon he was surrounded by a dark aura and his eyes were glowing red .

everyone present there was scared now and pikachu was one of them . he knew that this was related to dark aura but he had never seen ash like this .

"w-ho are you ?" the hunters stuttered .

" YOUR DEATH MORONS . NOBODY HURTS MY SERENA . YOU ARE GOING TO DIE NOW ."  ash said and all the pokemons were looking shocked and scared and the hunters were also scared .

" COME OUT GRENINJA ." ash said and then greninja come out.

ash synced with greninja but instead of having a blue veil around him , greninja had a purple dark veil around him and when the veil subsided , instead of ash- greninja , there was dark ash- greninja .

everyone saw the new form of greninja and they were all scared as hell . ash was completely blood thirst and greninja was copying ash's emotion and both of their eyes were glowing red .

they both did their hands up and soon a katana formed in greninja's hands and a red blade was formed in ash's hands .

" aggron use thunder ." " houndoom use flamethrower ." the hunters said as they were scared .

" greninja , cut through them and kill them ." ash said and all his pokemon's eyes widened .

sylveon got up when she heard the noises . she got up and was hugged by pikachu and then she was surprised that the pikachu was of ash . she then noticed where ash was standing and she got shocked that ash is here and he is looking like dark ash and his greninja is scary too .

thunder hit its mark but when the smoke subsided , greninja took no damage and glared at aggron who was scared and the hunters were clearly scared . houndoom fired his flamethrower but greninja took his katanas and rushed through the flamethrower cutting the flamethrower and then landed his brutal slash on houndoom . when he stopped , houndoom dropped to the ground completely lifeless and with blood coming out from his mouth and several parts .

now , greninja looked towards aggron and aggron used stone edge but it was of no use as greninja jumped up the rocks and then he formed a x with his katanas and in lightning speed he slashed aggron through several parts but instead of killing him , greninja completely cut his horn which made him go unconscious and he lost a lot of blood .

" no houndoom , aggron ." the hunters shouted as they saw their pokemons laying lifeless there ,

"  NOW , YOUR TURN ." ash said and he turned towards the hunters who were probably scared to hell . they tried running but as soon as they turned back to run , they saw his greninja who delivered a kick to both of them and they both landed several feet away from him .

ash approached both of them and glared at them . both hunters were crying for mercy .

" please forgive us . please leave us ." they both begged .

" YOU DID THE BIGGEST SIN IN THE WORLD . NOBODY IN THIS FREAKING WORLD HURTS MY SERENA , NOT EVEN ARCEUS CAN SAVE YOU FROM ME ."  ash said and pikachu and serena's pokemon look at him in shock as well as with scared expression .

" please leave us ." " please . it was a mis-" they both tried to complete but ash sliced his aura blade right through them and he sliced them until he was satisfied .

he then lifted his blade and pointed towards sky which made a red light come out from it and then it subsided into the hunter's bodies and then as the light subsided , the bodies burst into particles . ash then looked at milotic who was smiling at the boy . ash commanded greninja to cut the cage and then he captured milotic in a pokeball .

ash then turned towards serena and his pokemon who saw him and were scared . he started walking with greninja to them and he changed to his normal form as well as greninja . he ran to serena and all pokemons were looking at ash with scared faces,

" serena . is she alright guys ?" ash asked and all the pokemons nodded while being scared even pikachu was scared .

ash cried a few tears and then picked serena bridal style and then quickly ran to the direction of pokemon center .

" come fast guys ." ash said and all pokemons nodded nervously except greninja who immediately ran alongside ash .

they soon reached pokemon center and as soon as nurse joy saw serena in ash's arm . she panicked and quickly came to ash .

" what happened to serena ,ash ? is she fine ?" nurse joy asked .

" no , she is not . she went to fight with pokemon hunters alone and they knocked her out , it was good that i just reached in time otherwise ..." ash said while crying .

" oh no . chancey quickly bring the stretcher ." nurse joy shouted .

chancey soon came up with a stretcher and ash quickly laid serena on the stretcher . chancey took serena to the emergency room .

" nurse joy , please i beg you please save serena . i cannot live without her . please save her ." ash begged as he fell on his knees and started crying .

" ash ,  i will try my best ." nurse joy said sincerely .

she ran to the emergency room with chancey an ash sat on a nearby bench with all the pokemons surrounding him . 

" its all my fault . if i would have came earlier . she would have not got hurt ." ash said and sylveon immediately wrapped her feelers around ash and used calm mind to relax him .

" brai" " pan" they both said as they were scared .

" huh ? what do you mean ?" ash asked 

" brai brai braixen ." the fox pokemon said .

" oh that , i was surrounded by dark aura and i was very angry so i killed them ." ash said sadly and braixen hugged me followed by pikachu and the others too .

" thanks guys , pikachu and greninja . that aura was mine . right ?" ash asked and greninja nodded while pikachu shrugged while the others were confused .

" oh , let me tell you . i am the aura guardian but i did not awakened my aura yet but i think today due to being controlled by emotions , my aura was awakened ." ash said and the three were shocked .

" i dont feel guilty of killing them . i killed lysandre too . so what is even the point of feeling guilty . they caught pokemon , sold them , did dirty and cheap things but today they also hurted serena , my serena . so , i had to do it . i am sorry if it scared you ." ash said and he teared up .

braixen , sylveon and pancham immediately hugged him while pikachu and greninja smiled .

after a few minutes , nurse joy came into the lobby and spotted ash . as soon as ash saw her , he quickly went to her and holded both of her hands .

" nurse joy , is serena fine ? is she ok? is she hurt ?" ash asked 

" wait wait . she is completely fine . she is just unconscious and she has no other injuries except some bruises . thats it . she must wake in a bit . you can go and see her ." nurse joy said and ash sighed in relief and smiled .

" thanks nurse joy for saving her and here , this is the pokeball of milotic . she is in very bad condition , she was electrocuted by hunters and please heal the others too . here are the pokeballs ." ash said as he handed nurse joy the pokeballs of his and serena's pokemon .

" ok ash , you can go and see her ." nurse joy said and ash without wasting any moment went to the room where serena was resting .

 ok guys , this is for today's chapter . see you in the next one .

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