Friday Night Dinner's

By Wanky365

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Some of the New Directions gang have moved to New York 5 years after graduation. Some living together, some a... More



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By Wanky365

(Santana's POV)

"Is that what you're wearing!?" I ask Britt as she opens the door to her apartment to greet me. "What's wrong with it?" Britt says, looking down at her half arsed outfit. "Britt, you're single! But right now you're screaming I am in an adequate marriage with three kids." I say letting myself in and walking straight to her bedroom. "I like this outfit" she says, watching me go through her wardrobe. "B, it's jeans and a cute top. You can wear that any given day." I frantically search through her wardrobe for something more sexy. "Remind me; I need to take you shopping." I say out loud, underwhelmed by her choices. "Where is that cute red number you wore last New Years Eve?" I ask.

"Other wardrobe." she says pointing to the unit next to me. "Strip" I instruct her as I pull out the red dress. "Put this on" I take the dress off the hanger and throw it to her. "So bossy" Britt Jokes. "I am just trying to get you laid tonight that's all." I say, trying to be a supportive friend. "I don't want to have sex with anyone San, I am not ready." she sulks, slipping into the silk number. "What about a couple of fingers?" I boldly suggest. "SANTANA!" Britt looks mortified at me. "I'm kidding, I just want you to have a good night that's all." I say giving her a friendly peck on the cheek.


Within half an hour we are in an Uber and on our way to meet the rest of the gang.

"Hey, where are you guys? Are you on your way?"

"We are in an Uber now, where are you guys?"

"Blaine and I are early, we have gone into another bar just down the street. Quinn and Rachel are meeting us here too."

"Okay, send me your location and we will meet you outside?"

"Okay, bye!"

"Who was that?" Britt asks me as she stares out of the window of our Uber. "Kurt, we are heading to another bar first. That okay?" I ask Britt, but she doesn't look my way. "Yeah" she says absentmindedly. "Britt, seriously. Are you okay?" I slide my hand across the seat and squeezes her tightly. "I...I just don't know in all honesty San. Nick and I separating is definitely the right thing to do, but three years...three years of my life we gave to one another. I can't just get over it like that." she quickly wipes away a tear. "I get it." I say, being empathetic. "Santana..." Britt says, giving me a look that debunks those three words. "Okay, maybe I don't. But I care about you, a lot. You're my best friend and I just want you to let loose for night, just forget about your troubles for a few hours." I say squeezing her hand once more. "Thank you" she says, pecking my lips.

"Okay ladies, this is you." our Uber driver pulls over on the side of the street. "There they are!" I say pointing Kurt and Blaine out who are stood outside waiting for us. "Wow...don't you two look gorgeous!" Blaine says pulling us in for a hug. "Where we drinking?" I ask, clapping my hands together raring to go. "We thought The Stayton Room?" Kurt suggests, I notice Britt's face drop instantly. "B you okay?" I whisper to her, rubbing her back. "Yeah, let's go" she gives a small smile and walks inside as the rest follow.

"Hey guys, sorry we are late!" Rachel announces her, Mercedes and Quinns arrival just a few minutes later they slide into the booth next to us. "What's everyone drinking?" Quinn asks, browsing over the menu. "Whatever the strongest cocktail is" I say, causing chuckles from around the table. "This round is on me, I just closed a big campaign with Nestle today, so we are celebrating!" I say banging my hands down on the table. An array of cheers and congratulations from everyone fills the air.

"Good evening guys, I'll be your server tonight. What can I get you guys to drink?" I stupidly handsome guy comes over to the table with a tablet, ready to take our orders. "I'll have a Grey Goose Vodka Martini, extra dirty." I say giving him a harmless but flirtatious wink. As he takes everyone else's orders I notice his eyes always wander back to Brittany, his cheeks flush a little when she looks and speaks to him. "Coming right up!" he says as he takes the last of the drinks orders, giving Britt a smile once more. "He likes you" I subtly nudge her. "No he doesn't Santana, he is doing his job." she says, dismissing my claim. "Please, he couldn't stop looking at you! He's cute" I say, trying to encourage her. "Yeah, I guess he is kind of handsome" she shrugs. "Want his number? I will sort you out." I say winking at her. "No thank you, I am here drinking with you guys." she says laughing me off.


An hour later and we have drank our drinks, paid the bill and are onto Ophelia's. Everyone is walking ahead but I drop behind to talk to Britt. "Earlier, before we went into the bar. Your face dropped, you looked as white as a ghost. What was that about?" I ask, she links her arm in mine as we follow the others down the street. "That bar is where Nick asked me to be his girlfriend. Silly I know, I shouldn't be so sentimental." she says dismissing her own feelings. "It's not silly at all, I'll kill Kurt!" I try and pull out of Brittany's hold but she pulls me back. "Kurt wasn't to know, honestly it's okay." I take Britt's word for it.

"I have a reservation for seven people, under the name Lopez." I say to the very cute front of house girl. "No, she's too young" Rachel whispers in my ear as she notices me drinking up the cute red head. "Rooftop bar Miss Lopez?" the girl confirms. "Yeah, but me Santana." I flirt, earning a jab in the ribs from Rachel. The young girl blushes as she leads us to the roof top bar. "Damn, look at that view!" Mercedes says, looking out at the NYC skyline.

We are seated at our table and we order our first round of drinks. "So Santana, are you on the prowl tonight?" Kurt asks me, as I scope out the talent pool. "Maybe" I shrug. "I thought you were sleeping with your assistant?" Blaine asks me, confused that committed relationships are not for everyone. "Yeah I am, but that's all it is. Sex. Plus...I am sort of dating someone I guess." I shrug. "Wait,! Did hell freeze over!?" Mercedes jokes with wide eyes. "Sort of I said, it's only been a couple of dates!Nothing exclusive, I can still hook up with girls and so can she." Our shots have arrived at the table before I can chide her, we decided to start off with tequila. "Wait, we have one too many." Britt says as she hands everyone theirs. "I got you two, time to get you white girl wasted Pierce!" I say wriggling my eyebrows at her.


(Brittany's POV)

In a very short amount of time, Santana and the gang have managed to get me very very drunk. Tequila shot after tequila shot, followed by Sambuca and cocktails. I am having the best night though, just the distraction I need. "I NEED TO DAAAANCE!" Mercedes sings. "Nightclub?" Rachel slurs, necking the last of her cocktail. "YES!" I chant. "Where's Santana?" We all turn around and see her necking on with the red head from earlier. "She has no shame, didn't she say she was dating someone?!" Quinn says laughing. "Come on, let's go." Kurt rallies everyone up and we head for the exit. "SANTANA, CLUB, NOW!" Santana's ears prick up and she pulls away from her make out session with the young girl. She walks away, the girl looks dazzled, like she doesn't know what to do with herself, like she can't believe her luck.

"You always have that affect on girls?" I say to Santana as her arm links in mine once more. "What can I say? she arrogantly shrugs but I laugh it off, it's just Santana. We all decide to jump into a couple of taxi's to make the journey to Paradise Lounge nightclub. I share a taxi with Santana and Mercedes and we decide to have our own mini photoshoot in the back of the cab, much to the drivers disapproval I am sure. "San you are looking MIGHTY fire tonight!" Mercedes sings as she gives Santana's boobs a grope. "Thank you Wheezy, I do try and stay on point." I love Santana's self confidence, it is something I have always admired about her and in a way envied. She has just a natural beauty, flawless skin, a show stopping smile and a laugh that you could listen to all day long. You might even go as far to say as I have a little girl crush on my best friend.

We all meet outside the club to go in. "Last one in, buys the first round!" Rachel yells as she drags Quinn in by her hand. "Hey Santana, looking good." one of the bouncers passes comment, clearly he has seen Santana here before. We walk in, all linking hands, the bass from the sound system thumping through me, the vibrations filling my body. We spot Rachel and Quinn at the bar, with their tongues down one another's throats. "Hey San, bottle service?" the young barman shouts across to us, to which Santana happily nods. "We'll be in my usual spot." she says pointing in the direction to a booth that sits right on the edge of the dance floor.

"Why is it everyone seems to know you?" I ask as I slide in right next to Santana. "This is my hunting ground" she says with a devious grin. "We are here to cheer Britt up, not get you laid!" Quinn lightly chides. Soon enough, ice buckets full of spirits and mixers are brought over to us. "Put it on my tab Leon!" Santana calls out to the young server. "Drink up!" Santana starts sifting through the collection of spirits, pouring god knows what into our glasses.

"Santana let's dance!" Mercedes drags San up and straight into the middle of the dance floor as the rest of us stay and drink. "You doing okay?" Rachel scoots over to me. "Yeah I am fine, thank you. This is exactly what I need." I sigh happily. "Drink this!" Kurt hands me a shot glass with an unusual coloured substance. "What is this!?" I ask in disgust. "Just drink it!" he says, pushing the shot glass closer to my lips. "1..2..3.." he counts down and we shot whatever this concoction is together. "Oh my god" I wince at the taste. "Another?" he asks. "Absolutely!" I laugh, it's awful but I don't care.


Santana and Mercedes have been dancing all night, I am at the right level of drunk now to join them. I sift my way through the crowd of people to join my friends. "BRITT!" Mercedes pulls me in. Quinn, Rachel, Kurt and Blaine join us too. Santana is just off to the side from us, dancing with some other girl, who's grinding all over Santana, much to her enjoyment. It's intense, I can't help but watch. Watch how their bodies move perfectly in sync, whenever Santana talks to a girl, dances with a girl you can see them fall in love with her right there and then. More often than not it's just a one night kind of love which ends swiftly the next morning, but she has this hold on women, it's fascinating. Santana spots me, she says something to the girl who was all up on her a second ago, walking away leaving her looking heartbroken. "Dance with me" I feel a pair of hands on my waist and that low husky voice in my ear, it's Santana.

We dance together to S&M by Rihanna, we are all so wasted but having the time of our lives. I turn around to face Santana and I freeze. "Britt?" she asks concerned, as her hands remain on my waist. She follows my eye line and we see Nick stood the other side of the dance floor. "You okay? You wanna get out of here?" Santana shouts in my ear so I can hear her over the music. "I am just going to step out for some fresh air." I say wriggling out of Santana's hold to head outside to the smoking area. "Hardly fresh air" she says as she follows behind me closely. "Britt!" I can hear Nick calling out my name, he has followed me out of here. "She doesn't want to talk to you." Santana stands between myself and my ex. "Hello Santana" the atmosphere suddenly gets very thick. Santana and Nick never did quite see eye to eye, Santana always felt I could do better, but was amicable and respectful where she needed to be.

"If you don't mind, I would like to speak to Brittany." he says, trying to walk around her, but she follows his steps and stops him. "I do mind actually." she folds her arms over her chest, standing tall. "Don't you have some young girl's heart to go and break?" he says sarcastically. "Nope, but I have a face I would like to break." she says, gearing herself up. "Santana." I place my hand on her shoulder, stopping her from making another move. "I'll be fine." I reassure her, she scans my face for a second to suss out whether or not I am telling the truth. "Meet you back inside?" she says before spinning on her heels, barging past Nick, knocking into him but she doesn't care. "Sorry" I apologise on her behalf. "Can we sit?" Nick asks, pointing to some chairs just behind us.

"How are you?" he asks me, scooting his chair a little closer so we can hear one another. "Nick, what are you doing here?" I ask, seeing right through him. "I miss you" he says, sadness on his face. "You can't follow me around, we aren't together anymore. You need to move on and so do I." I say, repeating a line I have found myself saying a lot over the past month. "Is that what you were doing in there? With Santana? moving on." he says, with a tinge of spitefulness in his voice. "We were just dancing Nick!" I exclaim at the outrageous suggestion. "She is my best friend" I add. "So are Quinn and Rachel and Mercedes but you didn't dance like that with them." he exclaims. "You are being ridiculous" I shake off his insinuations. "Am I?" he questions. "I am going back in, please stay away." With that I walk off and re join my friends inside.


It's almost 2:00am and we are still going strong. "Can anyone else not feel their mouth?" Rachel slurs as she pours more alcohol into her glass. "Rachel, what the fuck does that even mean?" Kurt slurs back. That is how you know Kurt is drunk out of his ass, he curses! "Do you guys think we should call it a night?" Mercedes says, barely able to keep her head up straight. As everyone else sits and debates whether or not we should leave the club, I scan the room for Santana who has yet again disappeared. I eventually spot her at the of the bar with the girl she was dancing with earlier. I find myself weirdly intrigued in watching the two of them. The gentle touches here and there, the eye contact, their bodies in close proximity. A strange warm and tingly feeling fills my body, a feeling I am unfamiliar with. I feel my cheeks flush, watching Santana lean in and kiss the girl, seeing how gentle she is, even if it was just a drunken hook up. I just sit and watch..

"Britt...Britt, I said are you ready to go?" I am pulled out of my daze by the very loud voice of Quinn Fabray in my ear. "Uh yeah s-sorry." I say, trying to style myself out, hoping she didn't catch me ogling Santana's make out session. "Someone drag Santana off that girl! Tell her we are going." Rachel yells to the group. "And have my eyes scratched out for pussy blocking her? Absolutely not." Mercedes refuses. "I'll go" I offer. I stand up slowly, making sure the room isn't spinning too much and I try and navigate my way through the club to Santana.

"San...San...SAN!" I have to call her name a couple of times in order to get her attention. She looks around and the girl she was kissing just looks pissed off. "We are going, you ready?" I ask her, ignore the eyes that are glaring at me. "I think I am going to stay out." Santana subtly tries to signal her eyes at the girl beside her. "Have fun" I peck her on the cheek and leave the club with the rest of my friends. I am a little sad that Santana isn't leaving with us. Usually after a night out, Santana and I always go and get the greasiest food we can find and head back to one of our apartments and lay in bed and eat it together before passing out.


3:00am and I am in bed, with my greasy pizza but without my best friend. I decide to send her a text to make sure she is okay.

'Got my pizza, but not my partner in crime :( thank you for a great night, get home safely. You looked incredible tonight too by the way!' - B

'Glad you're back safe, don't miss me too much! But I am fine, I am with the girl from the bar. You looked pretty hot yourself, you definitely should have got that servers number!' - S

'Stop trying to set me up LOL! I'll try not to. Are you still out or at her apartment?!' - B

'See you Friday for dinner ;)' - S

Santana leaves me on a cliffhanger, not knowing whether or not she has gone home with that girl. I feel a sense of jealousy, but I don't know why? It has never bothered me before, it must be the mix of emotions and alcohol causing me to think like this. I finish off my pizza and get my head down to try and get some sleep, I am already dreading this hangover.



"Hey Britt, reckon you could bring dessert tomorrow?"

"Of course, what do you guys want?"

"I am thinking a cheesecake, any flavour really."

"Sure, I will grab one. Random question..."

"Go on..."

"Have you spoken to Santana this week?"


"Rachel, please just answer the question."

"Britt is everything okay?"

"Y-Yeah I just want to make sure she got back from the club okay? She was with that girl and I haven't really heard from her this week."

"Oh please, it's Santana, of course she was fine! She went back to the girls apartment and went home the next morning."

"As long as she is okay?"

"Britt, this is nothing new. Why do you care so much all of a sudden?"

"No reason, just being a worried friend. I'll see you tomorrow."


I don't understand why I have been so hung up on this all week, San does this all of the time. At least I get to see her tomorrow...

(Authors Note)

Britt has some feelings let's say that she doesn't know what to do with, was it just the alcohol? Or is Britt starting to realise something? How will dinner turn out tomorrow, will Britt be able to hide her emotions? Who knows...

Stay tuned...xoxo

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