HighSchool DxD: The Fallen Re...

By RedHood129

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I grew up not knowing my parents. All I knew is that i grew up under cruel treatment from the yakuza I had to... More

Chapter 1: Origins
Chapter 2: My Beginning as a Devil and SC Member
Chapter 3: Calling Me By My Name
Chapter 4: Familiar Rivalry
Chapter 5: Whoops
Subjects and Survey
Chapter 6: Fight and Kill
Chapter 7: Envious Demons
Chapter 8: First Encounter
Chapter 9: Change
Chapter 10: New Friends
Chapter 11: Holy Sword
Chapter 11.5: Power Boost
Chapter 12: The Tree
Chapter 13: Shocking Truths
Chapter 14: A Queen's Heart
Chapter 15: Pool Times and Open House
Chapter 16: The Red Death and The Dhampir Junior
Subjects and Survey 2
Chapter 17: The Leader's Summit
Chapter 18: Defending the Academy. Again.
Chapter 19: The Kiss that Seals the Link
Chapter 20: Triple Mutation and a Guys Day Out
Chapter 21: Peerage Bonding
Chapter 22: The Yankee of the Student Council
Chapter 23: A Hybrid's Fear Has Come to Tread
Chapter 24: A Forgotten Past
Chapter 25: Spider
Chapter 26: I Will Save Him
Chapter 27: Sayonara
Chapter 28: Revived. Rebuilt. Reborn.
Subjects and Survey 3
Chapter 29: A Date With The Queen
Chapter 30: The New Semester
Chapter 32: Honoring the Red Eyed King

Chapter 31: The First of Twelve

1.2K 46 43
By RedHood129

3rd Person POV
It was a battlefield. Mountains and cliffs everywhere. All of the elements on the ground was just dried up dirt and rock. Standing tall were evil piece statues. And a servant had been launched into one of them.

Fighting amongst this battlefield were two young men. Sairaorg Bael and Zephyrdor Glasya Labolas.

Zephyrdor: Damn you! If this is it, then you can bet your balls that I'm going out swinging!

Sairaorg: Then bring it on!

Sairaorg grinned and Zephyrdor lost it. He unleashed his magic to fire red orb at Sairaorg but he stood there as if it wasn't effecting him at all. More so, as if it was deflected.

Zephyrdor: He blocked it?!

Sairaorg: It's my turn now.

Sairaorg jumped upwards at him, as if he launched like a rocket. Zephyrdor created as many magic barriers as he could, but in one punch, Sairaorg broke them all and his punch even hit Zephyrdor in the stomach.

Zephyrdor lost his breath from the punch, and with his fist still in form and at his stomach, Sairaorg managed to turn around and launched his opponent to the ground, creating a massive dust cloud.

It was a clear and flawless victory for Sairaorg Bael.

Occult Research Club
Issei: Holy Crap Balls.

The Occult Research Club was watching the entire Rating Game between Sairaorg and Zephyrdor.

Kiba: They say he's the strongest devil in the Rating Game.

Rias shut off the screen they were using to watch the game.

Rias: Zephyrdor's power was ranked almost as highly. He's done quite well stepping in as a substitute.

Issei: Huh? Substitute?

Rias: Yes. The first heir to his house died in an accident.

Rias was going to speak more, but a green magic circle appeared before them. This cause Akeno and Rias to gasp.

Gasper: A magic circle.

Rias: Astaroth. Of course.

Issei turned to Rias and then to the magic circle. Coming out and arriving was none other than Diodora Astaroth.

Diodora: Salutations, everyone. How lovely to see you all again.

Asia gasped at his arrival.

Battle Alert!
Battle Name: Diodora Wants to Trade!

Small Timeskip
Diodora sat on a couch opposite of Rias. Asia looked anxious, and Issei gently took her hand, which seemed to calm her down.

Akeno set down a cup of tea for Diodora, and then joined the rest of Rias's peerage behind her.

Diodora: Shall we proceed to business? I'd like to offer a bishop trade, Lady Gremory.

Asia looked scared. But for some reason, it was Gasper who spoke up.

Gasper: No! Please! I don't want him to take me!

Issei chuckled and gentle knocked Gasper on the side of the head with his back hand.

Issei: Heh. He's comin' for ya, dude.

Rias: You want to trade for Asia, you mean.

Asia gasped again and Diodora had chuckled.

Diodora: Am I really that transparent? I can assure you, it's a fair exchange.

Diodora summoned a magic circle to reveal his offer, two female servants.

Diodora: Both are hardworking, and will serve you well--

Rias out her hand out and narrowed her eyes at Diodora.

Rias: I'll stop you there. Your offer is rejected. Asia is not only a valuable member of my peerage. I also think of her as the little sister I never had.

Asia: Thank you Rias.

Rias: Using a roster trade to try and get the woman who turned down your marriage proposal shows me that you're not only uncouth, but have no idea what she wants.

Issei's Mind: (Damn, Rias isn't holding back. Can't blame her though. I hate this guy!)

Diodora: How very disappointing. You didn't find my offer acceptable today, but I won't let that dissuade me.

Diodora stood up and kneeled to Asia, taking her hand. This caused Issei to gasp in fear.

Diodora: Our meeting and reunion were both predestined. Even if all the forces in the underworld stood in our way, I would do anything necessary to overcome them all. I'll never give up. I love you, Asia.

Issei growled at Diodora.

Issei: Get your damn hands off her!

Issei went to grab Diodora, but his hand was slapped off by him. Diodora stood up, covered his mouth, and glared at Issei.

Diodora: Baseborn should know their place. I can't stand being touched by a filthy dragon such as yourself. Revolting.

Issei: You dick!

Just then, out of nowhere, Asia had slapped Diodora.

Asia: I refuse to sit here and let you talk to Issei that way!

Diodora turned to Asia.

Diodora: Yes, I understand. My apologies.

Diodora turned to Issei.

Diodora: But this isn't over, Red Dragon Emperor. We'll pick up where we left off in the next Rating Game. And once I've defeated him, I hope you'll accept my love, darling.

Issei: You ain't gonna beat me. Dildo-ra Ass-to-mouth! I'll show you the kind of badass power this filthy dragon's got-

Just then, the doors bursted open, and a foot had arrived to kick Diodora in the face, sending him to a wall. He fell to the floor.

Rias's eyes widened as almost everyone gasped.

Rias: What was that?!

Just then, a short black haired boy with glowing purple eyes arrived. He was chuckling and now squatting on the floor.

???: Boss was right! There is an incompetent piece of garbage in here.

Issei: What the?!

Soon, a long black haired boy arrived with glowing yellow eyes this time with a tattoo on his arm and his hands were in his pocket.

???: I told ya you could gamble on my foot to find him and make contact with his ugly face!

Rias: Who are you two? And don't you know you just assaulted devil royalty?

???: Nope!

???: Who cares? We're just clones from the original!

Xenovia: Clones?

Akeno: It's a sort of ability only a few can actually be legitimate masters of.

Issei: Damn. Someone strong must've sent these guys. Someone who could literally be the game changer for us to beat this dickhead. And-shit. It's Hajime, isn't it? It's gonna Hajime.

Just then, the familiar snicker had come out, getting everyone's attention, including Diodora, who had gotten up from the super kick. Issei even sighed.

Issei: God damnit.

Kiba facepalmed himself.

Kiba: Of course.

Out from the kicked open door, everyone looked to have found Hajime arriving without his sunglasses on.

Hajime: You mongrels and your nonsensical bullshit.

Issei: I fucking knew it.

Hajime walked in and looked around.

Hajime: This room reeks of a filthy mongrel scent, and there is someone that doesn't belong here.

Hajime turned to Diodora.

Hajime: Leave now, before I decided to pluck your worthless little eyes out from your skull.

Diodora stood back and narrowed his eyes at Hajime.

Diodora: I promise you that you will hear from my fa-

Hajime: I don't give a rats ass about what your daddy says. Now leave while you still have mercy. Cause you ain't getting shit from me.

Finally, after a few seconds, Diodora had left. Hajime had sighed for a bit.

Hajime: So...

Hajime turned around and showed off a smile.

Hajime: What's good?

Battle Result: Rias wins

Small Timeskip
Everyone was more relaxed now with Hajime around. Two more Sitri servants arrived too, Tomoe and Tsubasa. They both sat with Hajime, relaxing on a couch, and Tomoe had Hajime's sunglasses. And the clones stood behind their couch they were sitting at.

Rias: So...Wanna explain what we just saw?

Hajime: Long story short, Sona fired me as a Treasurer.

Issei: Fired?

Tomoe: From now on, Hajime is the Head of Student Security!

Hajime: Thanks Tomoe. I find that this benefits me more. I'm not really a paperwork guy.

Kiba: This feels like more of a promotion than you being fired.

Rias: It also doesn't explain to two clones of yours?

Hajime: Oh...Right...Why don't you meet the Sin Clones!

Issei: Sin Clones?

Hajime nodded.

Hajime: Just an ability of mine that I've been working with. Turns out Alastor had this ability too. I can create clones and they would be empowered by the embodiment of a sin.

Hajime pointed at the purple eyed clone.

Hajime: Purple eyes over here is Akio.

Hajime then pointed to the yellow eyed clone.

Hajime: And yellow eyes over here is Tanuki.

Hajime turned to everyone else.

Hajime: There's only one catch, only one sin doesn't leave my body. The reason is because it's what I embody.

Koneko: You look like someone who embodies lust.

Hajime chuckled.

Hajime: Good one! That's what I thought too. But surprisingly no. That's not it at all.

Gasper: Then...Which one is it?

Hajime gave Gasper an interested but yet very smug look on his face.

Hajime: It's a secret! Gaspyyyy~

Gasper: Awww! Come on! Why are you saying that?!

Issei: I seriously wonder if Hajime is even straight.

Hajime closed his eyes, sat up and smiled.

Hajime: I'm mostly straight!

Gasper jumped back.

Gasper: What?!

Issei: Aaaand there it is.

Hajime then opened his eyes.

Hajime: You could say that I'm heteroflexible. Most guys have been coming out like that lately.

Issei: Like...what kind of scale are we looking at dude?

Hajime: Oh. I'm like a 90-10. Maybe 95-5. It's very low. But it's also very clear.

Tsubasa: I didn't know this Hajime.

Hajime: Eh. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Besides, I'm wayyy too picky on guys.

Tsubasa: What's your type?

Hajime turned to Gasper. He hid in fear and Hajime grinned.

Hajime: Submissive blonde, pink eyed femboys who like to wear girls clothes. I'd like it if he wore a gothic lolita outfit too.~

Gasper screamed in fear and hid behind Issei.

Issei: Hajime. Please stay away from Gasper.

Hajime: Come on now~ I don't bite that hard~ Hm?

Hajime suddenly had a very tiny magic circle appear behind his ear.

Hajime: I'm sorry. I have to take this.

Hajime stood up and turned around.

Hajime: I see...Thanks for letting me know.

The small magic circle went away and Hajime turned to Tomoe.

Hajime: Hey Tomoe. Can you call Sona? Tell her to bring the rest of the peerage here to the Occulr Research Club. I need to let you all know on something serious.

Tomoe: Yeah. I'm on it.

Tomoe grabbed out her phone and made a call.

Small Timeskip
Sona arrived with the rest of the Sitri Peerage in a Sitri magic circle.

Sona: Hajime, Tomoe told me you needed us here. What is it?

Hajime: You'll want to sit down.

Sona: Very well then.

Sona and Tsubaki sat on a couch together while Akeno joined Rias. Everyone turned to Hajime, who had his arms crossed.

Hajime: I need you all to listen close. Remember when I made my first order? Sending off that Nemesis goddess to find Barbariccia?

Issei: Yeah. I still remember it. Who is she anyway?

Kiba: Nemesis is a goddess of vengeance and retribution.

Hajime: She also has another name. Invidia. She's one of Alastor's most top admirers of his work. Because he punished mongrels who had sinned. He would torture many, and I mean many people. Even Merihem grew to like him. But too bad he's dead and I drank his blood.

Issei: Don't remind me of that. That was disgusting.

Hajime: Well, aside from that. Nemesis found him. She found Barbariccia. I'll be heading down to the Underworld to check it out.

Both parties had gasps among them.

Akeno: Don't you think that's a little too dangerous right now?!

Hajime: I know it's dangerous. But that's the choice I made when I took over responsibility as the new Chief of Malebranche.

Rias: You know Hajime. Not any of us truly can understand what you're facing.

Sona: Malebranche is seen as a myth, a legend among the Underworld.

Hajime: No worries. I can explain it.

Hajime took a deep breath and exhaled.

Hajime: Barbariccia is the Deputy Commander of Malebranche, the Second-in-Command. Unlike the rest of those deranged psychopaths, Barbariccia happens to be the most serious and dutiful of them, and sees that his task of tormenting the damned as a sort of duty rather than an art. But his creativity is never ending.

Gasper was shaking in fear.

Gasper: He sounds like a really bad guy...

Hajime: Actually it's a yes and no.

Gasper now looked confused.

Hajime: On one hand, he's more serious than all of the other devils in Malebranche. Therefore, they find it hard to work with him. Even Barbariccia himself admitted they are all equally intolerable. But he does care for them at the same time. He once saved two devils from a boiling lake of pitch. He is called, The Fearsome Father.

Issei: Fearsome Father? Why's that?

Hajime: According to Alastor, it is rumored that Barbariccia has fathered an entire army of evil creatures born from the most fecund depths of the darkest jungles.

Saji: Wouldn't it be better easy to target the leader?

Hajime: You're right. Targeting Malacoda would be the easiest solution there is. But it's also the most dangerous of them all.

Asia: Can you explain that? I don't understand.

Rias: I remember a note in the myth that said the following: only the leader, Malacoda, must never be awakened.

Hajime: You're right on that. Malacoda is a diabolical monster. His power is said to be a near equal to Alastor himself. But not even Malacoda could defeat him.

Hajime looked at his right palm.

Hajime: And I'm still learning everything about all the power Alastor has given to me before his death. Going at Malacoda with the stance I'm in, I'd probably die. That's why going after Barbariccia in the more better solution. Once I defeat him, I can make a coordinate plan to have each Malebranche devil align themselves to me.

Issei: I think I'm missing something here.

Hajime turned to Issei.

Hajime: Each of them only have one thing in common. Their loyalty to Alastor. But some are far more loyal and respectful to Alastor that they would lay down their life for him. They'd follow his every orders if he gave it to them. Barbariccia would be a good start. Now with that, are there any questions?

Issei raised his hand.

Hajime: Yes?

Issei: Is there a dragon in this Malebranche?

Asia: U-Uhhhmmm.....

Saji: That alone sounded really stupid.

Hajime: Actually yes. There is.

Saji: Wait! What?!

Hajime: Yeah. There is a dragon in Malebranche. His name is Draghignazzo. That's all you got to know about him.

Hajime shook his head turned to the window.

Hajime: I gotta go. Take care.

Rias: Take care Hajime.

Sona: You better win so we can see you come home.

Hajime chuckled at Sona.

Hajime: Don't worry. I plan on it.

Hajime summoned a magic circle and disappeared, leaving the Occult Research Club.

Issei: He's gone...

Issei then stood up.

Issei: Okay. Hear me out. If he were to go undercover, Hajime should have a new name as a disguise! It would be have be two words, two words that not any single person would possibly ever put together!

Saji: What? No. That's stupid.

There was silence, until Kiba snapped his fingers and pointed at Issei.

Kiba: John Smith.



Okay. Hear me out.

But I've recently thought of who would be great for Hajime's voice if he ever had one. And this is what I've come up with.

Sub Voice: Yuichi Nakamura
Notable Characters:
Satoru Gojo
Gray Fullbuster

Dub Voice: Aleks Le
Notable Characters:
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Anos Voldigoad
Manjiro Sano

This is just my thoughts. What's your opinion on this?


Hajime had teleported into the Underworld at a lab of some sort.

Hajime: Hm? What's this?

???: Ahhh...Lord Hajime. You've arrived.

Hajime turned to see Nemesis there.

Hajime: Nemesis.

Hajime and Nemesis began walking together.

Hajime: You found him?

Nemesis: Yes and...not quite...

Hajime: What do you mean by -holy...shit....

Hajime stopped and saw a sight that made him look stunned. He then pulled out a spray and began to spray himself with it, which got the attention of Nemesis.

Nemesis: What are you spraying?

Hajime: It's disinfecting deodorant. I don't want anyone to breathe in the mongrel smell.

Hajime then stretched out his arms and put his hands behind his head.

Hajime: Well then, I'm gonna make a call. Get the Devil Kings down here to see this.

Small Timeskip
Just a few minutes later, the Four Devil Kings teleported into the lab.

Falbium: So the boy actually found him.

Sirzechs: It does seem so.

Ajuka said nothing. The group went to a certain door and Hajime arrived and raised his arm out, firing a sort of magic spell, which threw the Devil Kings off guard.

Serafall: Ah!

Ajuka: What the-

Sirzechs: What did you use on us?

Hajime: Don't worry about it. You'll thank me later. Come on.

The group went on to follow Hajime through the door.

Sirzechs: So you have found him?

Hajime: Oh...I didn't just end up finding Barbariccia...

The group then stopped and Hajime moved his arms forward. There, the Four Devil Kings widened their eyes in shock.

Hajime: I found them all.

All twelve statues of Malebranche stood still before them.

Ajuka: Dear...Satan...

Hajime: Yep. They're all here. From Farfarello to Malacoda. They're all releasing an indescribable amount of pressure and indefinitely daunting aura. Malacoda has to be more deadliest of them all. If I weren't there to hide you with the magic barriers I threw at you, Malacoda would have you on your knees like a bunch of filthy mongrels.

Serafall: I owe you a thanks then.

Hajime: You're welcome. Now brace yourselves, for I will now undo the sealing of Malebranche's Deputy Commander. The Fearsome Father will awaken once again.

Ajuka: Wouldn't it be better to move the statue elsewhere?

Hajime: It'll be fine. I know what I am doing. Thanks to my predecessor, I learned everything I need to defeat them. Now come forth and awaken...BARBARICCIA!!!!

Just then, an immense amount of aura had been unleashed as Hajime had his arm raised at the statue. Light grew brighter and brighter. It covered the room everywhere it went.

Finally, after a minute, the light had faded. Hajime lowered his arm. Red cracks started to surround the statue until finally, the stone had exploded. The Devil Kings have looked away and then, before them and Hajime stood a very tall man with long black hair and a black beard. He wore pants and boots and was very muscular. His eyes were a shade of oranges he looked before everyone with a serious look on his face. In his arms were spiked gauntlets.

Ajuka: The sealing's been undone...

Serafall stood back and her arms were shaking. She turned to Sirzechs and she found that even he was shaking too.

Barbariccia: Who dares to awaken my slumber?

Hajime stood forward.

Hajime: Barbariccia. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hajime Alastor. Under Alastor's name and orders, I have succeeded the former Chief of Malebranche himself in his final breaths and have become the New Red Eyed King and Chief of Malebranche.

Barbariccia narrowed his eyes at Hajime.

Barbariccia: You dare to call yourself the New Chief of Malebranche and yet your power and aura...It's strong but not properly guided. I cannot acknowledge someone as this Red Eyed King like that. You have piqued my interest boy.

Hajime: Well...you could say from my heritage...I'm more of a Fallen Red Eyed King. And you will acknowledge me.

Barbariccia: You once again dare to come to me and demand that I will do as you say? How unwise and foolish.

Hajime: Alright then. Let's have a fight. If I win, you will serve me to the bitter end, Barbariccia. If you win, then I die. Simple as that. Do we have a deal? Or do I have to give you something a little more pathetic and mongrel-like?

Barbariccia: If I win, you'll die here and now.

Hajime grinned at Barbariccia.

Hajime: Very well. It's a deal.

Akamizu Residence
Sona POV
I was working on some papers alone in the living room.

I still can't imagine what Hajime could possibly be doing out in the Underworld fighting a member of Malebranche.

But still...I have to find a way to support these decisions and-

Suddenly, I felt like I went into a flash.

It was like I wasn't in the house anymore, but in a way...nowhere.

Just then, I saw another light, and it was a little girl.

???: Please! I don't want you to go!

I felt my breath get taken away. I gasped and felt myself back in the living room of the house.

What was that?

That girl...she looked like...Ruruko!

But I don't understand.

I only first met Ruruko when it was last year. She just found out about the supernatural and asked to join us.

I don't get it. Why did I get this?

Ruruko POV
I was still training.

I punched. I kicked and fought even more until I kicked the punching bag off its chains.

Even though I accomplished this. I don't know why. But I'm still disappointed.

Ruruko: Please! I don't want you to go! Tomio please! Don't go!

Tomio: Heheheh....Hey relax Ruko-chan. If you work hard enough and get stronger, I just might come back. Okay?


I gritted my teeth.


Ruruko: No matter how stronger I get, you still won't come back.

I clenched my fists even harder. I could feel the sweat seeping out from my hands.

Ruruko I don't care what it takes! I'll get stronger! No matter what!

Soon-to-be Battlefield
3rd Person POV
In the soon-to-be battlefield, Hajime and Barbariccia stood alone. The Sitri pawn grinned and spread his arms out. A magic circle appeared beneath him and his clothes had changed to his battle attire.

(Remember what his battle attire looks like? If not...it's Toji Fushigoro's clothes.)

Hajime: Do me a favor and make this interesting. I don't have the right mindset in killing another mongrel.

Barbariccia: I'd drop the name calling of mongrel once you lose.

Hajime: Zasshu. Bâtard. Mischling. Dvornyaga.

(All of those meant "mongrel" in the following languages: Japanese, French, German, Russian.)

Barbariccia and Hajime wasted no more time and in a split second, both combatants had already charged at one another.

In one hit, the sound barrier felt a force and both combatants were sent back. It knocked the Devil Kings off balance too.

Serafall: Woah!

Falbium: That blast!

Hajime looked up at Barbariccia and smirked. A mark was made on his cheek.

Hajime's Mind: (Spiked gauntlets. I should thank my ghoul emperor heritage here. If I didn't have that, I'm sure Barbariccia would've turned my head into a bowl of soup by now.)

Hajime: Not too bad. Now I know you won't bore the hell out of me.

Barbariccia: I was right to be interested in your power!

Both combatants once again charged at one another and started hand to hand combat. After a few seconds of basic hand to hand combat, Hajime ducked down and used his leg to sweep at Barbariccia's legs. But Barbariccia saw the move and dodged it.

Barbariccia had jumped back and grinned.

Barbariccia: Come on out!

Just then, multiple magic circles arrived. Hajime looked around and saw he was now surrounded by several different monsters.

Hajime: Wendigos and Jabberwockys. So the rumors are true about you. Not bad. But I can do somewhat of the same thing though...Come to me my Sin Clones...Akio! Tanuki!

Suddenly, two clones appeared from Hajime, Akio and Tanuki.

Akio: Boss!

Tanuki: Looks like a party.

Hajime: Deal with the monsters. I'll focus on Barbariccia.

Akio: No problem!

Tanuki: Cool.

Akio and Tanuki obeyed the original's instructions and turned to the monsters summoned by Barbariccia. Hajime went after the Malebranche devil himself again.

Akio was seen taking out the wendigos either ease.

(Sin Clone: Akio. The sin he embodies is Pride. His specialty is using light to his style of fighting. With the Embodiment of Pride by his side, the more prideful and arrogant he gets, the stronger he gets.)

Akio: All of you will die to the Great Akio! Leave it all onto me!

Akio unleashed a massive beam of light and decimated an entire group of wendigos.

Tanuki: You've always been so cocky Akio. Yet you still can't see how stupid you are.

(Sin Clone: Tanuki. The sin he embodies is Greed. While able to utilize earth magic, Tanuki's special ability is to absorb and steal magic and using it as his own, the best way to humiliate his own enemies.)

Tanuki absorbed a jabberwocky. He then proceeded to unleash a beam of light and destroy a bunch of jabberwockys. He then threw a series of fireballs. He grinned as he watched them be destroyed.

Akamizu Residence
Sona and the rest of the girls were seen in the living room now. A sense of animosity was among them, as Hajime was as still in the Underworld.

Reya was seen looking down and reading a book, as if she was trying to distract herself.

Momo: Kusaka? What're you reading?

Reya: Hm? Oh...it's just my one of my grandmother's book of spells.

Tsubaki was seen looking at Sona, as if she was lost.

Tsubaki: Sona. Is something wrong?

Sona gave out a light gasp, but she turned to Tsubaki with a light smile instead.

Sona: It's nothing Tsubaki. I'm just thinking about Hajime and this quest of his.

Tsubasa: I'm sure that's what's in everyone's mind right now. Right Tomoe?

Tomoe nodded. However, away from the group was Ruruko. She had her knees to her chest and her head buried by her arms.

Ruruko's Mind: (It's never been this bad before...Why? Why now?...Why can't it just stop?)

Just then, a magic circle appeared. The group turned to see Azazel.

Azazel: Hello!

Sona stood up.

Sona: What're you doing here, Azazel?

Azazel: Well...I recently finished some investigating on Diodora Astaroth. That kid recently saw some sort of boost in his power.

Sona: That sounds dangerous.

Azazel: I sent the report to Lucifer's wife, Grayfia. But then I remembered they went down to the Underworld to watch your boy unseal one of the twelve members of Malebranche. If I can get my head on it, it was Barbariccia. Right?

Azazel then grabbed a remote and turned to a screen.

Azazel: Why don't we get a look at this?

Azazel hit a button and a screen appeared. The girls now saw Hajime going on par in hand to hand combat with Barbariccia, with marks all over his body.

Momo: Woah...

Reya: Hajime...

Sona could only watch in awe now.

Back on the battlefield, Hajime was still going toe to toe with Barbariccia. His Sin Clones, Akio and Tanuki, were easily defeating all of the monsters that Barbariccia was summoning.

Hajime then suddenly ducked down.

Hajime: Dismantle!

Hajime used his Dismantle Slash ability to slash out massive blocks from the ground. He punched the ground,  sending him and Barbariccia flying along with all of the debris.

Hajime jumped and maneuvered his way around the massive debris and landed a hit on Barbariccia, who was now on the defensive side.

But Barbariccia managed to change his stance and it became an equal fist fight in the air.

Suddenly, Barbariccia landed a hard punch to Hajime's stomach. Hajime stopped fighting and coughed out blood. The after effect sent Hajime spiraling back down to the ground and hitting a wall.

Akamizu Residence
The girls watching from a screen gasped in shock.  Sona and Tomoe stood up.

Tomoe: No!

The girls watched as Hajime stood in the wall. He  coughed up and retched out a lot of his own blood. After a few seconds of coughing, Hajime slowly stepped out and kept his footing, Barbariccia floated down.

Barbariccia: Had enough, boy?

Hajime: Enough?...Enough?....Oh I've never had enough...As a matter of fact, for the first time in a while when it came to a fight....

Hajime instantly looked up and grinned, his eyes widened.


Suddenly, Hajime was bursting with energy, his arm raising up and he wore a grin that only showed one thing. Confidence.

Hajime: It's been a while since I used this form, but it'll be sure as hell fun using it!

Barbariccia stood seemingly confused.

Barbariccia's Mind: (I don't get it. Has this kid been holding back on me?)


A light and red aura completely surrounded Hajime and then, all Barbariccia, the Devil Kings, the females of the Sitri Peerage and Azazel...all they could see was a familiar long haired, black and red monster with sharp teeth, standing in a fighting position. And it was surrounded by daunting dark aura.

Barbariccia lifted up his chin.

Barbariccia: So this is the power of this kid...

Hajime: Now it's time to get just a little more dauntless.

Barbariccia: I will not lose to you!

Hajime and Barbariccia charged at one another once more.

The girls watched in shock at the sight they saw.

Tomoe: What the hell is that thing?

Sona: I've seen it before...It's been a while since I've seen it. I once asked Alastor about it, he called it the Sankishin. It supposedly has Three forms, Tsukuyomi, Susanoo, and Amaterasu. According to Alastor, this is the Susanoo Sankishin, or Hajime's form.

Tsubaki: Hajime...has a massive armory of abilities.

Azazel: It seems that we are only seeing just a drop of what Hajime has acquired after becoming Alastor's successor.

Hajime and Barbariccia matched and blocked punches from one another.

But just then, Hajime made a full counter, and he pummeled Barbariccia with heavily and fast blows.

Hajime then hit Barbariccia with a massive punch at the gut. Barbariccia flew backwards and fell to the ground on his butt. He looked up in shock.

Barbariccia's Mind: (What the hell? Why...Why was I the only one getting hit?)

Barbariccia quickly got up and swiftly turned past Hajime. But unfortunately for him, Hajime saw his move and turned with him. Out of aura, Hajime created a sledgehammer and smashed at the ribs of Barbariccia.

Barbariccia coughed blood as Hajime easily ahead of him. Finally, the bludgeoning stopped and Hajime used his fist and slammed Barbariccia in the face, leading all the way to the ground and creating a massive dust cloud.

Everyone watched as the clouds faded to witness Barbariccia lie on the ground, the wendigos and jabberwockys all slaughtered by Akio and Tanuki, and Hajime standing above Barbariccia, tall and proud.

It was clear to this moment...that Hajime had won.

As the battlefield settled, Barbariccia slowly sat up as four devil kings joined up with Hajime, who was now out of the Sankishin and Nemesis. Hajime looked down at Barbariccia.

Hajime: You'll obey me from now on. Mongrel.

Barbariccia looked up for a moment, and then, he started laughing out loud.

Barbariccia: There's no need to say that shit! You've proved to me that you're as what you said!

Barbariccia sighed for a moment to stop laughing. He got up and kneeled before Hajime.

Barbariccia: I am Barbariccia, serving as the Deputy Commander of Malebranche. I serve and obey, pledging my fidelity to the new Lord of Malebranche. This is my vow, Lord Hajime Alastor.

Hajime snickered a bit.

Hajime: Hajime is fine too, Barbariccia. And thank you again for the fight. I haven't had this much fun in a while with a fight.

Barbariccia stood up and the Four Devil Kings turned to Hajime.

Sirzechs: That was quite the show, Hajime. Well done on your victory.

Serafall: What's your plan now?

Hajime looked down and put his finger on his chin.

Hajime: I'm not gonna lie. I could go many ways. I think though I'll be targeting the weakest now. That would have to be Farfarello.

Barbariccia: If I may advise, that's not the worst. But I have a better idea.

Hajime turned to Barbariccia.

Barbariccia: My best advice is to go after the more loyal servants of Alastor. While far more stronger, they could still want you to prove your strength. However, if you reveal that it was Alastor's wish for you to lead Malebranche, then there is a chance you will avoid another fight.

Hajime: Is that so?

Barbariccia nodded.

Barbariccia: You'd be surprised. There are some highly loyal warriors in Malebranche. But they're all equally intolerable and insufferable. But loyalty comes a long way. I have two names in mind, Scarmiglione and Cagnazzo. Cagnazzo is strong, but extremely foul mouthed, but he is loyal and is highly respectful to Alastor. Scarmiglione is also loyal, he prefers charm and cuts many deals. Watch yourself against him.

Hajime was silent and then he smirked.

Hajime: Thanks for the advice. We'll talk again later. For now, go with Nemesis to the castle and await further instructions.

Barbariccia: Yes, my lord.

With that, Hajime and Barbariccia parted ways. Hajime left with the Devil Kings, and Barbariccia left with Nemesis.

Akamizu Residence
Hajime returned from a magic circle outside the house. He sighed.

Hajime: What a day...

Tomoe: HaaaaajimeeeEEEEEEE!!!!!

Hajime: Huh? Tomoe?

Hajime looked up and saw that Tomoe had jumped off the balcony and was diving towards him.

Hajime: Woah! Shit!

Hajime stepped back a bit as Tomoe was diving. Eventually, Tomoe reached Hajime with her arms spread wide.

Hajime caught her as she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and locked her legs at his waist. Her face was buried at his neck.

Hajime smiled and put his hands at Tomoe's back.

Hajime: Hehe...Did you miss me that much?

Tomoe didn't respond as Hajime just shrugged and held Tomoe close as Tomoe hugged as hard as she could.

Hyoudou Residence
Issei was seen eating with Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia and Xenovia.

Asia: Issei? Is something wrong?

Issei: Hmm..I don't know. I'm just thinking about Hajime. He did go back to pick a fight with that Malebranche guy.

Rias: That is true. Although...I'm sure he'll be okay. Right Akeno?...Akeno?

Rias turned to see a somewhat concerned look on Akeno's face. The group all turned to one another and said nothing.

Akamizu Residence
Rias, Issei, Akeno, Asia, Koneko and Xenovia all stood outside the residence that Sona and the females lived with Hajime. The door opened to reveal Sona.

Sona: Rias?

Rias: Hey Sona. We just wanted to see if Hajime is okay. With...everything that happened...

Sona: Oh Hajime?...Yeah...He's fine.

Suddenly the sound of crashing noises could be heard. This cause all the Gremory devils to widen their eyes.

Asia: What was that?!

Sona: Nothing.

Momo: I don't care what you are! You need to brush your teeth!

Hajime: I am...the Chief of Malebranche!...I refuse to be pinned down like this!

Tsubasa: You have to keep good hygiene!

Hajime: Let...me....beeeeee!!!!!

Tomoe: HiiiiiiiiYAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!

A loud and thunderous chop could be heard as Tomoe was screaming. Everyone ran inside to see the commotion.

They found Hajime in nothing but his boxers knocked out cold by Tomoe. His head was up and his mouth was open. Tsubasa was seen brushing his teeth while Tomoe and Momo looked down at him with their arms crossed. Toothpaste was dripping down the corners of his mouth and onto his chest from all of the brushing by Tsubasa.

All three girls were in the pajamas, consisted of fairly loose tank tops and different types of panties. (Boyshorts for Tsubasa, Hipster for Tomoe and Mid-Rise for Momo.)

Momo: Of all things you could avoid doing, you chose brushing your teeth over not risking death!

Tomoe: Not cool.

The Gremory group looked confused now.

Xenovia: That's it?

Issei: Jeez.....

Tsubaki: Hajime has some habits. I can only assume that comes from what he did before being reincarnated as a devil.

Akeno: I can see that being the case.

Two minutes have passed and Tsubasa finished brushing Hajime's teeth. Tomoe grabbed a cup of water and poored it in his mouth. Tsubasa and Tomoe closed his mouth and shook his head at a fast pace for a couple seconds.

Tsubasa grabbed Hajime and moved him to a sink. She opened his mouth and a mixture of water and toothpaste just dropped out of his mouth. She set him down on the couch and turned to the group.

Tsubasa: I'm sorry you had to see that. Sometimes, Hajime makes us work to get him to have that kind of hygiene.

Slowly, Hajime woke up from his unconscious state and stood up. He stretched his arms and then sighed.

He turned to Tomoe with a tired stare. She giggled at his reached and then smooched him on the cheek. Hajime then gave a half smile and ruffled with Tomoe's hair.

Hajime stepped away and spotted Issei. He waved his hand at him.

Hajime: Yo.

Issei: H-Hajime...dude...Are you?

Hajime: Barbariccia got me good on the stomach. Aside from that, I'm good. Malebranche is just as I expected them to be. Powerful and dangerous. Getting the rest of the 11 will be a challenge.

Rias: You're not going after Malacoda. Are you?

Hajime shook his head.

Hajime: No. Malacoda is far too dangerous. For now.

Sona: By the way, Azazel gave me an update on your mother Hajime.

Hajime: Hm?

Sona: He said that she's in a stable condition, but hasn't woken up yet. It seems she's in a coma.

Hajime: I see...I guess that's all I can say.

Suddenly another magic circle appeared. Everyone turned to see Sairaorg arrive.

Rias: Sairaorg?!

Sairaorg: Hello Rias.

Issei: What're you doing here?!

Sairaorg waved his hand at Issei.

Sairoarg: I'm not here for you. I'm here for someone else.

Sairaorg walked past Issei and Rias. The group all turned as he was walking towards Hajime.

Issei: Hajime dude...be careful man! That guy's-

Sona: Relax. It's fine. Just watch.

Gremory Devils: Huh?

Sairoarg stood before Hajime, smiling in the process.

Sairaorg: Finally, at last...for a long time! We meet each other once again...

Sairaorg spread his arms out and moved them closer, stating three familiar words.

Sairaorg: My Besto Friendo!

Everyone stood silent for seconds that felt like it was turning to minutes. Suddenly, the Gremory Devils reacted to sudden shock, even Akeno.

Gremory Devils: EH?!

Hajime just snickered and turned his smile into a smirk.

Hajime: Hey Bro. It's been a while.

Issei's Mind: (Did he just call him Bro?!)

Sona: Yeah....after your engagement party Rias, Hajime and Sairaorg became friends. They even fought guards together while Issei was fighting Riser.

Rias: How did I not see that?!

Asia: No way...those two together?!

Gremory Devils: WhaaaaAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!


Okay! That is the end of the chapter!

If there's any questions, feel free to comment here below.

Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy!

Now stay safe out there.

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