Sonic Fan Book

By Ch1ff0nTheK1tsun3

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Not a fanfiction, but more just things about the fandom and stuff like that, and some oneshots of course I do... More

Shadow and Silver's backstory in my AU
Context Hybrid!AU
How Sonic Met Tails in My Hybrid!AU Part 1
How Sonic Met Tails in My Hybrid!AU Part 2
How Sonic Met Tails in My Hybrid!AU Part 3
How Sonic Met Tails in My Hybrid!AU Part 4/Final Part
Explaining something about my Never Be Alone!AU
Patchwork - OC
Retro - OC
Chiffon - OC
Strobe - OC
Brownie - OC
New Sonic AU Idea!
Hehe, another AU
Spook's Little Friend///Part. 1
Sonic's Design
Tails' Design
Canvas - OC
Splatter - OC
Whiteout - OC
Spook - OC
Selina - OC
Linus - OC
Ah, Yes, Much Tails Suffering
The First Day of War///Oneshot
Piko Piko Hammer///Oneshot
Life Flashes Before Your Eyes///Oneshot
Ship Children
Newest Ship Kids
Team Newlight/Next Generation
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 My Thoughts
Days of Torment; Part 1 - Sonic
New AU!
God!AU Origins - The Children of Gaia - Part 1: Creation
Gods!AU Origins - The Children of Gaia - Part 2: Fleeing
I Made a Vent-Fic Last Night
Gods!AU Origins - Miles Prower - Forging Armor from Chains
S Trio and Drag
Lmao Slay
The Council of Miles
Haha, look at me being all evil again ^^
Hybrid/AU 1 Ethnicity Headcanons
Oneshot Request Page!
A Talk///Oneshot///Angst-Fluff
Achilles, Come Down///Oneshot///Whump
The Fox of the Forbidden///No Place Interpretation Part 1
AU 1 Sonic Playlist
AU 1 Tails' Playlist
AU 1 Shadow Playlist
AU 1 Silver Playlist
I Want to Hurt Him
Concept Excerpt of my Fix-It AU
The Birthday Boy///STH x FNAF
Rose - Tails Angst - AU1
The Hybrids of Green Hills
AU1 Sonic
AU1 Tails
AU1 Amy
AU1 Sonia
AU1 Manic
AU2 Tails thingy
Sonic and Water
The Phantom Ruby in AU2
the Rose kids have mommy issues - AU1
Horns and Corpses - Regan Margo angst - AU1
Regan kills Kai (WARNING: CATHARTIC) - AU1
STH AU1 Pics (part 1)
Army Dreamers
Me when Sonic Underground

The Golden Son///STH x FNAF

23 1 14
By Ch1ff0nTheK1tsun3

TW: Child abuse, gore, child death/murder, hateful siblings, manipulation, mentions of staged suicide, and emotional distress

August 2-
Sonic's gotten no better in the past two years since the incident with the freak. He hardly participates in the experiments and is grossly uncooperative. This cannot continue.
I've found that there might be more hybrids with the super speed gene. He is no longer special. A shame, really. He was my favorite, with the way that he was so happy to be around me, grateful for all I did, desperate for my attention and approval.
If I give him up to an orphanage, people could become aware of the experiments, perhaps the dangers of the animatronics and what happened to Miles. I could be prohibited from adopting another child. The only reason I adopted that two-tailed Fox was because Sonic refused to leave that orphanage without him. Ridiculous.
I'll have to come up with something else. Perhaps stage a suicide. No one will question it from how miserably he's been acting. It'll take a burden off of my shoulders.

~~~ 5:30 PM

"Wait here. Knuckles, watch your brother." Father said. "Your uncle Thomas and I have things to discuss." Without letting either of the boys protest, he walked off.

Sonic glared up at Knuckles. "What?" The Echidna mumbled.

He could glare into his eyes now. He didn't wear that stupid Foxy mask anymore. "I hate you." Sonic said. His voice was both numb and hateful at the same time. Knuckles didn't say anything.

The Hedgehog's hands tightened around the Fredbear plush he'd refused to let go of since that trip back from the hospital.

"I know." Knuckles muttered. Sonic glared at him. Gaia, why couldn't this b!tch be angry at him?

"I don't know why Father is letting you watch me. You might kill me like you did him." The fourteen-year-old sneered. "At least then I'd be with him again." The only person he had that cared about him. Gone. Because of the monster in front of him.

Knuckles almost lashed out. Almost. He turned forcibly at Sonic. "Shut up. Now. Just- just shut up, alright?" He demanded, his voice almost wavering. "If you want to leave, just leave. Go on and see that stupid animatronic you keep begging Father to see."

Sonic threw a fist at Knuckles. The latter didn't flinch. "She's not stupid!" He shouted. "She's better than you'll ever be! At least she's done good in the world! The only thing you ever do is make people miserable!" He continued berating him.

"The thing's an inanimate machine! She can't feel anything! And it still makes sense that Father cares about her more than you! FATHER WILL NEVER LOVE YOU." Knuckles shouted back, snapping at him.

The younger opened his mouth, choking on his words. "I wish you died instead of him." He finally managed. "He deserved to be alive. You don't."

Without letting Knuckles say anything else, Sonic stormed off to the party room where the animatronic he wanted to see was.

Circus Baby. A complete wonder, and an escape from the two years of Tartarus he'd been living in. She could make ice cream and balloons, and she sang and made other kids happy. And she was perfect.

Father had made her for him- at least that was what he said. Still, he never let Sonic go near her. Finally, he was going to see her. Maybe he'd feel a little less miserable. Just for a minute or two.

~~~ 5:38 PM

The other kids around Circus Baby didn't notice him. The clown moved around and sang cheerfully and the kids shouted with delight. He kept by the doorway and waited until someone from a different party room called the kids in for cake.

Sonic held the Fredbear Plush tighter. He felt a voice telling him that this was a bad idea. It sounded like him...

He shook his head. He was just paranoid.

Once all the kids had left, he stepped forward. He placed the Fredbear Plush onto the steps of the stage. He went closer.

"Hello..." He whispered to the animatronic. "Don't tell Father that I'm here... I wanted to see you for myself." Circus Baby turned to him, her smile unmoving. "My baby brother would've loved to see you..." Tears started falling on his cheeks.

Mechanical whirring interrupted his wonder. He stepped back and looked at Circus Baby's stomach. A claw came out of her abdomen, holding a cone of vanilla ice cream.

He wiped his eyes, smiling faintly. "Thank you, Circus Baby..." His fingers grazed the cone and-

He felt something sharp dig into his body, ripping into his skin. He stared down at the dropped ice cream on the ground and claw buried in his stomach. He didn't know what to feel.

The claw lifted him off of the ground and dragged him into Circus Baby's stomach cavity. He tried to scream, but his head slammed against the metal of animatronic and everything went dark for a moment.

~~~ 5:40 PM

He didn't know what had happened when he woke up.

His head was bleeding and his stomach- he looked down. Gaia, his stomach...

It looked ripped open. He shakily pressed his arm to his stomach.

He was inside of Circus Baby.

This was what his beautiful joy was made for? To kill?

Was this his father's doing?

This was his doing...

He noticed blinking in the corner. A camera. A camera! Father could see him! He'd surely get him out.

"FATHER!" He shrieked. He slammed his free hand on the metal walls around him. "FATHER, LET ME OUT!" He felt his body start shaking with pain. He felt something missing in his hair.

His bow.

His bow! It was gone! The bow his baby brother gave to him when they first met was gone!

There was nothing here now. Nothing to keep him calm. He screeched and slammed his fists on the metal. He called for his father. He knew he could see him. He knew he could hear him.

He didn't come.

~~~ 5:39 - 5:42 PM

"Give me a moment Thomas. I need to check something." Robotnik said, looking at the tablet on the table. He read the alert on the screen.

 Circus Baby had caught a child.

He walked into a different room and turned on the camera that he'd placed in the animatronic. His hands froze.

Sonic was sitting there in the holding compartment.


With a start, Sonic woke up. It took him a moment, but he soon started banging on the walls and screeching for "Father." Robotnik scoffed. Sonic still called him his father.

The injuries Sonic sustained were treatable. He'd live if he helped him.

On the other hand...

No. This was perfect, actually.

He turned on the microphone in the camera. "No one will hear you. Now shut up and you might be useful." He hissed.

Sonic froze, staring into the camera. "Please..." He whispered pitifully.

After just a few more minutes, the child went still.

~~~ 5:42 PM

Sonic fell out of the animatronic. He didn't know how. He was sure that he died. Everything had faded into nothing.

He stared up at the ceiling of the party room. He sat up.

"I tried pulling you back..." A familiar voice apologized.

Sonic turned and saw the most perfect face he'd ever seen in the world. "Miles..." The Fox tackle-hugged him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Miles sobbed, holding onto his brother.

Sonic stared at himself. He looked fuzzy. His stomach was still ripped open. His organs seemed close to spilling out. He looked at Miles. The child's head was cracked open- brains were scattered on his head.

He still was the most wonderful being Sonic had ever seen. He just hugged his brother.

They were dead. But at least they were together now nothing else mattered.

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