By miraclequeen45

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Guang xuming, a nine tail demon who was destined/forced by her kind to rule the world. But things change in t... More



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By miraclequeen45

Midnight in the city of megapolis. Eh, that's not important, but this is. Way off at the outskirts of time was a clear opened space. Looking closer we see a hooded figure floating in midair, as theirs clock swayed along with the cool night breeze.

Way behind them, another figure appeared out if thin air. But they were blue and looking lifeless, only having glowing white ears with only one aim. To kill the hooded figure. Immediately the blue dummy longed at the hooded figure who continued to stay where they were, totally unfazed with the dummy about to attack them.

But just as the blue figure's fist was about to make contact with their head, the hooded figure revealed to have a white paw with claws as they effortlessly caught the dummy's fist, which sent shockwaves busting out. The hooded figure have the fist a tight squeeze, instantly making it disappear into dust.

But there was no time for a break just yet as more of the blue dummies appears, each if them surrounded the hooded figure.

At this point, the hooded figure was obviously smirking, as you could ready hear the song 'Live your life' playing in the background.


Immediately some of the blue dummies charged at the hooded figure, but they just stretched their neck to the side until it made a crack while casually floating to the left. They then floated to the right as more came charging.


Before the last one could pass by, they grabbed the dummy by the leg before using it to hit more dummies coming their way, which destroyed them all.

You're gonna be a shining star
In fancy clothes and fancy cars
And then you'll see
You're gonna go far
'Cause everyone knows who you are . . . are

So live your life, hey!

The hooded figure grabbed two blue dummies before raising her hands with force, smashing them into each other and the explode into dust.

Hey, hey, hey
No telling where it'll take ya
Just live your life
Hey, hey, hey
Just, we did it again, homey

As more blue dummies charged at the floating figure, they continued to smirk pretending to retreat as they flew away.

'Cause I'm a paper chaser
Just livin' my life
My life
My life
Hey, oh!

But in reality the hooded person was flying towards more dummies coming forward. The hooded person then proceed to go up as the dummies followe in twist and turns.

Once they were sure they where at a high enough point, the hooded figure spread out their arms letting gravity take places as they summoned a familiar flute in her hand. And immediately once they dummies were close enough, they were each getting turned to dust by the flute casually hitting them like in a video game.

My life, just livin' my life
Hey, oh!
My life, my life
My life
So, just livin' my life
Hey, hey, hey
Just live your life

Now they began to have a little fun casually destroying all the blue dummies. But as they forth them off, the hooded figure was unaware of one if the dummies coming from behind. Or at least that what they wanted it to think. Before it could even comes close to attacking them, it was immediately sliced into half from behind. A part of it's body slide a little before it disappeared into dust.

The person who did it was none other that the same hooded figure. Letting out a loud feminine scream, they were gone at the speed of light. And before the dummies could react, slicing sounds where heard as each of them exploded into dust the minute they felt something sharp going through them.

Watching what I do
Come walk in my shoes
And see the way I'm livin' if you really want to

Each of them exploded as the hoodie figure came falling dramatically from the sky like a Boss.

Livin'my life
Oh! Hey!
My life
My life, just livin' my life
My life, my life
Hey! Oh! Hey!
My life, just livin' my life. . .

Thr hooded figure nodded their head to the rest of the music, their hand rasing into a fist to hit the last dummy from behind, destroying it. Slowing they began to descend back to the surface of the earth before landing on top of a mountain.

They felt a presence appearing next to them as they took off their earpiece they had on the while time.

"Good job". Trixx smirked with her hands in her pockets watching as the hooded figure reached out their hand to take off the hood over their face. The person revealing to be nine other than the nine tailed fox herself, smiling as she took off the blindfold she had over her eyes all night.

"Thanks, trixx". Sha said, before pulling out her phone and tabbed a button to stop the music. Het eyes then trailed off to the time, much to her surprise. "Woah! 12:01 already? I gotta get back so I don't wake up grumpy tomorrow morning for work".

"Sure thing".

Min smiled and nodded in response to the fix spirit as she was about to turn to leave.

"But there's just one more thing".

The nine tailed fox stopped on her trail, holding unto her flute tight before she turned around, clearly expecting a surprise attack. But to her surprise, she was met with trixx smiling while holding out something in her hand.

"Happy birthday, min".

Looking down at her hand, min was met with two jingle bells.

Min was in awe awe before a smile formed on her lips remembering how guang xuming used to wear the same bells as earrings in her ears. She then took the bells into her hands and hagged them close to her chest, smiling softly at them before smiling back at the fox Infront of her.

"That's trixx".


The next day came sooner as expected. Inside of pigsy's noodles we see the shop owner who was putting the finishing touches on min's birthday cake. He then blew the tip of the icing bag like a gun releasing smoke before smiling happily at his finished work.

Suddenly, an excited mk popped up next to him, almost making the pig demon let go of his icing bag but he quickly caught it.

"That looks great!". He commented with a loud voice and his hands shot into the air like he just don't care. He then looks around the noodle shop which was all decorated for his girlfriend's birthday party.

The door was then slammed opened to reveal a grinning mei with a Canon before it shot giltter into the restaurant. "Glitter canon at the ready, captain!".

Tang, who was at his usual place by the counter, shook his head to get the glitter off his head while also groaning in dismay as he pushed his glitter covered bowl of noodles away. "What? Why would we need a glitter canon?".

"For Minny's birthday party. Duh". Mai rolled her eyes like it was obvious as she pushed the canon into the shop. "Oh! And the skate ramps are all secured! This party is going to be epic".

"SKATE RAMP?". The males in the shop chorused in shock at what they were hearing.

"But I already have the dance floor already for-". Mk randomly got dressed up for a dance party while gesturing to porty Mk by the turntables, but everyone interupted him, chorusing all together.


"Did someone say min's birthday party?". Everyone looked at the door to see sandy entering, looking as cheerful as ever with a platter containing a tea pot in his hand, while mobwas patched to his shoulder as always. "'Cause I got the tea".

Pigsy shook his head. "No, no, no. We already agreed to throw min a cooking party".

"As delicious as that sounds, I heard a learn more about guang xuming party". Tang stated while shaking his index finger.

"Correction; an awesome party". Mei corrected, showing a picture on her phone of the skate ramps.

"Well, as her boyfriend I pretty much know more about what min likes, so yeah. And I already choreographed a group dance number". Mk scoffed, standing back to back with porty Mk as one of them played an imagine turntable and the other played air guilter.

"When did you get the time to place a turntable inside my shop? Get it out!".

"Uh, you do know that he's min's least favorite mk clone, right?".

"But I what about the tea party?". Sandy said, the only one with a calm normal voice as everyone began to argue about which party to throw for the nine tailed fox girl.

Suddenly the door was opened.

"SURPRISE!". Everyone yelled with toothy grins that immediately dropped when they saw a confused red son at the door while holding a present in his hands.

The demon blinked, about to say something as he rasied a finger, until monkey king suddenly popped out from behind getting in top of red son's head as he looked around the restaurant with sparkles in his eyes.

"You threw a guys threw a party just for me? Aww, I mean I know today was flare's birthday, but gosh, you didn't have to go through all this trouble-".

"It's not for you, it's for min!". Tang yelled at the sage, surpring him and red son as they hugged each other. Scholar then laughed nervously and he sweetdrops. "Sorry, didn't mean to yell, great monkey king".

On cue, footsteps were heard coming from outside of the shop, to which mei gasp.

"She's here! Quick, what are we gonna do?". The dragon girl pulled on her eyelids in panic.

"Well . . ." The female among them let go of her face that went slapping before joining everyone in turing to sun wukong, who was casually laying on his nimbus as he sips on a bowl of noodles. "Here's an idea for thought. You all throw your own parties for min and at the end of the day she sees which one she likes best. I mean, five parties are better than one after all".

"That's . . ." Pigsy tried to say, the look on his face clearly showing he wasn't about to set off with his idea, but mk cut him off.

"A great idea!".


Mk and mei shared a high five. Tang had a thoughtful look on his face as he rubs his chin before smiling.

"I don't see why not".

"Alright then". Sandy did a closed eye smile with his hands in his hips, his cat on his shoulder agreeing with a meow

Just then, the door was opened for the 11th time today, this time revealing the birthday girl of the hour. She sighed wiping some sweet off her forehead, before . . .


Min jumped in surprised while dropping her work back before seeing her friends, all with smils on their faces as they stood in front of the party banner with the message HAPPY BIRTHDAY on it.

The birthday girl gasp before her eyes sparkled with stars in them as she smiles with excitement. "Wow!".

"I hope you're ready for the best parties ever~!". Mei said in a sing-song way, as min laughed.

"Aww, this is so-ahh!". She was cut off by pigsy dragging her away until she got to the kitchen.

Minutes later, min had her tongue sticking out as she was being constructed by the pig demon. The atmosphere was so tense it could caught through a needle.

"Careful now. Careful!".

It almost felt like working under pressure in a hospital as the now 18 year old finally poured in the perfect amount of broth into her prepared bowl of noodles. The foc demon sighed in relief before smiling with her mouth Parted at the pig demon who was laughing in delight.

"You did it, kid! You created the perfect noodles".

"Thanks uncle P-". She was cut off by the pig demon raising a finger in her face.

"Not so fast. Now it's time for the most important part of creating the perfect bowl of noodles. Tasting them". Pigsy smirked, tossing chopstick towards min who easily caught them in one hand and effortlessly snapped them into two with her fingers. Her smirk matched pigsy's to a T as she taps the sticks together.

The duo looks back at the bowl, both casting a glance at each other and nodded before they each grabbed a noodle and placed them into their mouths. Sucking it all in, they got a good taste of the noodles before sighing contently as they looked relaxed.


"You know what's even more perfect?". The pig and fox demon immediately spat the noodles out of their mouths in surprise of the random voice before they both turned to see mei. "The element of danger!".

Immediately the dragon girl grabbed min away. And the next thing you know both girls found themselves roller skating through the streets of megapolis city which was filled with a bunch of skating ramps. And yes, mei can roller skate.

Min smiled taking the lead before jumping on top of a ramp and side rode on it. Mei doing the same behind her, but not before grabbing a hoop from above and spins herself on it before letting go and landed next to min. The two of them smiled at each other before sharing a high five.

Interwining their fingers, they then used team work in getting passed some obstacles. The last one ending with min carrying mei above her as the dragon girl struck a pose. Once they made it to the end, mei jumped off her hands as the two of them giggled.

"This is so cool!". Min comment as she took off her helmet.

"Whoo-hoo! Sweet-18 roller party selfie time!". Mei smiled, holding up her phone as both girls posed for the picture. But the moment it was snapped, tang popped in-between the two girls with his hands behind his back as he looked at his niece.

"Knowledge waits for nobody!".

Next, min was back at pigsy's noodles, looking impressed by what her uncle showed her in the book of the journey to the west about guang xuming. She looked at her uncle.

"Woah! So guang xuming really fought passed all of them?".

The schooler chuckled as he ajusted his glasses. "Indeed she did, and she was part of the great war in helping to save china, which granted her the title, Fox spirit".

"That is so cool". Min muttered with stars in her eyes.

"You know what's even sweeter?".

Min suddenly found herself on Sandy's boat as both of them were in meditating position while sipping on their cups of tea. Mo was in between them all snuggled up in a nap.

"A nice relaxing cup of tea".

Min nodded in agreement. "I needed this".

"Of course you do".

Everything was so quiet and peaceful, until.

"My turn!". Mo Sprint up into the air and claws unto Sandy's face, all thanks to mk's sudden yell. Before min could even get a chance to ask if the sailor was okay, her excited boyfriend had already pulled her away. Now they were back at pigsy's noodles on the dance floor.

"Wo-oh!". Mk did a few dance moves before holding out a hand to min.

She smiled and accepted it before he spun her around and caught her in a dunk. Min looked up at him and couldn't help but blush as he did the same.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Let's crack things up a notch, boi!". Came porty Mk from behind the turntables before a new song was turned up.

Both mk and min gasp as they recordnisized it and smiled with stars in their eyes.


MK brought min up and grabbed her other hand before they begin spinning around really fast.

Meanwhile, red son watched the two of them from his seat next to the counter. His expression plain as he swallowed the noodles in his mouth.

"She does know if she doesn't speak up soon she's going to be tired out for her party. Why aren't you saying anything". The demon said, side glancing to trixx in her human form who was on the seat next to him as she yawns while stretching out.

"Nope. I already catered to her past self, I'm not gonna do it again".

"Totally". The two of them turned to sun wukong who was still laying on his nimbus while enjoying his bag of peach chips. "This is something flare's gotta learn to do on her own".

"YOU WERE THE ONE WHO SUGGESTED THIS BAD IDEA IN THR FIRST PLACE!!". The demons yelled in anger, sending the tiny money flying off his cloud.

Meanwhile with the dancing couple, mk was way to excited for this as he let min go spinning, but she lost control and went crashing on the counter next to trixx and red son as both looked at her with deapeaned looks.

Min groaned rasing her head up before her eyes widened hearing a familiar ding, making her pull out her phone from her pocket. She whines in dismay seeing it wasn't what she was expecting. But that didn't last long as pigsy dragged her into the kitchen again.

They were trying to cook something, but min was to overwhelmed to focus and ignored pisey who was trying to stop her from pouring in the wrong ingredient. Anyway, that creating a explosion min didn't stuck around long for as she was dragged away again, seconds later finding herself trying to keep up with mei on roller skates as the dragon girl was in the lead. But this time, min was having a hard time keeping up as she couldn't focus as she stumbled.

"Call me, dragon-hawk". Mei smirked, jumping on a ramp before landing on hand stance with her hands replacing her feet in her roller skates, letting out a "whoo-hoo!" In the process.

Things were just not on min's side as her skates had minds of their own, randomly going on the same ramp to follow the dragon girl. Min thought she was finally getting her focus, only for her eyes to widened when she looked up ahead and saw mei jumping off the ramp. She screamed before she jumped off the ramp.

But she was panicking a little too much as she went crashing into a building. Slowly sliding off it, she landed in a wheelbarrow full of dried old leaves. She groaned until she felt a shadow blocking the sunlight from her face, that shadow belonging to her uncle tang.

You guessed it, she was back at pigsy's noodles for another study sesh.

But min was paying attention to him as her head was still spinning from the crashing. But despite that, she was back on Sandy's boat. Not that she mind, but he was going a little overboard with the tea.

"Ooh! Your shoulders seem really tensed". The sailor had already surrounded her with stacks if tea cups, before giving her a massage on the shoulders. This made her relax a little with a sigh.

"Well-". She tried to say, but was cut off by the demon slapping cucumber slices over her eyes.

"Here, drink up!". Sandy didn't know it, but he was literally shoving a cup of tea down her throat. Not like he meant it or anything, he was just trying to be helpful.

"There's my dance baby!". Thr heavens answered her prayers, kinda, as mk dragged her away, the cucumbers falling off her eyes in the process before they found themselves back at the dance floor at pigsy's noodles. "Are you ready?".

"What?". Min shook her head before looking at her boyfriend with a raised brow.

"Catch me!". The monkie boy laughed, running a few steps before leaping into the air. He was expecting what she did with mei earlier to be done with him. But min panicked, trying to stop him as she wasn't ready.

Luckily, for her pigsy dragged her away again. This time they were trying to make dumplings as they were rolling out the dough. Pigsy was doing it effortlessly, while min, not so much as she panted.

Pigsy sudden gasp made her jump in surprise before the pig demon, who had stars in his eyes, popped up next to her before he took her randomly prepared dumbling that looked like a swan into his hands and raised it up high like trophy.

"It's a Masterpiece!".

Sandy popped up again. "Time to tame those nerves".

Min was back on Sandy's boat, receiving rough treatment from sandy and his therapy cats. Some of them were even snuggling way to close to comfort. And the moment she tried to shake them off, min found herself up on of the highest skate ramp, much to her surprise.

"Woah! You're starting from way up there?! You go, girl!". Mei cheered from her place at the bottom of the ramp.

Min looked down at the ramp with faerful eyes as she was so not ready for this. But as today has it, the wind was not on her side. Three seconds later the fox girl was screaming as she went down the ramp on her roller skates. This time she had an extra boost and went flying off it, going all over the city until flew inside an opened window to lead to the bathroom back at pigsy's noodles.

Min groaned getting up with the help of the sink, her head spinning as her vision cleared up until she saw her reflection in the mirror. She was a mess. Her hair was messy from all the treatment from Sandy's boat and the cooking ingredients from the kitchen, she still had her helmet on the whole time, and her clothes were ruined from all the party decorations from dancing with mk. It was all too much.

But she didn't have time to relax and freaked out when she heard mei's voice yelling her, the voices of the others soon following.

Panicking, min looked for a way to get out of here before her eyes landed on the bathroom window. Immediately she headed for it before jumping through the window. She then transformed into her kitsune self and took a large leap until she made it to the roof top of the building.

Min phew in relief as she turned back to normal. She then brought her phone and went through her text to see if she got what she was expecting, but sadly she didn't. Sighing, she got to the edge of the roof before jumping to seat on the rail. Her head hanged and rested on a hand that rested on her kneel as the other one layed on her other lap while holding unto her phone.

A tear escaped her eye before she wipes it away.

"Shouldn't you be inside with the others?". Said a sudden voice from behind, but min already knew who it was.

Min, if possible, hanged her head even lower. "No thanks".

Macaque let out a sigh, disappearing into his shadow before reappearing next to min in a sitting position of his own. They both stayed quiet facing the setting evening sun. "You wanna talk about it?".

Min opened her eye that where shut closed and side glanced at the dark monkey. He didn't meet her gaze but he knew she was looking at him.

"Don't get so used to it, this is only a once in a lifetime thing so make it count. And I can't promise I'll have the best answer".

Min sighed. "I . . . I guess I'm just tired. Overwhelmed even. Honestly I even forgot today was my birthday if it wasn't for trixx reminding me. And I'm really greatful because this is the first birthday in my life that I actually got to celebrate it. And I have such amazing friends but they can be a little . . . Much. was that too much? I'm gonna gonna continue anyway. And another thing is that not everything that I want I'm gonna get it this year till who knows when".

Macaque finally turned to look at min who frowned sadly as looked down at her phone, her index finger gently sliding against the screen. The dark monkey couldn't help but frown at her before sighing.

"listen, kid, I'm gonna let you in on something someone told me a long time ago. You plant a seed every single day, in the world and in others, with every thought you think and word you speak and action you take. You have influence. You're making a dent in the universe and you matter, in a very real way".

As macaque said all of that he flashback to a time he sat in the middle of the forest and seating in front of him was none other than guang xuming. The kitsune smile taking his hand into hers before placing a lotus flower on it.

The monkey demon finally came back to reality with a sigh until he noticed that min was awefully being a little too quiet, to which he looked at her. He was taken aback to see her smiling softly at him in a way of saying 'So the great six-eared macaque actually had a soft spot'

The dark monkey blushed in embarrassment before groaning once she started laughing at him.

"S-sorry!". She said, trying to her clam herself with a hand on her chest before she sighed once again. "And thanks, macaque. I know what I gotta do now".

The dark monkey raised his head and saw her with a smile on her face as she looks over her fair city that glimmers under the sun light. He chuckled with his eyes closed before getting to his feet and turned around.

Min looked up at him, a little dissapointed that he had to leave so soon.

"Oh, and by the way, happy birthday princess".

Immediately min turned around to look at him, but it was already too late as he was no where to be seen. She then felt something on her hand and looked at it, then her eyes lit up with stars in them looking that a beautiful shadow lotus

A small smile forms on her lips before she went back to looking over the beautiful city of megapolis.

Later min decided to go back to pigsy's noodles, smiling down at the flower in her hand before she opened the door to the shop. But that turned out to be an immediate regret as she saw all her friends roaming around while looking for her. And mei was the first one to see her.

"Minny, there you are!".

That instantly caught everyone's attention before pigsy, tang, sandy, mei and mk began ganging up on min, all still talking about what they had planned for their separate parties. And honestly, min just couldn't take it anymore.

"ENOUGH!!". Instantly everyone stayed quiet as all were taken aback by her sudden yell. "This is too much! I honestly can't handle it. I've heard so much fun with you all, but it's not what I want. I just want all of us to have fun together, as a family".

"You know, it's pretty hard to do a conga line with just two people". Mk admitted while scratching the back of his head.

"And races are better with more competition". Mei said with a sad smile and a chuckle. "Maybe we should, uh . . ."

"Combine all our parties together to make a . . ." Pigsy tray to say, but tang caught him off with a gasp.

"A roller-disco-noodle-tea-study party! I love it". The stars in the scholar's eyes suddenly popped like balloons as everyone looked at min. "Uh, that's if you love it, sweetie".

"Yes!". Min giggled glad to finally have things working out.

And so everyone began getting to work in combining all the party ideas into one, even red son, trixx, and wukong helped out.

Once everything was done, it was party time! Everyone got dress in fun things before they all began dancing on the dance floor. Next they all got on roller skates mei broutht in and began dancing in them, some of them having trouble while others just went with the flow.

Min skated around the room greeting each of her friends as she did. A hand then grabbed hers, that hand belonging to trixx who smiled at the birthday girl. Min laughed until she noticed the fox spirit wasn't even wearing roller skates and was rolling on bare air. She looked back at trixx in shock, but she just sent a wink her way before spinning her around and she goes  rolling until she bumped into someone.

Before she could fall s pair of arms were wraped around her waist before she looked up to see mk smiling down at her. She joined him in laughing before mei joined the two of them in a hug. She then brought out her phone.

"Group selfie!".

Everyone saw and heard this before skating over to them and posed as mei took the picture. Min laughed as everyone pulled away before looking back at mk.

"This is the best birthday ever!".

"I'm glad you're having fun". Mk smile softly at his girlfriend who smiled back at him. Both if them then leaned in for a kiss until s hand tapped min on the shoulder, making her turn to look at mei as mk ended up kidding her cheek.

"There's one more big surprise for you~". Mei said excitedly like a little girl on Christmas morning.

"Huh?". Min raised a confused brown looking at her best friend. Her fox ears then appeared, picking up on the sound of the door opening.

Mk let go of her and stepped aside, everyone clearing the way for min to get a good view at who was at the door.

Min's eyes went wide as her lips parted in shock. She felt her heart race in an unbelieving pase. And if she had a wine glass in her hand she would've totally let it go crashing to the ground.

Standing there by the door was a women who looked to be about in her early 40s.

The woman smiled sweetly at min. "Happy birthday, sweetheart".

The 18 year old was too speechless to speak but somehow found the courage to walk up to her. Her legs felt like jelly on the way, but she kept walking until she stood in front of the woman. Those oxyn eyes that showed love and care, that warm comforting smile, that surprisingly cute botton nose.

Whatever tears that tried to stay back immediately came running down's min's face before she finally closed the gap between the two of them, embracing the woman in a hug. The woman hugged back joining the younger girl with tears flowing out of her eyes as well. They've both longed for each other, hoping for this day to finally come after so long. Min strated crying burning her face into the women's chest with only one thing fortunate enough to escape her mouth.



Hey, y'all, super sorry about the long wait. Now I know I said I would update like two or three months ago and I didn't, which I am really so sorry about. But then I remembered min's birthday and started freaking out about writing the perfect birthday chapter for her. And believe me when I say it was not easy, but it was worth it in the end.

Also I just found out the dates of when I posted the first chapter of this story were all mixed up, so I wasn't exactly sure of when min's birthday would be because of that, so I decided to make it 6th is December.

And obviously this chapter takes place, like, way long after season 4 of monkie kid.

And for those of you wondering, this is min's mom. Imagine the lines on her cheeks to be wrinkles

And in case you were wondering again, yes I do plan on adding her to my story, but that'll be when season 5 comes out next year. Like, I am so excited about it🤩

I'm also opened to any suggestions of what what min's mom name should be, and for how her personality should be like. I mean I already imagine her to be the cool, exciting, and adventurous type of mom,but I'm not sure. So I wanna see what you guys have in mind.

I even have an idea for ending the last episode of it, if you know what I mean~😏

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