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By SavannaWritess

155K 3.6K 1.5K

"Remember how wet you were when you decide to start avoiding me again. Remember how you came all over me. Rem... More

Author's Note and Aesthetics
1. missed target
2. dark suite
3. fear
4. suspicious
5. good job
7. beautiful
8. drown
9. trapped
10. questions
11. smiling
12. eyes
13. torture
14. personal
15. blood
16. safety
17. tipsy
18. exquisite
19. celebrations
20. sadist
21. dare
22. avoid
23. riding
24. confusion
25. jealous
26. safety
27. hot
28. jet
29. family
30. secrets

6. liar

4.4K 122 56
By SavannaWritess


Rexx decided that we're going out for lunch today as a 'family'. That word makes me feel physically sick, especially when it comes out of his vile mouth. How he can call us a family is beyond me.

I'd rather sit home and stick pins in my eyes. Literally.

Tristan flashes me a sickening smile across the kitchen counter as we wait for Rexx to be ready. I attempt to ignore his glares but the way he looks at me is predatory. My stomach churns when I think about what he might have done to me if Rexx hadn't ordered none of them to touch me.

"Nice ass in those jeans, hotstuff," his eyebrows wiggle up and down, a toothpick lodged between his teeth.

I grimace at his words and feel hot under his eyes as they drape down my body. "You're a pig," I grumble under my breath.

He barks out a laugh. "Pig?" He repeats. "I know you'll be screaming when I'm done with you."

My jaw grinds down against my teeth and I choose to ignore him. Except, I have to spend the rest of the evening in his company and Rexx. I glance over at him and he opens his mouth to speak again when someone walks towards us.

"Tris," Sanger, Rexx's other worker, snaps his name. "Rexx wants to see you in his office."

He grunts out a response and pushes himself off the counter before prowling away. I watch his steps making sure that he's out of sight before Sanger makes his way over to me. "You alright?" He asks.

I nod. "Being crude and disgusting as usual."

Sanger rolls his grey eyes. "He'll never change."

Out of all of Rexx's workers, Sanger is my favourite. He's nothing like either Rexx or Tristan. I don't entirely know why he works for him but I get the gist that maybe he was in the same situation I was.

Captured and forced to work for him or be killed in the most brutal of ways.

He doesn't sneer and make nasty comments like the others. He doesn't even roam his eyes over my body in a vulgar gesture. He's helped me out a fair few times, convincing Rexx to let me off of things I've disappointed him in.

Without Sanger, this entire experience would be a thousand times worse.

"Why are we going out for lunch?" I ask curiously.

We never go out together. It's a strange occurrence and I can only guess that Rexx is up to something or the other.

Sanger breathes out through his nose sharply. "Something to do with sussing out the new owners of this diner. Part of me thinks the guy has lost the plot but I don't argue. Seems to think that something dodgy is going on and it'll affect him in the long run."

My eyes narrow at him as we speak. "Sounds great," I say sarcastically.

He flashes me a knowing smile. Neither of us want to be here. But Rexx is a deadly man and has far too many people working for him to try and betray him again. I look down at the scars on my knuckles and I remind myself that it's not worth it.

Not after how much pain I was in.

When Rexx and Tristan return, we head out. I stay silent in the car journey as Rexx rants about something or the other. I usually zone out because quite frankly I don't care and I hear his voice far too many times a day to care. It's annoying at the best of times.

I close my eyes and drone him out as we arrive at the diner.

It's located in town, near Dark Suite because I remember seeing the luminous sign at night. As I hop out and we walk towards the restaurant, it's fairly quiet at this time on a weekday. The waitress shows us to a booth and we sit down.

Rexx is beside me and luckily Sanger is in front of me. I offer him a small smile because I saw him shove Tristan into the seat first so he could take this position. No doubt Tristan would be trying to play footsies under the table whilst I barf into my food.

My eyes scan the laminated menu as my stomach rumbles quietly. I could definitely murder something unhealthy right now because I don't want to be here and I need comfort food.

"Him," Rexx growls suddenly as I glance up.

His eyes are staring down at a man behind the counter, sorting out the till. He's probably in his fifties, black hair turning grey with a moustache and a pair of framed glasses. Mmmm. Seems pretty innocent to me.

Tristan instantly glances over his shoulder, not even attempting to make it obvious. Sanger waits like a normal person. "Him?" Tristan repeats.

Rexx's eyes turn deadly as he nods. "That fucker."

I don't even want to know why he's got a vendetta against the poor man but knowing him, he does it for fun sometimes. He'll hear one little rumour and decide to bring the entire world down, even if he's wrong.

Power hungry idiot.

The waitress comes over to take our orders and I grimace at the length of Tristan's order. Pancakes with syrup, a triple cheeseburger with fries, a hotdog, grilled sandwich. Sanger shakes his head silently in disbelief, Rexx doesn't even flinch.

I order a toasted sandwich and a coffee and be done with it.

Rexx leans over the table and begins to mutter away to the pair of them about why this man needs to be taken down. I lean back against the booth and flick my eyes over the other customers. I have no idea why I'm even here. I don't need to be here.

Probably to make Rexx look like a decent person. If a woman is in the presence of three men, then things must be sweet and safe in that story. Couldn't be further from the truth.

Our food comes twenty minutes later and we dig in. I'm grateful for the meal at least.

My eyes continue to roam the room because listening to Rexx talk is like slamming my head against the wall. It's just as painful.

I push my plate further into the table and lean on it as my eyes set on a familiar set of dark brown hair, almost black. For a moment I pause and wait for the man to turn around, only for my blood to thicken in shock and my body to turn rigid.

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Why is he here?

No no no no no no. This can't be happening.

I attempt to drag my eyes away but it's too late. We catch glances.

Anyone could spot Gabriel from a mile away. It's nearly impossible to miss a face as handsome as his. He makes his presence known in a small space like this, not just his height and his face but his demeanour.

His eyes narrow at me and I suddenly gulp. Then he flicks his gaze over the three men sitting beside me and his expression turns to a look of confusion... maybe concern. Nausea crashes over my sternum as he walks across the diner and straight towards us.

Fuck. I can't breathe. I can't fucking breathe.

As he approaches I'm attempting to shake my head. Begging. Pleading for him not to come over here because it will not end well. Fuck. Sweat begins to bead around my forehead and the back of my neck. I don't move because I don't want Rexx clocking my face but Sanger's eyes are on me and I know he knows something is wrong.

I don't know if my eyes are reading fear but he walks towards us anyway. As he approaches Rexx's voice stops and the three of them glance up at Gabriel as he pauses by our table for a few moments.

"Hi," he says in passing.

My fists clench because I might throw up. "H-Hi." I say shakily.

Then we're in silence. Rexx and Tristan practically sizing him up but they don't say anything. He flicks his eyes over the guys sitting with me and something uncomfortable flickers in his eyes until he meets mine again.

Gabriel searches my gaze and I hope he can mind-read because I'm praying that he understands I don't need him here right now. It's going to ruin everything. After what feels like an eternity, he nods and moves away and I take a silent breath.

I focus my eyes on the plate in front of me, trying to calm my heaving chest.

Rexx turns to me in the booth and I know what's coming. "You know him?"

My head shakes before I even think about what I'm doing. "No."

"Really?" He leans in until I can feel his hot breath against my ear and I try my hardest not to flinch. "Because it seemed to look like he knew who you were, Poppy."

"I-I," my voice falters in my throat. "Maybe," I whimper. "I don't remember."

Rexx takes a hold of my wrist and grips it under the table where I whine out in pain. Sanger's shoulders stiffen but I know there is nothing he can do. "Do you have any idea who that man is?"

I shake my head.

"That is Gabriel Dalton." He spits at me and I clench my eyes shut. "The son of two vigilantes, the underboss to Lonzo Mattia."

How does he know so much about him?

My stomach churns again and I can feel my sandwich begin to rise in my throat. I wish I never ate a thing now because I don't trust myself to keep it down. Not when I'm having a panic attack inside.

When he says nothing more Rexx asks for the bill and we leave. The journey home is torturous. No one speaks and I can feel the tension in the air. Rexx keeps tensing his fists and relaxing them.

I can feel my entire body pale.

As we pull up at the house and walk through the door, Rexx dismisses Tristan and Sanger instantly. I glance at Sanger for help but he stares back at me with nothing but helplessness. Of course he can't help me, not when Rexx is in one of his moods.

Tristan smirks in my direction before stalking away. I stay routed to the spot, telling myself to count my breaths before I start hyperventilating. When it's just the two of us in the kitchen, I don't sit, I don't move. I do nothing.

I can barely look at him as he walks towards me. "Why didn't you tell me you knew Gabriel Dalton?" He asks, voice incredibly calm.

A breath is lodged in my throat as I slowly drag my eyes up at him. "I briefly met him at the club once," I murmur pathetically. "I don't know him."

His hand slides into the back of my hair and he yanks me so hard that my neck twitches in pain. Those deadly eyes zero on mine and I feel my lips tremble as be brings our faces to one another. "Don't lie to me, Poppy."

"I don't," I plead. "It was in passing. I didn't even know his name. I didn't think it would be important to tell you everyone I meet without even knowing who they are."

Rexx ponders my words for a few seconds before gripping my hair even tighter. I wince at the agony that shoots through my skull. "Well you thought wrong," he growls before releasing my hair, sending me tumbling backwards.

I attempt to grip onto the counter as my feet stumble beneath me but instead of catching onto the edge, my head turns and my face ends up hitting the counter instead. The blow is fast and painful as I fall to the ground.

My hand clutches my eye and cheek that burns. Hands trembling as Rexx stands over me and I tell myself not to cry. He likes it when I cry.

When I press my fingers into the tender flesh on my face, I flinch. There is bruising already forming along my cheekbone and I close my eyes to somehow help with the pain. That nausea returns and I try to push myself away from him but he keeps stepping over me. Trapping my movements.

I look up at him through terrified eyes. "You're lucky," he snarls in my direction. "Because this gives me an advantage."

He bends down and a single tear rolls down my cheek. His hand raises to wipe it away across my cut cheek and it aches when he touches my skin. "You're going to find out everything you can on Gabriel, on Lonzo, on everyone else in their family. Their gang. Everything. I want every last detail. This could give me everything. Do you understand?"

The taste of blood erupts in my mouth, the tears continue to fall.

"Do you understand?!" He roars, the sound of his voice echoing off the walls.

I tremble pathetically on the floor. All I can do is nod. Words failing me.

"Good," his nostrils flare.

When he stands and moves away, I take a slow breath to attempt to calm myself but how can I be calm when he's asked me to spy on Gabriel and his entire life? Including Alexia.

My head shakes over and over. No no no no. This wasn't meant to happen.

I bury my face in my hands and release a tiny sob. I have no other choice.

And I'm going to hate myself for it.

Read the completed book, bonus chapters and the first 13 chapters of Isabella's story (Lonzo and Alexia's daughter) over on Ream and Patreon!


Link is also in bio!

Author's Note

Ugh this hurts my heart so much. Poppy didn't want to get Gabriel involved in all of this.😭🫣

What did you guys think of this chapter?👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼

Rexx is a nasty piece of work😡

Don't forget to vote and comment, it makes my day!🌟

Love Savanna x

Insta: savannaroseauthor
Ream: savannaroseauthor
Patreon: dreammcatcher
Tik Tok: SavannaWritess

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