𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐎𝐚𝐭𝐡

By ekayaria

135K 4.6K 3.1K

In the bloody realm of Westeros, a dark and dramatic tale unfolds. The young daughter of Prince Daemon Targar... More

What Can't Be Unsaid
Where The Roads Part
The Gates Of Kingslanding
That Silver Hair
A Perfect Weapon
What A Father's Lie Gains
A Strange Friend
The City Streets Have Their Price
Bones Will Heal
A Gift Of Guilt
Dear Brothers
Goodnight Princess
Feast For The Dragon's
Feeling Of Regret
Liars Always Win
Send By The Gods
Worm And Lamb
With Or Without Pride
My Sweet Sisters
Gained Respect
Danger Lurks Tonight
Let Them Whisper
Shadows of Allegiance
The Blue Gown
If Snakes Could Talk
Peal Me To My Core
The Crown Shall Burn
From The Fire She Was Born
Crowned Slaves
Among the Ashes
Golden Flames
A Loud Objection
Back From The Dead
The Gift She Regrets
Never Turn Your Back
The Flight
All Love Must Die
Back Wounds
Cheese For Blood
Baela Targaryen
Helaena Targaryen
Bastard Blood
My Father's Favorite Daughter
Missing My Mother Missing My Eye
Mother Save Me
Where Are You Father?

Let The Feist Begin

2.2K 94 113
By ekayaria

In the courtyard's charged atmosphere, both Otto and Thereya looked up at Alicent as she addressed her father. The air hung heavy with unspoken emotions, Thereya was now caught between conflicting desires.

Otto, acknowledging the moment, turned to Thereya with a subtle gratitude. "Thank you, Princess, for allowing me to introduce myself properly," he said, his words carrying a weight that hinted at the layers of politics and manipulation beneath the surface.

As Otto stood and held a lingering, intense gaze with Alicent, the courtyard became a theater of emotions. There was a silent exchange, a clash of wills and hidden intentions, before Otto gracefully departed, leaving behind an aura of unresolved tension and unspoken truths.

Alicent, standing in the courtyard after Otto's departure, found herself caught in the crossfire of conflicting loyalties. Her gaze lingered on the space he vacated, but her thoughts were a tumultuous sea, torn between her allegiance to her father and the profound concern she harbored for her children and Thereya.

As the weight of her decisions pressed upon her, Alicent battled the torrent of emotions threatening to engulf her. The courtyard, once witness to political maneuvering and personal struggles, now held an unspoken tension, as if the very air resonated with the internal conflict raging within the Queen. The lines between duty and maternal instincts blurred.

Alicent, wrestling with her internal conflicts, looked down at Thereya and, with a composed demeanor, spoke, "Come inside, my dear. Let the feast begin."

As Alicent turned to lead the way, the heavens, seemingly reflecting the emotional turbulence, began to release a gentle rain. The droplets, like tears unshed, started to fall, adding a melancholic touch to the atmosphere. There was a poetic resonance to the moment, as if nature itself acknowledged the complex interplay of loyalties, politics, and familial bonds within this castle.

The sound of raindrops tapping against the stones accompanied them as they retreated into the looming shadows of the keep, leaving the courtyard to the quiet introspection of the rain-soaked evening.

Alicent's expression turned solemn as she faced Princess Thereya. "Princess," she began, her voice carrying a weight of determination, "Ser Cole is steadfast in his mission. With his guards by his side, he tirelessly searches for the man who dared to threaten your life."

Alicent's eyes reflected both concern and steely resolve as she continued, "They navigate the labyrinthine halls of the keep, their commitment echoing in each footstep. The shadows may cloak the would-be assassin for now, but Ser Cole and his guards will leave no stone unturned. Your safety is our utmost priority, and our guards will not rest until justice is served."

As they strolled down the hall towards the dining hall, where the feast was almost ready to commence, Princess Thereya responded with a nonchalant air. "My Queen, there's no need for such a dramatic display. I appreciate Ser Cole's dedication, but perhaps we're chasing shadows here," she remarked, a hint of playful skepticism in her tone.

She continued, "The would-be assassin is likely long gone, and our guards would do better enjoying the feast than playing hide and seek in the castle. I'm not one to dwell on such matters. Let's leave the dark alleys to the storytellers and focus on the revelry that awaits us."

Thereya's words carried a dismissive undertone, as if she were brushing off the seriousness of the situation. Her carefree demeanor clashed with the tension that lingered from Alicent's earlier revelation, creating a subtle but palpable contrast in their perspectives.

Alicent's irritation surfaced as Princess Thereya brushed off the seriousness of the situation. "Princess, I understand your youthfulness, but this is not a matter to be taken lightly," Alicent asserted, her voice carrying a touch of impatience. "You are the firstborn daughter of the King's brother, and with that comes responsibility. It's crucial to acknowledge the weight of the threat against you. Ser Cole and the guards are doing their duty to ensure your safety."

She continued, her tone firm, "This is not a game, my lady. House Targaryen's legacy demands respect and vigilance. You should comport yourself accordingly, even at your tender age. Now, let us proceed to the feast with caution and awareness. Your safety, after all, is paramount, and House Targaryen does not take such matters lightly." The reminder of Thereya's royal lineage and the weight it carried hung in the air, urging a more serious acknowledgment of the responsibilities at hand.

Feeling the weight of Alicent's words and recognizing the gravity of her position, Princess Thereya nodded in understanding. Her playful demeanor softened, replaced by a more respectful acknowledgment of the situation. "You're right... " she conceded, a genuine expression of gratitude in her eyes. "I may be young, but I understand the responsibility that comes with being a part of this House."

She continued, "I appreciate your dedication to my safety, and I won't undermine the efforts of Ser Cole and the guards. Let us proceed with caution, and I'll heed your guidance. Thank you for looking out for me as if I were your own." The nod was a silent pledge, a sign that, despite her age, Thereya was willing to show the respect to her Queen.

Alicent's stern expression softened into a gentle smile as she looked down at Thereya, sensing the weight of the moment. Standing before the grand doors leading to the feast, Thereya took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her impending status as a Princess. The responsibility of her lineage and the expectations of the realm rested on her young shoulders.

In that moment, as the door loomed before them, Thereya embraced the reality of her heritage. The dragon's blood flowing through her veins held both power and burden. Despite the uncertainties that awaited her, she stood tall, ready to face the challenges that came with being a Targaryen.

Alicent, recognizing the mix of emotions in Thereya, offered a reassuring nod. The soft smile remained, a silent acknowledgment that they stood at the threshold of destiny.

The heavy doors swung open with a resounding creak as the guards, solemn and ceremonial, ushered Princess Thereya into the dining hall. One of the guards, holding a scroll, stepped forward, his voice projecting through the hall. "Announcing Thereya Targaryen, first of her name, Firstborn daughter of prince Daemon Targaryen, known as The Realm's Light, and The Targaryen Pearl!"

The words echoed in the grand hall, marking the entrance of the young Princess into the realm's consciousness. Thereya, head held high, walked gracefully toward the dining table. The eyes of the assembled court followed her every step, recognizing the weight of her lineage and the significance of her presence. As she took her place at the table, the air was charged with the anticipation of what lay ahead for the Targaryen pearl, now officially announced and acknowledged in the grandeur of the feast.

The dining hall exuded grandeur, its long table adorned with exquisite arrangements stretching through the entirety of the vast space. Thereya, the young Princess, found herself in a seat of honor between her father, Prince Daemon Targaryen, and Rhaenyra, a nexus of familial ties and royal prestige.

Across from Thereya, Aegon and Alicent were seated. Further down the table, the Velaryons, including Baela and Rhaena, added a touch of elegance to the gathering. Jace and Luke, positioned strategically. Finally at the very head of the table King Viserys himself took a seat.

The hall was alive with animated conversations, the clinking of fine goblets, and the murmurs of courtly affairs.

King Viserys, seated at the head of the grand table, raised his goblet, a commanding presence that drew the attention of all in the hall. A hush fell over the gathered nobility, and the vibrant hum of conversations ceased as the king prepared to speak.

In the midst of the quiet, King Viserys offered a solemn and gracious toast, his words honoring Princess Thereya. "To Princess Thereya, a beacon of our lineage, and the promise of the future," he proclaimed, his gaze resting upon his niece with a mixture of pride and responsibility.

As the assembly raised their glasses, sharing in the toast, Aegon's eyes lingered on Thereya. In that moment, an unspoken exchange occurred, a subtle acknowledgment of the shared burdens and expectations that came with their shared blood.

Thereya's eyes met Aegon's and with a forced smile for the King, Thereya raised her cup alongside the rest of the court, blending into the celebratory atmosphere. The tension lingered beneath the surface, a subtle undercurrent in the midst of the royal feast. As the goblets clinked and the hall resounded with cheers.

A subtle understanding passed between Thereya and her sister Baela as they shared a look, each taking a sip of wine in unison. The familial connection echoed in the clinking of their goblets, a moment of silent communication amidst the festivities.

Thereya's gaze then shifted to her father, Daemon, who leaned back in his chair with a goblet of wine in hand. There was a mix of emotions in her eyes as she observed him, and Daemon, sensing her glance, met her gaze briefly. In that shared look, unspoken complexities and the weight of their familial bonds were laid bare.

Baela, witnessing the exchange, recognized the pain in Thereya's eyes. Uncomfortable with the vulnerability displayed, she tactfully redirected her attention, engaging in conversation with her cousins Aemond and Helaena.

Midway through the feast, Jace, seated further away at the long table, leaned forward, his gaze sweeping across the right side of the table in search of Thereya's presence. The ambient murmurs and laughter in the hall created a backdrop as he subtly sought her out, his eyes scanning the assembly for a glimpse of the young Princess amidst the regal gathering.

As Jace continued searching for Thereya, lost in his own thoughts, Rhaena, seated beside him, playfully nudged him with her elbow. "Jace, are you even listening to a word I'm saying?" she quipped with a smirk, breaking through his distracted reverie.

Aemond, sitting nearby, couldn't resist a chuckle, a hint of mockery in the sound. He seemed to be the only one grasping the subtle dynamics at play.

Caught between the conversations of Rhaenyra and Alicent, Daemon and King Viserys, Thereya felt Aegon's persistent gaze, shamelessly fixed on her. His eyes roved over the intricate details of her dress, and a smirk played on his lips, creating an uncomfortable tension.

Unable to ignore his brazen stare, Thereya's frustration bubbled to the surface. With a subtle yet defiant gesture, she mouthed the word "dickhead" in Aegon's direction.

Aegon, undeterred by Thereya's whispered rebuke, chuckled lightly, his gaze unwavering as he took a sip of his wine. The flicker of lust in his eyes remained, and Thereya could see her reflection in the depths of his pupils. A subtle but unsettling tension hung in the air.

Playing with the ring on his finger, Aegon continued to stare at Thereya with a self-assured smirk. The influence of the wine seemed to amplify the boldness of his gaze.

Amidst the intricate dance of familial ties, Jacaerys approached Thereya with a confident stride. Placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder, he extended his other hand, offering it with a charming smile. "Princess Thereya, may I have the honor of this dance?" he asked, his tone both respectful and bold.

Aegon's smirk vanished, and was replaced by surprise as Jace's unexpected move unfolded. King Viserys, observing the scene, complimented the young man's manners, acknowledging the boldness with a nod of approval. Daemon and Rhaenyra, beaming with pride, exchanged a satisfied glance.

Thereya met Aegon's surprised gaze with a teasing smile. She looked up at Jacaerys, her expression turning playful. "I would love to, Jace," she replied, accepting his outstretched hand.

As she rose to join Jace on the dance floor, her gaze lingered on Aegon for a moment longer, a hint of mischief in her eyes.

As Aegon watched Jace and Thereya dance, surprise mingled with a hint of jealousy. His annoyance at Jace's proximity to Thereya was evident, and he turned his chair around, choosing to observe the dance from a distance. Aegon shared a knowing look with Aemond, whose displeasure mirrored his own.

Aemond, upset by the intrusion, whispered something to Helaena, who was nearby. Taking her hand, Aemond led Helaena to the dance floor. Aegon's gaze fixated on both pairs now dancing.

As Thereya and Jace gracefully swayed to the music, Thereya couldn't help but admit, "You know, I've never really danced before, and I'm not quite sure how."

Jace chuckled, his voice warm and reassuring. "No worries, Princess. Dancing is like a gentle breeze-you just need to let it guide you." He took her hand and began explaining the dance steps with patience, breaking it down step by step.

In the midst of the dance floor, Jace and Thereya formed a tableau of guidance and learning, the music weaving around them as Jace's instructions turned the dance into a shared moment of laughter and newfound understanding.

As the dance continued, Jace leaned in and whispered to Thereya, "Princess, when you hear a clap, it's customary to switch partners." Thereya nodded in understanding, appreciating the guidance.

The rhythmic music played on, and when the expected clap echoed through the hall, Jace released Thereya's hand. Expecting a new dance partner, she felt a firm hand on her waist, and as she looked up, her eyes met Aegon's. He smoothly took over the dance, swaying her around the floor.

Jace's expression dropped momentarily, a flicker of disappointment crossing his face.

Surprised to find Aegon as her new dance partner, Thereya couldn't help but utter his name in a mix of astonishment and amusement, her mouth remained opened in shock. Aegon's smirk returned, and with a confident sweep, he swayed her around the dance floor.

"It's my pleasure, Princess," he murmured, his voice carrying a hint of satisfaction as the dance continued.

Daemon, watching the dance unfold, felt a tightening grip on his goblet. His keen gaze remained fixed on Thereya and Aegon, a flicker of tension crossing his features. The intricate dance of emotions and alliances played out before him, and he couldn't help but notice the dynamics shifting in unexpected ways.

Jace, returning to the table with a sense of indignation, extended his hand to Baela, his expression revealing a trace of anger. The regal atmosphere of the feast became charged with unspoken tensions as Daemon continued to observe.

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