
By thatpeakybauthor

14.5K 971 53

Kezia was always there, a lot of the time Beatrice didn't notice, and when she did, she took it for granted... More

1) Friends?
2) Arrival of the brothers
3) Christmas Eve
4) I love you
5) Unrequited Love
6) Who?
7) Coming out
8) Again?
9) Love
10) The Fire
11) Pregnancy
12) Clean break
14) Freddie
15) Defeat
16) The Races
17) Done over
18) Painting?
19) Refurbished
20) How is she?
21) Take me seriously!
22) The Painting
23) The Wedding
24) Freddie's Arrest
25) Get out of the city
26) You're not mad
27) Arthur Senior Returns
28) Open up
29) Bad News
30) The Location
31) Bar Fight
32) I was naive
33) Clean table
34) Honoured as always
35) Shoot Out
39) Artwork
41) Ada's departure
42) The Bar
43) Lectures
45) First Night
47) Freddies Funeral
48) sister

13) Billy Kimber

320 20 0
By thatpeakybauthor

"The singing really is atrocious, they sound like they're strangling cats out there," John chuckles, "what the hell made you let them sing? It's worse than the renditions Ada and Bea were doing."

"I like your tie, Kezia," Grace speaks softly.

"What about mine?" Arthur inputs, straightening his bow tie, as Kez laughs.

"Yours is lovely too, Arthur," Grace says, before promptly exiting the room.

Kezia didn't miss the way, all three of her older brothers eyes followed Grace out of the room, Arthur shuffling the cards, "what did make you change your mind, though, Tommy?"

Tommy glances at the door again, and John smirks, "it's about time, Tommy."

"Time for what?" Tommy responds.

"Time you took yourself a woman," John states.

"I haven't taken anyone," Tommy says, "just play the bloody hands."

"Mmhm, sure," John hums, unconvinced.

Fuck. Kez thinks, she really hoped that Tommy wasn't catching feelings for Grace. Especially, if Grace hadn't told him about what occurred between the two of them. Which Kezia doubted she had, as Tommy hadn't spoke to Kez about it. If Tommy didn't know and found out later on, he'd be pissed. He'd be fine if he knew beforehand, but if he found out after something had already occurred between himself and Grace, he'd be annoyed.

Light shines into the room, and Arthur looks at Tommy, "coppers?"

Tommy shakes his head, "no."

"I'm guessing this is why it was beer and not whiskey," Kezia states.

"Tidy yourselves up, we've got a visitor," Tommy instructs.

"Shouldn't Kez go home? She's not involved in whatever this is, Tom," Arthur states.

"She's more involved than you two realise," Tommy replies, and the other two brothers glance at their sister who was finishing her pint.

"Is there any man here named Shelby?" A voice questions from outside the door to the snug, seconds later, just as Tommy was reaching for the handle, a gunshot rang out, "I said. Is there any man here named Shelby?"

The siblings walk out of the snug, Tommy addressing the pub, "Harry, get these men a drink. Everyone else, go home!"

The pub cleared out almost instantly. Only Kimbers men were left. Kezia glances at the bar, clearly Tess, Bea and Grace didn't understand that they were meant to leave aswell. She saunters over to them, "what do you three think you're still doing here?"

"Kez," Theresa sighs, looking over her friends shoulder at the armed men.

"We'll be fine," Kezia responds, "now leave."

"I'll go into the back rooms, but I'm not leaving," Theresa states firmly, maintaining eye contact with Kez, who she could tell was becoming a lot more frustrated by their defiance.

"Fine. Fucking fine. Just stop standing here." Kezia says.

"Don't go mouthing off to people with guns," Theresa warns, Kez just stares at her, Tess knew that meant why the fuck are you still standing here?

"What's this one still doing here?" Kimber questions when Kezia turns around, and walks over to them, taking a seat beside John.

"This one?" Kez repeats, "you should really do some research before you walk in to places all guns blazing."

"What's your name, my dear?" Kimber asks, his eyes dancing over her body.

"I'm not your anything," Kezia corrects, "what I am, is their sister."

"And does their sister have a name?" Kimber inquires, the corner of his mouth twitching and forming a smirk.

"She does," Kez nods.

"Is she going to tell me?" Kimber asks.

"Nope, should've done some research, Billy," Kez taunts. She could feel her brothers glancing at her, but she didn't pay them any attention. Her eyes were on Kimber. His eyes were on her. She was not going to be the one to break eye contact.

"Fair enough," he nods, looking away, his eyes now scanning the brothers, "I'd never heard of you. Then I did hear of you. Some little diddicoy razor hang. I thought to myself 'so what?' But then you fucked me over, so now you have my undivided attention."

"Well aren't we lucky," Kezia smiles, reaching for one of the glasses of whiskey that had Arthur had poured.

"Who's the boss? Which one of you tinkers am I talking to?" Kimber says.

"I'm the oldest," Arthur states.

Kimber scoffs amused, "clearly."

"Are you laughing at my brother?" John asks, and Kimber straightens up in his chair, "right, he's the oldest, you're the thickest, I have no fucking clue who she is. But I'm told the boss is called Tommy and I'm guessing that's you because you're looking me up and down like I'm a fucking tart."

Tommy shrugs, "I want to know what you want."

The man beside Kimber speaks up, "there were suspicious betting patterns at Kempton Park. A horse called Monaghan Boy. He won by a length twice and then finished last, with three thousand pounds bet on him."

"Which one am I talking to? Which one of you is the boss?" Tommy responds, taking a drag from his cigarette.

"I am Mr Kimbers adviser and accountant," he states, as Kimber raises from his seat, "I'm the fucking boss. Okay, right, end of parley. You fixed a race without my permission. You fucking Gypsy scum. I am Billy Kimber, I run the races! And you fixed one of them so I'm going to have you shot against a post."

Kezia finishes her drink, slamming it down on the table as Kimber turns away from the siblings. Kimbers men point their guns at her as she stands from her seat.

"Kez..." John mumbles.

"So it's Kez," Kimbers tuts.

"Miss Shelby to you, actually," Kezia responds, "you're losing your war with the Lees, Billy. You know you are. We know you are. The Lees are making a fool out of you, they're attacking your bookies and taking your money. Your men can't control them. You need help."

"Your help? Why would you help me?" Kimber replies, "and how comes you call me Billy if I can't call you Kez."

"Tommy," Kezia states, "show him."

Tommy reaches into his pocket, retrieving the bullet the Lees had delivered with his name etched into it. He rolls it between his fingers before chucking it towards Kimber, "we are also at war with the Lees."

"The Lees do a lot of talking at fairs, they say the race tracks are easy meat because the police are busy with strikes. We have connections, we know how they operate," Kezia states.

"Because you're gypsy scum," Kimber says.

"One could say that, or one could say that we have the information that you need to stay on that throne you adore so much," Kezia responds.

"Together, we can beat them. Divided, it's unlikely," Tommy adds.

This was their plan. Kimber loved women. Kezia had to be the one to get him to trust them. Kimber didn't believe women were brave enough, or smart enough to double cross him. He loved women for what they could provide for him. Kezia had to demonstrate that she could provide something to get him to trust them. She could provide information. Unbeknownst to Kimber, he was eating out the palm of her hand, he'd fallen into their trap. Tommy was the back up, the man to show they were serious about their business dealings. He'd be the one to make the final deal, Kez just had to get Kimber to agree to it.

They knew Robert's advised Kimber, but if Kimber could be tipped, Kez would be the one to do it. It was wise if he listened to Robert's, but his advisor didn't have the final say. Kimber did.

"Perhaps I'll see you at Cheltenham," Billy says, digging into his pocket and removing a coin, placing it in Kez's hand, before dropping a kiss to her knuckles, "that's for the ceiling. I hope that you will be in attendance, Miss Shelby."

"You can count on it," Kezia responds.

Kimber then looks over her shoulder at her brothers, "I suppose I'll also see you three there?"

"You can count on it," Tommy nods, watching Kimber and his men retreat through the doors to the pub.

Once they were outside, Kez turns around, "got him right where we want him."

Tommy chuckles, "good job, Kez."

"This was your plan?" Arthur questions, "I thought you didn't want to be involved in the business."

"I've never said that," Kezia says, "I've said I don't want to be the face of it. I don't want to work in the betting den. I'm not opposed to these kinds of business dealings."

"You're a sneaky one, ain't you?" John laughs.

"Get yourselves a decent haircut, boys, we're going to the races," Kezia states.

Arthur still looks skeptical, "you picked a fight with the Lees on purpose."

"I didn't, I wasn't there," Kezia shrugs.

"Kezia Shelby, I told you not to get mouthy with armed men," Theresa exclaims, walking out of the back room.

"That wasn't me getting mouthy," Kezia responds.

"They were still here," Tommy comments, watching Bea and Grace also come out of the back room.

"I couldn't get them to leave," Kezia states, her eyes were stuck on Grace. There was something weird about her.

"I should get going, I'm assuming the pub won't open back up tonight," Grace says.

"I'll-uh, I'll walk you back, it's dark," Kez offers.

"Thank you," Grace smiles.

Theresa looks between them, "Kez, will you come back after?"

"Yeah, shouldn't take too long," Kez nods.

"Where do you live, Grace?" Theresa questions.

"Henshaw," Grace answers.

"Oh, very nice," Theresa says.

"We should get going, come on, Grace," Kezia states, glancing at Tommy who seemed to be connecting the dots. He didn't seem like he was getting annoyed though, perhaps Kezia had misjudged what his reaction would be.

Grace puts her coat on, walking to the doors with Kezia, who holds it open for her.

"You seem tense," Grace speaks, as Kezia lights a cigarette, slowly taking a drag, "is there something going on between you and Tommy?"

"No," Grace responds, confused, "where'd you get that from?"

"Just a comment John made," Kezia hums.

"Okay," Grace nods, "is that the reason you offered to walk me home? To talk to me?"

"Yes," Kez states.

"What were you hoping the answer would be?" Grace asks.

"The answer you gave," Kezia responds.

Grace smiles slightly, "did it frustrate you to think that I might have been... interacting with your brother?"

"It frustrated me to think that you might've done it untruthfully, I have no issue with you wanting to be with Tommy, if that is what you want-"

"It's not," Grace states.

"Let me finish," Kezia replies, "if you're ever going to make a move on Tommy, at least give him all the information."

"I'm not going to make a move on Tommy," Grace says, "is he going to make one on me? Because if that's the case, I think it's rather him that you should be having this discussion with."

"Grace, I couldn't just speak to Tommy. I didn't know if you were okay with people knowing you were attracted to women, that's why I had to speak to you first," Kezia says.

"I'm okay with people knowing, Kezia," Grace states, " you weren't jealous?"

"Why would I be jealous?" Kezia responds, "you can do whatever you want, with whoever you want, makes no difference to me until I feel like you're being dishonest with my brother."

"There's nothing going on with your brother and I," Grace says, "I only want one Shelby, and it is not one of your brothers."

"Grace, it won't happen again," Kezia states.

"Because of Tommy?" Grace questions.

"No, you've made your feelings regarding him quite clear," Kezia replies.

"Then what is it?" Grace asks.

"I'm uh, I guess I'm trying to prove something to someone, I love her, Grace, I don't think she fully trusts me, and I'm not going to do anything that would put that further at risk," Kezia says.

"That's admirable," Grace responds, "does she love you?"

"I think so," Kezia replies.

"Think?" Grace repeats.

"It's complicated," Kez says.

"Whoever she is, she's a lucky woman," Grace smiles.

"I'm the lucky one." Kez replies.

"Don't sell yourself short," Grace states, "you're wonderful, Kez, albeit a bit blunt, but she's lucky too, if you love her like you say you do."


"Grace lives on Henshaw," Tommy states when Kezia walks back into the pub.

"Where is everyone else?" Kez asks. It was only Theresa and Tommy left.

"They went home," Theresa says.

"Grace lives on Henshaw," Tommy repeats, "you slept with Grace?"

"Yes," Kezia sighs, "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologising?" Tommy asks.

"I assumed that you and Grace-"

"Grace and I?" Tommy says, "no."

"Something, or someone, made you double check the door was shut earlier," Kezia states.

"It's not Grace, Kez," Tommy replies, "it's because of what John said, isn't it? John's an idiot, you know this. He is often wrong, like in this instance, he is wrong."

"Okay," Kez says.

"You're upset," Theresa states.

"Am not," Kezia responds, reaching for the bottle of whiskey.

"I know you, and I know when you're upset," Theresa replies.

"I'm not upset, I'm frustrated," Kezia says, "why can nothing ever be easy?"

"If this is about Bea, then you're upset and frustrated, which means I am correct," Tess states.

"Oh yes, whether you're correct or not is important right now," Tommy remarks.

"It's always important, Tommo," Tess shrugs.

"Kez?" Tommy asks.

"It's not fair," Kez scoffs, shaking her head, taking a sip from the bottle, "it's not fucking fair."

"What isn't?" Theresa inquires.

"It's not fair that she has to be so fucking scared about admitting she loves me. It's not fair that the woman I love wants nothing to do with me, and the woman I don't love, can admit she wants me, can be true to herself, it's not fucking fair that we love each other but have to be worried to admit that out loud. It's not fair that I have to see others have what I want. It's not fair that I have to see others being  reciprocated in their love, getting married, knowing I may never have that for myself. None of it is fair. It's not fair that she can walk around like we never happened, whilst it's all I can ever fucking think about. I hate this. I hate feeling like this. I hate this stupid fucking worked. I hate these stupid fucking people with their stupid fucking laws. I hate that I can't hate her for making me feel like this. I hate that I can't hate her for breaking my heart," Kezia was getting angrier with each sentence she spoke.

Neither Tommy nor Theresa had ever seen her lose composure like this, they'd never seen her be this riled up by another person, but yet again, they'd never seen her care this much for someone who wasn't family.

"Why am I not enough? I can keep her safe, I would keep her safe, nobody would hurt her. Why is loving me not enough? Why is she more scared of them? Why does she have to love me less than she is afraid of them? Whoever they are, I wouldn't let them come near her, I'd give anything, I'd do anything for her to just tell me she's fucking in love with me," Kezia exclaims, launching the empty bottle of whiskey at the wall.

"I keep thinking she'll admit it, that one day she'll be brave enough to tell me, but time is betraying me, the days carry on, the weeks pass by, and absolutely fucking nothing," Kezia mumbles, sitting on the floor against a pillar.

"Kez," Theresa whispers, "it's hard, but you've got to let go. Deep down, you know exactly where you stand, hope may blur the line, but you know exactly where you stand. You're going to be standing in the same place unless you learn to let go. You're torturing yourself. You're going to destroy yourself if you keep hanging on."

"I can't lose hope, it's all I've got," Kezia responds.

"Exactly, that's all you have," Theresa says, "you don't have her, Kez. You only have hope. That shouldn't be all you have. That's not the only thing you deserve to have."

"I thought hope was a good thing," Kezia shrugs.

"Not always," Theresa states, "not when it is tearing you apart."

"She's right, Kez," Tommy says, "look at you, this isn't you. This is what the situation is doing to you. I like Bea, don't get me wrong, I think she's lovely. But she is not worth destroying yourself over."

"She's worth everything, Tom," Kezia responds, "you don't want to know what I'd do for her."

"You say you're willing to do anything for her?" Theresa asks, and Kez nods.

"Then you've got to let go, this is hurting her too, Kez. You want her to be happy? You don't think she can be happy with you? Let her go." Theresa says.

"I can't stop loving her, it's not that easy," Kezia replies.

"We know, we know you won't stop loving her instantly" Tommy says, "but you have to let go of the thought of her, the thought of the two of you, and you have to let go of it now."

"I need another drink," Kezia mumbles, pushing herself off of the floor, "especially now I've figured something else out."

"What've you figured out?" Tess questions, as Kezia walks behind the bar, grabbing another half empty bottle of whiskey, "you two, what's happening there?"

"What?" Tommy asks.

"I'm not stupid. Tess is the only other person you could've been checking didn't come through the door. She was also questioning me on how I'd feel if one of my brothers got with a friend of mine. Also, 'Tommo' you hate that, you wouldn't put up with it unless... well I'm sure the two of you know what you've been doing," Kezia states.

"We're still... figuring things out," Tommy says.

"Okay," Kez shrugs.

"Whilst we're still figuring it out, would you mind not telling anyone?" Theresa asks.

"What's another secret relationship, eh?" Kezia chuckles, shaking her head as she takes a sip from the bottle.

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