𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓫𝓲𝓻𝓭 • 𝓣𝓱𝓮 �...

By kasjlicsta

2.7K 85 12

"You're quite the songbird, aren't you now!" Caesar cheered. "I suppose I am a songbird, but I wouldn't say I... More



685 10 0
By kasjlicsta

Bonny Falu Losmotuin awoke to the joyful song of a mockingjay. She knew that it wouldn't last for long; the birds seemed to be able to sense when Reaping Day arrived. The nervous girl pulled herself out of her worn bed carefully, trying not to wake her younger sibling.
Just as she was about to leave the room, a small yawn could be heard and as Bonny Falu turned around, a young girl had arisen.
"Morning Anna Sepia. How'd you sleep?" Bonny Falu questioned the tired girl.
"As good as ever," Anna Sepia replied with yet another yawn, yet suprisingly chirpy.
They made no further conversation, as each started to practically count down the seconds until they had to standing in the Town Square with hundreds of other terrified children.

Bonny Falu made her way into the kitchen, with Anna Sepia following along swiftly. The older sister got out a peice of bread and lightly buttered it. Despite District 10 being a food provider to the hungry Capitol, there seemed to be a big lack of the stuff, which often left her and her family hungry. Bonny Falu thought about how many tesseraes she had taken out, it must be 20 this year. She knew that if she was reaped, she would never have to take out another tessera again. If she won, neither would Anna Sepia. But, if she died in that ghastly arena, Anna Sepia would have to give out her life to feed the family, just as Bonny Falu too had done.

If Bonny Falu was reaped, Snow would see to it himself that the odds would never be in her favour.

She pondered the dark thought no longer as Anna Sepia clearly saw her worried expression. The older Losmotuin gave her sister a sorrowful smile before making her way out the room, leaving the nervous 12-year-old alone.

With just a light knock on the door, a startled voice called out for Bonny Falu too come in. They smiled at each other softly as Bonny Falu placed down the uninspiring food.
"How are you, my dear?" The elderly woman asked kindly as she lightly patted the younger girl's hand, showing her thanks for the small gesture. Bonny Falu sat on the edge of the bed, lowering her voice and quieting it down.
"Listen, Nana Lucy Gray. I know you're worried about us getting reaped, but I'm sure President Snow knows nothing of Anna Sepia and me." Bonny Falu knew this wasn't true, as did her Grandmother, but the brunette girl kept telling herself that if she didn't acknowledge the probability of her getting reaped at some point, it could never happen.

Despite the truth being known, Nana Lucy Gray knodded her head confidently, and let Bonny Falu leave the room and attend to her own needs. Like getting prepared for the day ahead.

Bonny Falu trudged back up to her shared room, and began to dig out some sort of respectable clothing. Bonny Falu always wanted to wear her Grandmother's dress ever since she was young. The radiating rainbow ruffles and intricately decorated bodice intrigued Bonny Falu and she could find it nothing but perfect. She had even planned to wear it this year to honour her Naan since it finally fit her relatively small frame. But to Bonny Falu's dismay, it had gotten ruined when a neighbour's, dog had charged around, rabidly ripping up almost every peice of clothing the poor neighbourhood owned. She had spent long hours trying to fix the strange dress, but, although Bonny Falu was many things, she was ceetainly no sewer. Anna Sepia even thought that her elder sister had made the formerly beautiful dress look worse than when the dog nearly ripped it to shreds, which dampened Bonny Falu's spirits even more. In those moments, it was the only time she had ever wished she was from Discrict 8: Textiles.

Her rememberence of the once-adored dress made her pause only for a minute before she set back to finding a fitting dress. Eventually, she pulled out a light blue dress that was almost a perfect fit, but was a little small around her torso, though that was to be expected. The flowy skirt hung slightly below her knee, leaving only a little leg on show. The smooth fabric sat relatively loosely just above her elbow, covering the entire upper arm. Bonny Falu smiled faintly as she smoothed out the wrinkles in the dress, glad that she didn't have to wear last year's black dress, which was far too small for her with it only ending around her mid thigh.

The Reaping started at noon, it was currently around 11. Anna Sepia had sorted herself out, picking out a long yellow dress to wear. Bonny Falu walked over to her little sister and looked down at her lovingly.
"You look so beautiful Anna Sepia, like the sun." Bonny Falu stated.
Anna Sepia looked overjoyed at her sister's kind words, clearly showing her admiration for her provider.
Bonny Falu ruffled the younger girl's hair as they stepped out the door. They could both feel the sun blazing down on them, sweat already beginning to appear on both's foreheads. The blue-dressed-girl wiped away the sweat as she thought about how hot she must've been last year in her coal black dress. Yet she moved on from the thought quickly, grateful for her simple dress.

As the two girl's got closer to the town sqaure, Bonny Falu spotted her friend, Silia, and ran over to her with a giddy grin on her face.

The two friends embraced rapidly, nearly sending Silia down onto the grubby floor. Many people stared as they walked past the laughing duo, wondering how anyone could be so joyful on such a horrid day. The District knew Bonny Falu for her singing, which many people, including peacekeepers, danced around to whenever she performed in District 10's trading centre. Most were usually grateful for her positive nature as it brought a bit of light into their dark world, but nobody wanted her to be like that today. Today was a time for sadness, not happines. That was the way a Capitol citizen would think, overjoyed at the fact two children would be sent to die.
Though they both knew people were disapproving, Bonny Falu and Silia payed no mind to the judging eyes of District 10 and instead focused on each other.
"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever, Bon Falu!" Silia exclaimed excitedly.
"And yet it's only been a month! We need to hang out tonight, I'll meet you at the tree, alright?" Bonny Falu replied in the same tone. Silia nodded her head with a bright smile before quietening down as they set off to line up in the town square.

Bonny Falu made sure that Anna Sepia was safe and in her right area before she headed back to the section for the 15-year-olds. She glanced over to Silia with whom she was holding hands with tightly. Bonny Falu squeezed the other girl's hand in assurance that they would both be okay.

Bonny Falu inhaled quickly as Visulia Pendant, District 10's escort, walked up the stage. The Losmotuin girl wondered how the escort didn't trip or even falter as she climbed the steps onto the stage in such high heels. She then wondered how such a woman could be okay with sending two innocent children to their death each year. Was she not aware that it was brutal, uneeded, murder, despite it just being called entertainment? Did she enjoy sending poor, starving children to fight for their lives?

By the time Bonny Falu ended her raging questions towards the glitter-covered escort, Visulia Pendant had already finished the speech about why we need the Hunger Games. To punish the district...blah, blah, blah. If the Hunger Games were based on whether the District children could recite the speech back perfectly, every Capitol citizen would be left hungry.

As Visulia walked over to the bowl full of District 10's girls, Bonny Falu came back in focus and unknowingly latched onto Silia's arm even tighter. Visulia waved her hand around the bown for a couple of seconds before picked out a peice of paper daintly. She opened the peice of paper, each young girl left in suspense, until she called out a name.

"The tribute for the 68th Hunger Games fron District 10 is..."

Bonny Falu took a deep breath, full of hope as to not be called out.

"Bonny Falu Losmotuin"

Bonny Falu's breath hitched as she fought back tears in her eyes.

She knew what was going to happen.

Bonny Falu Losmotuin was going to die.

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