Those Blue Eyes

By MS3478

81.9K 1.3K 52

Story about y/n y/l/n, youre a professional footballer. You don't do relationships atleast thats what you tho... More

The offers
The choice
The signing
Welcome party
First training
Matchday Aston Villa
Australia or England
London Derby
Get yourself together
England camp
New roommates
Matchday Spain
Day off
Matchday Netherlands
First date
Matchday Leicester
Meeting the parents
Team night
Birthday party - part 1
Birthday party - part 2
Media day
Christmas morning
Happy new year
Matchday Manchester City
Continental cup final
Lovers into strangers
On loan
I promised
Authors note
First games
More then friends
Semi final
Date in Australia
Vacation - part 1
Vacation - part 2
Vacation - part 3

The final

1.2K 29 3
By MS3478

Fuut! Fuut! The final whistle goes meaning the 2023 World Cup final is over. I fall to the ground while I hear people celebrationing around me.

Back to the present:
Today is the day of the world cup final we play against Spain as they have beaten Sweden 2-1 in the semi-final. I step into the elevator to go down to the dinnerroom for breakfast, while doing so I scroll through the good luck messages from friends and family. The elevator pings and moves a floor lower, the elevator pings again as the doors open and someone steps in but I dont pay them attention as I am too focused on my phone. 'Not being very social are we?' The person asks, I look up suprised when I hear Leah her voice 'Oh hi.. Yeah sorry, I was just focused' I say giving her an apologetic smile 'I could see that' Leah says chuckling, I put my phone in my pocket so I can give Leah my full attention. 'Excited for today?' I ask 'Yes but also anxious, you?' She answers 'Same, it still feels unreal. I feel like I made my debut yesterday and now we are in the final of the world cup' I explain 'But Le, no need to feel insecure you of all people got this' I pull her into a hug 'You think so?' She asks looking at me 'No' Leah looks at me with a frown 'I know you got this' Leah smiles and pecks my lips, Leah puts her hand in my neck to deepen the kiss but just as the kiss gets heated the elevator dings again and we are on the groundfloor, we step out into the lobby and walk to the dinningroom. 'Your weird english breakfast?' I ask Leah which makes her roll her eyes at me 'Yes please' Leah says and choices a table to sit at. I still don't understand how people can eat beans for breakfast, dinner I can undstand but breakfast?. I walk over to the tables with food and prepare a plate for Leah with eggs, beans and french toast and tea, for myself I make a smoothie bowl with fresh fruits, protein and oatmeal and grab a coffee. 'Here you go' I say as I put the plate down infront of Leah before I sit down next to her, she is sitting at a table with Lucy, Keira, Georgia, Rachel and Millie. 'Got yourself a butler Leah?' Georgia asks laughing 'I do more then a butler does' I say with a wink which makes Millie choke on her water and the others laugh hard while Leah snaps her head at me and gives me a stern glare. 'Y/n is just being nice' Leah says still having her gaze on me 'Sure she is' Rachel says with sarcasm and I hold in my laughter. The rest of breakfast is filled with jokes and chatting, it almost doesn't feel like we are playing a world cup final in a few hours.

I walk to the bus together with Bethany England when the media team asks us a question 'What do you have with you?' I hold up my cup and say smiling 'Hot choco with whipped cream' 'But it is summer?' The media person asks confused 'Somewhere in the world it is winter' I say and shrug my shoulders as response. 'What do you have Beth?' They ask Bethany 'Yorkshire tea because I am normal' Bethany says 'No because your boring' I say laughing before we enter the bus.
The vibe is different during the ride towards the stadium then it was during breakfast or when we went to other games this tournement. Normally Rachel and Millie would bring the jokes or someone would turn up the music and we all start singing along with the lyrics but today is different. Most people either have their headphones on and are in their own little worlds, some are on their phones and others have small conversation with the person next to them but overall it is very quiet in the bus. I belong to the group that has their headphones in and is in their own little world. It is weird because I don't really feel nerves, I actually feel more excited to play this game but somehow I still have this sort of knot in my stomach and my knee keeps bounching up and down. Almost every womens football fan will watch this match, it is the biggest match that takes place every 4 years in football in general. It could be the first time England women will win the world cup but also the first time since the men did it in 1966 so the pressure is high. Not the forget that we have already written history to make it into the final for the first time ever.

Once we arrive at the stadium we drop our things and walk out on the pitch for the pitch inspection. I walk on my own as I still have my airpods in looking around the stadium, seats in the stands still empty but most of them will be filled within a few hours or so and we will be standing here playing probably one of the most important matches of our lives. I am lost in thoughts when suddenly someone puts their arm around me and pulls me in a side hug, the arm is covered in a black blazer. We are wearing our blue tracksuit?. I look to my side and am met with Ona her lovely smile 'Hola y/n' Ona says 'Hola guapa' I reply happy to see her. 'Long time no see huh?' She says and I nod 'I miss being your roomie' I admit and she laughs 'Sí, I miss you too'. We stand there a little longer until we Ona says 'How are you and Leah?' I shrug 'Good, we are.. good' I reply. What are Leah and I? Girlfriends? No, just friends? Also no. Fuck this is complicated. Ona eyes me suspiciously but let it go 'I think it is time for me to go inside again' Ona says as the Spanish players are heading inside, I nod 'Yeah.. good luck' I say as we give eachother a final goodbye 'You too' She says smiling 'Bye Ona' I say when she walks away 'Bye y/n'. Somehow this feels like a goodbye, I won't be seeing her after this daily and we grew closer over the past months. We became best friends and I am really going to miss her.

We sit in the changingroom all waiting to go out on the pitch. The knot in my stomach still hasn't dissapeard but it is more becoming an anxious knot then it was before although I am still really excited to be in the starting eleven of a world cup final. 'Girls come together' Sarina calls us and we form a huddle in the middle of the changingroom 'I don't have much to say, just give it your fucking damn all and lets make everyone in the stands and back home proud' I smile at Leah as I see the proudness in her eyes when she speaks to us. Leading your country to European champions and a year later to a world cup final, isn't something really incredible so I am proud of her, I always will be.
We leave the changingroom and head into the tunnel, the Spanish girls are already standing there next to their mascots, I send some a smile as I have played with them during my time at Barcalona. I hope that will be in my advantage, because I know the way they play and which moves they can do. The referee signs us to follow them as they walk out of the tunnel, as soon as we walk out fireworks goes off and the light show start. We stand in line as the Spanish national anthem goes first and then the English, once it is finished we shake hands with the referees and the players before forming a quick huddle before going into positions. 'Tonight we play for the badge but try to keep our heads cool alright?' We nod, on three we all shout 'ENGLAND!'.

Line up England:
1. Mary Earps
2. Lucy Bronze
3. Alex Greenwood
4. Keira Walsh
5. Millie Bright
6. Leah Williamson
8. Georgia Stanway
9. Beth Mead
10. Ella Toone
17. Y/n Y/l/n
23. Alessia Russo

Line up Spain:
23. Cata Coll
2. Ona Battle
3. Teresa Abelleira
4. Irene Paredes
6. Aitana Bonmati
8. Mariona
10. Jennifer Hermoso
14. Laia Codina
17. Alba Redondo
18. Salma Parauello
19. Olga Carmona

Game starts:
15' The first 15 minutes of the 2023 womens world cup final have flown by, nothing special has happend yet. Both England and Spain are creating chances but no big real chances that are dangerous, they are both taking it easy. The tension can be felt in the stands, on the bench and on the pitch. Both the teams are focussing on distributing the energy equally because even a world cup final can go into added time and eventually penaltys.

22' The last few minutes England have had the most possesion and are looking dangerous infront of the Spanish goal. Russo has the ball at the backline and manages to get it to me, I take the shot directly. Please go in please. Tok. Shit it went on the fucking bar. The whole stadium jumped up thinking it would go in but I hit the bar. Still early minutes I try to tell myself. Ona Battle eventually gets the ball out off the box.

29' One thing no team wants in a world cup final, in any final, in any game actually, is being behind. Spain is having more chances then we have had this first half but still the score stays 0-0. Spain gain the ball back on our half of the pitch and directly push forward towards our goal. Hermoso tries for goal but her shot is blocked and the attack is over, so I thought. The ball lands at Olga Carmona her feet and she has much space around her, a little to much. When she is just outside the box she tries for goal, the ball goes hard and straight towards the bottom corner. I watch the ball fly through our defence and can only look at it, Mary tries to reach it but Carmona scores. Fuck she scores. It is 1-0 to Spain.

41' The goal from Olga came as a hit in the face for England, Spain has been the better team this first half but nobody expected a goal. We try to keep creating chances but none end up being goal. I hate seeing the minutes tick away, I know we still have a second half to play but every minute counts when you are behind.

Half time.

Sarina and the coaches have given us some more tactics and we analysed some footage from the first half. Everyone realises we only have 45 minutes to atleast equalise the score and even better take the lead. Sarina decided to make some attacking subs as we need goals this second half.

< 7 - Lauren James
> 23 - Alessia Russo

< 9 - Beth Mead
> 18 - Chloe Kelly

55' 10 minutes played and the score is still the same, we are creating chances but have few shots on goal and if we do they are either easy catches for Cata Coll or she pulls off a great save. Frustration is building up as we keep missing. Just like now, I got a good ball from Chloe Kelly but my first touch is to heavy making me loss possesion. I groan loud as I turn around and try to get the ball back, Hempo comes to help me and shoulder bumps Laia Codina away but the referee didn't like the force behind the shoulder bump which causes Hempo to get a yellow.

69' We have been getting more chances but Spain still has theirs too. The ball gets played around in the box until the referee suddenly blows her whistle and points at the penalty spot. What the fuck? How? For what?. I look confused around me with a frown on my face, my gaze meets Millie's but she also doesn't have a clue about what happend. The big screen shows that the VAR is checking the desicion because there has been a handball made by an English player. 'What is going on?' I ask Georgia and Leah as I stand next to them 'Keira has probably unintentially made a handball' Leah says, my brows shoot up 'Shit' I say and they nod. I look at Keira who is standing with Lucy, Mary and Alex waiting on the desicion from the VAR. She looks absolutly devestated and to add to the stress the referee needs to go have a second look at the situation.

The referee comes back on the pitch 'I stand by my desicion, so penalty for Spain!' She annouces before blowing her whistle and pointing at the penalty spot. I sigh as this could be the decisive moment of the final, the end. I go and stand outside the 17 yard box as I watch Hermoso put the ball down and Mary stand on her line, concetration on both their faces, on everyone their faces. Fuut! Hermoso takes one last breath before shooting, Mary jumps, the ball isn't well placed so Mary can stop it. I directly sprint away to start a counter but I can hear Mary scream 'FUCK OFF!', football is a sport full of emotion. Thanks to Mary we still have a chance, we have a chance to turn the game around and get the win, to lift the throphy.

75' The missed penalty from Hermoso gave us more energy because the match isn't over, yet. With 15 minutes left to play its beginning to be a everything or nothing situation for England. We are having another attack, we have been having a lot this past 5 minutes. Lauren James works her magic and gets past two opponents, the ball is passed to Toone but instead of shooting herself she plays it to me. I don't have much time because there are Spanish players everywhere but I can place it for myself before having a go on goal. I shoot from just inside the box and the ball curls perfectly towards the upper right corner, all faces follow the ball as it makes the way to the goal, Cata Coll jumps but it is to far out of reach so she can't do anything about it. My eyes follow the ball, it feels like everything goes in slow motion. Please go in please.. Tok! My eyes close as I turn around in defeat, it hit the bar, it hit the fucking bar, fucking fucks. I curse as I look up at the sky, how can I hit the crossbar two fucking times in a world cup final!? Luck is definitly not on my side tonight.

83' We keep trying and trying but nothing seems to work, we just can't seem to put the ball in their net. I feel my legs get sour from all the running and the failed shots aee also not helping mentally. We are in the dying minutes of the game and Spain are still leading with 1 against 0, suddenly the ball is played forward by Leah and I make my run for it, only one defender and the goalkeeper between me and the equaliser but before I can make it to the box my feet are swapped from underneath me and I hit the ground. I groan as I hold my hurting feet, the medics come and check on me, eventually they spray on the cooling spray so I can continue. Salma Parauello is getting yellow carded 'Ref, this wasn't just a yellow!' I shout but she shakes her head and signs Millie to take the free kick, I want to say something again but someone grabs my shoulders and says 'Focus on the game, we don't have many minutes left' It is Lucy and she sounds serious so I let it be.

89' I look at the big screen and see the time 89:03. I swallow the lump away that forms in my throat, we can't give up, there are still minutes left to play. Sarina makes a last sub of the game as Ella Toone comes off for Bethany England. Jorge Vilda also makes a chance and finally Alexia Putellas comes on the pitch, it was in our adventage that she wasn't playing but how stupid is Vilda not to play 2 time ballon d'or winner and EUFA women player of the year. I ignore all the hatred I have towards Vilda and focus back on the game, that asshole doesn't deserve my focus.

< 19 - Bethany England
> 10 - Ella Toone

< 11 - Alexia Putellas
> 8 - Mariona

90+10' We have a total of 15 added minutes and we continue to keep pressing forward but Spain keeps shooting the ball out of play, waste time or go in their corner and defend the ball until one of us kicks it out. I hate it when teams play like this but we would be too if we were in their situation. We are so tired but the Spanish are too so we need to keep going, find their weakest spot and from there try to score I tell myself but the time is slowly ticking away and we can't manage to break through their 5 men defence

90+15' Spain was keeping the ball in their corner but Kelly and England managed to get a corner. This is probably the last kick of the match and, it is a corner for England. I position myself in the box as I see Kelly put two hands in the air. The ball is send into the 17 yard and flies straight to me, I jump in the air wanting to head the ball just like the many spanish players around me. But the ball doesn't connect with my head.. instead Cata Coll catches the ball and like any keeper would do so lies down on the ground. I look up at the big screen 90 +15 times up..

And I was right, not even a second later the full time whistle goes...

Fuut! Fuut! The final whistle goes for full time and I fall to the ground. I hear celebrations going on around me. But it aren't the England players celebrating. 'VAMOS!' 'Campeones del mundo' I hear being shouted around me. I close my eyes as I try to let it all sink in, we just lost the World Cup final, the final hurdle, and Spain won. I lay on my back looking up at the sky, tears are forming but I try my best not to let them fall. I sit up and look around the pitch, the England players are drained, empty, broken while the Spanish players are celebrating, laughing and enjoying probably the best moment of their lifes. I notice Alexia coming to me, she will probably mean the best by comforting me but I can't talk to her right now, she won and I lost. This will hurt for a goddamn while. So I quickly stand up and want to walk to the other direction from her. 'Y/nn espera!' Alexia says trying to stop me from walking by taking my arm but I shake her off 'Ale no, go celebrate you won' I say giving her a begging look 'I will, once I am sure your alright' She says stern while I keep trying to get away from her 'Fine, everything is good' I say as I stop moving and give her a forced smile but she doesn't buy it, ofcourse she doesn't how can I smile now?. 'Don't be like this' 'Ale, I lost. I lost the world cup fucking final and you won so please go and celebrate it' I ask her desperatly. I want her to be happy, she deserves to be happy now and not to care about me or anyone else. 'Fine but I will check on you later' I hum before she goes back to her celebrating teammates and I go to mine, who are forming a huddle, I take the free spot between Alessia and Ellie. Sarina takes a moment before she starts with her speech 'This one is tough to take, but all I want to say for now is how insanely proud I am that we kept fighting until the final whistle. We didn't stop creating chances and we didn't give up' Sarina says 'This will hurt for a while, believe me I know it but we keep building from here and be there for eachother because it can be thougher then you think' Sarina finishes her speech, I don't think anybody was really listening, I wasn't at least. I look around and almost everyone has red eyes from the tears, I wouldn't be suprised if mine are red too. Lucy is sitting on the ground, defeated, I feel for her she was so close and yet so far, again. Its like the universe doesn't grant her this one trophy. I notice Keira also looking at Lucy, she really wants to comfort Lucy but I know she knows she can't do that because of all the media attention that is always on them. The huddle slowly breaks apart as some go to their familys for comfort and others do a lap around the pitch to thank the fans for coming and supporting us down under during the whole tournement. I slowly walk at the end of the group, I can't go to my family yet. I can't face the dissapointment on their faces, I should have won this, for them, for everything they gave up for me to be able to play. I lost the world cup final, we could have won if I scored those chances instead of hitting the crossbar twice. I notice Leah doing an interview at the side of the pitch, so I decide to wait for her until she is finished. I don't know how to describe all the emotions I am feeling at the moment, the adrenaline from playing 90 minutes in a world cup final is still running through my veins but the sadness and disbelieve from losing is hurtfull. Leah finishes her interview quickly and we make eye contact immediately, I shoot her a warm smile and open my arms for her to walk into. 'Hey' I say softly as I hold her in a firm grib 'Hi' She replies with a shaky voice also wrapping her arms around me, I haven't let the tears go yet but in this moment a few escape my eyes but I know Leah needs someone now so I will be here for her, stay strong for her. 'I am proud of you Leah, I really am' I tell her still holding her 'But we lost' She says soft 'That doesn't stop me from being proud of you' I cub her cheeks and we look into eachothers eyes, her eyes start to get glossy again 'We didn't bring it home..' She whispers 'But we did other things' Leah forces a smile. I press my lips to her cheek 'I would want to kiss your lips but we might need to wait a little longer for that' I whisper which absolutly doesn't fit the moment but it makes Leah chuckle 'Yeah..' Leah says and she pulls me in for a hug again. 'Should we go back to the group?' I ask and Leah nods letting loose, we walk to the other side of the pitch where the team is.

After the lap around the pitch it is time for the medals to be given. I wait until it is my turn to collect the medal, while we wait Rachel has her head on my shoulder and I have my arm around her. The Spanish girls form a guard of honour for us which we walk through to get our medals, I give a small nod to the Barcalona girls which were my teammates not even a month or two ago. I shake the hands with some of the important FIFA people who are dressed nicely before the silver medal is put around my neck and I take place on the podium for the group picture. We all want to walk away because it is now the turn to the Spanish players and staff to collect their golden medals and lift the throphy but me and Mary are called back, we need to wait for another picture with Aitana Bonmati. Mary has won the golden glove, I have won the golden boot and Aitana has won the player of the tournement, both Mary and Aitana deserve their award they have been nothing but phenomenal this tournement. We take a solo picture and a picture with the three of us, while the pictures are being taken I try my best to keep the smile on my face.

Walking past the trophy was hard, I wanted to kiss it like all footballers do and the Spanish girls are doing now as they take photos with it and throwing the golden confetti in the air. Instead I am sitting on the the bench with a jacket on playing with the zip while the silver medal and golden boot are on the chair next to me. I watch them celebrating their win, laughing, smiling, doing anything you would do when you just won the world cup, the biggest throphy in football. My eyes fill with tears again, the last time I felt so empty was when Leah and I broke up but still it feels like a different type of emptyness. Today I didn't only dissapointment myself, but also the fans and the country. I look up at the sky and close my eyes trying to keep the tears away 'Hey' Someone with a Spanish accents says crouching down infront of me, I look down and am met with Alexia 'Ale what are you doing?' I ask confused because she is here and not over there celebrating. 'Making sure you are okey' She says and pulls me into a hug while still sitting infront of me, I put my face in the crook of her neck 'I am not Ale' I admit 'I know, thats why I am here' She assures me 'No.. you should go' I tell her 'No, I am staying' She says stubborn 'Why?' 'Because I care about you' She says and moves to the chair next to me still having her arm around me and I lean my head on her shoulder. 'I still love Leah, I will always love her Ale' I randomly blurt out which makes Alexia chuckle 'Trust me, I know' I look at her suprised. How?. 'You do?' She nods her head lightly 'Yeah I do, you two are soulmates, always find a way back together' Alexia says with a smile 'You gave me a heartattack for a second' I say with a small smile, I couldn't have handeled to break Alexia her heart today too. 'Look at that smile' Alexia says nudging my shoulder which makes me shake my head and scoff. We sit like this a little longer, in silence, her keeping me company which I am thankfull for. 'I should go inside and you should go back on the pitch and celebrate' I say as I stand up and Alexia follows my movement 'One last hug?' She asks opening her arms 'Ofcourse' I say and hug her. 'I will personally kill you if you hurt Leah again' Alexia whispers stern 'I won't again' I promise her 'It is just a warning' 'I would rather lose a world cup final everyday that lose Leah ever again' I admit which makes Alexia chuckle 'Your so in love' She states. I am and I love Leah. 'I will miss you at Barcalona' Alexia says while we still hug 'I will miss Barcalona too' I whisper. I really am going to miss Barca, not only the city and the weather but mostly the people, the friendships, I build my life there a little. 'Come visit me' Alexia says as we let lose 'Or come to London?' I ask, Alexia shrugs her shoulders 'Who knows' She says with a wink 'You can always call me' I say and she nods. 'Te amo heartbeaker' Alexia says playfull, using the nickname she gave me the first night in Barcalona 'Te amo La reina' I say back before we part ways. 

I walk into the changingroom as one of the last, the mood hasn't changed from when we are on the pitch. Everyone is doing their own thing trying to process what has happend the past 3 hours or so. People are going in and out of the shower as I undress before going into the shower myself, I let the warm water run over my body as I look up and the water hits me right in the face. I quickly wash my hair and body before turning the shower off, wrapping a towel around me and returning back to my locker. I look at the golden boot and medal laying there, I will be proud in a few days, once it has all sunken in. I change into comfortable clothes and put my stuff back into my bag before going back on the bus and to the hotel. Underway back I unlock my phone, I have gotten plenty of messages but I only open the one from my mum and sister.

Mum: Head up! You playing your first big tournement and I got to watch all your matches in the stands instead of behind a screen was one to remember. The result isn't what you hoped for but I do hope you are very proud of yourself as much as I am ❤️ I maybe not always support your choices in life but thats because I love you and only want what is the best for you. You have come from far and have dealt with lots of stuff but you turned out to be my amazing daughter, lots of love and see you soon!

Mum xx
Come visit me more often ;)

Y/s/n: Hey sis! It was funny how when we were younger mum and dad always forced me to come to your matches after tennis and I hated it. Now years later I love watching you play, and support you. I may not always say this to eachother but I do love you and I am proud of you 💗 Continue doing what you do and you are rocking it!

A smile grows on my face as I read both their texts. After dad left we weren't close anymore, I spent my time either playing football or drinking and mum wasn't always present too so we grew apart. Reading their texts means a lot and I do need to visit mum more often. When we arrive back at the hotel everyone directly goes to their room as no one is in the mood to be social, the flight back home to England will be tomorrow afternoon so we can have a deserved relaxed morning.

As soon as I enter the room I fall down on my bed, having no energy left, not even to take my backpack off nor my clothes. 'Shouldn't you change?' Jordan asks, and I have absolutly no energy for a discussion with Jordan 'Probably' I reply chuckling 'After my first world cup it was though too but you will get over it' Jordan says and I hear the care in her voice. Somehow I am being corny now, maybe because I am very tired. 'Needed to lose a world cup final for you to voluntarily talk to me huh?' I say with a huf 'I- We need to be here for eachother now' Jordan reasons 'Thanks Jordan' I stand up and give her a hug, first she freezes but then returns the hug. 'Want to celebrate our kind of friendship?' Jordan asks with a grin 'Sure?' I say not totally convinced what she means by that, Jordan walks to her suitcase and takes out a bottle of water. 'Are we going to rinse eachother with holy water or so?' I ask confused 'Clearly didn't get your brains back in Barcalona, taste' She says throws me the bottle, I catch it and open the cap. This doesn't smell like water. I take a sip and almost choke. Vodka?. I cough as the liquid burns in my throat 'You brought vodka with you?' I ask suprised 'I wanted to use it to celebrate us being world champions but now we can use it as an escape' Jordan explains. Not going to say no to that. 'Lets sit on the balcony' I suggest taking another sip.
We both take turns drinking from the water bottle while we start to have conversations about different things until Leah comes up. 'Are you guys back together?' Jordan asks 'Who?' I ask confused 'You and Leah' She clearifies 'I wanted to already but Leah didn't, not yet atleast' I explain as I take another sip 'You're lucky' Jordan says taking the bottle from me and also taking a sip. 'How so?' 'Leah is like alcohol if you get a taste from it you always want it, she is the best thing you can get' Jordan explains 'She is but I don't have her yet' I take a big gulp because I am way to sober for this conversation 'Why not?' Jordan asks suprised, my throat burns from the big sip 'First of all she needs to be my girlfriend which she isn't and second..' I sigh 'I need to apologise to the Arsenal girls' 'Fair but why apologise to the Arsenal girls?' Jordan asks taking the bottle from me again 'I cheated remember? And they were there' This makes us both giggle. Alcohol does crazy things. 'And you didn't saw their faces when they found out, I betrayed Leah so I also betrayed them sort of' I shake my head as their faces coming back to my memory 'I can imagine their faces' Jordan says which makes us giggle again, we talk more and eventually change subject until I want to take another sip 'Shit it's empty' I groan dissapointed 'Maybe there is something in the minifridge?' Jordan suggests 'Great thinking' I jump up from the chair but almost fall because of the alcohol in my system kicking in. I stumble towards the minifridge and open it 'Jackpot!' I shout as I take out the four beers and stumble my way back to Jordan. 'Look what I found' I say excited as I hold up the four beers 'The best' Jordan says with a big smile as she takes two and we start drinking them. 'Why did you move to Villa?' I ask 'I wanted more playing time so I could make it here' She explains and I start giggling 'What is so funny?' Jordan asks confused 'You left your childhood club to play here but you didn't get any minutes' I explain still weezing, I have no idea why I find this so funny but Jordan starts laughing too 'That is actually kinda ironic' She says inbetween her own giggles. 'You left Arsenal because of Leah right?' Jordan asks once we finally stop laughing 'I didn't leave, I went on loan' I correct her 'Fine but you weren't there after you cheated' 'Yeah I you put it like that' I shrug my shoulders 'So you did do it for Leah?' Jordan asks curious 'Who else?' I ask and take sip from the second bottle 'I don't know.. some people say you left to be with Putellas' Jordan says which catches me off guard 'What the fuck?!' I say flabbergusted 'I didn't, we grew close during my loan but she wasn't the reason for it far from' I explain still confused 'Fans speculating I guess' Jordan says shrugging her shoulders, I sigh and finish my beer in one chuck. 'There will be lots of rumours going around about you two, especially after she comforted you a couple hours ago' I stare at the sea 'I know' I murmur 'Don't we love the tiktok edits' Jordan says sarcasme laced in her voice 'Only the ones about my toned body' I joke making us laugh again. We sit in silence for a little longer until we decide that it is time for bed, as soon as my head hits the pillow I am fast asleep.

Losing is essential to anyone's success.
The more you lose, the more you want to win.

A/N: Cleared some of the air between Jordan and y/n 😙✌🏻

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This is going to be my second one shot/imagine book, so many of you wanted me to make another one after finishing my first one, so here you go:) I'll...
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"๐ผ'๐‘™๐‘™ ๐‘๐‘’ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘”โ„Ž๐‘ก โ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘’ ๐‘“๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข ๐‘ฆ๏ผ๐‘›๏ผŽ แด€สŸแดกแด€สs." Jude Bellingham x Y/N fanfic. Might contains smut if requested. I don't know about Jude...