A Shadow Company Tale Sequel

Por HerrHornet

2.7K 46 28

After surviving the nightmare of the previous weeks, the soldier pushes forward discovering new challenges an... Más

Withdraw! Wait, we're missing one!
Finally some rest
Battle of New York City
Battle of New York City (Part 2)
Battle of New York (Part 3)
Old man's on the line
The Hunt for the Red Oscar
New Love and Meeting the Squad
The Wolves Strike
The Hunt continues
After Action Rest
Irina's Interrogation
Arrow's Internal War
The Start of the Storm
Back on the Map
Echoes of Crisis
Clear the Beach!
The Urban War
The Garage of Hell
Rescuing the Vice President
The Flight Back
A Soldier's Pledge
Shadow Company's Return

You bought yourself time. For now.

279 2 0
Por HerrHornet

Arrow set down Vaylina as a medic soon stepped in the way and began to treat her. She was still alive as Arrow turned his attention to the blindfolded woman, who was housed in a separate room in the bunker but she kept shrieking in Russian, keeping everyone away from her as she twisted around. Metal groaned, "Boss, need your help here!"

Arrow nodded and walked steadily over to Metal and glanced at the woman who was sobbing hysterically. Arrow knelt down in front of her, speaking in Russian, "It's okay. We're here to help."

The woman gasped as she froze, her gaze turned to Arrow as Arrow leaned in and untied the blindfold. Arrow's eyes widened in surprise as he stared into her blue eyes. "It's you." The woman managed to shutter out.

"Irina? Wha-" Arrow stood up in shock as he took a few steps back. "How?"

Irina blinked, equally confused as Arrow. "How... why are you here?"

Arrow turned to Metal, "Leave the room. Secure the prisoner and stabilize her. Bring me a fresh set of clothes."

"Understood boss." Metal quickly left the room as he turned his gaze back to Irina.

"Last I saw you, you were secure in our hands... how did you get here?" Arrow lowered his hands to his side as he slowly paced back and forth in the room, staring at Irina.

"Last I saw you, you were going to torture me and kill me! Why should I tell you?" Irina's gaze cooled significantly.

Arrow's face turned ugly as his hand twitched. Irina immediately glanced at his hand as Arrow shook his head, attempting to calm himself down. "I saved your life. Again. If it wasn't for me, Vaylina would've shot you."

Irina blinked as she wasn't expecting him to know as she was blindfolded for everything. She turned her gaze to the ground. "I... we were freed. The others were leaving their base and went west. I took Vaylina and we ran."

"What happened, Irina?" Arrow pulled up a crate and sat down in front of her as she turned her head to the side.

"We met up with remnants of whatever mercenary force were out there. They were searching for us. As soon as we thought we were free, Vaylina turned on me. She claimed me as weak, having slept with... you and willingly gave up all the information to my American lover. She was going to execute me in front of the city so a message was sent across New Russia." Immediately pain welled up in her eyes as she began to sob. "I... did everything right and succeeded in my mission to protect her."

"What happened to everyone else?"

Irina glanced down at Arrow's boots. "Taken somewhere. More Americans arrived and took everyone. All black uniforms. The father went with them while the children went with another group."

Arrow closed his eyes and exhaled, the rest of the family was taken back to the US then. "So she blamed you for everything then."

Irina only nodded silently. A moment paused before she looked up at Arrow, "Did... you hurt my sister?"

Arrow shook his head. "I never have seen your sister, Irina... but I have some bad news. Your father and sister have gone missing. Makarov struck at your family and started everything."

Irina closed her eyes tightly and lowered her head. "Are they..."

"They have to be alive somewhere." Arrow glanced over as the door opened, Metal stepped inside as she handed the clothes to Arrow.

"All we could find, boss. Might not be much, also SECDEF is on the line waiting for you." Metal nodded and stepped out of the room.

Arrow groaned, handing the clothes over to Irina. He prepared to get up in silence but Irina called out to him. "I... what will?" She covered her face as she couldn't come out with anything.

Arrow turned his head to her, "Get some rest. You've been through a lot. We'll talk later." He stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him as he moved down the hallway to the communication center where he joined the live-feed call. "Iron Eagle here."

"Ah, good you arrived. How's the mission?"

"Good sir. Russians aren't getting through the area without suffering heavy losses."

The SECDEF glanced up at Arrow, "Any of our losses?"

"Sixteen total sir." Arrow glanced down slightly. "We're going to be tearing the whole city apart if nothing is going to happen."

"I know, just keep holding them back as long as you can. However, I need you and a small team to move further east of your spot."

"Where, sir?"


Arrow stepped out of the room and slammed the door behind him. Every soldier glanced at him but they soon returned to their duties. Metal, Lightning, and Rattle waited near Irina's room as they spotted Arrow treading through their makeshift bunker. "You look pissed." Metal remarked.

Arrow didn't say a word but glanced over at Vaylina. "I want all the information out of her possible."

"I'll see to it." Rattle stood up and moved over to Vaylina, waiting for her to wake up.

Arrow ran his fingers through his hair as Lightning glanced up at him. "We're moving to a spot with no support, heavily infested with Russians for questionable intel, aren't we?"

Arrow nodded, "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I know that look all too well." Lightning shook his head and chuckled. "I'm going."

"Me too." Metal crossed her arms.

Irina's door opened as she glanced up at Arrow, concern filled her eyes, "You're going to Prague?" She still spoke in Russian, but she understood English to a degree. Arrow nodded. "I... am coming too!"

Arrow blinked as he crossed his arms. He began to stutter in English. "But you..."

"I know the area!" She spoke in English, although the accent was very heavy.

Metal and Lightning glanced at each other, and Lightning cleared his throat, "If she knows the area, it can work out."

"Yeah boss. What if we walk into a trap?" Metal added.

Arrow closed his eyes and groaned. Irina blinked as she took a step closer and reached for Arrow's hands and wrapped her hands around his. He jumped in shock as the other two snapped their heads ready to strike if necessary. "Bring me! I... need to find my family!" Irina pleaded with Arrow. She never knew the real truth behind her family's disappearance until Arrow told her.

Arrow inhaled and squeezed Irina's hands. "Okay. I'll... trust you." He lowered his hands and let go. "You bought yourself some time. For now."

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