The Unwanted Child {1}

By mmultixaep0

71.1K 1.4K 193

The Unwanted Child Jaycee Jordan also known as Jay to her friends was an average kid who got sent to the cel... More

The 100 + 1
My brother
Last man on the ark
The Woods
My brother, my responsibility
Acid Fog
The Ark
Contents under pressure
Day Trip
Unity day
I Am Become Death
The Calm
We Are Grounders ~Part 1~
We Are Grounders ~Part 2~
✨ Graphics ✨
The Ark
Human Trials
Fog of War
Log Into an Abyss
Remember Me
Survival of the Fittest
Blood Must Have Blood
Nothing But Lies
The Lie's Between Us
Three Months
Ye Who Enter Here
Bitter Harvest
Terms and Conditions
Stealing Fire
Join or Die
Red Sky at Morning
Perverse Instantiation

The Saved

1.2K 24 11
By mmultixaep0

Bellamy was now captured by Tristan, Finn told him he'd be killed if he stopped. Little later Monroe and Sterling yelled and ran to the grounder, He had smiled getting ready to kill two more teens. Then a gunshot was heard. Tristan was shot in the heart. Then another shot was heard. He was then shot in the head. He had fallen, dead. The person who shot him was no other than Marcus Kane.

Finn and Bellamy looked at him. "We're here now, everything's gonna be okay" The two teens looked at each other.

Kane inspects Tristan's body, which he shot in the head. "Don't stand" Abby said as she grabbed him by the arm "I'm fine, We need to get back to the dropship," Bellamy told the older woman. As Finn was going to move Abby grabbed him and asked "Hey. Where's Clarke? Is she all right?" She asked worriedly for her daughter. Finn looked at her "She was when we left. We'll take you to her." He then walked away leading the adults to the dropship.

Kane then stopped Finn "Wait. Slow down. Sinclair. We're splitting up. One guard detail comes with me to the Dropship. Everyone else here goes with you to Alpha Station. You have the coordinates. We'll follow - as soon as we can." "Yes sir," Sinclair said. They then had a small conversation about Jaha. "C'mon, we're on the move," Kane said.

Kane's group goes in one direction following Bellamy and Finn while Sinclair's goes in the other direction. Kane walks beside Abby.  "You 6 with me, and you two lead the way." He then looked at Abby, "We're almost there Abby," Then continued to walk.


Jaycee kept opening and closing her eyes. "Jaycee?" Raven asked. Jaycee then laid her head back as she passed out. "!" Murphy then got up and limped to the girl and checked for a pulse. "She's breathing, but not very well. She needs help" Raven looked at him "Yeah no shit"

Murphy looked back at the girl, "She's going to be okay, we just have to be optimistic..." He told her as he looked back at Jaycee. "We wouldn't need to be optimistic if you didn't shoot her you asshole!" Raven yelled at the last part. Murphy nodded looking down and didn't say anything after.


After a couple of minutes, they got back to the dropship and saw a bunch of burned bodies on the ground.

"It's too quiet," Bellamy said as he looked around.

As he was going to stand up and look for his people Kane pulled him down, "We'll take it from here," He looked at the two guards, "Banks, Scanlon, you stay with them. We'll signal once we're sure it's safe," Kane stood up to walk around the camp. Bellamy looked at Finn then lowered his head, worried for his sister, worried for Jaycee a little more.

He didn't know what happened to her, she could be dead, or taken. He didn't let that feeling get to him as he looked out in the distance.


Abby and some guards enter the dropship. They notice a semi-conscious Raven, a passed-out Jaycee, and Murphy who is just sitting there worried if he is going to die alone or not. Murphy looked at them "Help them..." He tiredly sighed.

Abby walked up to Raven first, seeing as she saw Raven as a daughter to her. "Raven?" She asked the sort of conscious girl, "Raven, Raven, honey it's me... It's Abby," She told the pale-looking girl as she also checked her pulse. Raven slightly opened her eyes and looked at the older woman "Clarkes not here, I don't know where she is..."

Abby looked over at Jaycee to see she was passed out, Kane had checked her pulse and told Abby that she needed to get back to the camp before she could die. Abby then looked back at Raven, "What happened to the two of you?" Raven let out a sigh, she quickly looked at Murphy, he had a worried look on his face because he knew what would happen if she told them the truth.  "I got shot, we both... got shot," She finally said and Murphy let out a sigh of relief.

Bellamy was pacing back and forth. When he looked at the camp he heard a guard yell out. "We need two stretchers!" Bellamy and Finn panicked, they tried to run to whoever it was but two guards stopped them "Woah, woah sir, step back, hold it right there," Finn and Bellamy glanced at each other as if they were reading one another's minds. They then took off and went into one of the foxholes they had made. as the guards were yelling at them

What they saw next was something they made their faces still.

"It was awful. There were hundreds of them and if it wasn't for Jaycee and Raven, uhh I- don't know what happened." He saw Bellamy giving him the stank eye, his face was so still, that it looked like Bellamy was trying to explode Murphy's head with his thoughts. "Bellamy... You're- You're alive..." 

Bellamy then got angry and pushed Murphy to the floor, starting to grab him by the neck, "You murdering son of a bitch!" Bellamy yelled out with an angry voice. He punched Murphy in the face repeatedly One of the guards had yelled at Bellamy to stop but he didn't listen. "Bellamy stop! you'll kill him!" Bellamy was still at it, "This is for Jaycee!" He yelled out.

Kane then looked at one of the guards and nodded his head. The guard had then struck Bellamy with an electric baton. "Place him under arrest," Kane said. Finn looked at the adult "Wait. You don't understand. Murphy murdered two of our people. He shot two more people. He tried to hang Bellamy" he looked at the younger delinquent.

"I don't care, you are not animals. There are rules. Laws. You are not in control here anymore," Kane finalized.

As soon as Kane finished his 'amazing' speech, two guards came out with Raven on a stretcher, Finn walked up to her and noticed how pale the girl was. Then two more came out with Jaycee on the stretcher, She was pale, but she wasn't as bad as the Reyes girl. Bellamy caught a small glance at the Jordan girl, he was really worried about her, she looked dead, but he was praying that she would fight it. "Jaycee..." Bellamy looked at Abby "She's going to be Okay? right?" He asked with pleading eyes. "We're going to help her as much as we can," She said then walked to Finn

"Raven's lost a lot of blood, it is a miracle that she is still alive. Ms. Jordan over here is in better condition even if she does have two bullets in her. They just missed her spine and her upper thigh bone. She, however, still lost a lot of blood, and they needed to be taken back to the Camp," She then looked at everyone "There's no one else in there," She then looked at the guards "C'mon, let's go,"

Bellamy glared at Murphy, he was angry that Jaycee was hurt, it was all his fault. Once he was free, he was going to do the inevitable and get Murphy back for the time he hurt the camp, mostly for Jaycee.

As soon as they got back to camp, Raven was checked first, to see what was wrong with her. Then Jaycee was checked.


Abby enters the medical tent to see Jaycee, who is sleeping, and  Raven, and Finn, who are awake. "How are you feeling Raven?" Abby looked at the girl "Awesome," Raven replied. "She's lying," Abby looked at Raven with worry all over her face. "I know that face, just spit it out, Abby," She sighed, "The bullet is still shifting. That's why you're in pain. I was hoping that it would be stabilized by now," Raven looked at the adult, "So how about you take it out?"

"Raven, we need to talk about that," Abby sighed and walked up closer, "The bullet is pressing on your spine. If we leave it in, you'll live, but you'll never walk again," Finn looked at Raven as she was looking at Abby with a straight face, "And take it out?" She asked. Abby hesitated for a second. "The surgery could kill you, we have no equipment, we have no anesthesia,"

"Will I walk again?" She asked the doctor. Abby slightly nodded, "Maybe, but you'd be awake the whole time, you'd feel everything." She said. Raven looked at Abby and no one else, "Sign me up" Then Finn looked at the girl, "Wait, Raven, you could die," Finn said with a worried face. Raven looked at Finn with teary eyes "In zero G I didn't need my legs" She sighed, "Down here, I do..." She looked at Abby, "Take it out," She said with a low tone.

After Raven had said that, Abby walked away, Finn told Raven he'd be back, and he walked up to Abby, "Hey, what about Jaycee? Is she okay?" Abby looked at him "Ms. Jordan is okay, one of the bullets is broken in her upper thigh but with surgery, she should be okay, but she would still need to lay off of it for a while," Finn nodded "So, she'll be able to walk? As in she is not as bad as Raven?" Abby looked at Raven, then back to Finn, "Yes, she is very lucky," Finn nodded and Abby took it as a cue to leave.


Jaycee had woken up and looked at her surroundings, she panicked because she didn't know where she was so she sat up, Jackson walked up to her, and placed a hand on her shoulder "Hey, you're okay, you're safe," Jaycee looked around again "Where am I?" Jackson smiled "You're at Camp Jaha, you're okay, we are going to put you in surgery after Raven" Jaycee looked up to see Raven who was pale, "oh my god, is she going to be okay?" Jackson looked at Raven then Jaycee, "We're going to do everything we can, the bullet hit her spine, and it's still in there, we're going to have to take it out," Jaycee looked at Jackson, she could read him, he looked like he was holding something in, "But?"

Jackson looked at her again, he sighed, "But there is a chance she might not make it, but Raven is still willing to take the risk," Jaycee shook her head, "No you can't let her," Jackson shook his head and sighed, "it's not up to us, Raven wants to do it, it's her choice," Jaycee nodded at his answer, he walked away as Jaycee was looking at Raven who was sleeping.


Abby was now prepping for Raven's surgery in the tent they were in, Raven was laying on her stomach to give the doctors access to her back, "We're almost ready," Finn looked at Raven, "Do you want me to talk or just shut up? Or I can move Jaycee over here to be next to you?" Jackson had then tied Raven's upper back to the bed so she wouldn't move.

Jaycee was a couple of feet away, she was going to be able to hear everything but not see since there was a wall around Raven so they could have privacy. As Abby was about to start cutting Raven panicked and yelled out, "Stop!" She started to pant loudly, she was very scared. "I'm so scared," She told Finn, "Look at me, okay? Just keep looking at me" Raven nodded, grabbed Finn's hand, and nodded once more, "She's ready," As soon as Abby took a second, she started to open Raven to take out the remainder of the bullets. She screamed very loudly to the point where Murphy and Bellamy could hear the screaming.

Jaycee started to cry for Raven because she didn't deserve any of this, she should have never been hurt. Jaycee took a deep breath, all she thought about was Raven, and how she was next.


Murphy and Bellamy are still in lock-up, Murphy hears Raven's screams, "Yeah, that was me at the Grounders camp. You know, I did everything I could not to scream, and so did Jaycee," Bellamy stayed quiet, angry that he brought up Jaycee in the conversation, "Yeah she tried everything, but it didn't work, I even begged them to take me instead of her that's the truth, but they didn't listen, but I eventually..." Bellamy then looked up at him, "But eventually, you broke, and you told them everything," Murphy slightly smiled, "Yeah, so did Jaycee, by the way, and yet, you don't seem to be upset with her, but you are with me," Bellamy scoffed, "That's because she is a good person, you are a murder, and even if she broke, you were there first, you broke first..." Murphy smirked then looked up, "Yeah and you wouldn't have because you're better than me,"

Bellamy looked away from Murphy and into the distance, "Damn right, I'm not a traitor," He inhaled "I didn't tell them where they could find us," He looked at Murphy when he finished speaking. "And I did," He looked up at Bellamy, "Yeah, I did," He sighed once more "After they tortured me in their prison camp for 5 days, but go ahead. You just keep believing, even if you are in here just like me..." Bellamy looked at his hands and saw how they were tied up. They stayed quiet but even when they were talking, they could hear Raven's screams.


Jaycee was still in the same tent, able to hear her friend's screams, she wished that it was her and not Raven, she wished that she could take Raven's spot. After a while the screaming stopped, Jaycee looked at her legs and started to rub her legs.

Abby then came walking in, "Hello, Ms. Jordan, how are you feeling?" Jaycee continued to look down as she spoke, "Fantastic," She sniffled, "How's Raven? Is she going to be okay?" Abby sighed and looked at the girl, "Well, she survived the surgery, She's a courageous kid, just like you," Jaycee smiled happily because her friend was okay.

"Jaycee," Abby looked at her and sat down on the chair that was near her bed. "You're going to need surgery too, there are 4 small broken bullet fragments, in your leg, we need to remove them before they cut up your leg from the inside, you can bleed internally if we don't remove it," Jaycee looked at her, "Do it," Abby looked at her and nodded.


Minutes went by and Jaycee was nervous, she didn't have anyone to hold her hand, someone came in and it snapped her out of her daydreams, "Hey, you ready?" Jaycee looked up, "Scared, but yeah, I guess so," Finn looked at how worried the girl was and had an idea, "You're going to be okay," Jaycee smiled at Finn, "Glad Raven's alright," Finn nodded "me too,"


Jaycee was lying on her back, the bullet wound came in from the front and exited from the back, she was looking up at the ceiling of the tent, scared, anxious, terrified even. She kept taking deep breaths in and out.

"Are you ready Ms. Jordan?" Jaycee nodded and then hesitantly said, "Yes" Abby and Jackson started the surgery, and Jaycee tried hard not to scream, Jaycee then started to move a little. "Jaycee, honey, I know this is painful but I need you to stay as still as you can, okay?" Jaycee looked at Abby with wide and teary eyes. "Okay," She said with a sobbing voice. Abby then looked at Jackson and nodded. Abby was trying her best to make Jaycee hold still. Someone had then walked in, and Jaycee's eyes were closed shut, she didn't know who it was until the person spoke.

"You're going to be fine angel,"

It was Bellamy

Jaycee had opened her eyes and saw Bellamy, she smiled and Bellamy smiled right back. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that?" Jaycee told the older Blake, "Yeah well, you're not the boss of me angel," Jaycee smiled at him as Abby continued to cut Jaycee open and remove the small pieces of bullets. Jaycee closed her eyes once again and so Bellamy grabbed her hand and she squeezed it. She started to cry a lot now, she squeezed Bellamy's hand even more and dug her nails into his hand but she didn't notice, and he didn't mind.

After screaming and crying, and Bellamy comforting her, the surgery was over. Jaycee had passed out due to the pain. "She's tough," Abby said, "Yeah, she really is," He then looked at her, "She's going to be okay now, right?" Abby sighed and smiled lightly, "Yes, she just needs to make sure that she stays off that leg of hers for a while," Bellamy nodded and smiled, "Thank you," Abby nodded and left the two alone.

Jaycee was pale, but at least the hard part was over, she was fine, all she needed to do was rest. Bellamy never let go of her hand, afraid that she would slip away from him. He truly cared about her, he thought about his feelings towards the girl, but he pushed them down, maybe once the war was over, then he would tell her.


Jaycee inhaled deeply and opened her eyes wide. "Was wondering when you'd wake up," She looked to her right to see Bellamy, and she smiled a little, "What are you doing here? I thought you were locked up," Bellamy stood up and got closer to the girl, "I was but Finn convinced the guards that you needed me here since your brother wasn't here to help you through the surgery so that you weren't alone, they thought I cared about you or something,"

Jaycee nodded her head and then looked away, "Hey," She looked back at him, "I do care about you, I'm not sure why, but I do, and I know Jasper would have wanted me here with you during your surgery," Bellamy smiled at the girl, "Thank you, it means a lot that you would stay by my side,"

Bellamy looked at the girl, "Now I have to go," Jaycee looked at him with confusion all over her face, "Yeah, Abby wants Finn, Sterling, Monroe, Murphy, and I to go find Clarke and the others, we're going to bring them back, bring Monty and Jasper back," Jaycee looked at him still, "I'm sorry but Murphy? Don't you hate him?" Bellamy nodded and sighed, "Yes but he's the only one who's been to the grounder's camp,"

Jaycee nodded, she took a deep breath in, "Be careful, I've lost a lot of people that I've cared about, I don't want to lose you either," Bellamy smiled, "Don't worry Angel, I'll be back before you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" Jaycee giggle a little, Bellamy smiled, and so did Jaycee, "Come here," She sat up and motioned for Bellamy to hug her, "Please be careful, find my brother and the others, then get the hell out of there," She said then she let go of him.

All Bellamy could do was smile at the girl, 'Damn, I like this girl,' He thought in his head, "Will do, stay off that leg of yours. alright?" Bellamy said. The girl looked at him and smiled, "Yeah, if you see Jasper and Monty give them a hug for me okay." Bellamy smiled and nodded, he was going to walk away but out of nowhere he came back to Jaycee and gave her one last hug.

"Woah, two hugs?" She looked up at him, "Are you sure you're the Bellamy that I landed on the ground with?" She smirked. "What can I say, I've changed," She smiled at him, "I'll cya later," Jaycee smiled and waved 'bye' until she was unable to see the Blake boy.

'Why do I have a weird feeling in my stomach?' She thought to herself but didn't think anything of it.


Bellamy was with Finn, "You don't think anyone saw us?" Finn looked at the Bellamy, "Shh, keep it down," They then bumped into Abby, "You're late," She told both boys.

"Bellamy was saying goodbye to his girlfriend,-" He was interrupted by Bellamy, "She's not my girlfriend," He said with a cold voice as he looked at Finn, "He also decided to bring company," Finn looked at Abby.

"He's the only person that's been in their camp," Bellamy told the two. Then a new voice came in "Here, find my son, his name is Nathan Miller," David Miller, (Miller's dad) said to the Blake boy.

Abby handed them guns now, and looked at the boys, "I'll look after Raven and Jaycee," The boys looked at her and nodded. "Bring them home," Abby finalized.

OMG!! this is another long chapter! Hope you enjoy this!

Comment on some ship names between Jaycee + Bellamy

Jaycee and Bellamy will be with each other soon!

(Word count 3529)

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