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Louise is a captivating novel that follows the story of Louise, a young girl who finds herself caught between... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Other Stories: Coming soon
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44: End

Chapter 7

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Louise carefully sealed the envelope containing her letter to Amina, making sure not to wrinkle the delicate parchment. She expressed how much she missed her and how Mary's friendship had become a bright spot in her life. As she set the letter aside, a gentle knock echoed through the room.

Louise stood up from her desk and made her way to the door. Mary stood outside, a hopeful smile on her face. "Have you finished?" she asked, her voice tinged with excitement.

"Yes, but we do not have to go into town today to deliver it!" Louise replied, a hint of reluctance in her voice. She glanced back at her desk, where the letter to Amina still laid.

"I know, but I want to go into town, please," Mary pleaded, her expression earnest. She reached out and took Louise's hand in hers, giving it a squeeze. "Think of it as our little adventure. We could buy some new ribbons for your hair or maybe some sugar biscuits from the bakery. Please, Lou? Just this once?"

"Okay, okay!" Louise laughed, relenting to Mary's persistent pleading. She smiled warmly at her friend, squeezing her hand back. "But just for today. We can go on our little adventure and then we'll come right back, all right?"

Louise hurried back into her room to retrieve the letter for Amina, carefully holding it. Mary waited outside the door, humming a cheerful tune as she adjusted her bonnet. Closing the door behind them, the two friends walked arm-in-arm towards the town square, their steps light and their hearts full of anticipation.

As they walked, Mary hesitated for a moment before gathering the courage to share her own thoughts on love. "You know, Lou, I've been thinking...maybe I'd like to find love someday too. Not necessarily as a governess, but just...someone to share my life with. Someone who appreciates my silly jokes and loves me for who I am." She looked at Louise expectantly, hoping for encouragement.

Louise smiled gently; her heart filled with warmth. "I think that's a wonderful dream, Mary. You deserve to find someone who sees all the wonderful things about you and cherishes them!"

"So..Louise, can I tell you something?" Mary asked, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Of course, what is it?" Louise replied, genuinely curious.

Mary took a deep breath. "There's a man... I like." She whispered.

Louise couldn't contain her surprise. "What!" she exclaimed, drawing the attention of a passing couple.

"Louise!" Mary hushed her friend, glancing around nervously. "I apologize, but who? Do I know him?" Louise's curiosity was now piqued. She couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest as she waited for Mary to continue.

"He's a paper boy," Mary admitted "His name is Thomas, and he's always so polite and kind to me. I know it's silly, but I can't help but feel a little bit...happy whenever I see him." She blushed, looking down at her feet.

"A paper boy?" Louise stopped in her tracks, giving Mary a closer look.

"Is there something wrong with that?" Mary questioned; her voice laced with defensiveness.

"Of course not, Mary, but will he have enough to marry you or take care of you?" Louise asked gently, genuinely concerned for her friend's future. She knew how society often looked down on women in their position.

"Marriage?" Mary's eyes widened in surprise. "He hasn't even made his intentions known to me," she said, laughing nervously. "I suppose I was just...daydreaming."

Louise put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's natural to have such thoughts, Mary. And who knows? Perhaps he feels the same way about you." She smiled encouragingly. "In the meantime, let us enjoy our day in town and focus on finding some sugar biscuits, shall we?"

They continued their walk, their conversation drifting between the potential of Mary finding love and the details of their day-to-day lives. The town square bustled with activity as they approached; vendors hawking their wares, children laughing and playing, and the occasional horse-drawn carriage making its way through the crowd. The bakery was just around the corner, its sweet aroma wafting out onto the street.

From that day on, all Mary talked about was Thomas the paper boy. She had fallen helplessly in love with him. She would blush every time she saw him, and her heart would race. Though they had barely exchanged more than a few polite words, Mary spent her days fantasizing about Thomas and what their life could be like together.

She started sneaking out of the boarding school in the early mornings before lessons, hoping to catch a glimpse of Thomas making his paper deliveries. Her heart would race when she saw him cycling down the street, tossing papers onto doorsteps with practiced aim. She took care to stay hidden, not wanting to draw attention or cause a scandal.

Louise was the only one who knew about Mary's growing infatuation. Though initially surprised that her friend had developed feelings for a common paper boy, Louise was happy to see Mary so smitten. The two girls would stay up late whispering and giggling as Mary described her brief interactions with Thomas, analysing his every word and gesture for hidden meaning and affection.

"Oh Louise, do you really think he returns my feelings?" Mary asked one night, her eyes shining in the candlelight. "What if he looked at me today because he too harbours romantic feelings for me?"

Louise smiled at her friend. "I cannot say for certain, but he would have to be a fool not to see how wonderful you are, Mary."

This secret affair of the heart continued for over a year. Mary treasured every glance and casual greeting from Thomas, compiling them into a fantasy of romance and marriage in her mind. She was careful to keep her feelings hidden from the other girls at the boarding school but with Louise she was open and effusive.

Now at 17, Mary and Louise had grown even closer over their time together at the boarding school. Louise provided a listening ear and words of encouragement as Mary's infatuation deepened. For her part, Louise was simply happy to see her dearest friend so filled with joy and optimism, even if it was attached to a mere daydream.

One morning, as the two friends were in town running errands, Mary suddenly stopped short on the sidewalk. "It's him!" she gasped, clutching Louise's arm. Sure enough, Thomas was making his way down the street on his bicycle, tossing newspapers as he went.

Before Louise could react, Mary gathered her skirts and hurried across the street. "Thomas!" she called out. "Thomas, wait!"

Thomas braked and looked up in surprise. When he saw Mary waving at him enthusiastically, a smile spread across his face. "Why Miss Mary, what a lovely surprise seeing you here," he said, tipping his hat politely. "What a coincidence running into you!" Mary said breathlessly. "I was just telling my friend Louise how much I enjoy getting the paper from you each morning."

Louise caught up just then, giving Thomas a polite nod. He nodded back respectfully. "Well, I certainly appreciate the business, miss. I hope you and your household find the news and stories informative."

"Oh yes, always!" Mary enthused. She hesitated for a moment, then said softly, "Perhaps we could discuss the happenings of the day together sometime." A blush spread prettily over her cheeks.

Thomas' eyes widened slightly, but then he grinned. "Why, I would be delighted to do so, Miss Mary. Your perspectives are sure to be most insightful."

Mary's face lit up with joy. "Wonderful! I look forward to our conversation."

With a final touch to the brim of his hat, Thomas wheeled his bicycle around and continued on his route. Mary clasped her hands to her heart as she watched him go, then turned eagerly to Louise. "Did you hear? He wants to speak with me more! Oh, this must mean he shares my feelings!"

Louise smiled affectionately at her lovestruck friend. "It certainly seems promising. I am so pleased for you, Mary!"

In the following weeks, Mary and Thomas began meeting discreetly when they could steal a few moments together. They would discuss the events of the town, the happenings in the boarding school, and their hopes and dreams. With each encounter, Mary became more convinced that Thomas was her one true love.

For his part, Thomas was attentive and polite, though he remained circumspect regarding his precise feelings for Mary. Still, she took his willingness to meet as all the proof she needed.

One afternoon, while Louise and Mary strolled through the town gardens, Mary nervously broached a subject she had been pondering. "Louise, I was hoping to ask a favour of you, if you are willing."

"Of course, Mary, anything for you," Louise assured her.

"Well, I would be honoured if you would meet Thomas. Properly, that is. I have told him so much about you, and I know if you met you would get along splendidly," Mary said in a rush.

Louise paused, considering the implications of such a meeting. But seeing the hopeful look on Mary's face, she couldn't deny her friend. "If it would make you happy, I would be delighted to meet Thomas."

Mary impulsively threw her arms around Louise. "Oh, thank you, you are the truest friend one could ever wish for!"

So, the next day, when Thomas and Mary were able to steal some time together, Louise accompanied her friend. Though initially awkward, it quickly became clear that Thomas was a kind, upstanding young man. His humble manner and obvious care for Mary endeared him to Louise immediately. The three passed an enjoyable hour in conversation together.

Before parting ways, Thomas drew Louise aside. "Miss Louise, I must speak plainly. Your friend Miss Mary has captured my heart completely. My intentions towards her are honourable. I wish to build a life and home with her, if she will have me." He looked at Louise beseechingly.

Louise's own heart swelled with joy for her dear friend. "Thomas, your feelings honour you both. I have no doubt of the sincerity of your affections, and I believe Mary feels the same. You have my full support, as I know Mary's happiness would be secured with you."

Thomas shook Louise's hand gratefully. "Thank you, Miss Louise. You cannot know what peace your blessing on this matter gives me. I intend to speak to Mary's father as soon as I am able, though I confess the thought makes me anxious!"

"All will be well, Thomas," Louise said warmly. "True love has a way of winning out in the end." As they walked back to Mary, who was waiting eagerly for them, Louise made up her mind to keep this conversation in confidence. She would let Thomas propose to Mary in his own time and way. For now, she would simply enjoy watching her friend discover the first tender blossoms of love.

Over the next few weeks, Mary was incandescent with excitement. Thomas' meetings and attentions towards her became more frequent and overt. Though he still did not explicitly speak of marriage, Mary took each interaction to be further proof of his affections.

"Dearest Louise," she exclaimed one evening. "Today Thomas said I was the most graceful girl in the county! And he picked a little wildflower and gave it to me." She held the slightly crumpled blossom to her heart.

Louise smiled indulgently. "How lovely. He clearly cherishes you." Inwardly, Louise sent up a prayer that Thomas would in fact propose soon. Mary's infatuation was consuming her completely.

A fortnight later, Mary burst into her room, face flushed and breathing hard from running. "Louise, Louise!" she cried. "The most wonderful, glorious thing has happened!"

"What is it?" Louise asked, though she was certain she already knew.

"Thomas proposed!" Mary exclaimed joyously. "He said he loved me from the first moment he saw me and wishes me to be his wife! Oh Louise, I am the happiest girl alive!"

Louise leapt up and embraced her friend tightly. "Oh Mary, I am so very happy for you! I know you and Thomas will have a blessed life together."

As Mary gushed over the details of Thomas' proposal and their plans for a spring wedding, Louise offered heartfelt congratulations and support. Inside, she felt a twinge of sadness at the realization that this development would undoubtedly change the nature of her own close friendship with Mary. Yet seeing the sheer joy radiating from Mary's face, Louise knew she would not trade her friend's happiness for anything.

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