By Jikook_GotYourJams

842 480 42

"You can't change how things are you can't change my faith jungkook ! It's being delusional " . . . . "... ar... More



54 37 2
By Jikook_GotYourJams


" One thing you can't hide is when you're crippled inside."


The next morning, Jimin arrived at school, carefully retrieving his school materials without daring to steal a glance at Jungkook.

Unbeknownst to him, a small, unconscious smile played on Jimin's lips.

Thoughts of the previous lesson brought a blush to his face, but he quickly regained composure.

Already an hour into law class, Jungkook attempted to capture the attention of the pretty blonde with a cold expression.

Letting out a deep sigh, he turned his face away the moment the bell rang.

Jungkook then shifted his attention to Jimin, asking, "Have you made up your mind?" Jimin turned around, locking eyes with Jungkook.

"Yes, I can come," he replied. Jungkook smiled and, with excitement, jumped out of the room, leaving Jimin sitting there, perplexed.

Jimin walked out of the class, holding his school book, when he was suddenly approached by Karina, who greeted him with a wide smile.

Playing with her skirt nervously, she opened her mouth, inquiring about marriage.

Jimin looked at her for a few moments before coldly replying in an emotionless voice, "I don't love you, and I never will." He walked past her, leaving her standing there, and she gave a small smile, glancing left and right to ensure no one had witnessed their exchange.

Taking a breath, she walked away, processing the encounter.

Jimin swiftly concluded all his classes and hurried home to take a shower before heading to Jungkook's house for their project.

Entering his car, he requested his chauffeur to drive.

Stopping in front of his violin school, he waited for his driver to proceed.

Glancing left and right, he attempted to discern Jungkook's residence.

Having rarely ventured out, he wandered about, clad in the hoodie of his jacket, until he came to a halt in front of a mansion slightly larger than what he was accustomed to.

The mansion stood grand and imposing, slightly larger than Jimin's accustomed surroundings.

Its architecture boasted intricate details, adorned with columns and elegant moldings.

The exterior displayed a harmonious blend of classic and modern elements, with tall windows and a stately entrance.

The façade was crafted from high-quality materials, giving the mansion an aura of opulence.

Lush landscaping adorned the spacious grounds, featuring manicured lawns and vibrant flower beds.

Tall, majestic trees framed the property, adding a touch of natural grandeur.

The driveway leading to the entrance was paved with smooth stones, hinting at the luxury within.

As Jimin stood before the mansion, wearing the hoodie of his jacket, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer magnificence of Jungkook's home.

The contrast between his usual surroundings and the opulent mansion created a moment of quiet reflection before he continued on his way.

The vastness of the place struck him as he thought to himself, realizing he couldn't possibly walk it by foot.

Eventually, he stood before the mansion, climbed the stairs, and before he could knock again, the door swung open heavily.

There stood a half-naked Jungkook, wearing only a towel around his waist.

Jimin gulped, looking away and blushing.

But why? There was nothing inherently wrong; they were both boys.

Yet, butterflies fluttered in Jimin's stomach whenever he was around Jungkook.

"Jimin!" Jungkook called out for the third time. "Oh, yeah, sorry," Jimin responded nervously.

He didn't know how to act; the only places he had been to by himself were at home.

Shyly, he followed Jungkook to the back, keeping his head low.

Jungkook ushered Jimin into his room, ensuring they were alone, and closed the door behind them.

"Sorry, I just finished taking my bath,"

He apologized.

"Get comfortable, and if you need anything, ring that bell there."

Jimin sat on the bed, placing his hands on his lap, and glanced around.

To say the least, he was quite uncomfortable. Jungkook finished getting dressed and noticed Jimin spacing out.

Finding Jimin really cute, he didn't say anything, allowing a thick silence to fill the entire house.

Jimin looked up, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, can we do the homework now?" he asked.

Jungkook replied, "Yeah, of course." The heavy silence would fill the room as well, only if Jungkook knew how to keep his mouth shut.

Jimin was growing annoyed, but he chose to keep his mouth shut.

As they worked on the paragraph detailing how they wanted to make the model, Jungkook suddenly asked, "How about you? How is your relationship with your dad?"

Jimin stopped typing for a moment, cracking his neck, then resumed writing.

"I heard your dad really treats his family well, and they always have weekends off to spend time together." That was the last straw for Jimin. He couldn't hold back any longer.

"Will you just shut up? You don't know anything about me or my life. I guess it's nice that your home life is marvelous but mine isn't. I get beaten every day. I don't have the right to do anything I want. 'Park Jimin this, Park Jimin that'—yeah, I've heard them all. Every time, it's always assumptions from everyone. They always want to shape things. You're just like them. The only thing you guys do is judge people," Jimin vented, his eyes starting to water.

"I didn't mean to—" Jungkook began, trying to comfort him, but Jimin cut him off, saying, "Spare it, Jungkook. I don't want to hear anything." He grabbed his school bag, wanting to leave the room.

Jungkook held his arm, but Jimin, out of rage, slapped him.

"Don't you ever touch me," he snapped, shrugging Jungkook off and leaving the room, slamming the door harshly.

As he stepped out of the room, Jimin burst into tears.

He didn't care if Jungkook heard him crying; all that mattered was the overwhelming panic and the ache in his chest.

He had taken a leap of faith, trusting someone.

It might not seem like a big deal to others, but for him, someone who had been manipulated and struggled with trust issues, it felt like a profound betrayal.

He berated himself for being so stupid. Maybe his dad was right; perhaps he was the only one capable of giving him affection.

Perhaps everyone outside the walls of his house were monsters.

The emotions coursing through him were a tangled mess of hurt, vulnerability, and self-doubt. He felt exposed, as if the vulnerability he had shared had been weaponized against him.

Each tear seemed to carry the weight of past betrayals, and the ache in his chest echoed the pain of broken trust.

As he leaned against the hallway wall, Jimin wondered if opening up to someone was worth the risk.

He got up and walked out of the house, clinging to a sliver of hope that Jungkook would come running after him.

Yet, deep down, he knew it was unlikely.

After all, he had just slapped Jungkook.

Inside the room, Jungkook held his cheek, still processing the sting from Jimin's slap.

The sobs of Jimin echoed in the hallway, but Jungkook resisted the urge to go out and comfort him. He understood that Jimin needed space, even though it tore at him not to offer solace.

As Jimin left, the door of the main house shutting behind him, Jungkook took a deep breath. He felt a sinking realization that he had truly messed up. Was it his fault for asking those questions? While it was true that not everything on TV was real, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had crossed a line.

The weight of guilt settled in, leaving him grappling with the consequences of his actions.

Jimin walked briskly, his pace quickening, tears streaming down his face. He was a crying mess, desperately sniffing and attempting to clear his blurry vision. The urge to scream welled up within him, but he fought to maintain composure. As he approached home, he yearned to unleash his frustration, to scream into the void.

Upon reaching his room, he closed the door behind him and unleashed the pent-up anger. He screamed into his pillow, the muffled sound a release for the overwhelming emotions swirling inside him.

"Stupid Jeon!" he shouted angrily, the words carrying the weight of betrayal. Then, in a softer tone, he repeated, "Stupid Jimin," directing the frustration inward, blaming himself for trusting too easily. The room echoed with the aftermath of shattered trust and tangled emotions.

Jimin continued repeating "stupid Jimin," hitting his head a couple of times. He walked over to his drawer, taking out a scarf while staring at the ceiling.

" your really Stupid Jimin," he repeated again, his voice carrying a heavy self-blame. He dropped the scarf, collapsing to the floor laying there for a while .

Hours passed as Jimin cried, the weight of his emotions pressing down on him.

As he continued to wrestle with his feelings, his vision blurred, and exhaustion took over.

Jimin fell into a fitful slumber, the turmoil of the day haunting his dreams. The room held the echoes of his pain, a silent witness to the emotional storm that had swept through.

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