total drama gc

By codythetwink_

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(FANFIC 1) (this was an idea I got from talking to an ai on character ai, which I know sounds kinda silly) AL... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19

part 13

429 7 28
By codythetwink_

(a few days after the incident (being locked in the closet together again))

tw: fire

operation make noco real 🥰

Izzy is online

Izzy: should i get noah to confess today 😶

Gwen is online

Gwen: YES 🙏😍

Bridgette is online


Izzy: okay i will 🤑


Izzy: hey twinkaliscious

Izzy: get online

Izzy: its important.

Noah is online

Noah: im here im here

Noah: what do you want.

Izzy: i think todays the day :3

Noah: you said it was important.

Noah is offline

Izzy: HEY














Noah is online

Noah: fine just stfu.

Izzy: yay :3

Noah: now, how do you propose I do this?

Izzy: uhhhhh

Izzy: just tell him.

Noah: but how?

Izzy: ur the nerd, figure it out urself 🤓

Noah: kys

Izzy: no 😍😍🤑

Noah: okay well I still don't know what to do like how to say it.

Izzy: use that big brain of yours

Izzy: thats why ur forehead is so big its all that brain 🤓

Noah: stfu.

Izzy: naw. 😝

Noah: still though what do I say like at least to start it off?

Izzy: say 'i wanna talk to you'

Noah: that makes it seem like something else though it sounds too harsh.

Izzy: idc

Izzy: you asked me for help, so go do it.

Noah: ugh fine 😒

Izzy: yesss 😍

Noah is offline

Noah's pov

I make my way to his room. The first day after the 'incident', he hadn't come out of there at all. I don't blame him, honestly. I would have done the same, in fact, I would have stayed in the for longer.

He has come out a few times after that, though we haven't spoken to each other during that time.

I'm outside of his bedroom door. I'm standing here, thinking: man, I'm about to fuck this up so bad.

I knock on the door. It takes a few seconds before I get any response from him.

"Come in," he says, and I open the door.

He has the lights off so I switch them on. His room is messy, like usual, and he is sat on his bed. He isn't really doing anything, and I assume he's been on his phone as it sits next to him, lying face-down. I close the door and turn to face him.

"Yeah?" he says, looking at me.

"Cody, uh. Can we talk?" I ask, and the expression on his face changes. I know exactly what he must be thinking. 'Oh shit, what have I done?'. And the way he says these next words, his tone of voice, pretty much confirms that.

"Uh- sure, yeah we can."

I go over to him and sit down next to him on his bed. I hadn't thought this far ahead, and I have no idea what to say, but I have to think of something.

"So, what was it you wanted to talk about?" he asks, avoiding eye contact with me.

"I think it's gonna be hard to say this, but..." I start. My face feels hot, and, this may sound weird, but it feels like I have butterflies in my stomach. Not in that kind of way though, like in the way that I feel like I may throw up if I say another word.

"You okay?" he asks me. "What did you wanna say?"

"I- fuck, I can't put it into words." I reply, scared of what his response would be if I had just given it to him straight.

"Is there any other way you could say it but without saying it?" he asks.

I manage to lock eye contact with him. I really don't want to have to do this, because what if he doesn't like it? But I don't know how else to say it.

My heart is racing, and as a spur of the moment decision, I kiss him. Yes, on the lips this time.

And I know, it sounds really weird when you think about it. Just kissing him like that? What was I thinking? But there's no going back now, I've already done it.

He doesn't pull away, not until I do. I have instant regrets, from the moment we locked lips until now.

He looks like he's trying to process what just happened, and I feel bad, and I doubt he feels the same way now.

"I am so sorry-" I start, but I stop myself before I fuck it up even more.

There is a moment of silence, both of us thinking about what just happened.

"I can just leave if you want me to. If you don't–" I start.

"No, stay, please," he says, and I stay, slightly confused.

Before I can say anything else, he kisses me, again on the lips. I am kind of surprised by this, like I didn't know that this would be how he would respond to that.

I just let it happen. It lasts longer than when I kissed him, but eventually he pulls away.

Then it's quiet again, so I speak.

"What does this mean then?" I ask, probably the dumbest question I've ever asked.

"I- I don't know really," he admits.

"Does that mean you–"

"Well, yeah of course. Why would I do it back if I didn't?"


More awkward gaps of silence.

"What does this mean for us then? Does than mean we're–"

"I think so," he says. "This hasn't happened to me before."


"What do we do now?"

"How long have you felt this way?" I ask.

"Uh– a while really. I know, I probably should have confessed ages ago..." he says.

"I thought I was the only one. I have felt like this for ages. Probably the majority of my feelings were hidden away for so long, I didn't think I'd ever like a twat like you," I say, smirking. He nudges me with his elbow.

"You're such a dickhead," he says, smiling. "You know, I never though I'd ever like a nerd like you."

I laugh a bit at his terrible joke. I don't know why it makes me laugh, probably because it's so bad.

Then it's silent again, and the only thing I can think about, other than what has just happened, is the 'incident'. I really don't want to bring it up, but it's been a few days since it's happened, and we haven't said a word about it.

"Also, can we talk about what happened a few days ago?" I ask, and the smile fades from his face. "I just wanted to know if you're okay, you know, since it happened."

"Yeah, I guess I'm fine."

"How's your arm?"

"It's okay. Hurts a bit, but it's fine."

"What did you do with that hoodie?"

"I think it's on the floor over there." He points over to something in the corner of his room.

I go pick it up. I return to the bed and examine it. I can see where the branch caught his arm on the hoodie, there's a huge rip in the sleeve. It's dirtied by mud and a little bit of blood from when he got cut.

"What are you gonna do with this?" I ask.

"I don't know, I'll probably throw it out. Burn it, maybe," he replies.

"I think Izzy could help with the burning part, she knows how to do all sorts of dangerous shit." Things go kind of weird when I mention her name.

"Do you still not forgive her?" I ask. In response I get a nod.

"Kind of," he says.

"I'm not taking sides here, but she really is sorry, which I didn't know was possible for her to feel... Anyways. I know you might not forgive her, and that's fine," I say.

"Yeah." His responses are short, basic, all of the above. He gets like that when he's annoyed at someone.

"Okay," I say back.

"Can we move on from this?" he asks.

"Yeah, we can."

(im just gonna do the 3 dots when there's silence from now on)

.  .  .

"How about we go and do that thing, you know, burning the hoodie?" I suggest. In response, I get a nod from Cody.

"Right, where are we gonna do this?" I ask, picking up the hoodie and heading towards the door.

"We could do it in the field? Like, where there's nobody there," Cody suggests while standing up.

"Good idea," I say back. "Got any lighters lying around anywhere? Not like you would need one for anything, but–" I turn around and stop speaking when he pulls a lighter out of some drawer in his nightstand.

"Okay, guess I was wrong. Hand it here then." He throws the lighter at me. I test out said lighter, to see if it works, and when I try the little flame flickers smoothly. "Nice, this'll do. Let's go then," I say as I place the lighter in my pocket, after making sure the flame was gone, of course.

It's the evening now, when the sun is close to setting, and now we're both walking through the field.

Cody was the one who discovered it. A few months after we moves into our house, Cody was taking a little look around town, just like anywhere in general in the town, when he had come home and decided to look around the outside of the house. We never had a backyard, but there was this little opening in some bushes outside the house which led to a small hidden pathway, which then lead to some field. While people did go to that field often, the place near our house was like a smaller, closed off bit which rarely if ever had any visitors besides from us.

I remember the day well, when Cody had found it, as he was really excited as he led me through the bushes to this little secret spot. And yes, this whole thing may seem something out of a fantasy story, or some crappy romance novel where they find a place like this and in the end the two main characters kiss, blah blah blah, but that's just how it happened.

Now Cody is once again leading me through these same bushes, out to the little spot in the field where we're not likely to be seen. I have the hoodie bundled up in my arms and the lighter in my pocket, and we emerge from the bushes out to an area where you can see miles and miles (probably and exaggerated amount) of green. Then, when you look up, there's the sky, and at this moment in time, it's starting to turn orange.

We move a bit further out, to where the grass is a bit shorter, and then we stop where we are. I hold the hoodie by its hood and fish out the lighter from my pocket. I hold the lighter out to Cody.

"Would you like to do the honours?" I ask.

"Why, it would be my pleasure," he says in some dumb 'posh' accent which makes me laugh, and that then makes him start to laugh.

He takes the lighter from my hand and after a few seconds he manages to get the flame to appear. With the hand he has free he grabs the bottom of the hoodie and puts the flame up against it. It soon starts to give off smoke, but then there is more light coming from where he has the lighter held at, and one can only assume that it has finally been set alight.

He quickly drops the part of the hoodie that he is holding in case he burns his hand. He clutches the lighter tightly in his hand, the flame gone from it. The flames reach the hood quickly, which is where I'm holding it from, so I quickly drop it, and now it just sits there on the ground, burning.

"That was very..." Cody starts, trailing off as if he doesn't know what word to use.

"Anticlimactic?" I suggest.

"Yeah," he responds.

.  .  .

The sky is a deeper orange now. The sun is setting quite quickly, and with that comes the cold that comes with the night. Luckily I am wearing a jumper right now, but Cody is only wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt. I can see him sort of shivering.

"You seem kind of cold, do you want my jumper?" I ask him, straight to the point and without hesitation.

"I- uh..." He's lost for words, but I don't give him a choice, and now I'm taking of my jumper and giving it to him. He puts it on without putting up a fight. I can tell that he has benefitted from this action, he seems as though he is enjoying wearing said jumper. To this I smile, and I think he catches me smiling because he turns and looks the other way, pretending to have seen something.

We both decide to sit on the grass until both the sun set and the fire on the hoodie goes out, so we're waiting for a while. I'm surprised at how long this hoodie has lasted, seeing as when the sun finally sets, it is still going.

After a little while, the hoodie is finally extinguished from the fire as the flame gets too small to be able to resist the strength if the wind, which isn't even that strong to begin with. Now it's just a pile which consists mostly of ash, which will probably be picked up by the wind sooner or later.

It's very dark now, the only light around coming from the moon and the starts above. I turn and look at Cody, who I now laying on the grass, asleep. I decide that I'll join him, so I lay down beside him. I look up at the stars for a while, I guess trying to fall asleep. I slip my hand into his, his hand is cold. So then we are both lying there, holding hands, even though he's asleep and I'm not. But that doesn't matter.

I look at the stars until I eventually fall asleep, probably with a smile on my face.


RAHHHH I've been waiting for this chapter to be finisheddddd but like I'm so sorry I FUCKING FORGOT THIS EXISTED but anywaysssss I'm not the biggest fan of this chapter but it'll have to do and I'm glad these two finally got together like yk and it seems like some crappy romance novel shit at the end but I'm a fucking sucker for these two so enjoy that shit. Idk if I'll do a pov chapter straight after this so if it's not a pov chapter after this then just pretend that they both got home safe n shit k? Also Noah is so me I don't know how to say shit/confess so I do dumb shit that may possibly make the other person hate me 😎 but he's lucky the twink liked him back fr like my single ass could NEVER pull. Anyways this is getting long asf so byeeee for nowwwww ♥︎

2271 words written (holy shit that's a lot (I've written more in a chapter before))

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