The Unwanted Child {1}

By mmultixaep0

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The Unwanted Child Jaycee Jordan also known as Jay to her friends was an average kid who got sent to the cel... More

The 100 + 1
My brother
Last man on the ark
The Woods
My brother, my responsibility
Acid Fog
The Ark
Contents under pressure
Day Trip
Unity day
I Am Become Death
The Calm
We Are Grounders ~Part 1~
We Are Grounders ~Part 2~
✨ Graphics ✨
The Saved
Human Trials
Fog of War
Log Into an Abyss
Remember Me
Survival of the Fittest
Blood Must Have Blood
Nothing But Lies
The Lie's Between Us
Three Months
Ye Who Enter Here
Bitter Harvest
Terms and Conditions
Stealing Fire
Join or Die
Red Sky at Morning
Perverse Instantiation

The Ark

929 15 1
By mmultixaep0

After the Mountain Men had taken the 48 delinquents. They had taken them to their base. Everyone was asleep as they were each put in their own room. The room was white, everything was white. The last one to wake up was Clarke Griffen, she didn't know where she was. But when she got up, she saw a familiar face. It was Monty. She tried to get out but it was no use.


Bellamy was running around to see if he could find the others. After a couple of minutes, he heard his name "Bellamy?" Monroe called out. She and Sterling had stood up to walk to him. "Get back down," Bellamy told the two delinquents. "You were followed?" Monroe asked. "Quiet, Have you seen Finn?"  He said as he looked at them. "Finn's alive?" Monroe said with a shocked face.

"He was. We got separated. We knew the fire was coming, so, we ran, but one of them followed. How'd you guys get out?" Bellamy said looking at them, then looked around to see if there was anyone else. "We- we saw the Ark come down. We thought we'd come get help." Monroe said hesitantly. "Piece of it came down this way. Monroe thinks it's Mecha, but personally, I think-" Before he could finish Bellamy interrupted him.

"Follow me. Stay low and quiet."


Finn and another delinquent were captured by Tristan. He had them tied up and to follow him. The delinquent ended up dropping to his knees because of how exhausted he was. "I can't go anymore." He told the scary grounder. "On your feet," Tristan said with an intimidating voice. "I can't." He replied. "He can't keep up" Finn had told Tristan, "I said, get on your feet. Get up," he said as he walked up to the delinquent.

When the teen didn't get up Tristan grabbed his dagger and sliced the kid's throat, killing him. "No! ugh!" Finn tried to break free but it was no use. "That's one. I lost three hundred." Finn then looked at the kid and started to get upset. Tristan walked up to him, Finn thought he was next. But Tristan had just givin' him water. "Drink up, You're lucky, I need to keep one of you alive to talk to the commander, now get up," he said in a scary voice.


Jaycee was still passed out from the amount of blood she had lost and the pain she was in. Raven was awake. Looking at the girl. After the Mountain men had taken the other 48 she had a gun just in case anyone came in.

Jaycee woke up after a couple of minutes. Her eyes fluttered open and she groaned in pain. "Hey, take it easy, you still have two holes in you," Raven told the girl "What the hell happened? Where is everyone?" Raven sighed heavily "I'm not sure. When I woke up you and I were the only ones here." Jaycee looked at her. "You don't think they left us? do you?" Jaycee asked with a panicked voice. "No, Jasper wouldn't leave you. Something happened. Something bad" Raven said.

Jaycee stood up, limped to Raven then sat down, Raven just looked at the girl confused. "What? I was alone in my corner over there. Plus we need company if we're going to die together." Raven laughed at the girl's comment. "If 'I, Raven Reyes' were to die right now. I am glad it's with you Jaycee Jordan" They just smiled at each other, and then Jaycee laid her head on Raven.

As it was quiet they heard something, "I have a plan, act dead." Jaycee nodded and they both lay on their side. Raven was the one with the gun, Jaycee didn't have anything so she tried to stay as quiet as she could.

Raven held the gun next to her chest, someone had walked in the dropship, and he walked up to Raven with a dagger in their hand, he flipped Raven over and the Reyes girl shot the grounder in the head with the last bit of bullet they had left. She then groaned as she threw the gun at Jaycee and tried to sit back up.

"Hey, take it slow, the more you move, the more pain you're going to be in," Jaycee told her friend. Jaycee was at least 3 feet from Raven now. They heard another noise, Jaycee was the one with the gun this time and she groaned in pain as she tried to sit and point the rifle to the entrance of the ship. Someone had walked in. Someone they thought was dead.

It was Murphy.

He had walked in his his hands tied together then he looked at Raven first. She was pissed. Then he looked at Jaycee with the gun. "W-woah! It's okay!" Murphy pleaded. "It's okay! Jaycee, don't," He begged. "Don't shoot... Please.." He begged her. "Why not? You shot me... You shot Raven... I think it's time to even the score" She then raised the gun and pulled the trigger.  Murphy put his hands up to cover his eyes. But nothing happened. Jaycee clicked it again. Nothing happened. "shit" she mumbled. He then sat a couple of feet away from the duo and sighed then smiled a little "Yeah" he looked at them both. "I would've shot me too."


Back in the Mountain, Clarke had tried to escape, but she ended up cutting her arm, grabbing someone, and had a window glass to their neck. After the whole fiasco, she was met with their president Dante Wallace. He had told her that they rescued them and that they were now safe from the dangers that were outside of the mountain. Clarke being Clarke she didn't believe him for one second. But she played along. She wanted to see the rest of her friends and he told her 'Of course' but that she needed to change and get cleaned. After all of that, she ended up taking the bottom of a heal as a weapon. Once they went into the elevator, she was going to walk out until Dante held his hand out in front of her to signal to give him the heel. She did. She then walked in and saw all of her friends and how they were not hurt. Jasper was the first to notice the blonde-haired girl

"Clarke." He said loudly and ran up to the girl and gave her a hug. She hugged him back. She then looked at Monty, "Hi, you're okay," She said as she pulled Monty into a hug. "Hey," Monty smiled and hugged back. "Hey, Finn and Bellamy?" She looked at them both. "Clarke, they- they didn't make it," Jasper said to the girl. "We don't know that. What about Jaycee and Raven?" Before the others could answer someone she didn't recognize walked up to her. "Welcome Clarke. If you have any questions, I'm Keenan." She smiled, gave Clarke a book of the Mountain, and walked away.


Raven groaned as she was in pain, Jaycee still had the gun in her hands since she was the closest to Murphy after all. It was quiet between the three teens. Murphy was busy trying to take off the bands that made his wrist tied together. Raven and Jaycee were watching him the whole time. Not trusting him one bit. He finally got his wrist untied. "What are you doing here, Murphy?" Jaycee looked at him. He threw the knife and looked at them "Dying, Same as you too," Jaycee finally put the gun down as Raven tried to move into a sitting position.

Raven scoffed, "Speak for yourself, How many more are out there?" Raven asked. "None," He sighed loudly. "You fried them all." He looked at the dead grounder. "The only reason this one survived is because they left him behind to guard me," All of a sudden Raven started to cough badly, she began to cough up blood violently. "Raven!" Jaycee yelled out. She had tried to move but it didn't work out as planned, she couldn't move because she was in pain. "No, Raven!"

Murphy had stood up and limped to the girl and tried to help her. "Raven, lie on your side." She pushed him away. "Lie on your side. Come on!" She tried to push him away again. "Fine, then just roll over yourself. Get down on your side." Jaycee covered her mouth in fear for her friend. The coughing had stopped and Murphy got on his knees to wipe the blood away from Raven's mouth. "You're okay," He told her. "It's all good." Raven moves more on her side. "Raven? Are you okay?" Jaycee asked with a worried face. "I'm fine Jay." She then looked at Murphy. "Why are you helping me?" she said with bloodshot eyes and a raspy low voice.

Murphy sat back, still close to Raven but enough to look at the two pale dying girls. "I don't want to die alone" Raven took a deep breath in. "Shouldn't have shot us then..." Jaycee said with a low voice.


Bellamy, Monroe, and Sterling started running after Tristan. They then stopped as soon as he stopped. Then they squatted down so they wouldn't be seen by him. Bellamy was giving a pep talk while Monroe, him, and Sterling watched Finn and Tristan in the distance. "I know you're scared, but we are warriors. We can do this." Bellamy told them both.

"How?" Monroe asked.

"We attack as a team. When he goes for me. Monroe goes for Finn. Once he's free, it's four on-one," Bellamy told them. "What do I do?" Sterling asked.

Bellamy looked at Tristan then to Sterling and said. "Try not to die," He then looked at them for a moment, "Ready?" They nodded. "One, two three!" Bellamy bolted off. "Hey!" He yelled out. What he didn't know was that Monroe and Sterling didn't follow through with the plan. Bellamy looked everywhere for them but they were nowhere to be found. "Bellamy get out of here!" Finn yelled out. Tristan then rides his horse fast causing Finn to fly. Tristan then knocked Bellamy to the ground, and he didn't get up. Tristan kicked Bellamy in the gut causing him to flip.

Tristan began to punch him over and over again causing Bellamy to have a bloody face.


Jasper and Monty are sitting in the mess hall eating food. "You have to try this pie," Jasper said with a smile on his face. Monty then tried his pie and smiled "Oh, my god. What is it?" He asked with excitement. "I don't know, but it's great. Mm. My turn" as he looked at the cake Monty was eating.

Monty then looked at him, "What this?" he asked. Jasper nodded his head. "Nah, you won't like it. The pie's way better" Monty said as he continued to eat his cake. Jasper squinted knowing that Monty was lying. Jasper then looked at him as he tried to stab the cake with his fork, Monty being Monty, pulled away his cake super fast for Jasper to miss the cake. He then looked at his best friend "Really?" Monty nodded he had a mouth full of cake in his mouth.

They had started to goof around making the others look at them until Jasper noticed Clarke walk up to them. "Hey," Clarke said as she sat down. "Sit down and pretend you're happy to see me." She told them both as they sat down. "We are happy to see you," Monty said with cake still in his mouth.

Monty grabbed a plate of chocolate cake. "You have to try the chocolate cake," As soon as Monty said that Jasper looked at his best friend and whispered. "oh, it is so on" Clarke shook her head. "I'm not eating their food," Clarke then showed them the book that the mountain girl had given Clarke. She pointed to the map, "Look, they gave us a map with no exits." Jasper looked at her like she was crazy. "I need you to tell me everything you've seen. Evert room, every hallway, every way out," She said.

" 'Way out?' Look around you, Clarke. There's no one hunting us here. First time in our lives we're not hungry. Why would we want to leave?" Jasper said, forgetting about his sister. "Because we have friends out there who need our help." She looked at Monty, "Your best friend" She looked at Jasper. "Your sister" She sighed "Do you not want to find her?" Jasper sighed "Of course I do Clarke. Okay but I mean what are the chances she is still alive? Murphy shot her twice..." Clarke then looked at him with an unbelievable expression. "I can't believe you would rather stay here than try and find your sister."

Jasper looked at her again. Monty then spoke up "Look, they're looking for survivors, and they're way better equipped to find them than we are," Monty looked at Jasper, "If she is alive then they will find her and bring her back, I already asked President Wallace to let me know anything." Jasper told the blonde. Clarke shook her head. "This place is too good to be true,"

Jasper then looked at her then Monty, "You're bumming me out, I'm gonna get more cake" He said, stood up, and walked away.


Clarke noticed that Jasper and a girl were getting close. So she got up and put the book on top of her stuff, quickly stealing the girl's key card. Clarke had apologized about the whole incident when she had the girl as a hostage. Clarke then left and walked away fast, that's when the girl noticed her key card was missing.

As she was walking away the alarms had gone off. "Not a prisoner huh," She spoke to herself then ran away from the guards that were trying to get to her so she didn't do anything bad. She ran towards a door using the keycard to open it, she then closed it and noticed that there were two options to go upstairs and downstairs. She then looked back at the door and cut the wires to make sure the guards wouldn't follow her. As they were trying to get the door open, Clarke began to run up the stairs.

She had made it to a latch and tried to open it but it didn't work. She twisted the volt and as she was going to pull the latch Jasper came in and yelled. "Clarke no!" She looked at him and the girl he was with earlier holding a gun to her. "If you pull that lever, these people will die. Even a little radiation can kill them." Clarke shook her head. "Don't make me shoot you" Maya said as Jasper put himself in front of the gun "Wait, wait," Then looked at Clarke. "Clarke, Don't do this... My sister wouldn't want this. And you know it," He finalized. She shook her head as tears were in her eyes. "I don't believe them..."

Jasper looked at her "Why would they lie? Listen to me. We are safe here because of you. I know Jaycee would want all of us to be safe, we're safe," Clarke shook her head 'no' "Not all of us..." Jasper sighed and looked at Clarke, he too had tears in his eyes. "I'm the one that fired the rockets. Should I not have done that? Clarke, when you pulled that lever, you saved lives. Don't throw that away by pulling this one." She then let go of the lever and let the guards take her away.


It was quiet between the teens again, Raven was wiping the blood from her mouth, Murphy was taking off a white rag tied to his legs, and Jaycee was staring at the door, waiting for someone, anyone, to help them. Raven broke the silence "How did you get to be such a dick, Murphy?" Jaycee looked at Murphy as he looked at both of them. "I'm sorry for shooting you both, Okay? Is that what you want to hear?" He asked them

Raven continued "Let me guess. Mommy and Daddy didn't love you?" Murphy sighed and continued to look down. "No, they loved me." He continued to look down and he looked like he was going to cry. "Are you gonna cry, Murphy?" She tilted her head. "Screw you, Raven," Raven shook her head. "No, tell me, I want to know. How does a kid who's loved by his parents turn into a murdering psychopath?" She said with a stern voice.

As he was tying something on his arm, he sighed and said "He gets the flu. His father steals medicine that turns out wouldn't help anyway. Gets floated for it and uh his mother, starts drinking pretty heavily after that and the last words she says to him before he finds her in a pool of her own vomit is that- is that he killed his father." He then looked at Raven, then Jaycee.

Jaycee's eyes were fluttering open and closed. She said. "Boo-hoo" Murphy gave her a look with tears going down his face.

"Well, that's something we have in common..." Murphy just looks up at the girl "After my mother had me then my brother, my father always adored Jasper more, I didn't understand why until I was older. I mean he still cared, but not as much as he cared about my brother" She took a deep breath. "After they found out about me, they locked me up, then they floated my mother" Tears went down her face. "After that, my father came to see me, only to tell me how angry he was at me... how it was my fault that... she was dead, and how he wished I was never born, how I was the unwanted child..." She then had tears running down her face. Raven had put a hand on the girl's thigh. As Murphy looked down again, everything was silent.


Woahhh Jaycee just spilled her heart out to a girl she met weeks ago and to someone who shot her twice... what do we think.

Jaycee deserves better!! OMLL
(Word count 3049)

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