By Graceguya1

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This is a continuation ( book 2) of my re-writing of the Grimm's fairytale, Hansel and Gretel as a Telenovela... More



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By Graceguya1

Meanwhile at the mental hospital,

Aranza has gone to visit her father. It is the first time she is going to see him since she found out the truth. She has reached the door. She takes a deep breath and opens the door. Her father was sitting on a chair, reading a newspaper. He turns when she enters. Aranza closes the door. She stands there. She can hardly believe that she is looking at her father. He stands and walks up to her. He calls her my little princess and hugs her. Aranza starts to cry. This was a moment, she had never thought would happen. He tells her not to cry because that was a happy time.

She says that she is just overwhelmed because everything that has happened is out of this world. He says that he was unfortunately never able to see her growing up but he will be there for her from that day onwards. She asks him if he knows how he survived the accident. Gabriel says that he was probably rescued by some of the first people on the scene and they might have been afraid of something, like being accused of helping cause the accident or kidnapping him or he might have escaped. He adds that they can't really be sure.

Aranza says that she doesn't want him to keep on living undercover. She adds that she wants him to come and regain his place as the head of the company. Gabriel smiles. He says that everything will happen in due course. Aranza says that simple is boring. She adds that they have to ensure that his grand reveal happens in a big way. Gabriel says that he had already suggested that he could show up unannounced during her siblings' first meeting with the shareholders and the board.

Back at Marianna's room,

Marianna says that Isabella, Horacio, and Alejandro are crazy and will never allow him, Adrianna, Antonio, and Gabriela to be happy especially now that they know who he and his sister really are. She adds that she knows her former friends well enough to know that they will want a slice of his family's money. She adds that she doesn't want to be a part of that or to make the divorce nasty or problematic. Hernan thanks her. He says that he will help her as much as he can regardless of the divorce. He then asks her what will happen after she is released.

Marianna, says that she will go back to her house and await the trial. She adds that she negotiated a plea bargain on the other charges. She adds that she also wants to fight to prove that she didn't kill Emma. She says that she wants to be a better person for herself and her daughter. Hernan says that he is happy to hear that. Marianna says that she wants to get back into her daughter's life. She adds that she is thankful to Adrianna for bringing Dianna to visit her as much as possible. Hernan says that he and Adrianna will take care of her daughter and love her in the meantime.

Elsewhere at Gabriela and Antonio's house,

She is there with the boys (Ricardo and Hannibal). She is playing with both of them. For a moment, she forgets all the problems that she has. Just then, the door rings. She goes and opens the door. She is surprised to see Claudia. They haven't seen a lot of each other since Claudia told Antonio what she did. Gabriela, however, welcomes her in. The boys hear someone and come to see who it is. Hannibal runs and hugs her. Ricardo follows him.

Back at the mental hospital.

Aranza tells her father, that it will be so much fun, to pull a fast one on her mother and Carlos, but because of the media circus caused by the way the expose on her brother and sister was done, they can't trust just anyone because people are looking for anything about their family to sensationalize. Gabriel agrees with her. He says that they need to find someone they can trust to secrecy or someone who has a motive to remain quiet. Aranza paces around and then looks at her father. She then says that they should look into the families of the three men killed. Gabriel asks her how that will help them.

Aranza says that they have more reason than everyone else to keep quiet. She then adds that they should look into their close family members and see who can help them make sure that his reveal goes on spectacularly. Aranza then adds that his appearance on that day must also be on point because it is part of the whole show. Gabriel looks at her and smiles. He says that she comes up with the craziest of ideas. She shrugs and says she is just like him. Aranza folds her hands and then calling her father daddy, she says that the plan was mostly for him. She adds that he has spent so many years locked up in the hospital and has lost so many years of his life, and his reveal has to be done with a bang.

Back at Antonio and Gabriela's house,

She is with Claudia in the dining room. The children are in the playroom. Claudia tells Gabriela that she would like to talk about Antonio. Gabriela tells Claudia that she knows that she (Claudia) wants to talk about the revelation of her (Gabriela) and her brother's secret. Claudia says yes and adds that it has been shocking for everyone involved and even though she hasn't spoken to Antonio yet, she can only imagine how he feels. Gabriela looks pensive. She admits that Antonio was devastated and is still in shock. She adds that it hurts to see him that way. Claudia looks at her disbelievingly. Gabriela says to herself that she hopes that Claudia hasn't come to cause trouble because she has enough problems to deal with.

As if she was reading her mind, Claudia says that she came because she has had a nagging worry and she (Gabriela) was the only one who could answer it. Gabriela tells Claudia that she doesn't understand her. Claudia folds her hands and says that she wanted to know if she (Gabriela) really loved Antonio or was using him to get revenge on his father, over her father's murder. Gabriela looks at Claudia and tells her that she really loves Antonio. She adds that she would never use him or have a child with him as part of a revenge plot. She continues and says that she and her brother's problem is with Carlos and Helena and not with Antonio or Adrianna. Claudia looks a little bit confused but visibly calms down.

The next day, on Tuesday,

Hernan and Gabriela begin the process of getting back their legal identities. Since the last time they were seen, they were children, a DNA test is done as part of the process. They go with Aranza for that.

At the mental hospital,

Gabriel is in his room. All he wants to do is to leave and be with his children, grandchildren, and Anna Patricia. He says to himself that he also has to find out just what happened all those years ago and get justice. Just then Dr. Alves comes in. He asks Gabriel how he is. Gabriel says that he is restless. He says that he has to protect his children and grandchildren from Helena and Carlos. He says that he feels useless being in the hospital and not being able to do anything to help his family.

Dr. Alves says that with everything being out in the open and with his remarkable recovery very soon he will be able to leave and go to his family. Gabriel says that he can't wait for that to happen. Dr. Alves tells Gabriel that he hasn't met anyone whose children love them as much as his, love him. He adds that all the sacrifices his children have done for him are remarkable. Gabriel admits that he is truly blessed. He adds that it is time for his children to start living their lives and stop making such grand sacrifices.

The rest of the week flies by, and on Friday Hernan and Marianna's marriage is dissolved.

On Saturday

Later in the evening,

Marianna is in her room. She cannot believe it. Finally, she can go home. She says to herself that it feels like she has been in hospital forever. She moves towards the window. She is still in a bit of pain and moves while limping. She says that she wants nothing more than to rebuild her relationship with her daughter. Just then Alejandro comes in. Marianna turns and glares at him. She tells him that she made it clear the last time he came into her room that she wants nothing more to do with him. Alejandro tells her that he has to talk to her, whether she likes it or not.

Marianna glares at him and tells him that he has no part in her life.

Alejandro walks towards her and holds one of her arms. Marianna looks up at him in defiance. He says that he has heard that her divorce with Hernan has been finalized. Marianna tries to free herself from him but he doesn't loosen his grip. She then says that news travels fast. Marianna tells Alejandro that it is none of his business. She says that Hernan and Adrianna deserve to be happy together. Alejandro smirks and says that her accident must have injured her brain as well.

Marianna says that what he thinks isn't important to her. She adds that she wants to rebuild her life. Alejandro says that all she cares about is Martin. Marianna is tired of Alejandro. He is crazy. She tells him that her divorce has nothing to do with Martin. She says that she wants to become a better person, and she is going to start by correcting her mistakes. Alejandro smirks and says that she realized that she married the wrong cousin. Marianna says that her daughter is now her priority. She then tries to struggle, but Alejandro holds her tighter.


Hernan, Gabriela, and Aranza have gone to visit their father, at the mental hospital. Gabriel is very happy. It is the first time since their secret came out that all four of them have been in the same place. Aranza has told her brother and sister about her plan. Hernan thinks that it is a good idea and Gabriela thinks that it is madness. Hernan looks at Gabriela and says that she was always the most boring one in the family. Gabriela glares at her brother and tries to wrestle him. Gabriel sternly tells both of them to stop it. He reminds them that they have to set a good example for their children and their younger sister. Aranza smiles. She is just so happy. This is a miracle she had never thought would happen.

Back in Marianna's room,

While Marianna is still trying to free herself from Alejandro's grip, Martin walks in. Alejandro momentarily loses concentration and Marianna seizes that moment to free herself. Martin looks at both of them, but especially at Marianna. Alejandro tells Martin that he has nothing to do there. Marianna tells Alejandro that it is he who has nothing to do there. She adds that he is an obsessive psychopath. Marianna starts to walk towards her bed, but Alejandro gets hold of her hand. He drags her back to him. When he sees this, Martin fights off Alejandro and frees Marianna.

She goes behind Martin. Alejandro says that he can see what they have been upto all along. Martin tells Alejandro that he doesn't care what he thinks. He then adds that he will learn to respect others. Alejandro tells Martin that it is he who will learn to respect people, especially those who are better than him. Martin smirks at him. He then tells him that he has had enough of him. He drags Alejandro out of the room. Alejandro tells Martin that he will pay for humiliating him. He then looks at Marianna and tells her that they aren't done.

Marianna moves towards her bed and closes her eyes. She then feels someone tap her arm. She opens her eyes and Martin is there looking at her. She then tries to move away from him but he holds her. Marianna looks at him. He asks her if she is okay. Marianna says that she is fine and thanks him for helping her. Martin asks Marianna if Alejandro has been harassing her. Marianna doesn't answer the question and tries to walk past Martin. He asks her why she won't answer him. Marianna turns and faces him.

Meanwhile at Antonio and Gabriela's house,

Antonio is at home alone, when he hears a knock on the door. He says to himself that he hopes it isn't Isabella. He goes and opens it and is shocked to see his grandmother. Claudia looks at him sternly. She says that it is rude to make her wait for long outside. Antonio says to himself that his grandmother is dramatic. He then smiles and lets her in. They begin walking towards the dining room.

Claudia asks him how he feels. Antonio says that he is fine. Claudia gives him an I don't believe you look. Antonio says to himself that he is in for an interrogation. Claudia asks him if he is alone. Antonio says that he is. He adds that the children are with Clara and Ramon and Gabriela went with her siblings to visit John. Claudia makes a face.

Back at Gabriel's hospital room,

Gabriela looks at her sister and says that looking into the families of the three men killed, will take a lot of time and expertise. Aranza says that isn't a problem because Antonio is a computer genius. Gabriela looks at her siblings and father and says that with things as tense as they are, it might be difficult. Aranza tells Gabriela that despite everything, Antonio loves her and he will help her. She then adds that she (Aranza) is adorable and Antonio will listen to her. Gabriela rolls her eyes at her sister. Hernan says that they can carry out the plan if they work together.

Back at Marianna's room,

Martin tells Marianna that he wants to help her, but he can't unless she tells him what is going on. Marianna says that she doesn't need him to worry so much about her. Martin says that he can't help but worry after what he just saw. Marianna says that she knows what he thinks of her and anyway she isn't any of his concern. Martin says that he isn't trying to judge her but he genuinely wants to help her. Marianna thinks about it a little then says that Alejandro has occasionally come here to bother her. Marianna says that he is a psycho, and she can see why Adrianna didn't want anything to do with him.

She adds that she feels even more guilty for everything she put Adrianna through with Alejandro. Martin says that she is working hard to become a better person and that's what's important. Martin says that even though she is being released on Monday, she still needs a conducive place to recover. Marianna says that he is being dramatic. She adds that she will be fine. Martin reminds her that her injuries were pretty serious. Marianna insists that she is okay. Martin tells her that he has an idea. Marianna asks him what it is.

He says that she should move in with him. Marianna looks at Martin like he has lost his mind. Martin tells her that she is still in recovery and she needs a place where she can continue to recover in peace. Marianna says that she will be fine in her house. She adds that she can't stay with him because it would be inappropriate, after everything that has happened. Martin admits that it would be a little hard to explain to other people but it's in her best interests.

Back at Antonio's house,

Antonio and his grandmother are in the study. Claudia says that she doesn't understand the fascination the Montes De Alba children have with their mad friend. Antonio doesn't say anything. He tells himself that his grandmother will know the truth with everyone else. Claudia looks at Antonio and asks him if he knows something that he isn't telling her. Antonio says that there isn't.

Claudia gives him an I don't believe you look but says that despite how things are between them, she still loves him and worries about him. Antonio doesn't know what to say. Claudia continues and says that she knows he was pretty shaken by finding out that Gina was Gabriela and she just wanted to make sure that he was fine. Antonio walks up to his grandmother and hugs her. She puts an arm around him.

Claudia tells Antonio that she will never get tired of saying how sorry she is for what she did and of showing him how much she loves him. Antonio tells his grandmother that he loves her too. Claudia then tells him to wait for her and she will make for him the milk smoothies she would make for him when he was a child. Antonio looks at his grandmother surprised. She shrugs and says that it may have been many years ago, but she hasn't forgotten how she had to be creative because he refused to drink milk or eat bread. Antonio smiles at his grandmother. He says that she knows him so well.

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